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British man found guilty of plotting to kill British royals


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British Man Found Guilty of Plotting to Kill British Royals

LONDON – Mark Colborne whom the British Press deemed the “Ginger Extremist” fantasized about assassinating Prince Charles so his red-haired son Harry might become king one day has been found guilty of plotting a terrorist attack.

Mark Colborne 37, felt marginalized due to his ginger red hair, compared himself to the Norwegian extremist Anders Behring Breivik and wrote in his notebook of his plans to kill Charles, the heir to the throne.

“I would sacrifice my life for that one shot. Kill Charles and William and Harry become king. Kill the tyrants,” he wrote.

“I want them to see my transition from poor red-haired victimized minority that is constantly walked over to a fully transformed military terrorist.”

Colborne, who has been dubbed the “ginger extremist” by British tabloids, compared himself to Breivik, who in 2011 killed 77 people in a murderous spree directed at perceived proponents of multiculturalism.

Full story: http://www.chiangraitimes.com/british-man-found-guilty-of-plotting-to-kill-british-royals.html

-- CHIANG RAI TIMES 2015-09-24

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Cyanide plot trial: Mark Colborne guilty of preparing terrorist acts

LONDON: -- A man who fantasised about "putting a bullet in Prince Charles's head" has been convicted of plotting a mass cyanide attack from his bedroom.

Mark Colborne, 37, of Southampton, was found guilty of preparing terrorist acts after a retrial. A previous jury failed to reach a verdict.

The trial heard how Colborne had felt "belittled" for being ginger and white.

Judge John Bevan accepted a majority verdict at the Old Bailey and will sentence Colborne on 3 November.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-hampshire-34324648

-- BBC 2015-09-24

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First jury failed to reach a verdict, 2nd jury was only majority, not unanimous.

Seems there could be some controversial evidence that does not lead to a guilty verdict.

How many on the jury had ginger hair?

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First jury failed to reach a verdict, 2nd jury was only majority, not unanimous.

Seems there could be some controversial evidence that does not lead to a guilty verdict.

How many on the jury had ginger hair?

There you go!

His claim of being a " victimized minority" has substance!


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Cyanide plot trial: Mark Colborne guilty of preparing terrorist acts

LONDON: -- A man who fantasised about "putting a bullet in Prince Charles's head" has been convicted of plotting a mass cyanide attack from his bedroom.

Mark Colborne, 37, of Southampton, was found guilty of preparing terrorist acts after a retrial. A previous jury failed to reach a verdict.

The trial heard how Colborne had felt "belittled" for being ginger and white.

Judge John Bevan accepted a majority verdict at the Old Bailey and will sentence Colborne on 3 November.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-hampshire-34324648


-- BBC 2015-09-24

Was this guy that stupid? Did he really want to kill that royal chap with all the medals?

Then why did he write down his intentions. It just does not make sense.

People do read, don't they?

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Never have understood why "red" hair is called "ginger." Ginger has a yellowish/goldish color, not red.

Where did you get the "red" from?, Has anyone ever seen real red hair that has not been dyed?

Your'e last sentence is right.

Edited by possum1931
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Rather than going off the edge, perhaps he should have come here. There are an alarming number of women that have dyed their hair orange. Such a shame when it was beautiful before messing with it. They'd probably be all over him (and I presume he has very white skin also).

Edited by Shiver
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Ginger ???

brits carry the hair color card very seriously.

An American saying, quote

I need that like I need a red haired stepson.

Note all red heads not my saying,

I just learned recently that in the US the term "red-haired child" implies an out-of-favor offspring. The opposite would be fair-haired child.

But if circumstance does work out such that Harry ascends the throne, I wonder what sort of concern there will be regarding the true identity of his sire. Will there be a DNA test?

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Put a whole new aspect on the expression Ginger Nuts regarding all the involved parties !!



This is the tried and tested method of identifying which Clan a Scotsman come from, If you look up his kilt and see two quarter pounders you know he is A Mac Donald.

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