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Mike Huckabee: Obama pretends to be a Christian


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I certainly hope that he is just pretending to be a Christian. The thought of someone who believes in fairy tales sitting in the Oval Office is terrifying.

Then you should be terrified in any event - either if be believes as a Christian, or believes as a Muslim and lies about it or doesn't believe in either and lies about it.

His being a pathological liar, I'd go for one of the latter two.

Always amazes me the bunch of frothing-at-the-mouth teabaggers who harp on about Obama being a pathological liar when you think about the slimy, lying bunch of toads he ousted from the WH. I mean, seriously??

You complain about Obama when the puppet master Cheney and his friends in Halliburton lied the US into a war in Iraq!bah.gif

Edited by MZurf
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I certainly hope that he is just pretending to be a Christian. The thought of someone who believes in fairy tales sitting in the Oval Office is terrifying.

Hate to burst your bubble, but if global warming and "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" aren't fairy tales nothing is.

Really? And on what scientific basis do you make that claim about global warming??

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So he actually thinks he has any chance of being president. Perhaps he's overcompensating for his ridiculous last name.

Now there's some sound logic. Truly insightful.

LOL. Desperation setting in already?!

In a word -- NO.

We all know he has no chance of being nominated.

The R party has some choices that have a good shot at beating the democratic and he most certainly isn't one of them.

The real threats include Bush, Rubio, and Kasich. That's it.

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So he actually thinks he has any chance of being president. Perhaps he's overcompensating for his ridiculous last name.

Now there's some sound logic. Truly insightful.

LOL. Desperation setting in already?!

In a word -- NO.

We all know he has no chance of being nominated.

The R party has some choices that have a good shot at beating the democratic and he most certainly isn't one of them.

The real threats include Bush, Rubio, and Kasich. That's it.

...Yours was a juvenile and dimwitted attack on someone's last name.

And now an obvious attempt at deflection.

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How can you trust anyone who lets invisible people rule their lives?

Jesus was never written about by the historians at the time (and there were many) till 90 years after his death. The Christian church founded Jesus, not the other way around. Christians want you to believe Jesus came down to earth from heaven, performed miracles and then he died for our sins. Then he never came back. All religion is silly. Taking orders from invisible people. whistling.gif

Mike Huckabee will soon return to his Fox TV show and continue to spout his nonsense. He knew he never had a chance, it was all about raising his brand. Some find his nonsense comforting. Don't forget the TV is always on Fox at the old age home.

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How can you trust anyone who lets invisible people rule their lives?

Jesus was never written about by the historians at the time (and there were many) till 90 years after his death. The Christian church founded Jesus, not the other way around. Christians want you to believe Jesus came down to earth from heaven, performed miracles and then he died for our sins. Then he never came back. All religion is silly. Taking orders from invisible people. whistling.gif

Mike Huckabee will soon return to his Fox TV show and continue to spout his nonsense. He knew he never had a chance, it was all about raising his brand. Some find his nonsense comforting. Don't forget the TV is always on Fox at the old age home.

You seem to have unbridled faith the Democratic party is going to do all that is good for the US.

Talk about trusting invisible people...

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I think Barack Obama behaves in a much more "Christian" manor than Huckabee and most of the religious right do.

He has tried to do much to help the poor.

He is not obsessed with making the rich even richer.

Isn't that what Christ would do?

Christian or not, his values are much more in line with the teachings of Jesus, than those of most of the religious right are.

P.S., I am not a Christian, but enjoy studying theology ( all religions).

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Whether he is Christian or not --- Muslim or not --- or even whether Christianity is a good thing or not ... the issue is Obama's lying hypocrisy about it ... The Rev. Wright -- Obama's Preacher for 20 years of a strange off shoot of Christianity -- Black Liberation Theology made a statement that (to paraphrase) ... 'He saved Obama from the problems involved in converting from Islam to Christianity Rev. Wright's version of Black Liberation Theology -- is a totally undisguised 'Hate America' religion - not even resembling Christianity ... Rev. Wright's sermons are on the Web... can easily be found .... If anyone here on this Thread can listen to these sermons and disagree with my assessment then you have a very distorted view of America

Obama pretends to be a Christian but cannot bring himself from going overboard in favoring Islam and Muslims.... Hypocrisy ...

It is Pretending -- because Obama never really broke away from Islam -- he didn't have to -- he had Rev. Wright's assistance for 20 years in pretending he was a Christian --

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That whole thing about Obama and liberation theology is something Glen Beck pulled out of his ass while Fox was still letting him do his nightly "How was Obama like Hitler Today" show. Utter hogwash. Beck would probably laugh to read this, "hey, somebody out there actually bought it! And they're still talking about it."

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That whole thing about Obama and liberation theology is something Glen Beck pulled out of his ass while Fox was still letting him do his nightly "How was Obama like Hitler Today" show. Utter hogwash. Beck would probably laugh to read this, "hey, somebody out there actually bought it! And they're still talking about it."



From Wikipedia

Wright, who began the "Ministers in Training" (MIT) program at Trinity United Church of Christ, has been a national leader in promoting theological education and the preparation of seminarians for the African-American church.[23] The church's mission statement is based upon systematized Black liberation theology that started with the works of James Hal Cone.[24][25]
Wright has been a professor at Chicago Theological Seminary, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary and other educational institutions. Wright has served on the Board of Trustees of Virginia Union University, Chicago Theological Seminary and City Colleges of Chicago. He has also served on the Board Directors of Evangelical Health Systems, the Black Theology Project, the Center for New Horizons and the Malcolm X School of Nursing, and on boards and committees of other religious and civic organizations.[11]
From national public radio:
A Closer Look at Black Liberation Theology
MARCH 18, 2008 4:00 PM ET
Presidential contender Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) defended his longtime pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, on Tuesday, even as he repudiated some of the pastor's inflammatory sermons. But Wright's comments likely come as no surprise to those familiar with black liberation theology, a religious philosophy that emerged during the 1960s.
Black liberation theology originated on July 31, 1966, when 51 black pastors bought a full page ad in the New York Times and demanded a more aggressive approach to eradicating racism. They echoed the demands of the black power movement, but the new crusade found its source of inspiration in the Bible.
Also from Wikipedia:
Anthony Bradley of the Christian Post interprets that the language of "economic parity" and references to "mal-distribution" as nothing more than channeling the views of Karl Marx. He believes James Cone and Cornel West have worked to incorporate Marxist thought into the Black church, forming an ethical framework predicated on a system of oppressor class versus a victim much like Marxism.[18]
Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago is the church most frequently cited by press accounts, and by Cone as the best example of a church formally founded on the vision of Black liberation theology.[9] The 2008 Jeremiah Wright controversy, over alleged racism and anti-Americanism in Wright's sermons and statements, caused then-Senator Barack Obama to distance himself from his former pastor.[9][19]


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If Huckabee's an example of a real one, probably better to be a fake one.

Anyway, Obama has to win a prize of some sort:

Inauthentic black man - not black, really white

Inauthentic american - not american, really Kenyan or Indonesian or something.

Inauthentic Christian - not Christian, really Islamic

Inauthentic Patriot - not patriotic, really selling the country down the river to dirty Mexicans and demented Muslims.

But really, lets face it, the reason that the 14 fingered members of the new conservative movement are always prattling on about what Obamba is not, is because they simply cannot, cannot, get over what he is - an American President, Black and proud of it, elected twice with a sense of justice that offends their trigger fingers and their shriveled and inauthentic sense of christian compassion for anyone different from themselves.

I've been having fun with what Obama "is" since 2008.

He's an atheist Communist while being a Kenyan Muslim fundamentalist. He's also a fascist who is part of a plot to have the UN take over the country -- in the last GOP debate Ted Cruz started venturing off into the UN plot stuff but ran out of time. Too bad, I would have liked to have this idiocy make the front pages.

Huckabee was recently caught hawking a phony diabetes treatment. Certain political commentators have taken to calling him "Huckster." I'm waiting for "Jesus wants you to vote for me!" We can look forward to March, when he disappears from the scene with the rest of the charlatans.

I have to agree with you about Obama having been accused of so many things. One thing for certain we do know about Obama, he is the most inept and dishonest person to ever occupy the White House.

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If Huckabee's an example of a real one, probably better to be a fake one.

Anyway, Obama has to win a prize of some sort:

Inauthentic black man - not black, really white

Inauthentic american - not american, really Kenyan or Indonesian or something.

Inauthentic Christian - not Christian, really Islamic

Inauthentic Patriot - not patriotic, really selling the country down the river to dirty Mexicans and demented Muslims.

But really, lets face it, the reason that the 14 fingered members of the new conservative movement are always prattling on about what Obamba is not, is because they simply cannot, cannot, get over what he is - an American President, Black and proud of it, elected twice with a sense of justice that offends their trigger fingers and their shriveled and inauthentic sense of christian compassion for anyone different from themselves.

I've been having fun with what Obama "is" since 2008.

He's an atheist Communist while being a Kenyan Muslim fundamentalist. He's also a fascist who is part of a plot to have the UN take over the country -- in the last GOP debate Ted Cruz started venturing off into the UN plot stuff but ran out of time. Too bad, I would have liked to have this idiocy make the front pages.

Huckabee was recently caught hawking a phony diabetes treatment. Certain political commentators have taken to calling him "Huckster." I'm waiting for "Jesus wants you to vote for me!" We can look forward to March, when he disappears from the scene with the rest of the charlatans.

I have to agree with you about Obama having been accused of so many things. One thing for certain we do know about Obama, he is the most inept and dishonest person to ever occupy the White House.

Who are 'we' please?

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If Obama is a 'pretend' christian maybe the American Electorate should look at electing an Athiest next year.

Obama one of the most respected Presidents the USA has had from as far back as President John F Kennedy.

Unemployment down to 5.1%, 12M new jobs, Affordable Care Act delivering Health Insurance to a further 16M Americans, cutting the Budget Deficit by two thirds, Clean Energy Bill has shown that with 2.2% economic growth saw pollution emissions remained stable, 'trickle up' fiscal stimulus to lessen recessionary pressure, sensible regulation of Wall Street yet the Stock Market has doubled in value, a conservative approach to foreign policy and global interference.

At this point it is a pity America can't enact special 'one off' legislation to allow another 4 year term for President Obama.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If Huckabee's an example of a real one, probably better to be a fake one.

Anyway, Obama has to win a prize of some sort:

Inauthentic black man - not black, really white

Inauthentic american - not american, really Kenyan or Indonesian or something.

Inauthentic Christian - not Christian, really Islamic

Inauthentic Patriot - not patriotic, really selling the country down the river to dirty Mexicans and demented Muslims.

But really, lets face it, the reason that the 14 fingered members of the new conservative movement are always prattling on about what Obamba is not, is because they simply cannot, cannot, get over what he is - an American President, Black and proud of it, elected twice with a sense of justice that offends their trigger fingers and their shriveled and inauthentic sense of christian compassion for anyone different from themselves.

I've been having fun with what Obama "is" since 2008.

He's an atheist Communist while being a Kenyan Muslim fundamentalist. He's also a fascist who is part of a plot to have the UN take over the country -- in the last GOP debate Ted Cruz started venturing off into the UN plot stuff but ran out of time. Too bad, I would have liked to have this idiocy make the front pages.

Huckabee was recently caught hawking a phony diabetes treatment. Certain political commentators have taken to calling him "Huckster." I'm waiting for "Jesus wants you to vote for me!" We can look forward to March, when he disappears from the scene with the rest of the charlatans.

I have to agree with you about Obama having been accused of so many things. One thing for certain we do know about Obama, he is the most inept and dishonest person to ever occupy the White House.

The personal life achievement records of 'The Most Transparent' POTUS in history:


Wow! I can't wait for Hillery's 'Second Most Transparent' Executive Branch in history.


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If Obama is a 'pretend' christian maybe the American Electorate should look at electing an Athiest next year.

Obama one of the most respected Presidents the USA has had from as far back as President John F Kennedy.

Unemployment down to 5.1%, 12M new jobs, Affordable Care Act delivering Health Insurance to a further 16M Americans, cutting the Budget Deficit by two thirds, Clean Energy Bill has shown that with 2.2% economic growth saw pollution emissions remained stable, 'trickle up' fiscal stimulus to lessen recessionary pressure, sensible regulation of Wall Street yet the Stock Market has doubled in value, a conservative approach to foreign policy and global interference.

At this point it is a pity America can't enact special 'one off' legislation to allow another 4 year term for President Obama.

What a laugh. Do your own math. 5.1% unemployment?

149 Million Employed

8 Million 'Officially Unemployed'

6 Million 'Officially Looking for Work'

94 Million 'Out of the Work Force'

The 'spin' is that these 94 Million people choose not to work. However, back in the 1990s and before, they were included in the calculations. To 'true' unemployment rate is approximately 23% of Americans out of work.

"12 Million new jobs" - Working for who? McDonalds? In 2015 US Dollars, I made more money as a blue collar worker in the 1970s than the vast majority of workers entering the 'service industry' do today. Taking inflation in account, I was making about $50/hour in the late 1970s in today's US dollars. That's pretty pathetic. And what is that offset by? Well, the 14 million people who are now categorized as 'Out of the Work Force', seeing that between Jan 2009 to present, the those folks 'Out of the Work Force has gone from approximately 80 million to 94 million. Excellent work.

And the ACA. In the 1970s I could afford to pay most of my hospital bills out of pocket, including my wife's pregnancy. Now, for people who can only afford the Bronze Plan premiums, just a little bad luck and a couple of major trips to the hospital and your either a debt-slave to the hospital or bankrupt. Yeah, nice!

And Wall Street. The Fed just keeps pumping money into the 'Too Big To Fail Banks" who loan it to corporations for virtually nothing, the corporation turn around an buy their own stock driving up the stock prices and making the Wall Street insiders and corporate executives filthy rich, while there is a huge number of Americans without decent paying jobs. Is the money being used to build infrastructure, expand small and medium sized business, to fund innovation within a free market? Hell no. It's being used to make a very small segment of the population very, very, very wealthy.

And considering most of the manufacturing jobs that paid a decent living wage where shipped over seas, yeah, emissions are down. No factories anymore.

Good job Barry. Don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out of the Oval Office. Don't worry. Once you're out you can join Bill Clinton and start making millions by making speaking tours and sucking up to corporate interests. Anyway, he can't stay for 4 more years. TPTB have baptized Hillery as the new savior of the USA. So, dude's gotta vacate. I'll doubt he'll notice. It will be a transition from the golf course to the golf course. Happy putting Lame-duck POTUS. Now, make room for a history-making woman President and email server specialist.

<queue Hail to the Chief>

Edited by connda
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This may be the first time i have agreed with Mikey Huckelberry, I think Barak is pretending to be a christian as do many in elected positions, if they delared their atheism they would be unelectable in goofy america. Obama is way too smart to be christian.

I agree. It would be so funny if when his second term ends, he came out and said "Haha...there is no god...fooled all you Suckas!"

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If you aspire a carer in politics there are certain things you have to do be elected. I would not be too surprised if Obama is pretending to be a Christian. He is after all an intelligent men . In fact I am sure there are many people in government, both democrats and republicans who pretend to be religious.

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This may be the first time i have agreed with Mikey Huckelberry, I think Barak is pretending to be a christian as do many in elected positions, if they delared their atheism they would be unelectable in goofy america. Obama is way too smart to be christian.

I agree. It would be so funny if when his second term ends, he came out and said "Haha...there is no god...fooled all you Suckas!"

Why not just go ahead and do it now? He can't run again; why bother keeping up the stale appearances? ('Not like anybody with a brain cell to spare was ever fooled by his act anyway. And as for the rest; well, they're already busy donning their bibs for the next liberal [ahem] dosing, or maybe that should be dousing, of snake oil.)

Huckabee may have thought he'd learned a few campaign lessons from is last go-around, but though he's correct about Obama, and he gets a few points for not bowing to the PC Nazis, that's all still common knowledge and doesn't make him a contender.

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This may be the first time i have agreed with Mikey Huckelberry, I think Barak is pretending to be a christian as do many in elected positions, if they delared their atheism they would be unelectable in goofy america. Obama is way too smart to be christian.

I agree. It would be so funny if when his second term ends, he came out and said "Haha...there is no god...fooled all you Suckas!"

Why not just go ahead and do it now? He can't run again; why bother keeping up the stale appearances? ('Not like anybody with a brain cell to spare was ever fooled by his act anyway. And as for the rest; well, they're already busy donning their bibs for the next liberal [ahem] dosing, or maybe that should be dousing, of snake oil.)

Huckabee may have thought he'd learned a few campaign lessons from is last go-around, but though he's correct about Obama, and he gets a few points for not bowing to the PC Nazis, that's all still common knowledge and doesn't make him a contender.

He's still got a year or so in office and may want to get a few more things done and coming out as an atheist in a Christian State like America would doom any such endeavors.

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