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Antibacterial soap/shower lotion for face and head ?

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A few years ago when I was holidaying in Blighty, I went to the docs about a patch of what I thought was acne on the side of my head in the hairline just above my ear, which had been troubling me for some time. My doctor said he thought it was blocked follicles causing infection. He prescribed a shower lotion. It was milky and not so soapy, and didn't create a lot of suds. it worked a treat.

Anyway, the problem has come back again. And I have completely forgotten the name of the lotion. It was on prescription so I imagine it wouldn't be off the shelf at a pharmacy.

Does anyone have an idea what it might be? Or alternatively can anyone recommend an antibacterial lotion that might do the trick and that I might get from the pharmacy in Thailand ?


If the problem is causing you concern then a consultation with a dermatologist would be best advised.

The cost would be 1-2000 Baht.

If you indicate where you are in Thailand then members may be able to suggest/recommend a doctor.


If the problem is causing you concern then a consultation with a dermatologist would be best advised.

The cost would be 1-2000 Baht.

If you indicate where you are in Thailand then members may be able to suggest/recommend a doctor.

I will undoubtedly do this if it keeps recurring. But it seems logical to try to get the lotion or similar again as a first step.

I should add that I am no stranger to acne. The symptoms seem very similar to me, and area of infection that results in a few hard bumps and then a small blindboil that drains after a week or so.


I can't help with a lotion suggestion, but I have had good luck with various skin things using a soap called Asepso. It's a bar soap, you lather it up, put it on the troubled area, let it sit for a few minutes and then wash it off. You should have no trouble finding it anywhere in SEA.


I agree about Asepso soap. I had an itchy scalp with some infected follicles. I used Asepso and it cured it very quickly. It's all I use now for hair and body. When I had the problem I washed my hair with it three times a day for a few days. Leave it on for at least ten minutes before rinsing it out. See how you go.



I used something called Selfide to cure a problem I had on my scalp. Cleared it up. Only 120 baht at a chemist. Maybe worth a try.


Thanks for the replies. I'll give asepso a whirl first. And boil up some water for basic washing.

I probably haven't explained myself well, as I am a bit confused myself between acne and folliculitis.

I have a patch of what feels like small spots on the side of my head in the hairline above one ear (and a little bit other side too). Over the last few days it turned in to a small blind boil with a little bit of pus. Seems more like acne to me. The probable cause is the sweatband on my hat and needless to say I am not wearing it now.


What you're describing sounds like folliculitis….but doctors are famously clueless about such things….especially if they are tropical infections.

Nizoral Shampoo contains ketoconazole that tackles folliculitis….


What you're describing sounds like folliculitis….but doctors are famously clueless about such things….especially if they are tropical infections.

Nizoral Shampoo contains ketoconazole that tackles folliculitis….

Thanks. It is clearing up ok (fingers crossed).

Now the spots have gone.

I am applying a light antifunagal cream too, as well as washing in antibacterial soap.

I am using everything sparingly, and not scrubbing too.


What you're describing sounds like folliculitis….but doctors are famously clueless about such things….especially if they are tropical infections.

Nizoral Shampoo contains ketoconazole that tackles folliculitis….

Thanks. It is clearing up ok (fingers crossed).

Now the spots have gone.

I am applying a light antifunagal cream too, as well as washing in antibacterial soap.

I am using everything sparingly, and not scrubbing too.

FYI, ketoconazole which is the ingredient in nizarol is an anti fungal agent so there's no need to use another anti fungal. Folliculitis can be caused by either fungus or bacteria so the combination of Nizarol and something like Asepso soap should be sufficient. When I had it, it didn't respond to Nizarol, but the Asepso made it go away.

I have bought selenium sulfide locally (normally used in dandruff shampoos) and worked well for my issues - but as said these may not be your issues. Local name was Selsun sold in 30/50/120ml bottle.


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