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Mai Sai border crossing for 30 day exemption stamp, still possible?

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So, I have finished my ED visa. I have obtained a job and I am awaiting the necessary paperwork to go to Laos and get my Non B visa.

However, my ED visa expires 30th of September and the paperwork won't be ready until after that date. So, can I still go to Mai Sai and get 30 days stamp. Providing a flight / hotel booking for my Laos trip is possible.

Any recent experiences, or advice on the situation would be appreciated.


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You should not have a problem getting a visa exempt entry since you are not on one now. But you will only get a 15 day entry unless you are from a G7 country.

Mae Sai is unpredictable as to what they will allow. It seems to vary day by day. You could try but I would do it a couple of days early to give you time to go to Chiang Kong if they will not let you do the crossing.

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My experience of Mae Sai dates back to July. My tourist visa (1 month) was due to expire on 10th July. On 11th I was leaving on a trip to Burma with Wat Suan Dok through Mae Sai. I had asked Chiang Mai immigration if I needed to get an extension for one day and they said I could simply pay a 500 Baht fine on exit for a day's overstay and when asked said it would have no bearing on future visa applications. I was the only farang on the trip and as Thais do not need a visa for Burma it had been arranged with Burmese immigration that I need not apply to Bangkok for a visa, they would keep my passport at teh Burmese side of Mae sai and return it with the correct paperwork when we came through again in four days.

At the Mae sai crossing there is a sign saying no border runs. I was told that as I did not have a visa for Burma they could not give me an exit stamp. I explained I was going away for four days - not a border run - but no good. When I said Chiang Mai had said I need only pay a 500 Baht fine for overstaying he replied "This is not Chiang Mai." In the end, he asked hi boss to talk to me, my wide (Thai) joined the discussion then a Burmese and in the end when the Burmese assured him I would be away for no more than 4 days (not sure the rationale for this) he agreed to me paying the 500 Baht and giving me an exit stamp. I was through but the uncertainty is never pleasant especially if unexpected - I had not foreseen a difficulty.

On the return the Burmese handed me my passport with a stamped visa and the Thais gave me a new 30 day tourist visa.

I think it is better to be prepared for someone to put a spaner in the works somewhere along the line but wish you luck.

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I am presently in Chiang Rai, I went up to Mae Sai the other day, many foreigners are using it to exit and return with a 30 day stamp. I have not been in the area for 40 years am just touring. Many are coming in vans from Bkk.

Interesting because in the last 18+ months I've been going to Mae Sai for new entries (proper tourist visa) it's the opposite: no foreigners at all, in fact the last time I was in Mae Sai I think I could have been the only white person in town.

Go back before the big visa run crackdown and it was foreigners gallore.

Also can confirm what another said: big sign saying no visa runs.

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i need to go there in november after a non o extension and i will have 20 000 b in cash so will see

Since you will have a valid visa to use on entry you will not have a problem.

Not having a visa is a problem.

i no have visa i just finish the non o extension in 8 november , i need to have 30 day for make again 60 day extension and make new visa after

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i need to go there in november after a non o extension and i will have 20 000 b in cash so will see

Since you will have a valid visa to use on entry you will not have a problem.

Not having a visa is a problem.

i no have visa i just finish the non o extension in 8 november , i need to have 30 day for make again 60 day extension and make new visa after

Why not just go and apply for a new visa ?

There is no 60 day extension unless you are married to a Thai person.

If you are married a single or multiple entry non "O" visa would be easy to obtain.

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i need to go there in november after a non o extension and i will have 20 000 b in cash so will see

Since you will have a valid visa to use on entry you will not have a problem.

Not having a visa is a problem.

i no have visa i just finish the non o extension in 8 november , i need to have 30 day for make again 60 day extension and make new visa after

Why not just go and apply for a new visa ?

There is no 60 day extension unless you are married to a Thai person.

If you are married a single or multiple entry non "O" visa would be easy to obtain.

Father of thai child got 60 day :) and for new visa i just have 1 page free on my passport and make new in december in bkk that why

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My experience of Mae Sai dates back to July. My tourist visa (1 month) was due to expire on 10th July. On 11th I was leaving on a trip to Burma with Wat Suan Dok through Mae Sai. I had asked Chiang Mai immigration if I needed to get an extension for one day and they said I could simply pay a 500 Baht fine on exit for a day's overstay and when asked said it would have no bearing on future visa applications. I was the only farang on the trip and as Thais do not need a visa for Burma it had been arranged with Burmese immigration that I need not apply to Bangkok for a visa, they would keep my passport at teh Burmese side of Mae sai and return it with the correct paperwork when we came through again in four days.

At the Mae sai crossing there is a sign saying no border runs. I was told that as I did not have a visa for Burma they could not give me an exit stamp. I explained I was going away for four days - not a border run - but no good. When I said Chiang Mai had said I need only pay a 500 Baht fine for overstaying he replied "This is not Chiang Mai." In the end, he asked hi boss to talk to me, my wide (Thai) joined the discussion then a Burmese and in the end when the Burmese assured him I would be away for no more than 4 days (not sure the rationale for this) he agreed to me paying the 500 Baht and giving me an exit stamp. I was through but the uncertainty is never pleasant especially if unexpected - I had not foreseen a difficulty.

On the return the Burmese handed me my passport with a stamped visa and the Thais gave me a new 30 day tourist visa.

I think it is better to be prepared for someone to put a spaner in the works somewhere along the line but wish you luck.

Thais DO need a visa for Myanmar/Burma if entering overland. The recent visa exemption for ordinary passport holders for stays of up to 14 days only applies to Thai passport holders flying into Myanmar via an airport.

Those entering the country via Tachilek from Mae Sai, will require a visa.

Exceptions are for Thai visitors spending only a day in the city, within a 5km radius of the border and returning back to Thailand before the bridge closes at 9pm Thai time. For that only a border pass is required, which needs to be made at an office about 2km before the crossing for a small fee and a copy of the holder's ID card.

There is now a Burmese consulate in Chiang Mai that issues visas. To avoid your predicament in the future, you could always apply for a Burmese visa, stay a night or two then come back.

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