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good vet around Pattaya


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I am looking for a fairly good level vet around Jomtien or Pattaya, with a reasonable level of english if possible...

I already tried supposed "high level" vets (which means luxury, high prices) and was not impressed at all by the quality... (for example a vet even unable to empty the anal glands.. !!!)

Any help appreciated as my yorkie was sick this morning and I had to personnally imagine the problem and insist to get the adequate medicine.. and she is much better this evening..

The vet was ready to make a blood analisis in BGK for kidney or lever problems, when she according to me just had a cold.. !!

Pls anyone with recomendation, thank you

Have a nice week end

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Can't remember the name but just past Makro on Sukhumvit rd. excellent vet and speaks good english

That's Muang Ake, they are located just before the Texaco station on Sukhumvit going north from Makro.

In the thread I linked to in my previous post, they were considered more expensive than many of the vet's in the area.

Don't have first hand experience, as I've never used them though.

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Can't remember the name but just past Makro on Sukhumvit rd. excellent vet and speaks good english


You'll need prosthetics..........it will cost you an arm and a leg theret

For instance we had a cat nutered 5,000 baht

Siam Country Club. 800 baht

Edited by DD13
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These Vets fixed Scrappy up nicely. Anesthetic, wound treatment, stitches, and a protective cone for 900B:

"I have used the Pattaya Veterinary Clinic on the Pattaya-Naklua Road (left side, some way before Pottisan as you go from Pattaya to Naklua, tel: 038 423410) for nearly 20 years without any grounds for complaint at all..."


If that is the one almost opposite Soi 25 and the Ayaia (or similar spelling) hotel then concur that they seem to know what they are doing and are very helpful.

I would also recommend the vet further down just before the market in Naklua on the left. An older guy who speaks perfect English but whose manner can be a bit "off" although his knowledge seems excellent.

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These Vets fixed Scrappy up nicely. Anesthetic, wound treatment, stitches, and a protective cone for 900B:

"I have used the Pattaya Veterinary Clinic on the Pattaya-Naklua Road (left side, some way before Pottisan as you go from Pattaya to Naklua, tel: 038 423410) for nearly 20 years without any grounds for complaint at all..."


If that is the one almost opposite Soi 25 and the Ayaia (or similar spelling) hotel then concur that they seem to know what they are doing and are very helpful.

I would also recommend the vet further down just before the market in Naklua on the left. An older guy who speaks perfect English but whose manner can be a bit "off" although his knowledge seems excellent.

I also recommend this one, naklua vet clinic. located on naklua,opposite of Bangkok bank. call 038225640. his name is dr sukit.

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Can't remember the name but just past Makro on Sukhumvit rd. excellent vet and speaks good english

That's Muang Ake, they are located just before the Texaco station on Sukhumvit going north from Makro.

In the thread I linked to in my previous post, they were considered more expensive than many of the vet's in the area.

Don't have first hand experience, as I've never used them though.

I've used them several times and was happy with the service. Not the cheapest, but they seem to know what they are doing. And they speak English. So I can ask questions and get the replies directly as opposed to somebody else's translation!

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Thanks I will try one or the other of the directions given..

Muang Ake is what I was calling luxury, high prices and bad vet.. I appreciate the "service" (well received, nice and clean place) but I had a bad experience with a vet who was absolutely incompetent (unable to empty the dog's anal glands which is something very basic)... Maybe other ones in the same place are good.. but when you come, you have the available vet..

I then changed for another one which is 200 meters before Muang Ake going in Lotus direction and was quite happy but yesterday when I had an "emergency" the young female vet seemed not to be "adequate".. She even insisted the dog had no fever, when she actually had.. and had no clue about what was going on .. when the dog had only a cold.. (I was right because she is much better today after I insisted about getting pills or injection against a cold when she wanted to make a blood test and send it to BGK to check the dog's kidneys and lever !!!!!!)

Well, generally speaking I had also same problems 10 years back when I was living here for 5 years.. Never found a vet with a similar level to the european ones

Thanks for help.. will definitely change and try one of you recommend

Have a nice week end

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Thanks I will try one or the other of the directions given..

Muang Ake is what I was calling luxury, high prices and bad vet.. I appreciate the "service" (well received, nice and clean place) but I had a bad experience with a vet who was absolutely incompetent (unable to empty the dog's anal glands which is something very basic)... Maybe other ones in the same place are good.. but when you come, you have the available vet..

I then changed for another one which is 200 meters before Muang Ake going in Lotus direction and was quite happy but yesterday when I had an "emergency" the young female vet seemed not to be "adequate".. She even insisted the dog had no fever, when she actually had.. and had no clue about what was going on .. when the dog had only a cold.. (I was right because she is much better today after I insisted about getting pills or injection against a cold when she wanted to make a blood test and send it to BGK to check the dog's kidneys and lever !!!!!!)

Well, generally speaking I had also same problems 10 years back when I was living here for 5 years.. Never found a vet with a similar level to the european ones

Thanks for help.. will definitely change and try one of you recommend

Have a nice week end

I'd guess that's Najomtien Animal Hospital, we took our dog there for the first year, but were eventually put off by their pricing.

We also left her there for a few days as we were traveling, she stunk of feces and looked quite sad when we picked her up.

Hope one of the recommendations here will work out for you.

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Another option on the Darkside, Soi Khao Noi: Boonsamphan Animal Hospital.

They take care of our 2 dogs and 2 cats for several years now, speak fairly English.

Street View, incl. phone no: https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/Soi+Boonsampan,+Muang+Pattaya,+Amphoe+Bang+Lamung,+Chang+Wat+Chon+Buri+20150/@12.9143477,100.9154062,3a,75y,80.93h,87.33t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s2Ka37sw3803dHRY1d1DmSQ!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3D2Ka37sw3803dHRY1d1DmSQ%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D73.698524%26pitch%3D0!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x310295c1f4cb3585:0xe25fbfb67b87099a?hl=en

Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place//@12.9143477,100.9154062,16z

As it seems, the Map link is not working properly, sorry. Open Google Maps and enter the the coordinates manually: 12.9143477,100.9154062

Just in case, here the correct, now also working Google Maps coordinates: http://www.google.com/maps/place//@12.9143477,100.9154062,16z

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