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PM pleads with his opponents in the US to think about the country’s image

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It's like a husband trying to win a domestic dispute by saying "Keep your voice down, what will the neighbours think?"

This really is rather pathetic.

When in Rome......I do believe freedom of speech is allowed in New York.

Well said.

"Please don't mention my abuse... you are after all my wife!"


This poor sap; I almost feel sorry for him. He is so far over his head.

He's such an embarrassment for Thailand.

Maybe he should think about "the country's image" and step down.

Step down? And what then? Let the corrupt/immoral/unethical Shin mafia back in to pillage and plunder the remaining funds and people of Thailand?

Take that sunglasses of , you might be able to see what's going on than.


Ahh. Article 44 & LM laws are not applicable in the US eh?

It must be driving him nuts.

Unfortunately both can be applied in absentia, and have bee already.

there will be video footage taken and the people that protest him may well have this applied?


He won't have to worry about this soon once the Great Firewall of Thailand is in place, no one in the country will know what's going on outside the borders cos it'll all be blocked. Not that much difference to today really, except that's down to choice.


This guy has no ablility to reconcile peace with anyone. What he is doing today is creating the seeds of the next round of violence.

I have no doubt that Thais in USA love the country of Thailand. What General doesn't understand is they have different ideas on what is best for Thailand then he does. And the difference probably comes from being exposed to more information about their country by living in the US than they could ever possibly find out and debate by living in Thailand.

What I suspect and fear is that after the great firewall, the paranoid military will turn their sights on the next enemy of peace - Overseas Thais. We've seen this before with numerous other countries.


If I remember correctly, the same tactic was used when the first media reports about human trafficking of Rohinyas appeared.

"Please keep quiet! Don't you see how you damage Thailand's reputation? You are not Thai!" etc.

That tactic only works so long. Better prepare for when the whole sh*** hits the fan.


What <deleted> image! Any image it may have had has been well and truly tarnished by being controlled by you and your buddies + all the BS with the police and the all encompassing corruption.

How to gain image: do the right thing and stop talking about image and face like you're a freakin child!


Prayuth is the one who has destroyed the country's image dramatically - single-handedly.


Not single handed, hand in hand with Suthep .


PM pleads with his opponents in the US to think about the countrys image

They are, that's why they want to demonstrate, to show the world that Thailand has lost a whole bunch of human rights, to highlight the fact that Thailand does not have a proper government, and perhaps never will.


looks like its all ready started....warning ......blarrrrrr

Posted Today, 09:05


Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

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The PM should point out why he thinks the 2014 coup was inevitable.

Not all coups are necessarily evil, think of Portugal eg.

Portugal would have been 1976 (I think).

They seem to have had 1 coup in the last 39 years or you could say ever.

A coup every few years is just silly.

I know a smidgen about Portugal. Spent a month there once.

My introduction to Tiger beer was with a Portuguese Army Major in East Timor in 2000. One of the worst hangovers I've ever had.

Fun days indeed.


What planet is this man living on ?

He takes over a country in a military coup then has the cheek to tell those who will demonstrate their opposition not to tarnish the country's image !

Maybe he thinks they're infringing on his patent to make a fool of himself and the country.

No worse than Thaksin taking over the country in an undemocratic electoral coup!


This statement meakes me laugh. "Image of Thailand"? What image does he himself give? A general who overthrow a government, ruling by martial Law, neglecting any democratic steps?

I would say it's a desastrous picture of Thailand.


What planet is this man living on ?

He takes over a country in a military coup then has the cheek to tell those who will demonstrate their opposition not to tarnish the country's image !

Maybe he thinks they're infringing on his patent to make a fool of himself and the country.

No worse than Thaksin taking over the country in an undemocratic electoral coup!

no, these different pair of shoes, you can't compare elections with a coup! BS


What planet is this man living on ?

He takes over a country in a military coup then has the cheek to tell those who will demonstrate their opposition not to tarnish the country's image !

Maybe he thinks they're infringing on his patent to make a fool of himself and the country.

No worse than Thaksin taking over the country in an undemocratic electoral coup!

At least Mr. T paid for his votes.....fair and square.

They are all crooks.


The general is not bright enough to work out that the nation's image is already in the toilet internationally and he is the primary reason for that.

But the thing with these stubborn pricks and other influential people in power, is, that NO MATTER HOW MUCH FACE THEY LOSE, they'll stubbornly try to save Face again and again and again, and never stop, no matter how modernized and smarter the world has become about Thailand's image.

I'm short that's called FACE-SANITY, trying to stubbornly save face no matter how much you lose it and hope that Karma will bring different result by accident...


Typical propaganda tactic: accuse the enemy of your own crime. The big tarnishing was the illegal seizure of power and the destruction of democracy by Chan-ocha himself.

Democracy? In Thailand? LOL good one. Can you give some examples of the workings of "democracy"; other than a "right to vote"?

The right to vote is where it all starts.

Take that away and you destroy democracy.

It doesn't matter whether you approve or disapprove of the elected government. It should be replaced or retained by the democratic process - the right to vote is the crux of the matter.

The right to vote in a free and fair election is where it starts. There has never been such an election in Thailand yet.

But democracy is more about governing for the good of the country and all it's people. It's what you do with the power that counts!


It's like a husband trying to win a domestic dispute by saying "Keep your voice down, what will the neighbours think?"

This really is rather pathetic.

When in Rome......I do believe freedom of speech is allowed in New York.



It's like a husband trying to win a domestic dispute by saying "Keep your voice down, what will the neighbours think?"

This really is rather pathetic.

When in Rome......I do believe freedom of speech is allowed in New York.

Guy overthrows a freely elected government and thinks anybody that doesn't like it is ruining the image of Thailand?


I would love to comment on the op but what I would say is against the forum rules so I just say I am not impressed

America has a lot to learn In America my great vote can be cancelled by a bum or someone on the Government Dole.



Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

Posts have been removed.

Firs off, they are and we should be allowed to say they are. This site's mods sound just as bad the the Thai government trying to sensor people. Also why should thaivisa be under Thai law? This isn't a Thai site. I don't see a .th at the end of this .com url.

I think there maybe commercial realities to consider, and reading through the posts i think they're pretty lenient.


Totally agree, but you know how many millions costs and makes this forum...

Don't worry also that the cowards being it will be more than happy to give all your details to the persons in charge in case they ask, or maybe even if they don't ask ?


<3 <3 <3


Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

Posts have been removed.

Firs off, they are and we should be allowed to say they are. This site's mods sound just as bad the the Thai government trying to sensor people. Also why should thaivisa be under Thai law? This isn't a Thai site. I don't see a .th at the end of this .com url.

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