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Violence on Beach Rd


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I know the people involved and it started when....wait for it.......a ladyboy stole the guys phone while trying to touch him up. The LB then handed the phone to a fat Thai lady, the Farang then confronted the lady and while attempting to get his phone back she started yelling etc, the guy got his phone back and the lady fell off the sidewalk on to the beach (might have been pushed) and all hell broke lose of course with the LB and the lady screaming causing every Thai in the vicinity to join in.

I now have 2 friends who have been the victims of attempted robbery by LBs in the past month or two. Before that none. Sign of the times maybe.

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I know the people involved and it started when....wait for it.......a ladyboy stole the guys phone while trying to touch him up. The LB then handed the phone to a fat Thai lady, the Farang then confronted the lady and while attempting to get his phone back she started yelling etc, the guy got his phone back and the lady fell off the sidewalk on to the beach (might have been pushed) and all hell broke lose of course with the LB and the lady screaming causing every Thai in the vicinity to join in.

I now have 2 friends who have been the victims of attempted robbery by LBs in the past month or two. Before that none. Sign of the times maybe.

I dont beleive a Thai would ever steal a phone, no wonder there was a fight

Edited by phycokiller
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For whatever the reasons are when visiting the Major 'touristy Entertainment' areas such as Patong, Pattaya, Silom, Sukhumvit Soi 11 (in BKK) and Cowboy to a lesser degree I've always felt an underlying resentment towards foreigners such that I'm unable to relax and find myself on a slightly heightened alert and don't drop my guard.

It is perhaps because I understand that in these area's it takes very little for any potentially incendiary situation to develop into an uncontrollable situation be it in a bar, haggling at a market or getting into a club.... It seems these areas are a melting pot of resentment, frustration, jealousy and genuine dislike of foreigners.

Its much easier to relax in the rest of Thailand which is quite normal, but in these areas its easy to recognise the tension, the looks and how readily a small issue can breakout out into something major.

Of course, if you keep your nose to the ground and avoid trouble, trouble will avoid you - however in these area's I get a feeling trouble is potentially ever present added to which sometimes the touts etc are a little too pushy, a little too irritating... head to the ground and walk on by without a word, but when they pull your arm, or run in front of you and stand directly in your way it becomes a challenge...

These areas are best avoided - but when I do have to be there I never seem to enjoy myself and never lose control.

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Why was he wearing a motorbike helmut then?

His bike was left behind.

Either police or himself collected a good while later I assume

I know the people involved and it started when....wait for it.......a ladyboy stole the guys phone while trying to touch him up. The LB then handed the phone to a fat Thai lady, the Farang then confronted the lady and while attempting to get his phone back she started yelling etc, the guy got his phone back and the lady fell off the sidewalk on to the beach (might have been pushed) and all hell broke lose of course with the LB and the lady screaming causing every Thai in the vicinity to join in.

I now have 2 friends who have been the victims of attempted robbery by LBs in the past month or two. Before that none. Sign of the times maybe.

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Why was he wearing a motorbike helmut then?

His bike was left behind.

Either police or himself collected a good while later I assume

I know the people involved and it started when....wait for it.......a ladyboy stole the guys phone while trying to touch him up. The LB then handed the phone to a fat Thai lady, the Farang then confronted the lady and while attempting to get his phone back she started yelling etc, the guy got his phone back and the lady fell off the sidewalk on to the beach (might have been pushed) and all hell broke lose of course with the LB and the lady screaming causing every Thai in the vicinity to join in.

I now have 2 friends who have been the victims of attempted robbery by LBs in the past month or two. Before that none. Sign of the times maybe.

Sid, you sound a bit skeptical. How about this scenario? Victim was about to hop on his bike, put helmet on, LB accosts him, takes phone, victim tries to retrieve phone, no time to take off helmet, all hell breaks lose, motorbike gets knocked over in the ensuing chaos, victim too scared to go back for motorcycle due to the threat of a severe flogging from previously mentioned gang of angry, bloodthirsty Thais. Does that help?

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Why was he wearing a motorbike helmut then?

His bike was left behind.

Either police or himself collected a good while later I assume

I know the people involved and it started when....wait for it.......a ladyboy stole the guys phone while trying to touch him up. The LB then handed the phone to a fat Thai lady, the Farang then confronted the lady and while attempting to get his phone back she started yelling etc, the guy got his phone back and the lady fell off the sidewalk on to the beach (might have been pushed) and all hell broke lose of course with the LB and the lady screaming causing every Thai in the vicinity to join in.

I now have 2 friends who have been the victims of attempted robbery by LBs in the past month or two. Before that none. Sign of the times maybe.

Sid, you sound a bit skeptical. How about this scenario? Victim was about to hop on his bike, put helmet on, LB accosts him, takes phone, victim tries to retrieve phone, no time to take off helmet, all hell breaks lose, motorbike gets knocked over in the ensuing chaos, victim too scared to go back for motorcycle due to the threat of a severe flogging from previously mentioned gang of angry, bloodthirsty Thais. Does that help?

Coota,Sid You sound far too sceptical,hows about this...The victim was about to hop on his motorbike,put his helmet on,the LB does not accost the victim but bends over showing a finer than fine inviting backside...victim decidedly interested with fluid running from his chops...asks LB for price,victim a Cheap Charlie gets punched in the face for even suggesting at a price to the LB sounds offensive

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Look folks there are all kinds of imaginable scenarios possible here. The common denominator here is a tourist town with an extraordinarily high percentage of a lowlife local male population.

The best you can do is ignore .

Edited by morrobay
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Maybe a good reason to carry a gun for protection and learn how to use it, I would hate to be a helpless victim

You must be keen to stay in a Thai jail! Can a farang even own a gun in Thailand?


Own, yes...

Carry.... as in having a loaded gun and walking around... technically possible for a Thai citizen, but practically getting legal permit for carrying is beyond's most people situation

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Maybe a good reason to carry a gun for protection and learn how to use it, I would hate to be a helpless victim

You must be keen to stay in a Thai jail! Can a farang even own a gun in Thailand?


Own, yes...

Carry.... as in having a loaded gun and walking around... technically possible for a Thai citizen, but practically getting legal permit for carrying is beyond's most people situation

The key word being "most".

That said, the question was own.

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on the topic of violence on Beach Rd a new mafia guy is trying to run the girls that work opposite Mikes, he kicked a women off the wall last night and then kicked her quite a lot more when she was on the ground. when a crowd of farang gathered round he decided to remove himself. also 2 nights ago an old lady was beating a kid with a stick, a crowd gathered round but the old lady ignored them while her friend waved people on with a nothing to see here wave. people wanted to intervene but of course the Thais will use that as an excuse to have a brawl so no one did

Edited by phycokiller
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Fair enough Coota.

I never witnessed the initial sparks that set this wild fire.

Good luck to the fella involved as I though he handled himself admirably & I hope no real damage was done to himself, his bike or for that matter his wallet as sometimes there can be a 'handling fee' when being helped by the boys in brown.

He can hold his head up high from what I saw.

Sid, you sound a bit skeptical. How about this scenario? Victim was about to hop on his bike, put helmet on, LB accosts him, takes phone, victim tries to retrieve phone, no time to take off helmet, all hell breaks lose, motorbike gets knocked over in the ensuing chaos, victim too scared to go back for motorcycle due to the threat of a severe flogging from previously mentioned gang of angry, bloodthirsty Thais. Does that help?

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I know the people involved and it started when....wait for it.......a ladyboy stole the guys phone while trying to touch him up. The LB then handed the phone to a fat Thai lady, the Farang then confronted the lady and while attempting to get his phone back she started yelling etc, the guy got his phone back and the lady fell off the sidewalk on to the beach (might have been pushed) and all hell broke lose of course with the LB and the lady screaming causing every Thai in the vicinity to join in.

I now have 2 friends who have been the victims of attempted robbery by LBs in the past month or two. Before that none. Sign of the times maybe.

Sign of the times maybe.


Pattaya ladyboys were trying to pick my pocket as I was going back to hotel at dawn 20 years ago. I had to run to get past them.

Serious crime in Pattaya towards tourists started when Purachai cracked down on the farang bars and many Thais lost their income.

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Face it, the OP might ,just might enjoy rough sex. Nothing like the pangs ,sorta to get the horns out or in the OPs case the horn and fight for what you want,knock a few other LBs out ,face down arse up he can take care there too,red rose sticking out of each butt he manages

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Sounds much like any British city or large town on a Friday or Saturday night. whistling.gif

20 onto 1?

Not anytown that I know although London has a present particular problem with blacks kids attacking other black kids.

Postcode wars is what I think they are referred to & there have 10 murders of this kind in 2015 in London

Was happening in some uk cities in the 60,s, was called mods v rockers. I have seen massive punch ups, even 30 against 3, nothing unusual. I realy think people forget what violence is like in home country, going back decades.Anybody remember the hundreds of schools/ colleges in yankyland, many many murdered by one man/boy, even a girl once, she didnt like mondays.

Why this thai bashing is beyond me, when i have seen far more violence on other countries

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If you 'attack' a Thai in the street, regardless of the reason, even if its in self defence, you take on the whole street as you are the foreigner (who should not be here in the first place) and attacking a Thai is interpreted as attacking all Thais.

Its the same mentality as attacking a single soi dog that belongs to a pack. The soi dog pack will attack you as its their only defence mechanism.

Your general Thai has never been taught to think, just react and do as they are told. This is why a Thai is perfectly capable of 'cutting off their nose to spite their face'. They react with their emotions, without anything being processed between the ears first! Its similar to the Western 'football hooligan' problem. All testosterone no brain power.

This happens to Thais also. I saw a video not long ago of a Thai guy in a car who hit a scooter. People stopped their cars, pulled him out, and kicked him in the head until I think he was dead. Horrible mob mentality here. it's not just directed towards foreigners. Though these are the ones that typically make it into the English new reports.

Maybe a good reason to carry a gun for protection and learn how to use it, I would hate to be a helpless victim

I know this question is off topic, but would have happened to helmet man being attacked by lets say five Thai guys, if he had pulled out a gun, and dropped all five of them?

In some societies a defense of self defense would get him cleared, in Thailand?

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