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Karadag and Mierraili escorted under tight security for re-enactment of deadly bombing

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What exactly is the point of these ridiculous re-enactments? They add no evidence so I'm guessing a photo-op for top cops.

It's part of the investigation process. They do it in Japan, too. The accused goes to the scene of the crime and re-enacts what happened (this is only after some sort of a confession has been made). Just like in Thailand, the perp is taken out in the middle of the day handcuffed, and people gather and stare as the perp mimes the actions of what transpired. Just like in Thailand, the accused has to pose and point at things while the cops take photos.
The BBC said yesterday in the news that it was a "bizarre tradition" for Thailand to do this during an investigation. Perhaps it is, but Thailand is not the only country that does this.
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What exactly is the point of these ridiculous re-enactments? They add no evidence so I'm guessing a photo-op for top cops.

It's part of the investigation process. They do it in Japan, too. The accused goes to the scene of the crime and re-enacts what happened (this is only after some sort of a confession has been made). Just like in Thailand, the perp is taken out in the middle of the day handcuffed, and people gather and stare as the perp mimes the actions of what transpired. Just like in Thailand, the accused has to pose and point at things while the cops take photos.
The BBC said yesterday in the news that it was a "bizarre tradition" for Thailand to do this during an investigation. Perhaps it is, but Thailand is not the only country that does this.

Maybe they re-enact to make sure is not lying.


well if these are the 2 that did it then well done boys, about time you got something right, lets hope all the evidence does actually back this conclusion up

Evidence? We don't need no steenkin' evidence! (apologies to Treasure of the Sierra Madres).


What exactly is the point of these ridiculous re-enactments? They add no evidence so I'm guessing a photo-op for top cops.

It's part of the investigation process. They do it in Japan, too. The accused goes to the scene of the crime and re-enacts what happened (this is only after some sort of a confession has been made). Just like in Thailand, the perp is taken out in the middle of the day handcuffed, and people gather and stare as the perp mimes the actions of what transpired. Just like in Thailand, the accused has to pose and point at things while the cops take photos.
The BBC said yesterday in the news that it was a "bizarre tradition" for Thailand to do this during an investigation. Perhaps it is, but Thailand is not the only country that does this.

Maybe they re-enact to make sure is not lying.

I think it's to give the accused a chance to see what it is he has confessed to, so he will have the details in his mind in case the judge questions him. Many, many years ago it was customary in U.S. courts for the judge to question a defendant who was pleading guilty to make sure he had not been coerced and was not simply delusional (there are people who rush to the police station to confess to any reported crime). Alas, with 98% of criminal dispositions done through plea bargains that is no longer possible. Or maybe they just prefer not to know.


They film him doing the reenactment and compare it to the video of the perpetrator doing the same thing at the same place to see if he appears to be the same size, height, similar gait, posture etc.

Do you want to know why on the front of ambulances the word "ambulance" is reversed too?

What exactly is the point of these ridiculous re-enactments? They add no evidence so I'm guessing a photo-op for top cops.


I am sure that it was thrilling to watch the guys re-enact getting off and on tuk tuks and stopping off at shops. But the main thing is all the valuable information the police gain from watching the re-enactment where the suspect is told exactly what to do. As the world face palms once again.

I am not saying they don't have the right guys, but we probably never will know the truth. There is unlikely to be a wave of support for these guys like what happened for the Burmese boys from KT. Guilty or not, these guys are done for.

surely cant be any smoke without any fire ?


So where are the wig and eye glasses.

Probably still with the real bomber.

RTP don't want to find them as won't have Karadag's DNA or prints on them

Did they even ask him when and where he bought them from

They made him wear a yellow shirt but didn't make him wear a new wig and glasses as everyone would realise he looks nothing like the bomber

Please I really need to know. Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone, or is that triangulation story true?


I just can't help thinking about the 600 cops and army personal bringing those two guys to the show. That's an enormous number of people, ironed shirts, ironed pants, polished boots and funny hats. And a lot of packed lunches.

Quite a few Mercedes and BMWs and a lot of buses.

The mind boggles.

And all for what? A re-enactment! Totally incredible!


I am so confused... How can they have Adem Karadag and the bomber now???

Karadag thru his lawyer has stated that he was not in Thailand at the time of the bombing (See Bangkok Post Article - Which can not be linked here ;-(...) - He gave very detailed account of entering Thailand on the 21th (4 days after the bombing) at the Thai/Lao border where he bribed the border guard????

This would seem to be easy to confirm by looking at the stamp in his fake passport and I assume there is some sort to camera system at the border crossing that could confirm this?...

Has this been disproved by the Police????

He got the fake passport once inside Thailand.

Probably out of the batch of 200 odd fake passports that were found in the condo

He threw away is old passport and I seem to remember the 20,000bt bribe to the immigration guys was to enter Thailand without a passport.

So he can't prove what date he entered Thailand.


They film him doing the reenactment and compare it to the video of the perpetrator doing the same thing at the same place to see if he appears to be the same size, height, similar gait, posture etc.

What exactly is the point of these ridiculous re-enactments? They add no evidence so I'm guessing a photo-op for top cops.

What could have been much more useful here would be to have had a genuine reenactment filmed on the same cameras that secured the original cctv footage, carried out after dark and with similar dress including wig and glasses.

This would allow an accurate comparison of the suspect's size and movement patterns, taken from identical camera angles and with the same film quality.


A post containing content from a Facebook page: CSI LA has been removed as that site is not a credible source of information.

Edit to add: This is an English language forum, English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

Additional Edit: A post commenting on moderation has now been removed.



Suspect: F1AA4691-E8F2-41D1-ABAE-0CF7914AFC05_w26

Very narrow shoulders.

Bomber: Thailand-Bangkok-333447.jpg

Clearly wider frame.

Images sourced from a google image search.

He's hunched : body language on being arrested.

In the reenactment with kevlar suit on he's rather broad.



hes still pretty sloped. Also, remember that now he has padding (considerably more than the straps on a backpack). I put a picture up of the bomber with and without precisely because the weight of the backpack could have been pulling the shoulders back as well as the extra padding of the arm straps. Images of course can lead to some odd conclusions, but this is quite a distinct difference. It doesnt mean its right, but it certainly poses a serious issue.

ETA: Also, as a bit of a gym bunny, the dude above is relatively in shape, the dude below is skinny-fat. (ETA2: not a professional opinion!)


Agree with you guys,the bombers shoulders definitely wider than that Adam guy and bones cannot be changed,i thought this as soon as they caught the guy and suspected he was the back pack guy,by the way a back pack wouldnt pull your shoulders out wider like that..the bombers shoulders are a few inches wider for sure and shows that in any comparison photos of the 2 ..im guessing that it looks better if seems they got the main guys already....top retiring cop looks good at end of his career,for tourism and in general makes Thailand look better especially with high season coming and they dont have to give the 3 mill reward back either now!..by the way didnt they mention that there was no dna match anywhere so this wasnt the guy........it now matches 2 weeks later!!!

Either way they havent done there rep much good as changing the story every day or so,bit like Koh Tao all over again.

Didnt a top cop go to Malaysia to check out if the cops there had arresetd the bomber,why???? if he confessed here already then seems like a waste of time.

They must have some clearer pics of the bomber as the pics ive seen then facially looks a bit different too but the ones we seen are a bit blurry but the nose and face look slightly different.....that Adam is really bony,body and face..the bomber is slim but not to that extent.......im not convinced anyway.


Evidence, evidence, evidence. Show us the evidence RTP.

Confessions and re-enactments of crimes committed in Thailand are meaningless and unconvincing.


Same question has to be asked again: Are you sure you have arrested the correct people???

This could simply be a side show sacrificial affair while the real perpetrators are still out there and planning for more of the same.

I sure hope the police and relevant authorities can get this one right.....I really do.



A post containing unsubstantiated allegations of a conspiratorial nature has been removed:

6) You will not post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. It does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.
Other nonsense posts and replies have been removed.

Defamation in Thailand is defined under the Thai Civil and Commercial Code as a statement made contrary to the truth which is asserted or circulated as a fact which is injurious to the reputation or credit of another or his earnings or prosperity in any other manner.



1. What were the 60 passports for? why so many?

2. Have they done any similar crimes in the past?

3. Who hired them if they were part of human trafficking rings?

4. where is the actual confession or court room confession tapes? or is this just believe the BIB are honest hardworking men?

5. So who actually got the 10 million baht? and why?


You funny people

Whats with all the stupid uniforms and the swat team

Your not getting invaded by the USA son LOL

They love a fancy dress party don't they? Let's all get dressed up.... rock, paper, scissors for who gets to be in the Ninja squad! How gay... (and I don't mean homosexual, I mean "gay")



1. What were the 60 passports for? why so many?

2. Have they done any similar crimes in the past?

3. Who hired them if they were part of human trafficking rings?

4. where is the actual confession or court room confession tapes? or is this just believe the BIB are honest hardworking men?

5. So who actually got the 10 million baht? and why?

Sa-TOPP asking so many questions cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


i dont think we will hear much more, Thai government obviously want to keep motive etc out of the public arena, which I guess means that one way or another this was an anti government statement


I cant wait to see the results of the retested DNA that said it was not him who was the bomber in yellow, even the taxi driver said it was not him, i think they are admitting it to keep the identity of the real bomber free, i believe they are all part of the same terrorist group, even thou the RTP say it was not a terrorist attack, But i think they are protecting their main man


So again a confession in some darkened room somewhere, no video, no independent corroboration of the confession.. Well you can only take it with a pinch of salt imo. These investigators have been running around like headless chickens and if not for some helpful citizens giving them tips would be looking even more shifty and incompetent than they do now.

When somebody has to reassure observers that the people in custody aren't scapegoats alarm bells start to ring. And sviss geez no need to reply with the usual BS. Do one sunshine

So you know what went on during the confession ? How? Why are you so unique in possessing all these incredible skills? Oh, I understand, "your especially empowered with incredible superhuman gifts obtained by your literacy of Marvel Comics, etc". Get real sunshine !

Also, remember the worlds great combined supreme international investigative powers failed for over ten years to catch Bin Laden, and wouldn't have done so (quoting you), "if not for some helpful citizen (a local suspicious courier) giving them tips...". So once again, Get real sunshine !

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