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World must end poverty, inequality: PM tells UN

Lite Beer

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"World must end poverty, inequality: PM tells UN."

It's so nice to hear that the general is going to give all of his money to the poor.

Or, his statements in the OP is what we call "lip service".

The guy sounds like some 20 year old bimbo trying to win a beauty contest, saying "I believe we should have world peace....etc..."

But hes talking to Bimboes anyway.

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The end poverty propaganda has been used for decades yet we have poverty on the increase more talk its the same for famine yet we still have it. If this was Australia they would have placed a levy on the taxpayer.

Yes, a levy on the taxpayer is a bit like a rice subsity for farmers. It all gets eaten up by the b×stards in charge.

On the subject of Australia..if you want to register a legitimate charity event, for some reason you have to pay fees and comissions to several charity agencies completely unrelated to your cause.

Added to that expense, in many cases you need to make a huge outlay on public liability insurance.

Its not uncommon for 60% of funds raised to get eaten up in the various expenses.

I think a lot of what we call corruption in Asian countries is wrapped up in a fancy box and called something different in the west.

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If he wants an end to poverty and inequality he should try practicing what he preaches in his own country. Less than 5% of the people in his own country have most of the money !

And its any different in the west?

I've read sources that qoute 2% of the population hold the wealth in many western countries.

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Inequality !, well there is proof that the UN is ending it because they now allow babboons to address it!

They also allow dictators, leaders of countries who invade other countries, tinpot despots from countries all over the world who routinely torture and murder their own citizens and anybody else that get in their way. They allow leaders of countries that practise genocide, that regularly have coups, Egypt springs to mind.

But you ignore all that as irrelevant so that you can score a political point (that is meaningless anyway) and insult the PM at the same time.

Politeness and a warning or a ban from the moderators prevents me from describing you accurately so I shall just put you on my ignore list.

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Poverty will always be a fact period either you work hard to reach a goal or you put your hand out, as history shows most find it easier to put hand out than to dig deep in themselves and reach a goal. I worked hard applied myself and after years reached my goal. retired at 55 and haven't worked a day since. Ok I didn't buy a new car every year or take trips because I needed a break. Now retired people I worked with still are working to pay off there debts there homes, while I enjoy life.

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Poverty will always be a fact period either you work hard to reach a goal or you put your hand out, as history shows most find it easier to put hand out than to dig deep in themselves and reach a goal. I worked hard applied myself and after years reached my goal. retired at 55 and haven't worked a day since. Ok I didn't buy a new car every year or take trips because I needed a break. Now retired people I worked with still are working to pay off there debts there homes, while I enjoy life.

I always love a "rags to riches" story. What was life like carrying buckets of water from the community spigot to the garden plot when you were 7 years old? That's my wife's story. Where did you start out?

Oddly, the most impoverished people in the world start out in positions so seriously disadvantaged, most of us can't even relate.

Those few that have the strength and imagination to fashion a better life, will make their escape from poverty, and the first dramatic step is when they emigrate to a better place. In the western world, we call many of these aspiring people "illegals".

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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Well if he is so concerned about poverty he can start in his own country.

What was he going to do .....spend billions on Chinese submarines while some of his people can't feed themselves or their families.

What did he allow....the police to reward themselves thousands for doing what they are paid to do in finding (they say) the Bangkok bombers, while children go to bed hungry.

What a hypocrite!

He's got a few bob acquired from his army salary hasn't he?

Perhaps he would like to make the first donation

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It's always a major source of entertainment when extremely wealthy people talk about poverty and equality but at the same time I'm shaking my head in disbelief and asking myself why we plebeians put up with this outrageously brazen behavior of the overlords, year in, year out, for eons already. Gates likes doing it. Bono has joined the club. The mega rich have found legal ways to avoid paying taxes altogether; they put all their money in foundations and at the same time they can pretend that they are doing a lot for charity. Happy Sundays! thumbsup.gif

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They may want to start at lifting the crop prices that they crushed when they came into power.. I suppose this was done in reply to borrowing money from the Thai banks to pay the unpaid farmers for there rice. Yes they were paid but once paid there prices fell. I here the Thais complain about this often

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It's always a major source of entertainment when extremely wealthy people talk about poverty and equality but at the same time I'm shaking my head in disbelief and asking myself why we plebeians put up with this outrageously brazen behavior of the overlords, year in, year out, for eons already. Gates likes doing it. Bono has joined the club. The mega rich have found legal ways to avoid paying taxes altogether; they put all their money in foundations and at the same time they can pretend that they are doing a lot for charity. Happy Sundays! thumbsup.gif

Don't blame the individuals. They're not operating illegally.

Blame the politicians for not legislating to stop it.

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"The new agenda is a promise by leaders to all people everywhere" And we should know by now what the promises of leaders and politicians are worth. Guess if you're gonna promise pie in the sky, might as well go with a big lie instead of just a small one.

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Why was 3 million baht given to RTP if they value charity and poverty LOL

In a western countiries this is a thing that would see the police themselves arrested. Cure the plague inside the fence before reaching out to the world. i are sure they can tackle there own ideas

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If he wants an end to poverty and inequality he should try practicing what he preaches in his own country. Less than 5% of the people in his own country have most of the money !

And its any different in the west?

I've read sources that qoute 2% of the population hold the wealth in many western countries.

"According to an analysis of Federal Reserve data by the Economic Policy Institute, the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans control 35.6 percent of the total wealth of the country -- more than a third [source: Allegretto]. Even more incredible is that the richest 10 percent of Americans control 75 percent of the wealth, leaving only 25 percent to the other 90 percent of Americans."

- Dave Roos.

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World must end poverty, inequality: PM tells UN

How about the PM sets an example by sorting out the poverty and inequality in Thailand! Charity begins at home!

How much are you willing to donate?

Bad question. So much has been "donated".

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Politicians never miss an opportunity to try and make us believe in unicorns and fairies. Populist twaddle removed from reality. The US embarked on The Great Society in the mid-60s. After 50 years and over $20 trillion (THAT IS TRILLION WITH A "T") the percentage of Americans living in poverty has barely moved and inequality is more pronounced. It takes a lot of hubris for an organization as venal and corrupt as the UN to say that they have the answers and will pick up the torch.

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"Throughout these processes, we encourage all social sectors to participate fully and freely," Prayut said.

Oh really, with censorship raising it's ugly head? coffee1.gif

World must end poverty, inequality...

The PM is preaching to the converted. When will his Government stop the talk and walk the walk, leading by example? Singapore did very good in 50 years, Thailand could not do in 100s of years. whistling.gif

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Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

There is no pain you are receding

A distant ship, smoke on the horizon.

You are only coming through in waves.

Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.

Pink Floyd

Comfortably numb

I can't believe how many times drugged-out empty-headed social-misfit lyrics of rock musicians have saved my life (none).

The only person that is more dilusional than the poster..is the PM himself.

Go smell some 'flowers' or something...!

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World must end poverty, inequality

​It's unbelievable that an unelected PM of a country riddled with poverty and inequality goes to the UN and preaches about ending poverty and inequality in the World. A hugely rich individual who is there only for the elite of Thailand. Why the UN has even invited a military junta to address them is a blight on the UN.

Did Halloween come early this year.?

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When the PM came through out neck of rural Thailand in his massive motorcade of vans and police escorts, I'm assuming that he didn't get out and talk to the rural folks who are having problems feeding themselves and who have no assets, just debt owed to the local farmer's bank. Compassionate elitism. Love it, don't ya?

Maybe he's looking for an IMF handout, some of which might 'trickle-down' to the po' folk.

Some people say a man is made out of mud
A poor man's made out of muscle and blood
Muscle and blood and skin and bones
A mind that's weak and a back that's strong

You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go
I owe my soul to the company store

16 Tons
Written by Merle Travis
Sung by Tennessee Ernie Ford

Not much difference between a poor Kentucky coal miner and a poor Thai rice farmer

Edited by connda
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I love how the headline makes it sound like it was his idea and he has come all the way to the UN to "tell" the world how it is all going to be. Instead of a factual headline like: "Thai PM voices support for UN poverty eradication plan"

Only thing worse than a tyrant are those (like this journalist) with their nose so far up his arse they can see his tonsils.

Maybe I need more Kool-Aid!

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