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Pattaya Police


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Presume this may be linked to another story...

Police happened to chance upon a Aston Martin which no duty had been paid.

Probably there is a lot of talk of "big rewards" for bagging untaxed vehicles...

Thing is Pattaya police have tunnel vision, so while they stop every bike to check the Green Book they forget to check for other offences like helmets and driving licences.

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Thanks for the reminder.

Yes, they might ask for the book or a copy.

I learned this from a mate who had to pay for the lesson.

Of course I only have copies with me.

Also take care if you rent a bike, that there is a copy (usually laminated) under the seat or the like.

Nothing related to current events etc.

Applies to cars also of course!

Also nothing Pattaya specific here (just saying).

Edited by KhunBENQ
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every time i get pulled over i pull my licence out which always has 200 baht with within 2minutes im waved away ,sure im giving them tea money but it saves so much hassle

Aren't you afraid to be charged one day for trying to bribe the BIB? If so, it serves you well. Don't give "tea money" for no reason


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Never asked me such a thing before. Normally they ask for driving license, tax and insurance only... so yes, I didn t know that before and guess there are others who don t know it too, thats why I recommend.

You could have let it go , but no facepalm.gif

You just don't know much, and could not be bothered to find out before driving or riding on the roads in Thailand.

that's why you got a fine.

Not so smart are you. coffee1.gif

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Only an idiot would pay money when you have done nothing wrong. I get stopped regularly and flash my license, then get waved on. Never paid any money. People like this propagate the myth of having to pay money to the cops unnecessarily.

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Just wanted to recommend everyone who drives their own bike to also carry their green book or a copy of it in the bike as Pattaya Police fined me yesterday for don t have it with me and ask the other drivers which they stopped for it too.

What about tourist on holiday with rental bikes? Interesting to know

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My bike is in my wifes name, so I don't have a green book, what can I do?


Use the copies of the green book.

Its not forbidden to ride someone else's vehicle.

The green book is tied to the vehicle.

The owner can change (entered in the book) while the book as such does not change.

Similar to vehicle registration in other countries I would say.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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Only an idiot would pay money when you have done nothing wrong. I get stopped regularly and flash my license, then get waved on. Never paid any money. People like this propagate the myth of having to pay money to the cops unnecessarily.

Bit tricky this one.

All sensible people keep a copy of the Blue/ Green book in or on the vehicle.

Now I don't know what's law and what's not for this, I have always done the above.

so not problem when asked for it. ( have been asked a few times )

Think if you don't have this with the vehicle, think the cops could arrest you for possible stolen vehicle

if they wished to. I could be wrong anyone know for sure ?

Also maybe an issue in the event of a serious accident. again anyone know for sure ?

Been driving and riding in Thailand 20 years on and off, always had copy of Blue / Green book on or in the vehicle. regardless of who owns the vehicle.

Maybe the cops will be ok if you show some sort of hire agreement, but maybe not.

. wai2.gif

Edited by onemorechang
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@ inzman

So what do you do when they write you out the fine and keep your driving license???

Would like to know your smart answer!

Looks like he already answered. Maybe it was too smart for you to understand? ask a friend to explain.
What I understand is not to pay for not being an idiot and let them keep my license, mai pen rai... Edited by kaneko86
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