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Bangkok blast: Thailand's police say they consider case solved, receive cash awards again

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"It was the second time "award" money has been given to police teams working on the case."

That case being the Koh Tao murders where police received a cash award from Prayut for solving the case so quickly.

Actually it is the second time the police have been given the reward for the bombing case.


Ironically, the English have an idiom, sometimes used when a large amount of money is involved.

(bomb - noun - (MONEY) : - a bomb UK informal a lot of ​money: ) Cambridge Dict.
It would seem that the Royal Thai Police have indeed been making a bomb out of this tragedy.

To me this is terrible that the National Police Chief should be photographed with a big fat smile on his face showing off big fat cheque which he is awarding to the police. I am surprised that the PM doesn't haul this guy in and reprimand him. Just to remind him that the police are employed to solve crimes and should not be the beneficiary of rewards. Does he ever consider how the families of the dead and wounded feel when they see his smiling face.

If the crime is solved then its well done to the police which is a better publicity than this sort of ego trip filled publicity.


So after pretty much everyone criticized them (BIB) for the first time they rewarded themselves for doing their job, (to investigate and enforce the law) they think it's quite ok to do it again!!!. But wait, is the case closed? NO!!! not everyone is in custardy, and they need to be convicted before the case is closed...

This so-called top cop is just playing the game to make his retirement in the next few days all that he dreams it will be, DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For a country that obsess with face they have an amazing talent for publicly slapping said face again, and again, and again.


Wish I was given big wads of cash for doing my job. Just makes them look greedy and money grabbing? So what's new?

Bankers do that , reward themselves for doing their job and even for totally stuffing the job up, but they call it a "bonus"

The problem is the case just as the Kho Tao case is not solved... so why the bloody reward any way???


Way to go out police chief. Looking like a clown. Handing out wads of cash to the most corrupt department in all of Thailand.

Hey, Thai customs won't take too highly on you praising the police over customs, Customs always has been ranked number one in this department and watch out for a defamation suit calling their competitors number one over them.


Again the ROYAL Thai Police have managed to look completely corrupt and utterly useless by awarding themselves cash, for an investi9gation which has YET to YIELD one conviction.

What are they dping buying the silence of the inept, incompetent and unintelligent Police Officers so that the Chiefs can show the world how good they are.

The victims no-one has heard a peep from any of the families they will I am sure not be happy, but they are a mere nuisance in this case something to be swept under the carpet along with evidence and other good old fashioned police integrity and truth .

Sad but true Thailand gets the Police it bribes, lack of any morals and ethics.


Hey, c'mon guys.... look on the bright side! We all want more transparency, and here is RTP leading the way. No money in doughnut boxes, they put it right on the table! Maybe could start a trend, or new law: "If you engage in corruption and kick backs simply for doing your "job" you need to hold a press conference and show it to the world".


Shame on you Thailand Police ! Money,money,money that's all anyone really cares about.

2nd public disgraceful show about awarding themselves a reward.

Apart from arresting a handful of people and a couple of questionable extremely quick confessions, so far no has even stepped foot into a courtroom let alone been convicted..

So if there was no reward would they have even bothered to attempt to catch the offenders ? Why didn't the taxi and tuk tuk drivers involved get a share ?? Or the Landlord of the apartment where Mr Yellowshirt was arrested ??

Once again the whole world is laughing at you.

There were hundreds if not thousands of police involved in this case, I'll bet only a select few get to share the dividends.

I'll bet they again don't go public and show exactly how every baht of the reward is apportioned out..


cash should go to the victims, to they have no honor ?

what do victims get ? 300.000 ?

and they rewrd themselves for DOING THEIR PSEUDO JOB FOR ONCE ?


And where in all of this charade is Thailand's saviour Mr. P. He obviously doesn't see anything wrong with this corruption occuring right under his nose and that of the average Thai. A nice little parting gift for Somyot. Good riddance to the buffoon. Both of these guys deserves to be behind bars. And shame on the Thai people for continuing to allow this bullsh!t to continue.


To me this is terrible that the National Police Chief should be photographed with a big fat smile on his face showing off big fat cheque which he is awarding to the police. I am surprised that the PM doesn't haul this guy in and reprimand him. Just to remind him that the police are employed to solve crimes and should not be the beneficiary of rewards. Does he ever consider how the families of the dead and wounded feel when they see his smiling face.

If the crime is solved then its well done to the police which is a better publicity than this sort of ego trip filled publicity.

Well said. Every day that goes by without the general hauling this guy over the coals must be loosing him any credibility he had.

Does he think this latest farce is really bringing happiness people?

And all the talk of fairness, accountability, anti corruption haha.

It seems any good causes he takes on are overshadowed by stuff like this.

What a shame


Rewarding people for doing the job they are paid to do..... Unconscionable act of flagrant corruption promotion! Why not take out roadside bill board signs.... "We work for reward!"


So case solved just days before Somyot retires. Money handed out with big smiles to celebrate the huge success and he leaves basking in glory and 'face' gone through the roof.

Except the glory is all self-imposed and he fails to see that the smiles are people laughing at him for how obvious and shallow it is.

@aussieinthailand: it's pretty straightforward if you care to think about it. A political connection is virtually certain to mean the only group who has already committed terrorism in Bangkok on numerous occasions - and people of that group would never dare to do such a thing without the permission from the man in charge. I don't know if you are unable to work it out or hypocritically refuse to acknowledge it. I expect you argued the protesters fired grenades at themselves right up until the red-shirt was caught. Who do you think ordered that ?.

Now, come on English John. Don't be shy, come out and say what you've been itching to proclaim since the blast happened. Did the bogeyman in Dubai order people to set of a bomb in Bangkok that was certain to kill scores of people?

Out with it, John. It will probably make you feel better!


Clumsy stuff. It's not unusual for police departments (or most orgs) to give performance bonuses, but it wouldn't be flashed around publicly like this, and it wouldn't be called 'reward money' (which has different conotations in the context of a criminal investigation). Of course, a performance bonus should also be linked to clear outcomes, and we haven't had a trial yet. Here, it sounds like the lottery corp ran a lotto and won the money itself.

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