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sounds from the neighbors


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that is the worse, that happened to me in malaysia, bukut jalal appartment complex where i was the only whitey living among hundreds of asian and blacks

you can hear neighbours walking above and shit, bed screeching....etc

i was so mad i threw stuff at ceiling and shit, it got me very mad

move, there is no cure for this

in pattaya I stayed in old condo, but you could not hear <deleted> neighbours....no way, I dont know how they build that condo.....so I am planning to buy a condo there just because of that good noise isolation.

Yes be prepared to have your cara damaged if you mess with people and you seem like a weak person.....that will happen

move, move and move, I saw big houses rented for 3000 bht in small tai cities, 3000 <deleted> baht, the whole house...and it was half detached, what else you need?

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Bought a nice condo overlooking the water...many of the same problems you have in your inexpensive apartment...one thing was especially disconcerting was scooting chairs across the floor in the middle of the night and (I swear) stomping across the floor like a marching band...finally bought on the top floor...

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Also if I rip the contract I will not get the refund of my deposit of around 9000baht. I'm 6months into the contract.

I'm tight with the money as money ain't infinite as in my case.

If 9,000 baht is a deal breaker then I'd have to say you have more serious problems to be concerned with as in money flow. Ear Plugs are an option especially for sleeping, no i'm serious. Stopping the noise won't happen. I work on ships and sometimes if I want any sleep ear plugs are the only solution.

I use earplugs while driving with the wife sitting next to me.coffee1.gif

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If you think tit for tat works in Thailand, then you're sadly mistaken. You give some tit and I can assure you one day you will get plenty of tat. You sound like your financial situation is extremely poor if you have to worry about B9k. It is easy for us to say ignore them, we're not in your position but it would be better for you if you did and look for another rental. It will be a far safer for you in the long term. Thai's have far different attitudes to most of us ex-pats and many appear not to have the ability to reason.

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Earplugs. You can't wear them all the time without them bothering you as well, but at least when noise from the neighbors gets to be too much you have some alternative.

I would guess you could do other things to get yourself feeling better in general. Be sure you are exercising and eating right that also can help you relax more and not be half as bothered.

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I've had these same issues living in apartments/condo's. Have you tried speaking to the neighbors about possibly being a bit more considerate?

Maybe, even talk to the landlord about it and have him/her talk to your inconsiderate neighbors.

The stress and anxiety of this definitely isn't good for your health. If none of these of the above work - I would definitely move to a less stressful and lower noise environment. Responding with retaliation as some suggest may make things worse or better depending on the people involved.

I solved this same problem years ago with just moving to a better place.

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I sympathise too.

I had the same problem and now live in a house. Now it's dog's barking! lol

When in Condo I tried White Noise. I got a CD of White Noise and I still play it each evening on permanent repeat - now for the dogs.

Set it to a volume that covers the intruding noise so that it becomes background noise. A regular spectrum sound that does not change in volume and is constant you can become used to it quite quickly and go to sleep. Then the outside noise needs to be pretty loud to wake you up over your White Noise. For me and I suggest most people, the stress comes from sudden and intermitent sounds that can be various in nature and a lot of my stress came from waiting for the next noise, so I could not relax to sleep anyway.

An over-riding White Noise can often cover most of it and no ear plugs, just the hum of White Noise at your chosen volume. It can help but isn't going to cover very loud bangs

anyway something to consider. I prefer the Pure White Noise, but plenty of options and maybe a local supplier somewhere, although I ordered from these...............



It is a make-do solution and much much better to move/find a quiet place with quiet neighbours. I moved and had to sell, but that was 4 years ago and best thing too as it's really uhealthy to have bad sleep and stress

Edited by twix38
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Also if I rip the contract I will not get the refund of my deposit of around 9000baht. I'm 6months into the contract.

I'm tight with the money as money ain't infinite as in my case.

Ear plugs and ignore them or put on some relaxing music and headphones, I just sold a house last year in NZ as neighbours drove me out, the more I came back at them the more they did to piss me off they were new immigrant english arty farties and up themselves, Police came 4 times and would do nothing to stop them, so I blasted them with ac dc they did not like that however the called police and it went on and on, so lucky I sold in a hot market and pity the poor beggar that lives there now.

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If you think tit for tat works in Thailand, then you're sadly mistaken. You give some tit and I can assure you one day you will get plenty of tat. You sound like your financial situation is extremely poor if you have to worry about B9k. It is easy for us to say ignore them, we're not in your position but it would be better for you if you did and look for another rental. It will be a far safer for you in the long term. Thai's have far different attitudes to most of us ex-pats and many appear not to have the ability to reason.

With depreciation, you;d be losing a lot more than 9,000 baht a year on the car. Stop being tight and move if it bothers you to the point of dreading to go home.

It will be well worth it, though having said that, there is no guarantee it doesn't happen at your new place.

TIT bro!!!!

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I had this in UK a family of cranks moved in next door and the woman realised when I complained that I was bothered, this only made her worse and she started to make their dogs bark on purpose, son's motorbike revving outside my door. I had to let the police know in case this escalated and they told me to get video evidence, so i recorded the little sh!t on my mobile. The lad told his witch of a stepmother so she called the police on me for filming a minor??? He was 17! But the police still came round and basically made me feel like a nonce! She called the police on many other occasions making stuff up but it ended up with the police realising that she was just causing trouble for the sake of it and stopped coming out when she called, that only nade her carry on even more. It got to a point where I was turning into my street after work worrying if their car was there and they were in to cause more noise. It really did stress me out like the OP but happy to be rid of the Clampitts finally

Result - I ended up selling earlier this year. I hate people who have no respect for neighbours peace and quiet but I guess that is the way of the world now. Selfishness everywhere

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After a lifetime living in my own private houses, I moved into a 7th floor flat in the city, in my late 60's.

One side faced the street and there was only a little traffic noise.

The other side faced an atrium, like a huge column in the centre of the building.

Each floor had 8 flats opening onto this area.

I couldnt believe the noise. Music, TV's dogs, kids, people shouting, flats being refurbished.

I could hear my neighbours ether side and above.

I thought that it would drive me crazy - but only if I let it!

I decided, there and then to accept the noise as it told me that I was alive!

Somehow, I managed to flick a switch in my head and I was not bothered by the noise any more.

I did not join in and make noise myself - I just ignored it.

One night there was a party a few floors up.

So I went up, knocked on the door and introduced my self and got invited in.

Problem solved.

This happened in Spain and my Spanish was (is) not that good.

Didn't bother me, the people with the party were from North Africa and spoke Arabic anyway LOL

What happens if you pay your rent a bit late?

If you don't get thrown out, this might be a crafty way to reduce the deposit so you lose less if you up sticks?

I'm afraid that trying to get help from the landlord or anyone else will only make things worse.

Move if you can and try to find that mind switch if you can cos there is going to be noise almost where ever you go..

Best of luck.

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You need to move away, and actually you are fortunate to rent and not own.

Making your own retaliatory noise will not help, only exacerbate.

You could get your own vehicle surveillance camera, but what would you do with evidence that would not put you at risk.

You can never really get away from noise in Thailand, just reduce it. When you live alone you are more sensitive to it.

In the interim, earplugs, watch TV with headphones, go out more. Park further away, see a doctor as you seem to be over-reacting and are stressed.

Edited by jacko45k
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colinneil, on 29 Sept 2015 - 09:37, said:

Move to an Issan village, nice and quiet night and day.

555555 If u have 40 rais and the next house at 400 meter OK ,

if you have my brother's wife at 100 meters drink and karaoke the all nigth.

Not speaking about if you are close to a temple.

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...you chose the place...and with your thoughts and feelings you will only attract from bad to worse...

...you need to seriously reevaluate your life...

...if not unemployed by choice then you would feel 60% better if you got a job.....

...and if you were a little more friendly...you would not worry about your car so much..

..or just sell it if it just stays parked all day...while you stand guard..

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Noise is every where and good luck finding a place that isn't going to have some noise... I thinks its better to learn to sleep with noise... it will make me a better sleeper.

I went back to the US this summer and laying in bed I heard planes flying over with loud headers, cars driving while bumping thug music, I heard dogs barking and the ravens loud crowing on the wires at 530am...
It made me laugh out loud... here I have jets taking off, rooftop band playing until 000am, dogs barking 24hours, roosters crowing and crazy sounds I have yet to identify.

I am learning to sleep through the noise and if I wake up to the noise, I tune out any emotional response... I also wear in ear phones while playing rain on the roof sound....works great.

Anyway, the answer for me is not perseverating about it... chill... play something to drown out the noise.

AND, I truly believe many are not fully aware of what they do.... and are certainly not as conscientious about noise as some others are.

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I would play music at a reasonable level all the time. Then wait for them to knock your door, then apoligise and say you will stop....then NOT stop, play it every day, at least it will be noises you want to hear....if they come again, do the same, basically, act like a Thai and don't give a shit.

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You have chosen to live in Asia----- but a lot of your stress seems to come from things that you are projecting might happen.

"I'm afraid of the tyres being sabotaged as they are around 3000bath a pop. Also I can't change tyres on my own.

There is a sleeping security guard, but no cameras. One can easily put a nail under the tyres or use a knife to give a stab."

Why would they do this ?? or aren't you exactly the model neighbour? Maybe you could approach your landlord with a proposition that he keeps 50% of the money and gets to let the room immediately---or you stay & he has to give a full refund at the end.

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