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Thailand’s infamous playboy monk given refugee status in United States

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Quiet unbelievable this guy's luck is endless.For all his wrongdoing he gets rewarded by being given refugee status in the usa,and they say crime don't pay.

says a lot about the morals of the USA

Says more about members who actually believe this. And can't forget those who find any opportunity to take a shot at the US.


He's not going to be granted refugee status. Someone, like a wacko NGO, has referred him to the US Refugee program. Homeland Security will make a decision on his application. The process takes 1-2 years.

The UNHCR, a U.S. Embassy, or an authorized non-governmental organization (NGO) can refer a refugee to the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). Once a referral is made, a Resettlement Support Center (RSC) funded and managed by PRM prepares the case for presentation to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).


That sounds more like it. "I have applied for refugee status." becomes "I have been accepted as a refugee." In his mind for PR purposes, at least.


Seen many monks with video camera, ipads, smart phones etc, so he is definitely not alone in helping himself to donations, however he seems to be the richest monk by far.


The Thai government should not allow this. It appears that if this rogue monk applied for refugee status he may have a 2 year reprieve until he is sent back to Thailand if the Thai government ask for his extradition. During this time the US government and various lawyers will try to milk him of all the money he brought to the US. It took 13 years to extradite Rakesh Saxena from Canada to the US for embezzlement, so it looks like he's safe for a long time. Also interesting is that the reporter who interviewed him is a self exiled Thaksin sympathiser. The monk's money certainly does not come only from donations but probably laundering money and other illicit scams from pro-US Thai politicians. The US government will protect him.


Another right in your face sign that nowadays one is a fool if he follows the rules and earns his money with honest work? I am sickened by all this crap. A crook like the jet setting monk should receive life in the Gulag, but certainly not refugee status and a green card in the US. <deleted> this!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, I suppose that if you are going to set up a wacky religion of your own, California is the place to do it!

I wonder if there is any religion more wacky than Thai Buddhism?

If they need to go after every monk who is not following the Buddhist principles, there is nothing left.


I have no idea of how the US grants refugee status, but I somehow doubt this fraudster, rapist thief would qualify.

Someone, please tell me my doubts are well-founded.

My guess is your doubts are probably very legitimate. Here are a couple of squibs from the US Department of Homeland Security website:

"A refugee is a person who has fled his or her country of origin because of past persecution or a fear of future persecution based upon race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. If the person is not in the United States, he or she may apply for inclusion in the U.S. refugee program. If the person is already in the United States, he or she may apply for the U.S. asylum program." [since the guy is already in the US, it would seem his only option would be to apply for asylum and not refugee status....although this really is minimal difference as you have to meet the definition of a "refugee" to apply for asylum]

"Even if an applicant is determined by USCIS to be a refugee, refugees must be admissible to the United States. An applicant can be found “inadmissible” to the United States for a variety of reasons, including criminal, health, or security-related grounds." [if even a small portion of the criminal claims by Thai authorities are found to be likely true by US authorities, it's more than likely he'll find himself on a plane back to Bangkok sometime in the future]


plans to launch his own religion from his new home in California.

He has definitely come to the right place...the anything but Christianity mentality in California will help him start his new business/religion...the give me money so I can enjoy my lifestyle...religion.

Most nut cases in the US reside in California...IMHO.


Quiet unbelievable this guy's luck is endless.For all his wrongdoing he gets rewarded by being given refugee status in the usa,and they say crime don't pay.

says a lot about the morals of the USA

Says more about members who actually believe this. And can't forget those who find any opportunity to take a shot at the US.

If they take this guy as a refugee then they deserve people tking a shot at them. Hard to believe they would accept him though


300 million baht? Ppfftt! That's chump change. That amount was from THAI banks only. His financial adviser needs a good thrashing

This dude has a LOT more stashed in numbered accounts inaccessible to any government's investigation

Cayman & Dominican banks--try 'em, you'll like 'em

And they'll like you...


Why would the US give him refugee status????

Because they love meddling in the affairs of other countries. It's stated in their foreign policy.

In any case people can be stupid so those willing to listen to his BS deserve to be ripped off.

he also plans to launch his own religion from his new home in California.

I thought the religion called worshipping Mammon already exists!


Well, I suppose that if you are going to set up a wacky religion of your own, California is the place to do it!

For sure and reading about Holly Madison's story leaving Hugh Hefner, there's a mansion in California that's looking for some merit and alms now. He'll make a great bunny hopper and fit in just fine.


A refugee from what, going to trial for rape? I can't find anything in the U.S. media on google. Does anyone know if the Thai government has requested extradition?


He went to the right place. He should start the Holy Order of Buddhist Billionaires. HOBB He will be rolling around heaven all day.


I truly doubt there is any truth to this . He may have hired a high dollar snake attorney that will tie it up in federal court for a while , but my guess is he will at some point be brought back to Thailand in shackles ...


Surely this guy has no supporters left giving him money now? He is the complete anti-buddha.

Why not? Plenty of nut cases in the USA whom fill their pockets as so called preachers. All tax free.


I have no idea how much of this story is true, but, as is usually the case, key points are often lost in translation. Maybe he's treated as a refugee, and maybe not. I suspect the latter.

There are, however, lawful ways to obtain the coveted green card and permission to live in the US. Having and investing money is one option. Perhaps that's what happened in this case.

Here's more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EB-5_visa


Why would the US give him refugee status????

I'm sure no expert in U.S. visa regulations, but I don't know of any provisions that would allow him to gain refugee status. Of course the U.S. is so corrupt now that he might just be able to buy it, but I didn't think he was able to take that much with him. ฿300 million was only about $9.375 million dollars back then. That's a lot in Thailand, but not so much in the U.S. where there are hedge fund managers making more than that in a month. That proves there are a lot of rich suckers in the U.S., though, so maybe he's making more than even that. I've never figured out why so many people are so anxious to give those omadhauns so much money anyway.

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