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Thailand’s infamous playboy monk given refugee status in United States

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Now there's a good candidate for extradition.

Extradition... well there's an interest point..

On the other hand he's been given asylum in USA. With the details available (plenty of them), on what specific grounds did the USA grant him asylum?

Confusing at least.

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Why would the US give him refugee status????

Quite possibly he gave a sizable donation to a sitting California senator or congressman and the rest is history.

Are you suggesting that corruption takes place in the "land of the free and the home of the brave" ?

In the most advanced civilized nation in the world ?

The guys I've met from there, and their like minded counterparts on TV, say that corruption is unique to Thailand.

So, now should I learn to put my hand on my heart and stand for the "star spangled banner" or not ?


A five year old child watching me write this, says I should add an emoticon at the end of all this

...I asked why?

He said its the norm for intellectuals his age group.

So I'll leave it to them


Would this be the "infamous playboy monk" who has been accused of many things but convicted of nothing as yet?

To be convicted he has to BE in court in Thailand or the RTP/government has to place an extradition warrant through Interpol for him to be extradited back to Thailand. The USA can do it but IIRC the penalty for the charges cannot result in the death penalty.

It also takes several years to do so I think.


Well, I suppose that if you are going to set up a wacky religion of your own, California is the place to do it!

I wonder if there is any religion more wacky than Thai Buddhism?

If they need to go after every monk who is not following the Buddhist principles, there is nothing left.

Another generalisation about monks and Thai Buddhism.

IMHO the majority of Thai monks, especially in rural Thailand actually are following the Buddhist precepts, and it is only a minority of senior monks and abbots that are "rogue".

Sadly it is the minority that give the majority a bad name.


Quiet unbelievable this guy's luck is endless.For all his wrongdoing he gets rewarded by being given refugee status in the usa,and they say crime don't pay.

says a lot about the morals of the USA

Says more about members who actually believe this. And can't forget those who find any opportunity to take a shot at the US.

When you have people like the CIA I will believe many things. Try reading the book "The Company - Inside th CIA" by Phillip Agee & Mark Hosenball


300 million baht? Ppfftt! That's chump change. That amount was from THAI banks only. His financial adviser needs a good thrashing

This dude has a LOT more stashed in numbered accounts inaccessible to any government's investigation

Cayman & Dominican banks--try 'em, you'll like 'em

And they'll like you...

And naturally you have the proof of this happening.

Although it is possibly true, to say that it IS the truth could lay you open to the wrong side of the nasty defamation law,


So USA give criminals refugee status?

Birds of a feather flock together. What is the difference between a crook and a politician?

Crooks are more honest.


He is a typical religious charlatan. He just happens to pretend he is Buddhist, the Pope pretends he is a Catholic and the Arch Bishop of Canterbury pretends he is an Anglican.

Same same, the world has been cosseting these religious hypocrites for 2500 years.


I don't understand why they don't issue an international warrant for his arrest for alleged rape and sex with a minnor, then the US would deport him. or is it about a face and religious thing


The US government pushes the Thai government to arrest foreigners for having sex with A minor.But A Thai citizen accused in

Thailand and the US looks the other way.


I don't understand why they don't issue an international warrant for his arrest for alleged rape and sex with a minnor, then the US would deport him. or is it about a face and religious thing

I would have thought that any police or political branch would be only too happy to have him back,especially if its to answer for the amount of money and the supposed rape charges.Lets face it,we all know he is not on his own,but to make an example and deal with him sternly and make him pay dearly for his crimes would surely be a big step towards discouraging others in the future.If he is allowed to get away freely then how can the average religious Thai person have any respect for future Monksbah.gifbah.gif


The US government pushes the Thai government to arrest foreigners for having sex with A minor.But A Thai citizen accused in

Thailand and the US looks the other way.

Have they looked the other way or has the request only recently been made?


This monk will fit in with the rich self-centered TV Christian evangelists such as the Bakers, Falwell, Osteen (puke puke) and Lowder. All are con artists and are more materialistic than your normal person on the street. There are enough fools in the States to follow a new con-artist, especially a monk.


I hear there is a protest march tomorrow by pissed - off Thai people over this "news" they intend matching to the US Embassy to protest this supposed refugee status.


The last I heard, from a couple of Thai monk friends in California, he's still living at his house near Lake Arrowhead in So. California, still wearing the robes and still getting lots of Thai visitors from Los Angeles. He also goes back and forth to France often. The word is, yes he had sex with a minor, but it was consensual, the rape charge was brought by her parents, who are looking for a buy out. Although the girl in question is now in her 20's. He's been mum about the vast amount of money in his bank accounts, probably pretty smart on his part. Just saying what I heard, not making any judgments either way. coffee1.gif


I have no idea of how the US grants refugee status, but I somehow doubt this fraudster, rapist thief would qualify.

Someone, please tell me my doubts are well-founded.

Haaven't you heard? Obama has thrown open the borders to everyone. He does not descriminate.


We had a guy named Sun Myung Moon that started a cult here and amassed millions. There's NO WAY this guy has refugee status, and if he is a criminal the US will likely cancel his visa and extradite him back to Thailand


I have no idea of how the US grants refugee status, but I somehow doubt this fraudster, rapist thief would qualify.

Someone, please tell me my doubts are well-founded.

I suspect you're right. Unfortunately, Thailand has a dubious record of bringing criminal charges against unpopular people when they are outside of the country. The fact, that he was not convicted of anything would help his application.

But there sometimes is cases when refugee status get's granted for unsavoury persons. Usually if they have certain useful information crimes can be overlooked. It's not unreasonable to beleive that this monk has been paid a lot of money by powerful people to be quiet about certain things. When the media spolight on his life upset people, maybe the same powerful people got nervous


The last I heard, from a couple of Thai monk friends in California, he's still living at his house near Lake Arrowhead in So. California, still wearing the robes and still getting lots of Thai visitors from Los Angeles. He also goes back and forth to France often. The word is, yes he had sex with a minor, but it was consensual, the rape charge was brought by her parents, who are looking for a buy out. Although the girl in question is now in her 20's. He's been mum about the vast amount of money in his bank accounts, probably pretty smart on his part. Just saying what I heard, not making any judgments either way. coffee1.gif

Consensual or not, she was still a minor so it vas a crime.


The last I heard, from a couple of Thai monk friends in California, he's still living at his house near Lake Arrowhead in So. California, still wearing the robes and still getting lots of Thai visitors from Los Angeles. He also goes back and forth to France often. The word is, yes he had sex with a minor, but it was consensual, the rape charge was brought by her parents, who are looking for a buy out. Although the girl in question is now in her 20's. He's been mum about the vast amount of money in his bank accounts, probably pretty smart on his part. Just saying what I heard, not making any judgments either way. coffee1.gif

Consensual or not, she was still a minor so it vas a crime.

A crime yes, for having sex with a minor, but I have my doubts on the rape part. With the amount of money that he accumulated, I'm quite sure it involved a bunch of people who don't want the truth out. He'll never be brought back to

Thailand to stand trial. coffee1.gif


'Authorities then seized more than 300 million Baht from 41 bank accounts allegedly belonging to Luang Pu.'

crickey ! So it would appear he has none of the 300mil . So how does he still have money to live and fly around ?

The 300 mil Baht from 41 bank account was the money they managed to seize.

What was not mentioned was the money, investments and precious metals that they failed to seize that had already been squirrelled away to other regions and hidden bank accounts around the world.


Monk's extradition from US 'under consideration'
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) said yesterday that a request for the United States' extradition of fugitive Wirapol Sukpol, better known as "jet-set monk" Luang Pu Nenkham, had been sent last year but the plea was still pending the US authorities' consideration and the DSI could not intervene.

DSI deputy chief Pol Lieutenant Pong-in Intharakhao said the Office of the Attorney-General had sent an extradition request to US authorities at the DSI's request last year but the matter was under consideration. He said the request stated that Wirapol was facing charges including public fraud, computer crime, and statutory rape of a minor under 15.

Pong-in's comment followed reports in Thai social media that Wirapol, the former abbot of Khantitham monastery in the Northeastern province of Si Sa Ket, claimed to have been granted refugee status and planned to establish a new cult in the US.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Monks-extradition-from-US-under-consideration-30269928.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-01


When this story first broke, unnamed influential police and military officers and other powerful people were said to be involved in the temple.

Since then, has there been any investigation of who they are, their financial interests with this con man and any associated money laundering?

No, you say. I thought so.


Now there's a good candidate for extradition.

Here we go again, Thailand and the US have no formal extradition treaty, because Thailand has never wanted one. The extradite if they want to, same with the US, more a matter of good will than anything else ... . We have been going through this for how many years now?

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