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PM Prayut hails 'understanding' with US on politics, business

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Does this mean that the UN are giving their blessing to the perpetrators of the Military coup

Good carrots are blessings in disguise.

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Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said Thursday that the international community had shown confidence in Thailand on the global stage.

Of course he would say that ...

and since everything else that he says is a lie, well....



Well, luckily PM Prayut is not a political leader.

You're damn right he is a far cry from a political leader. As for "luckily", for lovers of fascism and oppression sure, but not so lucky for those of us who side with the people and not their jailers.

Strange that with such short post I made you still found it necessary to remove the last lines

"Anyway, real political leaders are much better at formulating statements others like to take apart and ridicule. Newspapers in the Western World are full of them. Watch some of the American LateNight shows."

Maybe you didn't want too much attention on political leaders claptrap ?

Oh by the way, the leader of the 2006 coup became a respectable politician, was voted in in parliament and his one-seat party was even allowed to join the Pheu Thai led coalition government under PM Yingluck. Surely such miracles could occur again.

At least we agree he is a far cry from any kind of decent political leader. There's progress at least.

Totally irrelevant and trying to divert from a less intelligent remark you made. PM Prayut is not a political leader. To say "How could any political leader spout such fatuous claptrap and expect to be taken seriously?" means you're either not talking about PM Prayut, or made a simple silly mistake. Nothing serious.

What's next ? Maybe tell us PM Prayut isn't the best of Popes you've ever seen?


Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said Thursday that the international community had shown confidence in Thailand on the global stage.

Of course he would say that ...

and since everything else that he says is a lie, well....


Nice logic based on your assumptions and beliefs.

Anyway, didn't we have a recent topic that the US wanted to bolster ties with Thailand again?


Rubl - why are you pestering me? We have established with your agreement that Prayudh is incapable of being any kind of political leader - you yourself used the word "luckily" in this context. What is it you want?


As I've stated in another topic.

Strange how I can't find one single article,paragraph,sentence,phrase or word on the whole of the internet to substantiate his claim that he met president Obama. Hmmm. Should we take him for his word?

There will be no coup!

I do not want to be PM!

I don't think soooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

In one of the PM visits NY topic someone poster a phto with Pres. Obama and PM Prayut shaking hands. As some poster remarked following, PM Prayut was the last in line to shake hands. You must have missed that.


As I've stated in another topic.

Strange how I can't find one single article,paragraph,sentence,phrase or word on the whole of the internet to substantiate his claim that he met president Obama. Hmmm. Should we take him for his word?

There will be no coup!

I do not want to be PM!

I don't think soooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

In one of the PM visits NY topic someone poster a phto with Pres. Obama and PM Prayut shaking hands. As some poster remarked following, PM Prayut was the last in line to shake hands. You must have missed that.

So he was last in line, standing in the doorway waiting to get a handshake.

You think that is a plus for thailand?

You're damn right he is a far cry from a political leader. As for "luckily", for lovers of fascism and oppression sure, but not so lucky for those of us who side with the people and not their jailers.

Strange that with such short post I made you still found it necessary to remove the last lines

"Anyway, real political leaders are much better at formulating statements others like to take apart and ridicule. Newspapers in the Western World are full of them. Watch some of the American LateNight shows."

Maybe you didn't want too much attention on political leaders claptrap ?

Oh by the way, the leader of the 2006 coup became a respectable politician, was voted in in parliament and his one-seat party was even allowed to join the Pheu Thai led coalition government under PM Yingluck. Surely such miracles could occur again.

At least we agree he is a far cry from any kind of decent political leader. There's progress at least.

Totally irrelevant and trying to divert from a less intelligent remark you made. PM Prayut is not a political leader. To say "How could any political leader spout such fatuous claptrap and expect to be taken seriously?" means you're either not talking about PM Prayut, or made a simple silly mistake. Nothing serious.

What's next ? Maybe tell us PM Prayut isn't the best of Popes you've ever seen?

He is the PRIME MINISTER (apparently, according to himself) which is a political position. Therefore he is a political leader and no amount of diversionary tactics on your part can cover up the fact you have no legs left to stand on.


"On his meeting with US President Barack Obama..."

When was that then? Picture?

From yesterday's The Nation.

Sooo... Prayut bumps into Obama on the way out of an empty room and a photographer gets a still of Obama saying "What was your name again?"

A meeting would include a photo op in the Oval Office, not of Obama rushing to the restroom.


"...the international community had shown confidence in Thailand on the global stage..."; "...and Thais are happy..."

"...On his meeting with US President Barack Obama, Prayut said: "He honoured me as on previous occasions. (what previous occasions) We have forged an understanding with the US government and American business associations..."; "...and the US business sector understands us..."

All according to Mr. P. Not one quote from a US official. I believe him, don't you?

"We were chosen because we have made concrete achievements and significantly reduced our poverty," he said.

cheesy.gif He had no idea what this group was or did, but now he knows why they were chosen. cheesy.gif


On his meeting with US President Barack Obama, Prayut said: "He honoured me as on previous occasions. We have forged an understanding with the US government and American business associations.

"I told them we were pleased to continue bilateral trade. The United States is Thailand's third-largest investment destination. We are making it more convenient for US businesses to invest in Thailand. We do not block anyone. We have amended many laws [to facilitate trade] and the US business sector understands us."

Prayut said he had explained to high-ranking US officials that he would stick with his junta's "road map to democracy".

Quite a bit of prevarication on the Field Marshall's part.

Clearly he has no shame is misrepresenting reality, but then, that appears to be his specialty- he may be confident that no one in Thailand will call him on it as they would be "black-bagged".


"I invited them to visit Thailand, telling them that the country has changed. Everyone is safe and Thais are happy."

How could any political leader spout such fatuous claptrap and expect to be taken seriously? Come on!

Well, luckily PM Prayut is not a political leader.

Anyway, real political leaders are much better at formulating statements others like to take apart and ridicule. Newspapers in the Western World are full of them. Watch some of the American LateNight shows.

Yeah, lucky for Thailand he has not political abilities what so ever, but he does know something about beach chairs and bike lanes.

Growing up in the western world you are expected to defend yourself verbally, to formulate arguments and take the abuse from others with a grain of salt. If you take yourself too seriously, you lose


Here we go again. People on the board continue to denigrate this man simply because he ousted a government which you all believe was 'democratic'. The former government destroyed Thailand's rice position in the World by promising farmers they would be able to control the price when they knew that was impossible, They mishandled the flooding; they caused a huge increase in cars on the street by giving away money on first car purchase. None of this was to help people but to propagate the interests of a Clan headed by a megalomaniac criminal. Some of you claim you are siding with the Thai -people. Guess what, my Thai family and every Thai person I know supports the General and does not support those who preceded him. You do not speak for the Thai people nor do I. However, I will not criticize the current administration because they have not had enough time to implement their plan for reconciliation; reform of the economy and education and other projects they have planned. A whole series of previous governments dating back many years have failed. Why do you refuse to give this government a chance?

The West is so hypocritical. The elected government of Egypt was overthrown by the military and was given a pass by the World because the government they overthrew was allied to the Moslem Brotherhood- an enemy of the West. The West professes to be a friend of Thailand. How about showing it.


I would like to hear that from the other side, Thai officials frequently tell us what the other party has said which turn out to be either exaggerated or blatant lies.


All of Ocho's blustering about reaching unspecified understandings with Obama and other countries means....by saying it himself instead of them saying it.....that he came home empty handed.


Here we go again. People on the board continue to denigrate this man simply because he ousted a government which you all believe was 'democratic'. The former government destroyed Thailand's rice position in the World by promising farmers they would be able to control the price when they knew that was impossible, They mishandled the flooding; they caused a huge increase in cars on the street by giving away money on first car purchase. None of this was to help people but to propagate the interests of a Clan headed by a megalomaniac criminal. Some of you claim you are siding with the Thai -people. Guess what, my Thai family and every Thai person I know supports the General and does not support those who preceded him. You do not speak for the Thai people nor do I. However, I will not criticize the current administration because they have not had enough time to implement their plan for reconciliation; reform of the economy and education and other projects they have planned. A whole series of previous governments dating back many years have failed. Why do you refuse to give this government a chance?

The West is so hypocritical. The elected government of Egypt was overthrown by the military and was given a pass by the World because the government they overthrew was allied to the Moslem Brotherhood- an enemy of the West. The West professes to be a friend of Thailand. How about showing it.

" People on the board continue to denigrate this man simply because he ousted a government which you all believe was 'democratic'"

Not true. In addition to telling everybody that he did not want either a coup nor the PM job, and then did and got both, he has shied away from reforming the police, threatened reporters inquiring about his wealth, tried to sneak through a charter that would have the military in power forever, jailed peaceful student protesters while allowing supporters to do the same, formed a government of less than stellar thinkers, trying to sneak through an implementation of a single Orwellian Internet gateway, etc, etc, etc.

"Guess what, my Thai family and every Thai person I know supports the General and does not support those who preceded him."

Sounds about as scientific as a Dusit poll to me. If that were true then why isn't an election held to legitimize the current junta?? Difficult question, I know!


Here we go again. People on the board continue to denigrate this man simply because he ousted a government which you all believe was 'democratic'. The former government destroyed Thailand's rice position in the World by promising farmers they would be able to control the price when they knew that was impossible, They mishandled the flooding; they caused a huge increase in cars on the street by giving away money on first car purchase. None of this was to help people but to propagate the interests of a Clan headed by a megalomaniac criminal. Some of you claim you are siding with the Thai -people. Guess what, my Thai family and every Thai person I know supports the General and does not support those who preceded him. You do not speak for the Thai people nor do I. However, I will not criticize the current administration because they have not had enough time to implement their plan for reconciliation; reform of the economy and education and other projects they have planned. A whole series of previous governments dating back many years have failed. Why do you refuse to give this government a chance?

The West is so hypocritical. The elected government of Egypt was overthrown by the military and was given a pass by the World because the government they overthrew was allied to the Moslem Brotherhood- an enemy of the West. The West professes to be a friend of Thailand. How about showing it.

Well-considered post.

A return to power by the Shinawatra clan would be som nam na for the vocal opposition.


He is a military man- not a politician and I take him at his word that he did not seek to be PM nor does he really want to continue on long term. I see him as a Thai patriot who had no other choice but to stop the destruction of the country. He talks like a military man- not a polished politician who has only the narrow interests of getting re-elected. His words are often not polite because he is used to giving orders. People being sent for an attitude adjustment are not being jailed or held under house arrest but given an explanation of what he is trying to accomplish. While this is not the norm- unfortunately it has been necessary to try and stop the bitter hatred between rival political groups. In addition, some of the things the government has proposed will not fly and make no sense- the single internet gateway is one of them. Let's not forget that other Nations- with elected Presidents and Prime Minsters have used their intelligence services to spy on their own people under the guise of 'national security'. They have been exposed for what they are. I still say- give the man some space to try and right those things that will benefit the country. For every so called error or mistake that this government has made- It can be pointed out similar or worse in previous Thai governments or the USA. At, least Thailand doesn't have a concentration camp located in another country where people are held indefinitely without any hope of release..


Well to my knowledge Thais are closing business's all over tourist spots in Thailand due to the fear to travel and the attack on ling stying tourists wishing to stay long time in Thai and soend there home money here.

It seems the immi people do not respect foriegners and think Thailand is all theres... Pay us big money or not come here !

The Thai police are also hubting for more money from existing tourists and word spreads fast ( no corruption right )

Road Map to success



1 - Remove the virus if possible and in this case it is possible although the cancer is still running full course

So I not to sure whos happy here ?

Need more info


Again we hear from Thailand, how other countries "understand" them!

What about a verified quote from ANY world- leader?



I have a large Facebook network, music people mostly..

I am very passive aggressive with my big-time friends..

Rarely show my true colors.

You mosly are sure out spoken here with your 'anonymity'.

The P.M. sure must enjoy reading this..

He has lots to learn, eh?

I would give him a pass for now, as he is my wealthiest 'friend' since Yingluck took a powder..



If there are two words the Nation has absolutely flogged to death it is 'hails' and their other favorite 'lauds' .

I know the economy is in the doldrums but surely their budget must be enough to cover the expense of an up to date dictionary and even better a thesaurus.

If not , perhaps we could all chip in a baht each and send them one for Christmas.

I agree whole-heartedly! The language used in BOTH Thai English-speaking newspapers and within tv news items is often archaic to say the least. Try, for example, to count the number of times the verb "to slate" is used instead of "to schedule". Little do they know that "to slate" has both a positive and negative meaning which are interchangeable in some of the news texts as both meanings apply! 555 I did, at first, take the opportunity of writing to the Editor of the Bangkok Post about it but it fell on deaf ears. The journalists are obviously using Victorian text books when studying for their qualifications.


Men and women of integrity denigrate those things they do not understand; refuse to give a chance to succeed and generally have their own agenda. There is no outcry regarding the Egyptian coup because the West agreed with the outcome.This is pure hypocrisy. I am neither a fascist or a crank . Here we go again. Another poster trying to turn the conversation into a personal attack by insinuating that those opposed to his/her opinion must be a crank or fascist. No One has come up with a really good reason why the current Thai government should not be given a chance. You keep reiterating it is not legitimate.Many of us believe the prior governments bought and paid for by a convicted criminal were not legitimate. We need to get away from this argument. It doesn't matter - it is in power-and it will either succeed or fail. So many of you seem to want it to fail but then claim to be a 'friend' of Thailand. If you take this position- you are no friend- just another disgruntled foreigner with a grudge of some kind.


He is a military man- not a politician and I take him at his word that he did not seek to be PM nor does he really want to continue on long term. I see him as a Thai patriot who had no other choice but to stop the destruction of the country. He talks like a military man- not a polished politician who has only the narrow interests of getting re-elected. His words are often not polite because he is used to giving orders. People being sent for an attitude adjustment are not being jailed or held under house arrest but given an explanation of what he is trying to accomplish. While this is not the norm- unfortunately it has been necessary to try and stop the bitter hatred between rival political groups. In addition, some of the things the government has proposed will not fly and make no sense- the single internet gateway is one of them. Let's not forget that other Nations- with elected Presidents and Prime Minsters have used their intelligence services to spy on their own people under the guise of 'national security'. They have been exposed for what they are. I still say- give the man some space to try and right those things that will benefit the country. For every so called error or mistake that this government has made- It can be pointed out similar or worse in previous Thai governments or the USA. At, least Thailand doesn't have a concentration camp located in another country where people are held indefinitely without any hope of release..

Did you 'take him at his word' he would not have a coup? did you 'take him at his word' there would be elections in 2015? you 'take him at his word' about the internet? that we have free speech yet cannot hold public meetings?

you are a very trusting person and it must be very comforting and your defence of 'attitude adjustment' just gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling sick.gif


As I've stated in another topic.

Strange how I can't find one single article,paragraph,sentence,phrase or word on the whole of the internet to substantiate his claim that he met president Obama. Hmmm. Should we take him for his word?

There will be no coup!

I do not want to be PM!

I don't think soooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

In one of the PM visits NY topic someone poster a phto with Pres. Obama and PM Prayut shaking hands. As some poster remarked following, PM Prayut was the last in line to shake hands. You must have missed that.

So he was last in line, standing in the doorway waiting to get a handshake.

You think that is a plus for thailand?

Well, this may surprise you, but when some members suggests the PM was last in line that may be

- true

- wishful thinking

- somewhat less true (members never lie of course)

- absolutely not true (see remark above)



1. So if this government make a pig's breakfast of running the country but decide they are staying on anyway, how do you propose the people remove them once they have outstayed their welcome?

2. What qualifies you above anyone else here to decide who is or isn't a friend of Thailand.

As for being a foreigner with a grudge, you are damn right: like a good number of free thinking adults, I detest being told what to do by the self-appointed in any country. If you like your politics/lifestyle/media imposed upon you, fair enough, but I feel I am old enough to decide for myself if it is all the same..

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