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Voter apathy grips Portugal ahead of Sunday's general election


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Voter apathy grips Portugal ahead of Sunday's general election


LISBON: -- Voters in Portugal look set to express their dissatisfaction with traditional politics by not voting in Sunday’s general election.

In 2011 a record 41.9 percent of the electorate stayed away and the polls suggest a similar scenario this time round.

In the capital Lisbon political pessimism is the order of day:“I’m not expecting anything better. Things aren’t going to get better. They are all theives,” said Maria Rosario one of many disillusioned voters.

As for the state of the parties Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho’s centre-right ruling coalition has edged in front of the opposition Socialist Party.

The only avenue for protest appears to be the anti-euro Communist Party running at 11 percent in the polls.

Whatever the result, fiscal discipline is the mantra of all the major parties.

That is something the markets applaud as Portugal attempts to get its economy back on track following the €78bn bailout of 2011.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-02

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Portuguese who don't vote are complicit to sustaining traditional politics. When a majority concedes its representation to the minority, it has nothing to reject those whom forms the government and their policies. Play Dead and so will your future.

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Portuguese who don't vote are complicit to sustaining traditional politics. When a majority concedes its representation to the minority, it has nothing to reject those whom forms the government and their policies. Play Dead and so will your future.

The trouble is being a majority counts for nothing if the EU has the power to ignore its wishes.

P.S 'Gripped' by apathy seems a strange way of characterizing it.

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Portuguese who don't vote are complicit to sustaining traditional politics. When a majority concedes its representation to the minority, it has nothing to reject those whom forms the government and their policies. Play Dead and so will your future.

Things are getting so complicated that the average voter does not know what to vote, possibly the reason for the "apathy".

People just don't like to be governed by such a large body as the EU (or the US) where they have no say so any more.

Even a vote won't make any difference as we have seen abundantly.

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