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German experts to help EGAT save electricity consumption


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German experts to help EGAT save electricity consumption

BANGKOK, 2 October 2015 (NNT) - The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) has signed an agreement with a German organization to improve its energy conservation.

EGAT Governor Soonchai Kumnoonsate revealed that German energy experts will travel to Thailand to inspect energy consumption at EGAT facilities. They will also provide knowledge on efficient energy conservation.

EGAT is determined to reduce its electricity consumption across the nation by 89.6 million units by 2036, or an estimated 4.2 million units per year.

It is also planning awards for organizations that promote energy conservation. EGAT is currently developing its award criteria.

-- NNT 2015-10-02 footer_n.gif

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I am a expert, I am a expert.

Let me see, let me see, yes, close the street light in the daytime. Remember to turn it on in night time, then you save some human resurses. They are expensive - human resources - in a well manages country. And paint the lane on the road, cheap way to save more human recourse. Just make sure there is a very competent mand/women they decide what and where to paint on the road.

Do those 2 things and the country was on the right path in saving money on electric and healt care bill

Edited by blackadder
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I am a German. I can help them for free:
Residential lighting consumption is about 14% of total residential electricity consumption.
The commercial sector consumes about 20% of its total electricity consumption for lightning.
So by forcing all private and commercial as well as institutional consumers to change all lights to the new LED technology they could save a lot, about 10% of the nation's energy consumption.
And I agree when people say it's too cold in many office buildings. Also my wife brings an extra jacket, socks and a scarf to her office to keep warm at work. Isn't that crazy?
And did they ever hear about insulation? I recommend them to Google it…
Just by telling them that they could save a lot of money by changing to LED immediately does not help. Wherever I ask why they didn't change it to LED yet they look at me as if I'm crazy. In our building they even tell me that I don't understand things…
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I am a German. I can help them for free:
Residential lighting consumption is about 14% of total residential electricity consumption.
The commercial sector consumes about 20% of its total electricity consumption for lightning.
So by forcing all private and commercial as well as institutional consumers to change all lights to the new LED technology they could save a lot, about 10% of the nation's energy consumption.
And I agree when people say it's too cold in many office buildings. Also my wife brings an extra jacket, socks and a scarf to her office to keep warm at work. Isn't that crazy?
And did they ever hear about insulation? I recommend them to Google it…
Just by telling them that they could save a lot of money by changing to LED immediately does not help. Wherever I ask why they didn't change it to LED yet they look at me as if I'm crazy. In our building they even tell me that I don't understand things…

Also restaurants in the business-district are very cold, without a suit you can't go in there.

Many condominiums have a rule to cook only electrical which uses a lot of power. Why not install gaspipes like we have in Europe?

But most electricity goes into aircons and nope they have never heard of insulation or double glass. Also they still buy the cheapest aircons. It's in fashion to have a hybrid car but to save energy at home is not done.

And how much electricity do the huge outdoor tv-screens use who are mounted on malls or skyscrapers to show commercials?

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I am a German. I can help them for free:
Residential lighting consumption is about 14% of total residential electricity consumption.
The commercial sector consumes about 20% of its total electricity consumption for lightning.
So by forcing all private and commercial as well as institutional consumers to change all lights to the new LED technology they could save a lot, about 10% of the nation's energy consumption.
And I agree when people say it's too cold in many office buildings. Also my wife brings an extra jacket, socks and a scarf to her office to keep warm at work. Isn't that crazy?
And did they ever hear about insulation? I recommend them to Google it…
Just by telling them that they could save a lot of money by changing to LED immediately does not help. Wherever I ask why they didn't change it to LED yet they look at me as if I'm crazy. In our building they even tell me that I don't understand things…

Also restaurants in the business-district are very cold, without a suit you can't go in there.

Many condominiums have a rule to cook only electrical which uses a lot of power. Why not install gaspipes like we have in Europe?

But most electricity goes into aircons and nope they have never heard of insulation or double glass. Also they still buy the cheapest aircons. It's in fashion to have a hybrid car but to save energy at home is not done.

And how much electricity do the huge outdoor tv-screens use who are mounted on malls or skyscrapers to show commercials?

Oh,,one more for you Electric cars and don't forget the Electric Buses,,They all need Charging HOW Much?Where does it come from ? From GREEN ENERGY,,,,Don't think so,,What a load of Shit and Dribble.

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I am a German. I can help them for free:
Residential lighting consumption is about 14% of total residential electricity consumption.
The commercial sector consumes about 20% of its total electricity consumption for lightning.
So by forcing all private and commercial as well as institutional consumers to change all lights to the new LED technology they could save a lot, about 10% of the nation's energy consumption.
And I agree when people say it's too cold in many office buildings. Also my wife brings an extra jacket, socks and a scarf to her office to keep warm at work. Isn't that crazy?
And did they ever hear about insulation? I recommend them to Google it…
Just by telling them that they could save a lot of money by changing to LED immediately does not help. Wherever I ask why they didn't change it to LED yet they look at me as if I'm crazy. In our building they even tell me that I don't understand things…

Also restaurants in the business-district are very cold, without a suit you can't go in there.

Many condominiums have a rule to cook only electrical which uses a lot of power. Why not install gaspipes like we have in Europe?

But most electricity goes into aircons and nope they have never heard of insulation or double glass. Also they still buy the cheapest aircons. It's in fashion to have a hybrid car but to save energy at home is not done.

And how much electricity do the huge outdoor tv-screens use who are mounted on malls or skyscrapers to show commercials?

Oh,,one more for you Electric cars and don't forget the Electric Buses,,They all need Charging HOW Much?Where does it come from ? From GREEN ENERGY,,,,Don't think so,,What a load of Shit and Dribble.

Thailand has green electricity from the hydro-dams and just ordered windmills from Vestas Denmark.

And hybrid cars don't have a connector in case you didn't know. I see loads of Camry's hybrid here. But you're so smart, then tell me how a hybrid charges it's battery?

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I reckon these guys need a German expert to fix stuff but it will prove to be too expensive to fix in my opinion and they will nothing.

I think the Government should allow home owners to put up solar panels. Even without a subsidy it still makes sense to do roof top solar on private residences.

Sure many poorer Thais won't be able to do it but many will. The richer people are the ones using the most power, let businesses and private home owners put solar on their rooftops. I have been to PEA who say yes you can get a license but you have to build a solar farm, not available to private individuals. I think they are frightened they will not get any income from it.

One part of the electric company wants to build more power generating stations and empire build whilst they talk about this Bs of reducing power consumption.

Encourage private and business to run solar on their roof tops. Sort of a no brainer! It gets their result of less requirement of electricity for free.

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They could also get the German experts to inform them of the system control problems that will be experienced with increasing reliance on solar and wind generation.

The Germans know the secret it is all in the software

They will sell them special software

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Change the dresscode for offices and put the aircons a few degree's higher. Many people have extra warm clothes at the office to keep themselves warm.

Also some malls, 7-11 and other shopping places put the air-con on something like 20 degrees C

Change it to 25 degrees C - saves about 50% on your air-con energy consumption.

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Just a few ideas (I won't no charge the Thai government for these...):

1. Government subsidized replacement program for old/inefficient air-cons

Replace the old, noisy, inefficient air-cons with new energy efficient ones, that are bought in bulk by the government at very low costs.

Works well in my home country, they do a certain quota every year, and the quota is filled in within days.

2. Same as above, but for refrigerators

Again, works well in my home country

3. Raise the air-con temperature to a mandatory 25 C at all government run facilities

Schools, government offices, universities, etc

4. Minimum energy efficiency required from all large appliances sold/imported

Air-cons, fridges, tvs, washing machines, stoves

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Start at an early age in the schools. Take a pointer and flick the light switch off and on. Get the kids motivated. Have a contest for the best electric saving suggestions and kids will solve the problem themselves. Make the prize a package of LED light bulbs. I used to take my kids on a garbage cleanup after a walkathon and they still talk about the experience 40 years later.

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I am a German. I can help them for free:
Residential lighting consumption is about 14% of total residential electricity consumption.
The commercial sector consumes about 20% of its total electricity consumption for lightning.
So by forcing all private and commercial as well as institutional consumers to change all lights to the new LED technology they could save a lot, about 10% of the nation's energy consumption.
And I agree when people say it's too cold in many office buildings. Also my wife brings an extra jacket, socks and a scarf to her office to keep warm at work. Isn't that crazy?
And did they ever hear about insulation? I recommend them to Google it…
Just by telling them that they could save a lot of money by changing to LED immediately does not help. Wherever I ask why they didn't change it to LED yet they look at me as if I'm crazy. In our building they even tell me that I don't understand things…


I'm American and have been invited and paid by the RTA, RTAF and RTMC to advise them on many things. The RTMC listens mostly, but the RTA & AF just smile at me & keep on doing things the SAME EXACT WAY.

I finally swore off ever working with them ever again.

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I am a German. I can help them for free:
Residential lighting consumption is about 14% of total residential electricity consumption.
The commercial sector consumes about 20% of its total electricity consumption for lightning.
So by forcing all private and commercial as well as institutional consumers to change all lights to the new LED technology they could save a lot, about 10% of the nation's energy consumption.
And I agree when people say it's too cold in many office buildings. Also my wife brings an extra jacket, socks and a scarf to her office to keep warm at work. Isn't that crazy?
And did they ever hear about insulation? I recommend them to Google it…
Just by telling them that they could save a lot of money by changing to LED immediately does not help. Wherever I ask why they didn't change it to LED yet they look at me as if I'm crazy. In our building they even tell me that I don't understand things…


I'm American and have been invited and paid by the RTA, RTAF and RTMC to advise them on many things. The RTMC listens mostly, but the RTA & AF just smile at me & keep on doing things the SAME EXACT WAY.

I finally swore off ever working with them ever again.

Americans can't even build efficient good cars, or use solar panels like the Germans do. They still keep doing things THE SAME EXACT WAY while Europe goes a step further in saving the environment/energy. thumbsup.gif

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I am a German. I can help them for free:
Residential lighting consumption is about 14% of total residential electricity consumption.
The commercial sector consumes about 20% of its total electricity consumption for lightning.
So by forcing all private and commercial as well as institutional consumers to change all lights to the new LED technology they could save a lot, about 10% of the nation's energy consumption.
And I agree when people say it's too cold in many office buildings. Also my wife brings an extra jacket, socks and a scarf to her office to keep warm at work. Isn't that crazy?
And did they ever hear about insulation? I recommend them to Google it…
Just by telling them that they could save a lot of money by changing to LED immediately does not help. Wherever I ask why they didn't change it to LED yet they look at me as if I'm crazy. In our building they even tell me that I don't understand things…


I'm American and have been invited and paid by the RTA, RTAF and RTMC to advise them on many things. The RTMC listens mostly, but the RTA & AF just smile at me & keep on doing things the SAME EXACT WAY.

I finally swore off ever working with them ever again.

Americans can't even build efficient good cars, or use solar panels like the Germans do. They still keep doing things THE SAME EXACT WAY while Europe goes a step further in saving the environment/energy. thumbsup.gif

I never said Americans were the smartest or the best, I just pointed out that the Thai's who asked me for my (foreign expert) advice, took my reports and advice and ignored them.

I have no idea why they ever asked me in the first place.

Anyhow, if bashing Americans makes you feel better, then please continue.

Edited by jaywalker
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Now if they could get their heads around one of the biggest Thai Electrical Black Hole (imho): How much ice is made in Thailand everyday? Where is the ice used? Largest users? In villages there is usuall a shop that doles out a bag of ice to many of the villagers.. But go to the larger cities and how many bars/restaurants use copious amounts of ice every day. Usuall to keep drinks cold. I see very poor efficiency and such a huge drain on the power system.

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Now if they could get their heads around one of the biggest Thai Electrical Black Hole (imho): How much ice is made in Thailand everyday? Where is the ice used? Largest users? In villages there is usuall a shop that doles out a bag of ice to many of the villagers.. But go to the larger cities and how many bars/restaurants use copious amounts of ice every day. Usuall to keep drinks cold. I see very poor efficiency and such a huge drain on the power system.

Yes just look at the seafood vendors who keep all their fish on ice.

Or the trucks they use to transport it, they are just open and nothing insulated at all. Water dripping out while they drive around.

But also all the locals who don't have an icemaker at home, they keep their freezers open many times a day to make/get icecubes.

Freezers with icedispensers save a lot of energy i would think, they should be promoted by the government. They are perfect machines for Thai climate.

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