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Daily Mail UK

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Only good thing the junta has done!

funny how all those who claim to hate it ,seem to read it , and know whats in it ,strange that.biggrin.png


Its unblocked on our TOT ADSL since last weekend when they blocked all kinds of sites like Twitter then unblocked them. Perhaps they forgot to re block DM?

It's garbage but nice to know its there. Its blocked on our True and available in print form in Bangkok shopping centers - go figure?


Great news .. the Daily Mail has been released from the chains of ITC

UK expats can view now online in Thailand yipee

Never stopped viewing it. wink.png

The mobile version has never been blocked....;)


3BB Chiang Mai - home workstation, blocked. Android mobile phone, not blocked. They both use the same WiFi router so same routing outside the house, same DNS.


3BB Chiang Mai - home workstation, blocked. Android mobile phone, not blocked. They both use the same WiFi router so same routing outside the house, same DNS.

But one suspects the mobile version doesnt take its data from the blocked website hence the reason its never been blocked ;)


Great news. Ive missed reading about how England is falling apart, how kids have to learn arabic in schools, how easy it is to buy drugs, how kids eat too much sugar, ASBO kids etc etc. all written in a simple condescending language.

Broken Britain Broken Britain.


Absolute rag of a paper, they should leave it banned.

Great newspaper,hated by the the left wing luvvies , but then they all like the Guardian ,just what you need when the toilet paper runs out

I'm surprised anyone could be so daft to publicly admit to being a DM fan......but I guess if you're daft enough to think it is a good paper, you're daft enough to put it in print.....like paper, like reader?


I much prefer reading the Bible - accompanied by regular prayer sessions.

I guess each to his own.

Bless you, children of the Holy Father.

I much prefer reading porn magazines - accompanied by regular relief sessions.

I guess each to his own. gigglem.gif


Always surprises me how many Americans read The Daily Mail.

Whenever there's a High School massacre the readers comments are inundated with Americans defending The Second Ammendment.

..i take it that's the constitutional right to shoot up a school?


Great news. Ive missed reading about how England is falling apart, how kids have to learn arabic in schools, how easy it is to buy drugs, how kids eat too much sugar, ASBO kids etc etc. all written in a simple condescending language.

Broken Britain Broken Britain.

yep, but they have a new leftie loony to harass daily- one Mr J Corbyn.


I love the D. M, but then I am to the right of Attila the Hun, who I thought was a bit of a softie, but unlike the Guardian readers I do not believe all I read,and am no way a bleeding heart liberal,like most of them as they sob at the pictures of the "poor"refugees,over their bowl of morning polenta


I'd never even heard of the Daily mail until it got blocked and overstimulated the Brits amygdala's on TVF.

So after a few months of periodically looking at it, courtesy of my VPN, I'm even more intrigued why it seemed to raise such passions. It seemed like reading a cross between the National Enquirer and episode of Jerry Springer with a sprinkle of Donald Trump

Out of all the news and information sources that get periodically blocked here, for this particular one to create such hyperventilation seems hard to fathom....at least for me (all usual disclaimers, old age, mental agility, pervious performance does not reflect future results etc apply)

It considers itself a national 'quality' tabloid. It is unashamedly a supporter of the Conservative Party. Youe will also see many references to the Guardian, which see's itself as the centre left liberal voice of the UK.

I remember years ago I came across a prominent member of the Militant tendancy reading a copy. I suggested this was strange and he replied "I know what I think, but I need to know what the other side are saying!".

I sometimes read the DM but take its political reporting with a huge pinch of salt. On the other hand, the Daily Mirror is quite the opposite politically, but again, a pinch of salt is required.

I don't know how the newspapers work in the USA, with so many regional ones.

In the end, one of the most common statements in the UK is 'You don't believe what you read in the newspapers do you?'. Maybe that's the same the world over. Better still 'It must be true, it's in the Sun!'


Absolute rag of a paper, they should leave it banned.

As far as I know the reading of this popular paper isn't mandatory as yet. The fact it is also the largest online news paper means that an awful lot of people disagree with you thumbsup.gif

No doubt you prefer something along the lines of the Guardian rolleyes.gif

Isn't it funny that the Left always wants to ban things they disagree with or do not fit in with their political agenda when the right just simply doesn't read or watch what they don't like blink.png

Isn't it strange how people pigeonhole others. I too think the mail is a rag of a paper, but I am certainly not a left wing hippy, I could probably be described as slightly to the right of Ghengis Khan. I prefer to have my news reported, then make my own mind up as opposed to being spoon fed the thoughts of a knuckle dragging beer soaked hack.

I much prefer reading the Bible - accompanied by regular prayer sessions.

I guess each to his own.

Bless you, children of the Holy Father.

Grimms fairytales might be more useful to you


Great news .. the Daily Mail has been released from the chains of ITC

UK expats can view now online in Thailand yipee

Great so now expats can read a websites moaning about Immigration


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


dailymail still blocked, ToT fibre, Khon Kaen.

Pure chaos.

Another argument for the "single internet gateway" whistling.gif

Today stumbled upon a news link pointing to dailymail.

Could open without a problem.

Also homepage link accessible.

Lets wait for tomorrow tongue.png


Great news .. the Daily Mail has been released from the chains of ITC

UK expats can view now online in Thailand yipee

Great so now expats can read a websites moaning about Immigration


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

I agree we are all immegrants here , but with a slight difference ,we bring our cash , claim nothing ,do not get free housing ,free health care , and all the other benifits Britain gives away ,while freezing our pensiones and charging us for healthcare when we are back , even though we paid in for over 40 years in most cases .

just thought i would mention it .


Great news .. the Daily Mail has been released from the chains of ITC

UK expats can view now online in Thailand yipee

Great so now expats can read a websites moaning about Immigration


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

I agree we are all immegrants here , but with a slight difference ,we bring our cash , claim nothing ,do not get free housing ,free health care , and all the other benifits Britain gives away ,while freezing our pensiones and charging us for healthcare when we are back , even though we paid in for over 40 years in most cases .

just thought i would mention it .

Why some of that might be true to some degree. Why is it that the daily mail like to paint a picture that immigration is to blame for every problem in the UK. What about all the money lost in unpaid tax by massive corporations. Which is more than the benefits bill. They don't talk about that do they,or if they do not as much. Why some come to milk the uk most come to work. To tell the truth i hate all news papers,how anyone can pay money to read bulshit is beyond me. Especially when they all have there own agendas. but the daily mail actually makes me feel sick. I saw one of there Web pages once it was a page about violent crimes done my immigrants, the whole page was designed to make us think that soon as we walked outside our house we will get stabed my a immigrant lol. What did I read or here once "the daily mail Confirming your prejudice" could not agree more.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


The only thing I can reply to that is that in my old home town ,most of the crime was carried out by immigrants , a friend was in the police force there and a few other friends were lawyers,they could tell you a few stories ,and the local newspaper,was not prejudiced,and that didn't lie,even now when I read it online ,the town has changed beyond recognition


My old town has changed beyond recognition to, Polish shops everwhere but I don't see the difference between a pole selling Polish sausage in the uk and a man from the UK selling ham egg chips and pg tips in Pattaya.

As for most crime done my immigrants in your home town to me that just means 00.1‰ are bad, and that's if i even belive it. The daily mail would have us believe that they are all going to rob and rape us. The same way fox news tries to make out that all Muslims are going to blow us up. It sickens that people believe this bulshit

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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