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Cybersecurity key reason behind single gateway: PM

Lite Beer

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The logical extension is to have one "gateway" for migrant workers, all in the name of "national security".

And one "gateway" for tourists, again, all for national security.

This single gateway project was approved, and was going to be implemented, but only because someone accidentally published the minutes of a meeting was it made public. Now they have to walk it back.

I'm wondering if any vendors, other than Chinese, will bid on this project given the potential for negative blow-back.

The Military Junta will be in place at least until 2020, if not longer. All this talk about a road-map and drafting yet another constitution is merely "Democracy Khon", meant for the international audiences; the domestic masses can be controlled with propaganda, fear and whatever laws they feel like enforcing.

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The single gateway is a very bad idea- not because it is a control issue- but because it is impractical. The internet needs to flow freely so business can be conducted; financial transactions take place without delay and other obvious economical reasons. If there is no back up and the system goes down what happens to the countries economic life. As far as national security- I have heard this argument in the United States for years all of which have been translated into huge military budgets; unfettered power by the CIA and the NSA. You can't even make a phone call without someone listening. Enough is enough. This will never fly and I am confident it won't be implemented due to the uproar recently expressed .

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Group of angry netizens give ultimatum for govt to renounce single gateway policy
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A group of netizens, who reportedly brought down the Information and Communications Ministry's website with DDoS attack, gave an ultimatum for the government to renounce the single Internet gateway policy before the midnight of October 14 or face unprecedented level of cyber attacks.

The group, which calls itself "Citizens against Single Gateway", issued a statement online before midnight Friday, demanding that the Cabinet must issue a resolution or the prime minister must issue an order to formally cancel the single gateway policy by 11:30 pm on October 14.

"If the deadline is passed without the government changing its gesture and the stand, the Citizens against Single Gateway will use severe measures to retaliate against the government without announcing the targets in advance," the statement said.

On Wednesday, the group circulated online calls for angry netizens to simultaneously mount DDoS attack on the ICT website at 10 pm but the website was brought down apparently with overwhelming number of packets of requests by 7 pm before it went back only at 1 am Thursday.

The group said in the statement that it would minimise impact on the public but it sought public understanding that collateral damage would be unavoidable in in the fight against efforts to "establish a dictatorial state in all spaces, including the cyber space".

The group said in the statement that its measures would aim at sending a strong and clear message to the government that the administration would fail to control the people’s communications effectively.

It said the group has already contemplated the consequence of its retaliatory measures the government but "in time of war, losses will be unavoidable".

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Group-of-angry-netizens-give-ultimatum-for-govt-to-30270119.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-03

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According to a recent tweet,Documents have been "leaked" to show that Prayuth already ordered a single gateway as far back as August, and it was to be in place by end of September.

Don't be surprised if it's already been introduced!!!!

Many friends of mine have been complaining about their internet connection over the past 2 months has been dropping in and out with more frequency, when they never had problems for years before.... Coincidence?

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"Maj-General Ritti Indarawud, head of the Army's cybercentre, said there were a number of ways to combat website attacks that used the DDoS method such as by installing computer servers behind the firewall."

yes so the same attack can bring down all of Thailand. Don't forget to change the password on you new router, put in on high ground and make sure the power stays on 24/7. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"or inside the demiltarised zone,"

interesting Freudian slip.

"expanding the bandwidth, boosting the CPU or RAM, and creating standby websites."

"All right men, we are under attack! Activate the standby websites for all of Thailand!"

"Sir! I can't access the internet!

"What? Expand the bandwidth! Now! Boost the CPU! Boost the RAM!

"SIr! Someone named bangbang4u has changed the password for the wirewall and all of Thailand! We are locked out!

"My god! bangbang4u is my daughter!"

You'd make a good Captain Kirk, NCC1701A.

"SIr! Someone named bangbang4u has changed the password for the wirewall and all of Thailand! We are locked out!

"My god! bangbang4u is my daughter!"


Some nefarious young democracy advocate must have nailed bangbang4u with a few photon torpedoes. laugh.png

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He is not fooling anyone. Also if this report is to be believed he is lying as a document has been discovered thats shows he was asking progress on implementation.

Nowadays people use the internet for many things and no Government has the right to limit peoples usage of it. The internet is not owned by the government and the only time I agree with any snooping is when cracking down on illegal activity such as child pornography.

It doesn't matter what BS he comes up with, people will see a single Gateway as nothing more then a Dictator slowly trying to control the People eroding their rights to information and freedom of speech.

The Daily Mail in the UK is already blocked as they published articles that did not put Thailand in a good light regarding the murders of the British backpackers last year, since when does a government have the right to do this? Since when does a government get to tell you what you should and should not read? When its a non democratically elected leader from the military thats when..

This guy needs to go and soon before he causes serious damage to the country (arguable he already has)

The Daily mail blocked?

As of 2014 an estimated 133.000 sites were blocked in Thailand.


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"The group, which calls itself "Citizens against Single Gateway", issued a statement online before midnight Friday, demanding that the Cabinet must issue a resolution or the prime minister must issue an order to formally cancel the single gateway policy by 11:30 pm on October 14."

Someone please remind me to fire up the VPN at 23:00 on October 14. Kkthxbai.

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According to a recent tweet,Documents have been "leaked" to show that Prayuth already ordered a single gateway as far back as August, and it was to be in place by end of September.

Don't be surprised if it's already been introduced!!!!

Many friends of mine have been complaining about their internet connection over the past 2 months has been dropping in and out with more frequency, when they never had problems for years before.... Coincidence?

Interesting you say that. I caught up with a pal I hadn't seen in a while the other day and one of the first things he said was 'hasn't the Internet been funny lately?' Bear in mind he knew nothing about the single gateway proposal, so he wasn't just imagining it...

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It's clear that this excuse has just been thought of.

Why didn't they say it a couple of weeks ago?

If it is such a fantastic idea, why aren't all the other countries in the world doing it?

Simple explanation, it's a rubbish solution to a very complicated problem.

Why inconvenience the majority of users to supposedly fight cyber crime.

There are more than enough security systems that companies can purchase and install off-the-shelf that will protect their data and networks.

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This should be setting alarm bells for a much bigger picture, the Junta are here to stay, forget elections in 2017, these bozos are going to remain the power holders in this country indefinitely.

Anyone who sees this differently has their head buried in the sand, and will be fluent in Ostrich in no time at all!!

"... these bozos are going to remain the power holders in this country indefinitely"

That's been their intention all along and it's made abundantly clear on a daily basis by all their inane and Orwellian actions. And yet there are still people who can see no wrong with the junta!

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Everyone seems to be so concerned about security including PM Seriously? For me theres no such thing as security or secured! How does one justify security?

Nothing better than a terrorist bombing, or the country being on the verge of civil war (due mostly to corruption at all levels) to "justify security".

As Rahm Emanuel (one of Obama's best buddies) said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

In saying that, he meant a crisis was a great opportunity for those in power to seize more of it by restricting the people's freedom.

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Thailand Army's Cybercentre, 14:00 hours. Defcon 4.

"OK we got the Japanese porn sites blocked."

"OMG! Wow wow wow. look how hot the Japanese women are. I can't believe it!"

"Yes, that is classified information. If this gets out, my Cowboy gogo bar might go out of business!"

"Don't worry sir. I will personally keep checking for new Japanese porn sites. You can count on me."

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Group of angry netizens give ultimatum for govt to renounce single gateway policy

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A group of netizens, who reportedly brought down the Information and Communications Ministry's website with DDoS attack, gave an ultimatum for the government to renounce the single Internet gateway policy before the midnight of October 14 or face unprecedented level of cyber attacks.

Good luck, you brave Generation Y Cyber warriors, don't get caught aka your attitudes adjusted..................

Would this regime go really so far to risk a Generation Y-KIDS-brain-insanity-damage epidemic dilemna Nationwide and the forceful feeding of MASS ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENTS????

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Cybersecurity? Ben Franklin responded to this sort of thinking best about 250 years ago:

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”

All over the world people are willingly giving up their individual freedoms and privacy in exchange for the illusion of safety. ermm.gif

Thailand now needs someone like Barbara Lee, who was the lone voice of reason in Congress in the dark days following 9/11.

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Cybersecurity, does he how to spell it? I think provide efficient basic infrastructure, like trains, garbage collection and promote technology on local production is more urgent and needed. As far as I know, in 20 years this country did not improve a bit on the basic level.

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This should be setting alarm bells for a much bigger picture, the Junta are here to stay, forget elections in 2017, these bozos are going to remain the power holders in this country indefinitely.

Anyone who sees this differently has their head buried in the sand, and will be fluent in Ostrich in no time at all!!

"... these bozos are going to remain the power holders in this country indefinitely"

That's been their intention all along and it's made abundantly clear on a daily basis by all their inane and Orwellian actions. And yet there are still people who can see no wrong with the junta!

............"And yet there are still people who can see no wrong with the junta!"..................

Either you have a vivid imagination or you are a habitual liar. Just exactly who are these people who you claim "can see no wrong with the junta"..................name them or admit you are dreaming or handling the truth carelessly.

(I believe only the Junta themselves see no wrong with themselves, and even some of them would admit to faults and misgivings.)

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the government did not want to create conflict in society

..., but somehow they just can't help it, i's like an involuntary reflex.

Kinda like getting a woody at a nude beach?

The Thai gov't (like most around the world) get wood any and every time they see a chance to seize a bit more power.

For anybody who has not read 1984, I suggest READ IT.

I'll go ahead and spoil the ending for you though.

The reason the gov't in that book oppressed the populace was summed up in 3 words.

Power, Power, Power.

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