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bars closing at 12 am


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"So to me, I do not at all see it as a goal (for Thailand) to keep these jobs around, rather, the goal should be to make these low-wage (or no-wage) jobs a thing of the past."

I hope you are dodging the issue of employment for people without degrees. Are you suggesting the the jobs they currently hold be eliminated?

When I wrote that the goal should be to make these jobs a thing of the past, I of course mean the need for these jobs, i.e. give people education so that they have better options.

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Perhaps their ideal tourist is not going to come in big numbers just because they try and overcharge Chinese tourists and close bars early.

I am sure different people in the government have different ideas about what the ideal tourist is, but if you look at the benefits of the Thailand Elite program, it’s golf, spas, and discounts at upscale shopping malls, not discount coupons for the local bars.

And look at what a failure that was.. Projected to sell a million cards.. sold (and comped) a couple of 1000..

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This segment vastly outspend the bus filled with Chinese tourists or the group of backpackers, and they are rarely a hassle for their surroundings.

So my money would be on this segment being what Thailand would prefer to attract.

I am sure they would prefer to.. But providing true high end services requires end to end 5 star..

I used to have the same debate or discussion on Phuket.. You would have the chedi or other genuine high end resort enclaves, but should their 5 star guests want to go to a 5 star yacht charter.. They get loaded into a camry.. down bumpy <deleted> up rds.. cut off by tuktuks.. past garbage fly tipped on the hillsides.. Until they hit the highway where airport taxis drivers hide emergency responder flashing lights in their car grills, to push everyone off the highway allowing them to high speed chase north to south all day.. Thats if the 5 star hotel has enough clout to hold the tuktuk mafia back and even allow them to use a hotel camry instead of a noddy cart tuktuk.

On arrival at the marina, theres low level scams done for a few 100b (which the 5 star guests really dont care about.. just make it go away) etc etc etc..

In Thailand its very hard to achieve anything truly 5 star.. You can create expensive pockets of it.. And wall them into those pockets.. But to make really 5 star seamless vacation experiences, the kind where people are dropping 10s of 1000s usd on a short break.. you need a kind of integration that Thailands clans and fiefdoms dont allow.

They can 'want' that uber rich 4 seasons vacation segment all they want.. But until Thailand works to integrate, to stop its lawless thugs and mafia gangs demanding their protection slice, to actually provide safe, clean, well managed attractions.. Maybe they should be careful not to lose the more budget segment who will tolerate those flaws.

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And look at what a failure that was.. Projected to sell a million cards.. sold (and comped) a couple of 1000..

That projection further confirms that this is the type of tourist they want. At the time of the projection, Thailand saw 20-25 million tourists/year, so it seems their goal was to have 4-5% of all tourists be “Thai Elite” members.

Yes, completely unrealistic and laughable, especially considering how useless Thai Elite is for the high-end tourist, who probably do not stay here for more than 30-60 days per trip (so no real need for the privileged visa).

Nonetheless, it shows the thinking of those in power.

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The point is not what they want.. I want a week with the SI swimsuit models.. I am about as likely to get it as they are to turn 5% of all tourists into the multi millionaires who charter mega yachts.

The point is realistically achieving it.. Not mere wishes and pipe dreams..

Thailand is what it is, a great fun place on a budget, some amazing locations to visit if you can stand a bit of pressure and hassle.. Its not 5 star but its one hell of a bargain 3 star..

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The point is not what they want.. I want a week with the SI swimsuit models.. I am about as likely to get it as they are to turn 5% of all tourists into the multi millionaires who charter mega yachts.

The point is realistically achieving it.. Not mere wishes and pipe dreams..

Thailand is what it is, a great fun place on a budget, some amazing locations to visit if you can stand a bit of pressure and hassle.. Its not 5 star but its one hell of a bargain 3 star..

True, but Thailand has lost a lot of its appeal--too many new rules or old rules being enforced for the first time, too many protests from people who don't like elected government, too many offensive statements from a PM with foot-in-mouth disease.

Thailand is losing appeal while its neighbors are becoming more attractive--twenty years ago few wanted to visit Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos or Vietnam, now all these countries have a growing tourist industry.

As I posted earlier, I have no problem with Thailand pursuing high-end tourists, just don't run off the budget tourists that first made the industry world famous. The government could make a good start, and give a much needed boost to the Chiang Mai economy, by lightening up on the midnight closing time.

Edit: The government might also consider legalizing bridge clubs. Just a thought. I'm sure there are a number of other things the government could do that would make Thailand a more welcoming place, and the changes would require little effort or money.

Edited by heybruce
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The point is not what they want.. I want a week with the SI swimsuit models.. I am about as likely to get it as they are to turn 5% of all tourists into the multi millionaires who charter mega yachts.

My point in bringing it up was that someone seemed to consider it a paradox that they wanted neither backpackers nor Chinese package tourists. So merely pointing out that there are more than those two types of tourists, and at least based on one signal (the Thai Elite program), it’s obvious which type they are aiming for.

How realistic it is, and how many of these types of tourists even exist, that is another discussion, and I don’t think we are in disagreement there.

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Is there a venue for farangs/barangs to use in getting their ideas across to the Thai authorities?

There are a tremendous amount of creative thinkers in TV with ideas worth considering and for the most part quite altruistic in intent.

I can't imagine that the Thai authorities would not appreciate the dearth of considered opinions, possible solutions to matters and public value of such from the expat community.

Certainly there has to be some means of communicating one's interests and ideas!

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Is there a venue for farangs/barangs to use in getting their ideas across to the Thai authorities?

There are a tremendous amount of creative thinkers in TV with ideas worth considering and for the most part quite altruistic in intent.

I can't imagine that the Thai authorities would not appreciate the dearth of considered opinions, possible solutions to matters and public value of such from the expat community.

Certainly there has to be some means of communicating one's interests and ideas!

A very sensible and good point. I would ask are you relatively new to Thailand as I see you only have 18 posts on here, and whilst I think it's a great point, I would be amazed if such a forum took place. If it did I would be even more amazed if the authorities considered the points. Perhaps the Rotary club or Expats club have some sort of dialogue?

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With the possible exception of Warm-Up, bars on Nimmanhamin stop serving by midnight. Some will allow people to buy up to midnight and stick around a little while after to finish them. I haven't checked out the sois for a while, maybe they're quietly pushing the limits.

Speaking of soi bars, does anyone know the status of the new Blar Blar? According to true blue they were going to re-open somewhere near tawan dang, but I haven't seen anything in the soi 6 area that looks promising.

you tried the bar tong go next door to the Victoria hotel,its a mini version of blar blar bar bit phang but its okay,and t bar in santit ham wow must go just for the ladies amazing
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t bar in santit ham wow must go just for the ladies amazing

hes having you on !

half of the .. waitress ladies .. in t bar were not born as girls :(

go over to oxide which is opposite t bar

much better girls there and the boss welcomes ferangs :)





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t bar in santit ham wow must go just for the ladies amazing

hes having you on !

half of the .. waitress ladies .. in t bar were not born as girls sad.png

go over to oxide which is opposite t bar

much better girls there and the boss welcomes ferangs smile.png


well you certinally went the wrong night to t bar been there 3times now and if you think there bar staff are blokes,in there little white skirts you have the wrong lenses on, Camera as well
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Fancied a beer on Apr 18, traipsed into WarmUp sometime just before near 1AM, maybe 00:40 not sure, asked for passport by guards. Thai driving license accepted.

Found the bar Closed and had to settle for a Cookie from Subway.

Nothing good happens after Midnight anymore anyway.

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so are the bars still closing at midnight

to be honest loi kroh road and its bars are dead at 10 or 11 ish now

( not quite as dead as the bloke they pulled out of the moat outside power bar last night )

so theres probably no point in them staying open like a few years ago when there were customers / tourists here and in them

all these pics were taken in loi kroh and ratwithi road since i came back from manila a week ago !






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Club Cafe is doing 3 large Tigers for 200....nice ambiance, a few pretties, very few customers....maybe they should try serving cold beers. I think the midnight rule is in full force there, and at the Dayli, also. Lights out at 12 (and refrigerators, too), but you could probably at least sit there in the dark and finish your warm one.

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How are these places going to get through the low season.? ANSWER : many will not.

I notice my regular coffee shop DeLish Kafe ,after book browsing, in one picture.The girls were saying last week its gone very quiet.Chinese walk by but not in.

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re: t bar in santit ham wow must go just for the ladies amazing

hes having you on !

half of the .. waitress ladies .. in t bar were not born as girls sad.png

If the other half are, then what actually is the problem?

Also I looked at their Facebook page and they all look perfectly female to me.

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re: t bar in santit ham wow must go just for the ladies amazing

hes having you on !

half of the .. waitress ladies .. in t bar were not born as girls sad.png

If the other half are, then what actually is the problem?

Also I looked at their Facebook page and they all look perfectly female to me.

Maybe Dave2 found out the 'hard way' if you pardon the incredibly clumsy turn of phrase my dear chap.......

It does look pretty desolate mind you from Dave's photos above

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Still can have fun here. It is all in your mindset. Plenty of places to go if you look. I regularly come home at 3am after a night out. My Thai partner comes home around 3.30-4am when she goes out after eating with friends.

Still, met some guy from HK the other night that was super disrespectful about certain issues here (cannot say but against forum rules) and he was asked to leave the bar by the girls. He didn't make it better, offering one the girls 200 baht for a short time and he would not pay bar fine as he was only 24 and handsome.

I love low season here but can do without the problems above.

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re: t bar in santit ham wow must go just for the ladies amazing

hes having you on !

half of the .. waitress ladies .. in t bar were not born as girls sad.png

If the other half are, then what actually is the problem?

Also I looked at their Facebook page and they all look perfectly female to me.

T-Bar is another 'sudden' failure.

It went from 'rocking with pretty girls and beer promotions' to 'let's go to Oxide opposite because the girls are all dressed as French Maids and Nurses' in the last 6 months.

Guessing the Facebook page was from their 'success' period.

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Still can have fun here. It is all in your mindset. Plenty of places to go if you look. I regularly come home at 3am after a night out. My Thai partner comes home around 3.30-4am when she goes out after eating with friends.

Still, met some guy from HK the other night that was super disrespectful about certain issues here (cannot say but against forum rules) and he was asked to leave the bar by the girls. He didn't make it better, offering one the girls 200 baht for a short time and he would not pay bar fine as he was only 24 and handsome.

I love low season here but can do without the problems above.

I think most of us can find lock-ins where they will continue to serve with the lights turned down and the music turned off. However most of us want open, cheerful places with lights, music, food, and pretties.

I'm a little past that age when I got a thrill from sneaking a beer behind the backs of the adults.

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Well after a few years I finally came back to Chiang Mai this past April for 6 days. I was SO excited to show CM to two of my friend who never came here and while it's still a gorgeous city, let me just say that I'm disapointed.

We did all the activities, Pai, Gibbon, River, Canyon, Night Market, Suthep etc etc it was great but one thing was missing: the evening excitement. Everything was dead at 1am. I used to enjoy Warm Up til 4 then move to Spicy if I still wanted more but now..? Nothing.

I'm sure it's no big deal to many, but I'm just sad CM is not the CM I fell in love with. I will come back I'm sure, but for 2 3 days max. It's just missing something now. A sleeping city.A shame in my opinion. It was by far my favorite spot in SE, and now I'm just nostalgic. Guess it's back to BKK for the fun or Cambodia/KL/China.

I'm hopeful the nightlife will come back one day, but I know I'm not the only one CM is loosing.

It's been fun I guess.

I'll go on and see where is my go to place next.

Thanks for all the past reply btw, Thaivisa has been very helpful ! Have a good one.


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re: t bar in santit ham wow must go just for the ladies amazing

hes having you on !

half of the .. waitress ladies .. in t bar were not born as girls sad.png

If the other half are, then what actually is the problem?

Also I looked at their Facebook page and they all look perfectly female to me.

T-Bar is another 'sudden' failure.

It went from 'rocking with pretty girls and beer promotions' to 'let's go to Oxide opposite because the girls are all dressed as French Maids and Nurses' in the last 6 months.

Guessing the Facebook page was from their 'success' period.

was in t bar sunday night and there was 17,ye counted them all young pretties in shortie bridemaids dresses, Very impressed.and beer only 70bht a big one,and 4 big screens showing epl,midnight clear out though.
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