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NSC working on mega database on all Thai citizens

Lite Beer

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Good, go for it. Every citizen of this world should be fingerprinted.

My government has mine, done in Bangkok Embassy twice now for a new passport.

All other information is already available anyway, just as mentioned in the 2nd post above (smedly member).

DNA, I am still at 50-50, has good and bad sides.

Agree. I go for DNA databases too.

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.

Keep in mind, that if implemented, EVERY citizen is on the database...including Koh Tao murderers.

There wouldn't be a rape unsolved.

Well you may beleive that you are entirely owned by the state, but I kind of believe my fingerprints and my dna actually belongs to ME. I will share that information with whoever I choose to.

Edited by Time Traveller
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Like little children, people will be led to their own enslavement.

Just what's needed: a bunch of hyper-corrupt a**holes, with access to everyone's personal info...sure, I trust 'em...

Well ... this happened to you a long time ago !

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Well this is good, just pay off a cop to access the "mega database" and you can find out the following information about anyone you want:

Where they live, how much they earn, any properties they own, any bank accounts or assets they own, what they look like, who their family members are, where they work or go to school, where their family members work or go to school, their contact telephone number, the car they drive, the hospitals they've visited, their email accounts, the Tax ID numbers, ........

It's Christmas time for identity theives and kidnappers and burglars and car thieves and...... Thanks NSC, we've struck gold.

Seriously, any society that has even the smallest bit of institutionalized corruption that implements this mega database of citizens is just a distater waiting to happen.

Innocent people will get hurt. Lots

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"The Great Firewall of Thailand" and now "electronic superhighway network" can see now in what direction this country is heading and I don't like it.

"Thailand land of the Free", sure. More like "land of big brother is watching you" now

Thailand doesn't mean "land of the free". I wish I ha 100 baht for every one that told me that over the past 30 years

​So why don't you contact the Royal Thai embassy in UK ad tell them that they are wrong


Historical Background: There are conflicting opinions as to the origins of the Thais. Three decades ago it could be said with presumed certainty that the Thais originated in Northwestern Szechuan in China about 4,500 years ago and later migrated down to their present homeland. However, this theory has been altered by the discovery of remarkable prehistoric artifacts in the village of Ban Chiang in the Nong Han District of Udon Thani Province in the Northeast. These include evidence of bronze metallurgy going back 3,500 years, as well as other indications of a far more sophisticated culture than any previously suspected by archaeologists. It now appears that the a Thais might have originated here in Thailand and later scattered to various parts of Asia, including some parts of China. Siam is the name by which the country was known to the world until 1939 and again between 1945 and 1949. On May 11, 1949, an official proclamation changed the name of the country to "Prathet Thai", or "Thailand", by which it has since been known. The word "Thai" means "free", and therefore "Thailand" means "Land of the Free."

Because they would refuse to beleive a foreigner knows more about Thai language and history than them. Thai means the "Tai people"

Pibun the Dictator(and longest serving PM of Thailand), back in 1939 changed the name and also invented the Thai dish Pad Thai, meaning "food of the people" not "free food".

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"The Great Firewall of Thailand" and now "electronic superhighway network" can see now in what direction this country is heading and I don't like it.

"Thailand land of the Free", sure. More like "land of big brother is watching you" now

Thailand doesn't mean "land of the free". I wish I ha 100 baht for every one that told me that over the past 30 years
​So why don't you contact the Royal Thai embassy in UK ad tell them that they are wrong


Historical Background: There are conflicting opinions as to the origins of the Thais. Three decades ago it could be said with presumed certainty that the Thais originated in Northwestern Szechuan in China about 4,500 years ago and later migrated down to their present homeland. However, this theory has been altered by the discovery of remarkable prehistoric artifacts in the village of Ban Chiang in the Nong Han District of Udon Thani Province in the Northeast. These include evidence of bronze metallurgy going back 3,500 years, as well as other indications of a far more sophisticated culture than any previously suspected by archaeologists. It now appears that the a Thais might have originated here in Thailand and later scattered to various parts of Asia, including some parts of China. Siam is the name by which the country was known to the world until 1939 and again between 1945 and 1949. On May 11, 1949, an official proclamation changed the name of the country to "Prathet Thai", or "Thailand", by which it has since been known. The word "Thai" means "free", and therefore "Thailand" means "Land of the Free."

Looks like somebody need to hand out a lot of 100 baht notes.

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Good, go for it. Every citizen of this world should be fingerprinted.

My government has mine, done in Bangkok Embassy twice now for a new passport.

All other information is already available anyway, just as mentioned in the 2nd post above (smedly member).

DNA, I am still at 50-50, has good and bad sides.

Agree. I go for DNA databases too.

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.

Keep in mind, that if implemented, EVERY citizen is on the database...including Koh Tao murderers.

There wouldn't be a rape unsolved.

Well you may beleive that you are entirely owned by the state, but I kind of believe my fingerprints and my dna actually belongs to ME. I will share that information with whoever I choose to.

Do you own your passport and the details therein?

Your fingerprints belong to you only as long as you are not arrested then you surrender them.

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A lot of the old folk who use the farmers bank at Noen Mapraung still use a thumb print when they withdraw money. The security guard outside has an ink pad and I have seen him helping the older folk do the thumb print.

On the one hand I think it's good for the government to have an efficient system to deal with citizens needs but on the other hand there can be a dark side too!

Yes, its called Big Brother. Also rattle the cages of the don't know what to do with their lives.

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the scariest for me is,to link also bank accounts and credit cards.

as this is a huge invitation and attracting power for criminals to hack in to get your money

Just remember that nothing on the internet is safe ,nothing is absolutely safe. The larger the database the more interesting for those that should not have access.

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Anyone want the friendly neighbourhood cop and his wife being able to log in and check your financial situation?

Whether you're car is on finance or you paid cash etc

Your medical history

Your assets or properties

Where you work and how much is the salary

Where your kids go to school and how much that costs

I kinda like it that the only thing they can check is your criminal record or not

What if he wants a loan (gift) and you said you can't afford it , but he already knows you can etc etc

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I caution anyone not to cooperate with this underhanded-big-brother attitude that seems to be permeating throughout this military-government. They will whatever excuse they deem fit to bring about another Ameri(k)a. They are exceeding and overstepping their boundaries. WARNING WARNING....

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I caution anyone not to cooperate with this underhanded-big-brother attitude that seems to be permeating throughout this military-government. They will whatever excuse they deem fit to bring about another Ameri(k)a. They are exceeding and overstepping their boundaries. WARNING WARNING....

I dont see anywhere in the article where it applies to foreigners! It clearly states this is intended for "THAI citizens"

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Headline sounds scary..

But reading down.. Just sounds like not collecting 'more information'.. Just linking all existing databases..

Which I think is a good thing... And something most western democracies already do and have done for many years

Western-democracies? That's a first. A good example of an oxymoron. They've done for many years because people like yourself have accepted it without so much as a topic at dinner.

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I caution anyone not to cooperate with this underhanded-big-brother attitude that seems to be permeating throughout this military-government. They will whatever excuse they deem fit to bring about another Ameri(k)a. They are exceeding and overstepping their boundaries. WARNING WARNING....

I dont see anywhere in the article where it applies to foreigners! It clearly states this is intended for "THAI citizens"

Even that being the case. Do you think they will stop there? I guess you miss the other abominations, such as biometrics, SIM registration, full body x-ray machines at airports....etc. You can sit back and just let it come about...no worries, right mate?

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Like little children, people will be led to their own enslavement.

Just what's needed: a bunch of hyper-corrupt a**holes, with access to everyone's personal info...sure, I trust 'em...

Well ... this happened to you a long time ago !

It's time to take it back and make it unhappen(sic) ok? You must realize now that they have ulterior motives for the collection of data...THEY are the ones that should be held accountable or spied upon.

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Our personal information is already stored in databases that can be accessed by governments and businesses. This is why the UK census was scraped because the data is readily available.

As the systems for conducting business and our every day lives become more and more electronic and moves online, so we will become more tagged and eventually everything we do will be recorded and can either be used for or against us.

Welcome to the super information highway, the 21st century big brother. The future is looking bleak for us sheep out there. .

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Good, go for it. Every citizen of this world should be fingerprinted.

My government has mine, done in Bangkok Embassy twice now for a new passport.

All other information is already available anyway, just as mentioned in the 2nd post above (smedly member).

DNA, I am still at 50-50, has good and bad sides.

Agree. I go for DNA databases too.

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.

Keep in mind, that if implemented, EVERY citizen is on the database...including Koh Tao murderers.

There wouldn't be a rape unsolved.

The age old cry of the oppressor. "national security" and " if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" By the way. I have pristine breach front property for sale in Mongolia, only 5000 baht; would you be interested?

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I really have to laugh at all the Big Brother is Watching you paranoids.

Most Western countries had the same fears when CCTV cameras were introduced. Most Western countries DO have a comprehensive database on all citizens.

Financial information? No way. Fingerprint and possibly DNA? Sure, why not. Every baby born should have it's DNA recorded. Criminal record? Of course!

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They make it sound so beneficial and innocent. I am from the USA, the home formally known as the land of the free. I have a question,"Who will watch the watchers"? That is an awful lot of power to hold over your opposition. In America, they have done similar if not far worse, it is called a power grab. It is a slippery road and it does not go up!

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Phi'yai ca'du khun, ie Big Brother is Watching You.

Thailand translates into Thai as "Land of the Free". Not for much longer is Mr. P has anything to do with it. Internet gateways, increased information on ID database, now finger printing, what next. Mr Dang and Mrs Noi, welcome to the surveillance and Nanny State environment. Of course this is all getting ready for something in the not so distant future that will cause grief and havoc right across the country, but I'm not allowed to talk about it.

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This from a report in this news forum. It shows how sadly lacking inter-governmental agency information is.

"BANGKOK: -- POLICE will summon a 'lawyer' affiliated with the Pheu Thai Party to question him about the whereabouts of Aod Payungwong, one of the suspects in the Erawan Shrine bombing, Royal Thai Police spokesman Pol Lt-General Prawut Thawornsiri said yesterday.

There have been reports that Bunchaliew Dussadi, a legal consultant to several Pheu Thai politicians, posted Bt40,000 bail to seek temporary release for Aod, or Yongyuth Pobkaew, for his involvement in a case in 2010.

"We have to ask Bunchaliew if he posted bail for Aod and if he knows the whereabouts of Aod,'' he said.

He said it was not yet known if Aod had fled the country."

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Headline sounds scary..

But reading down.. Just sounds like not collecting 'more information'.. Just linking all existing databases..

Which I think is a good thing... And something most western democracies already do and have done for many years

Isn't this one of the reasons why we left the nanny state for Thailand ?

And if the Thai gov has it , NSA has it.

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Sooner or later you will be on a database. It happens in every country.

They might want to use it to identify UDD terrorists for now, but as time goes on those primitives will eventually disappear. Thailand is slowly changing and it is not in the direction of the communists. And when the bogeyman takes his final trip downstairs to the hot place, nobody will be there to give them a higher level strategy and they will recede to small time corruption amongst themselves.

What they will really use it for is turning you into a cash machine. Computers will check you paid what you are supposed to and start fining you if you don't. They will gradually transfer the workload of checking everyone pays their tax to the citizen and automatic fines will become a large part of the revenue.

It's already happened in the UK - but I think Thailand has quite a few years before they can manage to implement something like that. I doubt many members of this government can even understand facebook.

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It's a great idea, and should be implemented immediately.

Any information that sits with a government agency should be available to other government agencies.

Name, D.O.B, ID card number etc, but also criminal records, outstanding warrants or fines should all be available to the police at the very least.

Schools hiring someone should be able to find out if there is a criminal history. All government departments should be able to vet for honesty.

There may be some privacy issues, but they can be sorted.

"There may be some privacy issues..." Words fail.

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This sounds like an opportunity to transfer billions of baht from the taxpayers to crony inept IT contractors. Obama demonstrated how to do it through Obamacare, spending billions where it could have been done by a competent firm for a fraction of the outlay.

Guess they might have some friends short of work....

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"The Great Firewall of Thailand" and now "electronic superhighway network" can see now in what direction this country is heading and I don't like it.

"Thailand land of the Free", sure. More like "land of big brother is watching you" now

It really never has been the land of the free , you only have to see the hoops and obstacles you need to jump to get anything done coffee1.gif

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