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Merkel makes migrant plea as Germany marks 25 years of reunification

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Merkel makes migrant plea as Germany marks 25 years of reunification


German Chancellor Angela Merkel says her country is facing “big challenges,” as it marks 25 years of reunification.

Speaking on the sidelines of official celebrations in Frankfurt, she renewed here call for European and global unity to deal with the recent influx of migrants.

More than 200-thousand people arrived in Germany last month alone.

“Today, 25 years on, we’re facing big challenges. The refugee issue keeps us particularly busy these days,” said Merkel.

“Germany cannot solve this problem on its own, only together, in Europe, and through a fair distribution of tasks. Also worldwide.”

After an ecumenical church service at Frankfurt cathedral to mark the reunification anniversary, an official ceremonial event took place at the Alte Oper Frankfurt, attended by 1,500 guests.

Merkel, Bundestag President Norbert Lammert and several federal ministers were among them.

Celebrations were also due to take place in front of the parliament building in Berlin.

The German Day of Unity is an annual national holiday.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-04


You've screwed up big time Ankela and hopefully your pleas for help will be ignored, you made your bed so lie in it. It was reported on BBC yesterday that the German public are beginning to show unease at their govt's open door policy and that should come as no surprise.

I see that at the reunification celebrations they trotted out a female migrant who has been settled in the country and she made an appropriately impassioned speech about people being permitted to more or less settle where they want etc.

There's going to be problems with migrants who get angry that they don't get things they want as fast as they want and equally a backlash from the public as their country is overrun by people who won't bother about integration, mosques springing up everywhere and attitudes such as ' German laws are for German people not us ' manifest themselves '.


Merkel made a unilateral declaration that she would welcome the "refugees." Now, she wants everyone else to pay the price for her stupid decision. No, only Germans should pay, because they supported her. They should pay because after she made her statement, Germans were walking around with puffed out chests, telling everybody how morally superior they were. Well, how do you like moral superiority, now?


It is up to the Germans but I believe they may consider drop kicking the bit#h. That woman is a shameless grandstander and IMO does not have the German citizenry at heart in the least, her only focus seems to be to placate the media.


All surrounding countries should close their borders to Germany and not allow any Germans to get out. Force them to publish their plans and programs if they have any, with qualified data and without any ideological stuff around.


You've screwed up big time Ankela and hopefully your pleas for help will be ignored, you made your bed so lie in it. It was reported on BBC yesterday that the German public are beginning to show unease at their govt's open door policy and that should come as no surprise.

I see that at the reunification celebrations they trotted out a female migrant who has been settled in the country and she made an appropriately impassioned speech about people being permitted to more or less settle where they want etc.

There's going to be problems with migrants who get angry that they don't get things they want as fast as they want and equally a backlash from the public as their country is overrun by people who won't bother about integration, mosques springing up everywhere and attitudes such as ' German laws are for German people not us ' manifest themselves '.

And the above is only the tip of the iceberg. Angela you really shot yourself in both feet this time. These people have no interest in integrating they want to take you over from inside with Sharia law. Full bottles of water tossed because they have the "Christian" Red Cross insignia on it. Food thrown away because it is not Halal. Young male immigrants on a railway coach car talking about attacking and robbing a young woman passenger who understood their language. They say she is an infidel so it is not a crime. I watch this flood of well dressed refugees mostly young men pushing down all barriers to get in. The Saudi's are the same religion as these people so how many are they taking in? Nada Zilch Zero. Japan ditto, Russia ditto. The Euro zone was faltering and this is pushing them over a cliff.


Amazing... This slapper and her mates telling the UK we should do more etc and how they will be taking 500,000 a year and then closed the door after being swamped... The real worrying thing is that Germany will give these "refugees" passports which will allow them unhindered travel throughout the EU! She's just changed the face of Europe forever and Germany will soon be feeling those changes. In the meantime, rape increases exponentially in Sweden with the rapes being exclusively Muslims raping Swedish girls. That's how these animals say thank you.


Merkel is a traitor to her country an should be dealt with accordingly. But it isn't only Germany , the bleeding heart western & northern euro's are just the same . What a surprise that the only opposition is from the former eastern bloc.


Merkal, from Soviet ruled Germany has now succeeded in the plot to bring down Democratic Germany. Raz Putin is laughing his head off as he creates more migrants that Germany wants to welcome with wide open arms. What a despotic woman, what a stupid country. You won't have help from the US and Britain to pull you out of the mire this time, this is all brought on by some former communist that you elected. Well done Germany. The new Islamic Sharia State of Bundeslund


Frightening how an elected leader and arguably the most powerful woman on the planet could be so reckless and dare i say stupid for overlooking any possible ramifications.

This monster is getting uglier and more disorderly by the day. I feel for the Germans who have to deal with this mess now


Frightening how an elected leader and arguably the most powerful woman on the planet could be so reckless and dare i say stupid for overlooking any possible ramifications.

This monster is getting uglier and more disorderly by the day. I feel for the Germans who have to deal with this mess now


Merkel made a unilateral declaration that she would welcome the "refugees." Now, she wants everyone else to pay the price for her stupid decision. No, only Germans should pay, because they supported her. They should pay because after she made her statement, Germans were walking around with puffed out chests, telling everybody how morally superior they were. Well, how do you like moral superiority, now?

The problem is Merkel and most Germans actually believe they are in charge of Europe. When she said all would be welcome she fully expected the EU to do as told and accept the quotas Germany would decide for each country along with puppet Juncker.

Notice how intolerant she is of resistance to what Germany says all must do.

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