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Obama Offered Handshake to Prayuth, Govt Says

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'It was Obama who first noticed Prayuth in the room where nation leaders were mingling with each other and approached him to offer personal greetings, Weerachon said.'

So what is all the fuss about then? Why is this proving such a big issue?

I think that the truth is Obama has to be careful and probably does not want formal photographs to appear on the thai Government website (or US site) as it suggests that the US support the Junta and removal of a civilian, elected government, which of course they do not.

The fact that Thailand has not posted the pictures officially on the Government websites may support this theory. I would have thought that considering the craving for credibility the current Government has, it would have been all over the press but strangely not.

This is just my theory and i could be wrong of course but you have to say it does seem vey strange that the PM and government are making such a song and dance over this.

So I will stick with my theory the US agreed to photograph as long as it is not formally published and can only circulate on social media, because they want no misunderstanding that they do not support the military take over and the forced removal of an elected government.

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Doesn't Michael look lovely or is it Michelle? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


There's a meme among Obama haters (who's inordinate amount of hatred really seems to be racist) that Michelle Obama is a, well, ladyboy named Michael.

It's in the same category as Obama being a muslim Manchurian candidate, not being an American citizen, and so on.

Seems in the 21st century there are still a lot of KKK members around, at least in spirit.

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At least the General presents the country in a positive move of trying hard to change the decades of corruption the former PM and her brother did to the country. The Tashkins would of tried to hand the president a brown envelope with baht inside, like every other time they did in the pass with local leaders.

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Believe me I know what support we give Thailand, they would never bemuse a situation with the United States of America and they are smart to do so. Thailand know we like war, they wouldn't have a chance to even get out of their compounds.

I was in three wars as a 2nd lieutenant United States of America Army and believe what I say they only fight for the guy who is next to them

Sincerely hope

Thailand is a smart country

Indeed? Three wars in the relatively short time one spends as a Second Lieutenant! My you must have been a busy chap.

I hope you don't mind me mentioning but your command of English seems rather less than the level required to be commissioned in the US Army.

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So the U.S. President is polite ... Sometimes a hand shake is just a hand shake

I don't think it was meant as an endorsement of all the general has done or will ever do..

Of course it is also a sign that the U.S. Does not completely condemn the general and consider him 'persona non grata' either

Just seems a normal polite greeting between the President / PM... Just what one would expect given the situation

Quite wrong. A handshake in this environment is very significant.

All the fuss is because we have been bombarded by the Thai media with claims that Thailand is an outcast in world politics after the coup.

It has clearly touched a nerve of some people here : another small part of their lies and hypocrisy has been exposed for what it is and they respond like a schoolboy in a tantrum.

To the rest of us, it has been quite clear all along. The USA have done the exact minimum they have to do by law when dealing with a military Junta. They know full well what a bunch of dirty scumbags Thailand had before.

Dream on...


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For Christ's sake...have you guys ever heard of good manners?

AFAIK any such meetings are political statements. I don't think Obama was being polite. The words from the US side sound like he didn't want to completely snub YKW but wasn't going to acknowledge him as equivalent to elected leaders (i.e photo ok but not an official or hi-quality one). Notice Obama's face, no smile, he looks inquisitive (as an alternative) but not friendly so.

The group photo is pure protocol or that would be the one they're trumpeting. So the whole photo-affair sounds like they're trying to spin it as best they can, well of course they are, that's politics.

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Believe me I know what support we give Thailand, they would never bemuse a situation with the United States of America and they are smart to do so. Thailand know we like war, they wouldn't have a chance to even get out of their compounds.

I was in three wars as a 2nd lieutenant United States of America Army and believe what I say they only fight for the guy who is next to them

Sincerely hope

Thailand is a smart country

Whoooaaa! Who is talking about war?

Anyway do you think America has the slightest reason to go to war? America is the leading global economy for now but I dont think China would look at it favourably if the US decided to "police" Thailand.

Have you not seen Team America World Police?

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For Christ's sake...have you guys ever heard of good manners?

AFAIK any such meetings are political statements. I don't think Obama was being polite. The words from the US side sound like he didn't want to completely snub YKW but wasn't going to acknowledge him as equivalent to elected leaders (i.e photo ok but not an official or hi-quality one). Notice Obama's face, no smile, he looks inquisitive (as an alternative) but not friendly so.

The group photo is pure protocol or that would be the one they're trumpeting. So the whole photo-affair sounds like they're trying to spin it as best they can, well of course they are, that's politics.

It would look totally weird to not shake hands with everyone in the room.. Why is this being made a big deal??

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I suppose the US interest in Thailand, and some other SE Asian countries, probably begins and ends with the extent of their usefulness for stagng US military assets to annoy the Chinese. The whole "Democracy" for the Thai people thing sounds better in the media however

So does that mean you are in favor of Chinese expansionism into SE Asia? Hope you aren't that ignorant.

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I suppose Obama posed with most leaders who requested it over the course of the few days. They just change the flag behind the group. Protocol.

The UN is international territory, so that is important in the protocol. Now, a picture of a handshake in the Oval Office would have been gold dust!

Do you notice how the leader is referred too as the junta chairman and not Prime Minister.? That tells us something.

All that way and expense simply for a photo, that is now causing indignant controversy. OMG facepalm.gif

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Obama, is basically saying to him is, I admire the great work you are doing in your country and to your people and I want to copy you, I am so far behind you in what I intend for the American people can you give me some tips? Tyrant to tyrant we got to stick together, it is a small club.

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It is amazing how important this picture is, and that Government leaders are so "star-struck". I wonder how many of them also asked for Obama's autograph in their diary. The only Obama autograph I seek is on his resignation.

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<sarcasm> I have it on good authority, the President's Chief of Staff was momentarily distracted and wasn't there to warn the President who he was about to shake hands with. So the "Pres" just did what all good politicians do; shake hands and kiss babies. It's just raw instinct, like a dog peeing on a water hydrant.</sarcasm>

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So the U.S. President is polite ... Sometimes a hand shake is just a hand shake

I don't think it was meant as an endorsement of all the general has done or will ever do..

Of course it is also a sign that the U.S. Does not completely condemn the general and consider him 'persona non grata' either

Just seems a normal polite greeting between the President / PM... Just what one would expect given the situation

Quite wrong. A handshake in this environment is very significant.

All the fuss is because we have been bombarded by the Thai media with claims that Thailand is an outcast in world politics after the coup.

It has clearly touched a nerve of some people here : another small part of their lies and hypocrisy has been exposed for what it is and they respond like a schoolboy in a tantrum.

To the rest of us, it has been quite clear all along. The USA have done the exact minimum they have to do by law when dealing with a military Junta. They know full well what a bunch of dirty scumbags Thailand had before.

Seriously, you can't be that out of touch.

Thailand is absolutely an outcast right now, there are sanctions already in place and to the Western democracies Prayuth is not seen as an elected leader. Nothing he does will matter except handing the power back to the people so they democratically elect a civilian government. It does not matter what you or I think, that is the way it is.

The US President is not comparing the previous government to this one, all he will likely ask is when are the people going to get an elected government in power.

If you think the US or EU is thinking anything different you are delusional.

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'It was Obama who first noticed Prayuth in the room where nation leaders were mingling with each other and approached him to offer personal greetings, Weerachon said.'

So what is all the fuss about then? Why is this proving such a big issue?

Probably simply because if they didn't play on the political correctness in some manner, there was nothing to make an issue of and would have gone by unnoticed. It's making a mountain out of a molehill in other words. Besides, didn't you make a big deal out of sitting on Santa's lap and getting your picture taken when you were a juvenile. Something missed in this part of the world.

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I recently posted that the Thai PM met with President Obama at the UNGA and some members posting on TV didn't believe me as they are just negative on the government and Thailand.

This government is here to stay so maybe the nayers should start accepting the truth or maybe look elsewhere whistling.gif

I have always maintained that this government is best for Thailand given the opposing fractions who just want to create insecurity.

Thailand is moving forward to build a better and more prosperous nation. Not forgetting that when the General Prayuth took over the country was in a mess due to instability within the predecessor controversial PM's government, the mismanaged rice scheme being just one example that cost the country billions ......

The country and the Thai people were subjected to daily security concerns with shootings and mayhem by opposing fractions, street protests that blocked major intersections which caused loss off revenue for many Thai companies that relied on daily product delivery.

You cannot hide facts ( reference to 81% approval rating by the thai people ) this is substantial evidence that the PM and his hard work to push Thailand ahead, increase stability and increase foreign investment is paying off.

Thailand will continue to become more proficient and developed country with the planned China high speed rail project, energy projects are planned and further rail and BTS extensions.

Following the PM's visit to the US the UNGA and President Obama have seen what Thailand is doing to reinstall trust and confidence in the Thai economy, and further strengthen the Thai-US relationship.


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'It was Obama who first noticed Prayuth in the room where nation leaders were mingling with each other and approached him to offer personal greetings, Weerachon said.'

So what is all the fuss about then? Why is this proving such a big issue?

Further, If the US didn't want the other photo published then why would there be a formal photo of Obama and wife and Prayuth and wife taken and available for publication?

Standing beside people and shaking hands with them are two different things......the latter suggests you are in agreement with their policies.

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'It was Obama who first noticed Prayuth in the room where nation leaders were mingling with each other and approached him to offer personal greetings, Weerachon said.'

So what is all the fuss about then? Why is this proving such a big issue?

Further, If the US didn't want the other photo published then why would there be a formal photo of Obama and wife and Prayuth and wife taken and available for publication?

Standing beside people and shaking hands with them are two different things......the latter suggests you are in agreement with their policies.

He isn't standing beside him at a bus stop by accident , it's clearly a photo opportunity for one or both

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I recently posted that the Thai PM met with President Obama at the UNGA and some members posting on TV didn't believe me as they are just negative on the government and Thailand.

This government is here to stay so maybe the nayers should start accepting the truth or maybe look elsewhere whistling.gif

I have always maintained that this government is best for Thailand given the opposing fractions who just want to create insecurity.

Thailand is moving forward to build a better and more prosperous nation. Not forgetting that when the General Prayuth took over the country was in a mess due to instability within the predecessor controversial PM's government, the mismanaged rice scheme being just one example that cost the country billions ......

The country and the Thai people were subjected to daily security concerns with shootings and mayhem by opposing fractions, street protests that blocked major intersections which caused loss off revenue for many Thai companies that relied on daily product delivery.

You cannot hide facts ( reference to 81% approval rating by the thai people ) this is substantial evidence that the PM and his hard work to push Thailand ahead, increase stability and increase foreign investment is paying off.

Thailand will continue to become more proficient and developed country with the planned China high speed rail project, energy projects are planned and further rail and BTS extensions.

Following the PM's visit to the US the UNGA and President Obama have seen what Thailand is doing to reinstall trust and confidence in the Thai economy, and further strengthen the Thai-US relationship.


And all this goes tits up when and if they ever get around to holding elections and a civilian goverment takes charge... so what happens if those elections bring into power another Shin endorsed/subsidized party, another Junta replacement? A continuation of the past 80 years with 19 coups or attempted coups? No argument the PM has brought a semblance of peace and normalcy to the country but pray tell how is the Junta going to fashion an open election all the while making sure the other guys don't win?

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'You cannot hide facts ( reference to 81% approval rating by the thai people ) this is substantial evidence that the PM and his hard work to push Thailand ahead, increase stability and increase foreign investment is paying off'

Err yes you can hide facts and also very easy to massage the figures in a Right wing in a country ruled by an unellected group who seized power by the barrel of the gun, for one you can ban free speech and the right to assembly, next you can control the internet and force all channels to play your propaganda and next you can call people in for attitude adjustment just to get the atmosphere of fear across better, back to the drawing board with that one I think....

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So the U.S. President is polite ... Sometimes a hand shake is just a hand shake

I don't think it was meant as an endorsement of all the general has done or will ever do..

Of course it is also a sign that the U.S. Does not completely condemn the general and consider him 'persona non grata' either

Just seems a normal polite greeting between the President / PM... Just what one would expect given the situation

Quite wrong. A handshake in this environment is very significant.

All the fuss is because we have been bombarded by the Thai media with claims that Thailand is an outcast in world politics after the coup.

It has clearly touched a nerve of some people here : another small part of their lies and hypocrisy has been exposed for what it is and they respond like a schoolboy in a tantrum.

To the rest of us, it has been quite clear all along. The USA have done the exact minimum they have to do by law when dealing with a military Junta. They know full well what a bunch of dirty scumbags Thailand had before.

Perhaps one day you will attend one of these events. There is not much one can do when one comes across people who are distasteful, except to remain polite and diplomatic. An aide to the genera/pm took a picture of the POTUS standing with 2 Thais. The POTUS regularly has his picture taken with people. It's part of the job. He politely shook hands with Chavez at the UN also.

You should be more concerned that Thailand has been left out of the most important regional trade deal and will see a loss of its most profitable export markets in North America as Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan, Singapore Australia and New Zealand will have priority over Thailand. Thailand may soon be shut out of the largest markets in the region,all this while the great general was out and about in NYC.

Pacific ocean may have something to do with that,even though China wasn't there either.Don't worry,deals are always made by the rich to rip off the rest.The crooked pollies in Australia are about to sign off on a deal that lets Chinese tradesmen in to Aust for 4 years,no trade paper check and for half Ozzy wages.Just in time for one of there biggest doners,Gina Rinehart and her Roy Hill Mine.

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