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Israeli army shoots two Palestinian teenagers dead


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Israeli army shoots two Palestinian teenagers dead


JERUSALEM: -- Tension is mounting in Jerusalem and the West Bank as clashes continue between Palestinians and the Israeli army.

Violence at the weekend cost the lives of four Israelis, and on overnight and on Monday two young teenagers were shot dead by Israeli soldiers for alleged stone-throwing and unrest.

The prime minister has promised the toughest response to the latest outbreak of killing.

“I convened the heads of Israel’s security forces and I have ordered a series of additional steps in order to prevent terror and to deter and punish the perpetrators,” said Benjamin Netanyahu.

The funeral of one of the shot boys took place in Balaa, near Tulkarem, an occasion for the venting of frustration at the over two decades since a peace deal appeared close, only for the vision to disappear.

“Our people and our new generation born after the Oslo accords want to finish this agreement now, through this kind of resistance, their own resistance, because they are suffering daily insults,” said Palestinian MP Hassan Khresha.

“What we need now from all the world, especially from the European union is to tell the truth, and to send international help to protect our Palestinian people,” said Fatah representative Moued Shaaban.

There have been increasing signs the Palestinian leadership shares this frustration, and may be about to return to civil disobedience in order to inject some energy into the moribund peace initiative.

“Mutual anger and escalation between the two sides threatens to worsen the situation which means more bloodshed unless the international community intervenes to achieve a political solution or compromise that can satisfy both parties,” reports euronews’s Mohammed Shaikibrahim.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-06

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The tit for tat continue, with radical Islamic sentiments flaming the fire, it is unacceptable that a minority

will act as an unruly mob for months and years on end, with people calling for 4rd and 4th up rising,

had this have happened in any other neighboring countries, and many other countries around

the world that conceder themselves as a democracy and of law and order, there would be many

dead and wounded laying in the streets, the Israeli government is holding back for now, for how long more?

this is the question,

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The tit for tat continue, with radical Islamic sentiments flaming the fire, it is unacceptable that a minority

will act as an unruly mob for months and years on end, with people calling for 4rd and 4th up rising,

had this have happened in any other neighboring countries, and many other countries around

the world that conceder themselves as a democracy and of law and order, there would be many

dead and wounded laying in the streets, the Israeli government is holding back for now, for how long more?

this is the question,

Democratic countries around the world do not illegally occupy the next door neighbors' land for 48 years and deny the right to self determination of 4.5 million Palestinians.. Democratic countries also believe in [international] law and order that says you cannot transfer your own population into land you occupy during war. Democratic countries allow refugees to return to their homes after fighting ends.
That is the crux of the problem. That is why Palestinians are protesting.
End the occupation, and make a just peace with your neighbors, Israel. The problem not going away. Israel is simply digging a deeper hole for itself.
Edited by dexterm
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The tit for tat continue, with radical Islamic sentiments flaming the fire, it is unacceptable that a minority

will act as an unruly mob for months and years on end, with people calling for 4rd and 4th up rising,

had this have happened in any other neighboring countries, and many other countries around

the world that conceder themselves as a democracy and of law and order, there would be many

dead and wounded laying in the streets, the Israeli government is holding back for now, for how long more?

this is the question,

Democratic countries around the world do not illegally occupy the next door neighbor's land for 48 years. Democratic countries also believe in [international] law and order that says you cannot transfer your own population into land you occupy during war. Democratic countries allow refugees to return to their homes after fighting ends.
That is the crux of the problem. That is why Palestinians are protesting.
End the occupation, and make a just peace with your neighbors, Israel. The problem not going away. Israel is simply digging a deeper hole for itself.

Most democratic countries aren't in the ME and most democratic countries don't border on a non-country.

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The tit for tat continue, with radical Islamic sentiments flaming the fire, it is unacceptable that a minority

will act as an unruly mob for months and years on end, with people calling for 4rd and 4th up rising,

had this have happened in any other neighboring countries, and many other countries around

the world that conceder themselves as a democracy and of law and order, there would be many

dead and wounded laying in the streets, the Israeli government is holding back for now, for how long more?

this is the question,

Democratic countries around the world do not illegally occupy the next door neighbor's land for 48 years. Democratic countries also believe in [international] law and order that says you cannot transfer your own population into land you occupy during war. Democratic countries allow refugees to return to their homes after fighting ends.
That is the crux of the problem. That is why Palestinians are protesting.
End the occupation, and make a just peace with your neighbors, Israel. The problem not going away. Israel is simply digging a deeper hole for itself.

Israel isn't occupying any neighbours lands. Jordan gave up ownership of the land. If the Arabs want peace then let them make peace with Israel. The Arabs are just digging a deeper hole for themselves until they do.

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The tit for tat continue, with radical Islamic sentiments flaming the fire, it is unacceptable that a minority

will act as an unruly mob for months and years on end, with people calling for 4rd and 4th up rising,

had this have happened in any other neighboring countries, and many other countries around

the world that conceder themselves as a democracy and of law and order, there would be many

dead and wounded laying in the streets, the Israeli government is holding back for now, for how long more?

this is the question,

Democratic countries around the world do not illegally occupy the next door neighbor's land for 48 years. Democratic countries also believe in [international] law and order that says you cannot transfer your own population into land you occupy during war. Democratic countries allow refugees to return to their homes after fighting ends.
That is the crux of the problem. That is why Palestinians are protesting.
End the occupation, and make a just peace with your neighbors, Israel. The problem not going away. Israel is simply digging a deeper hole for itself.

Most democratic countries aren't in the ME and most democratic countries don't border on a non-country.

You are quite right. I long for the day that Israel joins the family of civilized democratic countries.

Murdering teenagers with live rounds for throwing stones in protest is not the way civilized democratic countries behave. No doubt the social media will soon be awash again with Israel's latest atrocities...not a very smart way of building a future for Israel, but useful for keeping Metanyahu in office.

Edited by dexterm
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The tit for tat continue, with radical Islamic sentiments flaming the fire, it is unacceptable that a minority

will act as an unruly mob for months and years on end, with people calling for 4rd and 4th up rising,

had this have happened in any other neighboring countries, and many other countries around

the world that conceder themselves as a democracy and of law and order, there would be many

dead and wounded laying in the streets, the Israeli government is holding back for now, for how long more?

this is the question,

Democratic countries around the world do not illegally occupy the next door neighbor's land for 48 years. Democratic countries also believe in [international] law and order that says you cannot transfer your own population into land you occupy during war. Democratic countries allow refugees to return to their homes after fighting ends.
That is the crux of the problem. That is why Palestinians are protesting.
End the occupation, and make a just peace with your neighbors, Israel. The problem not going away. Israel is simply digging a deeper hole for itself.

Israel isn't occupying any neighbours lands. Jordan gave up ownership of the land. If the Arabs want peace then let them make peace with Israel. The Arabs are just digging a deeper hole for themselves until they do.

Take the matter up with the EU, USA, the UN, the ICC, and more than 70% of the world's population. They all appear to disagree with you.

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The Palestinians never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity, on numerous occasion refusing

to accept a very generous offer to end the hostilities by giving back as much as 95% of all land,

Madrid 1991, Oslo 1993, Clinton 2000, road map to peace 2002, 2006=2008 PM Ehud Olmert, all

which refused out of hand,

you can't make peace with people who doesn't care any more, and who live under the corrupt

and bloated regime, people so hopelessly lost they don't care to live or die and wishing for more

dead, chaos and carnage, this is not the kind of mind set to make peace with, even if Israel to

completely withdraw form all territories tomorrow, it will end nothing and bring no peace, the want to see

Israel gone completely form the region and this is not going to happened ever....

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It's all very well cheerleading the murder of teenagers, and Israelis sating their blood lust, but ultimately this will not do Israel any good. It will simply create more bitterness, more martyrs, and more international condemnation of Israel.

I don't like to see tragic deaths on both sides, but I suppose it brings the endgame nearer.

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The Palestinians never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity, on numerous occasion refusing

to accept a very generous offer to end the hostilities by giving back as much as 95% of all land,

Madrid 1991, Oslo 1993, Clinton 2000, road map to peace 2002, 2006=2008 PM Ehud Olmert, all

which refused out of hand,

you can't make peace with people who doesn't care any more, and who live under the corrupt

and bloated regime, people so hopelessly lost they don't care to live or die and wishing for more

dead, chaos and carnage, this is not the kind of mind set to make peace with, even if Israel to

completely withdraw form all territories tomorrow, it will end nothing and bring no peace, the want to see

Israel gone completely form the region and this is not going to happened ever....

I dispute your post but fear we would be drifting off topic.

One contradiction sticks out...."generous offer" and 95% ..do the math.

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The Palestinians never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity, on numerous occasion refusing

to accept a very generous offer to end the hostilities by giving back as much as 95% of all land,

Madrid 1991, Oslo 1993, Clinton 2000, road map to peace 2002, 2006=2008 PM Ehud Olmert, all

which refused out of hand,

you can't make peace with people who doesn't care any more, and who live under the corrupt

and bloated regime, people so hopelessly lost they don't care to live or die and wishing for more

dead, chaos and carnage, this is not the kind of mind set to make peace with, even if Israel to

completely withdraw form all territories tomorrow, it will end nothing and bring no peace, the want to see

Israel gone completely form the region and this is not going to happened ever....

I dispute your post but fear we would be drifting off topic.

One contradiction sticks out...."generous offer" and 95% ..do the math.

Facts speaks for themselves and there is no denying them, and you can disputes facts,

and this is NOT off topic, we deal with the reasons of why that chaos

and mayhem is continuing with no end in sight, it's all about so called 'freedom ' and hatred of

the Jews and Israelis, and yes the end game will not bode well for the Palestinians, simply more

death and destructions of which they willing and stupidly happy to accept....

And as for the 95% I did the math, this is 95% of what they have asked for, better than the

situation they're now in....

Edited by ezzra
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It's all very well cheerleading the murder of teenagers... -snip-

It isn't murder. Many people have been stoned to death and when a group of people are stoning others...

Start throwing stones at me and see how long you last. I live in a place where it's lawful for me to use deadly force to protect myself from "serious bodily injury or death".

I believe that's right and just and so does the law.

If someone doesn't want me to put one right between his eyes he can simply refrain from throwing stones at me.


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It's all very well cheerleading the murder of teenagers... -snip-

What difference does their age make if you need to defend yourself or another person? The one teenager I saw mentioned was 18. It seems the press wants to downplay the danger these kids cause to the public.

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The Palestinians never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity, on numerous occasion refusing

to accept a very generous offer to end the hostilities by giving back as much as 95% of all land,

Madrid 1991, Oslo 1993, Clinton 2000, road map to peace 2002, 2006=2008 PM Ehud Olmert, all

which refused out of hand,

you can't make peace with people who doesn't care any more, and who live under the corrupt

and bloated regime, people so hopelessly lost they don't care to live or die and wishing for more

dead, chaos and carnage, this is not the kind of mind set to make peace with, even if Israel to

completely withdraw form all territories tomorrow, it will end nothing and bring no peace, the want to see

Israel gone completely form the region and this is not going to happened ever....

I dispute your post but fear we would be drifting off topic.

One contradiction sticks out...."generous offer" and 95% ..do the math.

Facts speaks for themselves and there is no denying them, and you can disputes facts,

and this is NOT off topic, we deal with the reasons of why that chaos

and mayhem is continuing with no end in sight, it's all about so called 'freedom ' and hatred of

the Jews and Israelis, and yes the end game will not bode well for the Palestinians, simply more

death and destructions of which they willing and stupidly happy to accept....

And as for the 95% I did the math, this is 95% of what they have asked for, better than the

situation they're now in....

I would love to debate in detail the various peace talk and who was to blame for their breakdowns, but I dont think the mods would approve.
100% return of land occupied in the 1967 war,as the Geneva Convention requires, would have clinched the deal. A very generous compromise since Israel gets to keep all the land it seized previously.
Having been ethnically cleansed twice, the Palestinians are in no mood to be ripped off again just because the bully insists.
Israel too is missing out on a tremendously prosperous and safe future for all its citizens. The problem is not going away. However many Palestinian teenage stone throwers are killed, the Palestinian population under occupation is growing. What is Israel going to do about it, that the whole world will approve of in a permanent peace deal within recognized borders...the only kind worth having if Israel is to have a real future.
We need another far sighted statesman like Yizhak Rabin who could see beyond these OP bloodlust responses. Maybe this is all part of Netanyahu's fanatical cabinet's master plan to do something even more extreme under the pretext of "security measures"..OK for domestic consumption but it wont get Israel the peace its citizens really need...Just more of the same same, managing the conflict, forever looking over their shoulders, while the problem and the Palestinian population grows.
Edited by dexterm
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It's all very well cheerleading the murder of teenagers... -snip-

It isn't murder. Many people have been stoned to death and when a group of people are stoning others...

Start throwing stones at me and see how long you last. I live in a place where it's lawful for me to use deadly force to protect myself from "serious bodily injury or death".

I believe that's right and just and so does the law.

If someone doesn't want me to put one right between his eyes he can simply refrain from throwing stones at me.


Simple. The IDF and Israeli squatters wouldn't get stones thrown at them if they ended their occupation of 4.5 million Palestinians and cleared off back behind the safety of the 1967 borders that the Palestinians are willing to recognize. You sorta feel this is a problem of Israel's own making. They hold all the cards to resolve it....IF they really wanted to.

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The Palestinians never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity, on numerous occasion refusing

to accept a very generous offer to end the hostilities by giving back as much as 95% of all land,

Madrid 1991, Oslo 1993, Clinton 2000, road map to peace 2002, 2006=2008 PM Ehud Olmert, all

which refused out of hand,

you can't make peace with people who doesn't care any more, and who live under the corrupt

and bloated regime, people so hopelessly lost they don't care to live or die and wishing for more

dead, chaos and carnage, this is not the kind of mind set to make peace with, even if Israel to

completely withdraw form all territories tomorrow, it will end nothing and bring no peace, the want to see

Israel gone completely form the region and this is not going to happened ever....

I dispute your post but fear we would be drifting off topic.

One contradiction sticks out...."generous offer" and 95% ..do the math.

Facts speaks for themselves and there is no denying them, and you can disputes facts,

and this is NOT off topic, we deal with the reasons of why that chaos

and mayhem is continuing with no end in sight, it's all about so called 'freedom ' and hatred of

the Jews and Israelis, and yes the end game will not bode well for the Palestinians, simply more

death and destructions of which they willing and stupidly happy to accept....

And as for the 95% I did the math, this is 95% of what they have asked for, better than the

situation they're now in....

I would love to debate in detail the various peace talk and who was to blame for their breakdowns, but I dont think the mods would approve.
100% return of land occupied in the 1967 war,as the Geneva Convention requires, would have clinched the deal. A very generous compromise since Israel gets to keep all the land it seized previously.
Having been ethnically cleansed twice, the Palestinians are in no mood to be ripped off again just because the bully insists.
Israel too is missing out on a tremendously prosperous and safe future for all its citizens. The problem is not going away. However many Palestinian teenage stone throwers are killed, the Palestinian population under occupation is growing. What is Israel going to do about it, that the whole world will approve of in a permanent peace deal within recognized borders...the only kind worth having if Israel is to have a real future.
We need another far sighted statesman like Yizhak Rabin who could see beyond these OP bloodlust responses. Maybe this is all part of Netanyahu's fanatical cabinet's master plan to do something even more extreme under the pretext of "security measures"..OK for domestic consumption but it wont get Israel the peace its citizens really need.Just more of the same same, managing the conflict, while the problem and the Palestinian population grows.

For once and very rarely I hear the voice of reasoning and clarity coming out of your post, however

what should be done for the benefits of both people is not what everybody agrees on, as there are

so many interested parties to this conflict, even in Israel will decide to unilaterally to give back

a 100% like you say, there still be other vested groups and parties not happy and as such will not

be a part of the peace agreement, so you see, not so easy to do as one would like to dream of,

Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas will never agree to such plan, as their agenda and existence thrives

on the fact that they're the Muslim world saviors by fighting Israel and with a peace in place they will

lose all reasons to war monger the way they do now....

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Sorry thread full.

ezzra wrote..

For once and very rarely I hear the voice of reasoning and clarity coming out of your post, however

what should be done for the benefits of both people is not what everybody agrees on, as there are

so many interested parties to this conflict, even in Israel will decide to unilaterally to give back

a 100% like you say, there still be other vested groups and parties not happy and as such will not

be a part of the peace agreement, so you see, not so easy to do as one would like to dream of,

Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas will never agree to such plan, as their agenda and existence thrives

on the fact that they're the Muslim world saviors by fighting Israel and with a peace in place they will

lose all reasons to war monger the way they do now....

I would seriously be one of the first to leap to Israel's defense if the majority of Palestinians, neighboring Arab countries and the global world community signed up for a just peace deal, with borders internationally recognized, trade, tourism, ambassadors exchanged the works.
If the whole world approved, like Yossarian said in Catch 22: "I'd certainly be a damned fool to feel any other way"
Israel would have then joined the family of civilized democracies and I would very much like and applaud that.
Hamas have frequently offered indefinite truces and agreed to accept [not immediately recognize] Israel, and they would rapidly become a minority once Israelis and Palestinians begin to enjoy the benefits of peace and prosperity.
Hezbollah simply want a dispute over the Shebaa Farms area bordering Lebanon resolved.
Iran would not have a leg to stand on in continuing any further hostilities, if all the main parties are satisfied and signed up for the deal. They have already said so anyway.
In every conflict there will always be extremists on both sides who hate compromise because they want it all their own way. Israel and Palestine would simply have to have mechanisms in place to deal with these problems as they arise without flying off the handle as in the OP.
Edited by dexterm
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Sorry thread full.

ezzra wrote..

For once and very rarely I hear the voice of reasoning and clarity coming out of your post, however

what should be done for the benefits of both people is not what everybody agrees on, as there are

so many interested parties to this conflict, even in Israel will decide to unilaterally to give back

a 100% like you say, there still be other vested groups and parties not happy and as such will not

be a part of the peace agreement, so you see, not so easy to do as one would like to dream of,

Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas will never agree to such plan, as their agenda and existence thrives

on the fact that they're the Muslim world saviors by fighting Israel and with a peace in place they will

lose all reasons to war monger the way they do now....

I would seriously be one of the first to leap to Israel's defense if the majority of Palestinians, neighboring Arab countries and the global world community signed up for a just peace deal, with borders internationally recognized, trade, tourism, ambassadors exchanged the works.
If the whole world approved, like Yossarian said in Catch 22: "I'd certainly be a damned fool to feel any other way"
Israel would have then joined the family of civilized democracies and I would very much like and applaud that.
Hamas have frequently offered indefinite truces and agreed to accept [not immediately recognize] Israel, and they would rapidly become a minority once Israelis and Palestinians begin to enjoy the benefits of peace and prosperity.
Hezbollah simply want a dispute over the Shebaa Farms area bordering Lebanon resolved.
Iran would not have a leg to stand on in continuing any further hostilities, if all the main parties are satisfied and signed up for the deal. They have already said so anyway.
In every conflict there will always be extremists on both sides who hate compromise because they want it all their own way. Israel and Palestine would simply have to have mechanisms in place to deal with these problems as they arise without flying off the handle as in the OP.

Oh how I, and many others in Israel would be so simple, but anyone who knows middle east politics

knows very well, there's much more that meet the eye, there will be peace one day, not in our life

time though....

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Sorry thread full.

ezzra wrote..

For once and very rarely I hear the voice of reasoning and clarity coming out of your post, however

what should be done for the benefits of both people is not what everybody agrees on, as there are

so many interested parties to this conflict, even in Israel will decide to unilaterally to give back

a 100% like you say, there still be other vested groups and parties not happy and as such will not

be a part of the peace agreement, so you see, not so easy to do as one would like to dream of,

Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas will never agree to such plan, as their agenda and existence thrives

on the fact that they're the Muslim world saviors by fighting Israel and with a peace in place they will

lose all reasons to war monger the way they do now....

I would seriously be one of the first to leap to Israel's defense if the majority of Palestinians, neighboring Arab countries and the global world community signed up for a just peace deal, with borders internationally recognized, trade, tourism, ambassadors exchanged the works.
If the whole world approved, like Yossarian said in Catch 22: "I'd certainly be a damned fool to feel any other way"
Israel would have then joined the family of civilized democracies and I would very much like and applaud that.
Hamas have frequently offered indefinite truces and agreed to accept [not immediately recognize] Israel, and they would rapidly become a minority once Israelis and Palestinians begin to enjoy the benefits of peace and prosperity.
Hezbollah simply want a dispute over the Shebaa Farms area bordering Lebanon resolved.
Iran would not have a leg to stand on in continuing any further hostilities, if all the main parties are satisfied and signed up for the deal. They have already said so anyway.
In every conflict there will always be extremists on both sides who hate compromise because they want it all their own way. Israel and Palestine would simply have to have mechanisms in place to deal with these problems as they arise without flying off the handle as in the OP.

Oh how I, and many others in Israel would be so simple, but anyone who knows middle east politics

knows very well, there's much more that meet the eye, there will be peace one day, not in our life

time though....

This may be one of those cases where peace is not achievable. The desire for revenge runs much deeper than previously experienced in our world. I have my views regarding who is responsible but it simply is what it is. The first and many follow up steps have to be taken by the side holding all the cards, the other side has nothing left to lose.

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The tit for tat continue, with radical Islamic sentiments flaming the fire, it is unacceptable that a minority

will act as an unruly mob for months and years on end, with people calling for 4rd and 4th up rising,

had this have happened in any other neighboring countries, and many other countries around

the world that conceder themselves as a democracy and of law and order, there would be many

dead and wounded laying in the streets, the Israeli government is holding back for now, for how long more?

this is the question,

Democratic countries around the world do not illegally occupy the next door neighbor's land for 48 years. Democratic countries also believe in [international] law and order that says you cannot transfer your own population into land you occupy during war. Democratic countries allow refugees to return to their homes after fighting ends.
That is the crux of the problem. That is why Palestinians are protesting.
End the occupation, and make a just peace with your neighbors, Israel. The problem not going away. Israel is simply digging a deeper hole for itself.

Most democratic countries aren't in the ME and most democratic countries don't border on a non-country.

Most democratic countries don't border a non-country whose inhabitants launch rocket attacks, send suicide bombers and murder it's citizens.

The Palestinian's can't agree among themselves, so no chance of negotiating with anyone for a "just" peace.

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The Palestinians never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity, on numerous occasion refusing

to accept a very generous offer to end the hostilities by giving back as much as 95% of all land, Madrid 1991, Oslo 1993, Clinton 2000, road map to peace 2002, 2006=2008 PM Ehud Olmert, all

which refused out of hand,

you can't make peace with people who doesn't care any more, and who live under the corrupt

and bloated regime, people so hopelessly lost they don't care to live or die and wishing for more

dead, chaos and carnage, this is not the kind of mind set to make peace with, even if Israel to

completely withdraw form all territories tomorrow, it will end nothing and bring no peace, the want to see

Israel gone completely form the region and this is not going to happened ever....

I dispute your post but fear we would be drifting off topic.

One contradiction sticks out...."generous offer" and 95% ..do the math.

When you say drift off topic would that be because you know you are wrong? Olmert offered them the best deal they could have hoped for. But they decided to stick to terror.

Time and again the Arabs were offered peace. Time and again they have turned their backs on Peace.


Often we transform into nihilists: We damn everything, we reject everything, we doubt everything. No one poses a pragmatic alternative or a comprehensive positive change. We only employ the language of rejection and doubt even in the smaller aspects of our lives. In this respect, we are failing and failing again (we enjoy the pain and injustice), we repeat them in other forms and colors.…We complain and grumble…Then we complain and grumble again…Our failure only increases in size…Then we complain and grumble again!!

Edited by ggold
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It's all very well cheerleading the murder of teenagers... -snip-

It isn't murder. Many people have been stoned to death and when a group of people are stoning others...

Start throwing stones at me and see how long you last. I live in a place where it's lawful for me to use deadly force to protect myself from "serious bodily injury or death".

I believe that's right and just and so does the law.

If someone doesn't want me to put one right between his eyes he can simply refrain from throwing stones at me.


Simple. The IDF and Israeli squatters wouldn't get stones thrown at them if they ended their occupation of 4.5 million Palestinians and cleared off back behind the safety of the 1967 borders that the Palestinians are willing to recognize. You sorta feel this is a problem of Israel's own making. They hold all the cards to resolve it....IF they really wanted to.

The result of Israel unilaterally withdrawing from Gaza demonstrates perfectly the so called 'safety' of any borders. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that If in years to come Israel were to withdraw to the '67 borders, or some close approximation to them it would not be long before more rockets, shootings and stone throwing occurred within said borders. By that time a new generation of esteemed members would be defending Palestinian terror and arguing piously that the state of Israel had no right to exist and the original recognition of Israel by the U.N should be reversed.
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It's all very well cheerleading the murder of teenagers... -snip-

It isn't murder. Many people have been stoned to death and when a group of people are stoning others...

Start throwing stones at me and see how long you last. I live in a place where it's lawful for me to use deadly force to protect myself from "serious bodily injury or death".

I believe that's right and just and so does the law.

If someone doesn't want me to put one right between his eyes he can simply refrain from throwing stones at me.


Simple. The IDF and Israeli squatters wouldn't get stones thrown at them if they ended their occupation of 4.5 million Palestinians and cleared off back behind the safety of the 1967 borders that the Palestinians are willing to recognize. You sorta feel this is a problem of Israel's own making. They hold all the cards to resolve it....IF they really wanted to.

The result of Israel unilaterally withdrawing from Gaza demonstrates perfectly the so called 'safety' of any borders. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that If in years to come Israel were to withdraw to the '67 borders, or some close approximation to them it would not be long before more rockets, shootings and stone throwing occurred within said borders. By that time a new generation of esteemed members would be defending Palestinian terror and arguing piously that the state of Israel had no right to exist and the original recognition of Israel by the U.N should be reversed.
Do you have a garden? It is mine now, and if you complain too much i may leave but will be sure you can t have a proper economy and also i will bully you and your family and then time to time send some molotov because you complain of my behavior.. it is the same on a bigger scale in gaza and cisjordani. More than 200 non contraignant blames vetoed by USA each year at the UN, using the old cars of "anti-Semitism" as soon as someone complain about fae right wing government of Israel, same old same old..

Israel is creating a new generation of terrorists with their actions and settlements

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It isn't murder. Many people have been stoned to death and when a group of people are stoning others...

Start throwing stones at me and see how long you last. I live in a place where it's lawful for me to use deadly force to protect myself from "serious bodily injury or death".

I believe that's right and just and so does the law.

If someone doesn't want me to put one right between his eyes he can simply refrain from throwing stones at me.


Simple. The IDF and Israeli squatters wouldn't get stones thrown at them if they ended their occupation of 4.5 million Palestinians and cleared off back behind the safety of the 1967 borders that the Palestinians are willing to recognize. You sorta feel this is a problem of Israel's own making. They hold all the cards to resolve it....IF they really wanted to.

The result of Israel unilaterally withdrawing from Gaza demonstrates perfectly the so called 'safety' of any borders. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that If in years to come Israel were to withdraw to the '67 borders, or some close approximation to them it would not be long before more rockets, shootings and stone throwing occurred within said borders. By that time a new generation of esteemed members would be defending Palestinian terror and arguing piously that the state of Israel had no right to exist and the original recognition of Israel by the U.N should be reversed.
Do you have a garden? It is mine now, and if you complain too much i may leave but will be sure you can t have a proper economy and also i will bully you and your family and then time to time send some molotov because you complain of my behavior.. it is the same on a bigger scale in gaza and cisjordani. More than 200 non contraignant blames vetoed by USA each year at the UN, using the old cars of "anti-Semitism" as soon as someone complain about fae right wing government of Israel, same old same old..

Israel is creating a new generation of terrorists with their actions and settlements

When Israel pulled out of Gaza, they left behind infrastructure that would have been good for Gaza's economy. The Arabs destroyed it all.

The number of UN resolutions against Israel last year 20, the number of resolutions against Syria last year 1. More people have died in Syria than in all the conflicts between Arabs and Israel. So we know the UN is biased against Israel.

Maybe the Arabs should go back to, as you put it Jordani, where they belong.

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It's all very well cheerleading the murder of teenagers... -snip-

It isn't murder. Many people have been stoned to death and when a group of people are stoning others...

Start throwing stones at me and see how long you last. I live in a place where it's lawful for me to use deadly force to protect myself from "serious bodily injury or death".

I believe that's right and just and so does the law.

If someone doesn't want me to put one right between his eyes he can simply refrain from throwing stones at me.


Simple. The IDF and Israeli squatters wouldn't get stones thrown at them if they ended their occupation of 4.5 million Palestinians and cleared off back behind the safety of the 1967 borders that the Palestinians are willing to recognize. You sorta feel this is a problem of Israel's own making. They hold all the cards to resolve it....IF they really wanted to.

The result of Israel unilaterally withdrawing from Gaza demonstrates perfectly the so called 'safety' of any borders. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that If in years to come Israel were to withdraw to the '67 borders, or some close approximation to them it would not be long before more rockets, shootings and stone throwing occurred within said borders. By that time a new generation of esteemed members would be defending Palestinian terror and arguing piously that the state of Israel had no right to exist and the original recognition of Israel by the U.N should be reversed.
It would not be necessary. In decades to come Israeli Arabs will have outbred Israeli Jews, and will marry Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. It will inevitably be a one state solution....that's how transmigrations naturally happen. There will be no more huge 20th century type influxes of Jews into Palestine into a war zone...well, not many sane ones anyway.
In fact I thought that might be the bombshell news that Abbas threatened to drop last week at the UN. Oslo Peace Accords are dead..no progress on a Palestinian state after 22 years of stalling and expansion by Israel, so we may as well go for a one state solution, and practise civil disobedience until we get equal citizenship rights.
Go ahead, Israel, manage this mess all by yourselves without asking the PA to do your dirty work policing for you. And a fine start they have made in the OP, the IDF wearing body armor and helmets firing live amunition to murder a 13 year old child.
The pressure will come from Europe. They can hardly cope with a few hundred thousand Syrians, so they certainly dont want a further 4.5 million Palestinian refugees if Netanyahu is planning to use his present stunt as a forerunner for another wave of ethnic cleansing.
So I think the Palestinians are there to stay. Question is what is Israel going to do about their growing numbers?
So carry on shooting yourself and your future in the foot Israel. Isn't anyone in Israel far sighted enough to think these things through?
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No point of trying to find "Reasoning" or solace in an unreasonable situation.

Too many with different opinions and unreachable solutions, especially among those not personally involved, fanatical religious zealots, extremists, and uneducated misdirected rebellious youths.

No country in the "Western" world ( right or wrong ) would put up with what Israel has dealt with for so many years...

Any other entity especially or of the Muslim world, would have taken a rake to the area long ago. Not allowing the opportunity for anyone to utter a squeak.

Other middle east Muslim countries would have bombed, poisoned, beheaded their own populace, let alone another from different house (Shiite/Sunni) as evident with what's happened in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Egypt.

It is of "Political" convenience, resentment, fanatical religious intolerance and pure hate against the Jewish populace that continues.

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