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Hillary Clinton promises gun control measures if elected president


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Hillary Clinton promises gun control measures if elected president


The latest mass shooting in the US has had an impact on the 2016 presidential race with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton vowing to tighten gun control.

During a campaign stop in New Hampshire, Clinton said she would expand background checks making it easier to hold negligent manufacturers and dealers accountable.

“This epidemic of gun violence knows no boundaries, knows no limits of any kind. How many people have to die before we actually act, before we come together as a nation?” asked Hillary Clinton.

Last week’s campus shooting in a college in Roseburg Oregon, left nine people dead and another nine wounded.

Despite past efforts by President Barack Obama to get Congress to act on limiting gun ownership, the all powerful National Rifle Association has successfully lobbied against any changes.

Time line of mass shootings in US

Numerous mass shootings from the deaths of 27 people including 20 children at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 to killing of 9 worshipers at a church in Charleston, South Carolina in June have provoked calls for gun control measures.

There have been at least 72 in the last three decades – and most of the killers got their guns legally.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-06

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How does she plan on enacting greater gun control measures than Obama? After all, he has done everything in his power to enact tighter gun control and has failed miserably... This latest shooting in Oregon has sparked another mad rush by US citizens to buy even more guns... Who does Hillary think she's talking to?

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No rant about gun control when four marine s were killed by a Muslim extremist in Chatanooga Tn. Obama and other critics were silent

That's your best argument against gun control!

So, because four marines were killed it's acceptable for guns to be widely available to nutters who shoot up schools!

Some kind of NRA style twisted logic there!

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hallow election's promises, what can she do that Obama, the great don't do nothing, liberal president, wanted to do and didn't, there are some issue that are bigger than the presidency and even the president him/her self can't do anything about and one of them is gun control. America love guns and the gun lobby is a mighty one, so good luck there who ever thinking of going against the gun lobby,

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hallow election's promises, what can she do that Obama, the great don't do nothing, liberal president,

wanted to do and didn't, there are some issue that are bigger than the presidency and even the

president him/her self can't do anything about and one of them is gun control. America

love guns and the gun lobby is a mighty one, so good luck there who ever thinking of going

against the gun lobby,

At least she's favoring RATIONAL things ... not crazy things like building a wall on the Mexican border and making the Mexicans PAY for it ... crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif

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hallow election's promises, what can she do that Obama, the great don't do nothing, liberal president,

wanted to do and didn't, there are some issue that are bigger than the presidency and even the

president him/her self can't do anything about and one of them is gun control. America

love guns and the gun lobby is a mighty one, so good luck there who ever thinking of going

against the gun lobby,

At least she's favoring RATIONAL things ... not crazy things like building a wall on the Mexican border and making the Mexicans PAY for it ... crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif

Absolutely. Even better: They should NOT build a wall on the Mexican border and make the Mexicans PAY for it anyway!

Edited by MaxYakov
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guns and gun laws are actually a state issue which is why the sheriff's in many counties around the country

are saying they would not enforce what Washington wants. The states actually have the final say and it's time

the American people knew that and act upon it. As far as Obama's statement that the vast majority of Americans

want stricter gun control, I don't think that's true and here's the reason. http://www.pollingreport.com/guns.htm

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She's talking to the vast majority of American voters who DO favor stricter gun control. Duh.

What could she do that Obama could not do?

That was the point of my post... If the majority of US citizens supported stricter gun controls, they would be in place today... We know this has been one of Obama's prime objectives for the last 7 years... He tried forcing tighter gun control legislation through Congress and failed...

The majority support more gun control? Not by a wide margin...



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During a campaign stop in New Hampshire, Clinton said she would expand background checks making it easier to hold negligent manufacturers and dealers accountable.

When you hit dealers and manufacturers in the wallet, without affecting law abiding ordinary folks, their hearts and minds will follow. None of them would like to be hit with a large fine and lawsuit. Smart thinking, Hilary.

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Obama never really tried to do much about gun control. Please name a bill he tried to push through. And contrary to the right wing nutters he never was interested in taking our guns. Oh yea in case I haven't mentioned, left wing radical militants have guns also, lots and are damn good with them. Clinton on the other hand is a whole different ball game. Look at the history of the Clinton White House and know Hillary supported all of Bill's gun bans. Don't forget pappa Bush either. All this crap started when that idiot Hinkley shot Reagan, and didn't kill.....no further comment there, him. Gun control is hitting your target. Had not Reagan slashed mental health programs, followed by others maybe some of these idiots would have locked away. America doesn't have a gun problem it has a mental problem.

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How does she plan on enacting greater gun control measures than Obama? After all, he has done everything in his power to enact tighter gun control and has failed miserably... This latest shooting in Oregon has sparked another mad rush by US citizens to buy even more guns... Who does Hillary think she's talking to?

The loony left.

None of her intentions would have prevented the Oregon shootings.

Meanwhile, in Chicago, run by Democrats and with the strictest gun laws in the US, the slaughter of young black men by other young black men continues unabated.

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Obama never really tried to do much about gun control. Please name a bill he tried to push through. And contrary to the right wing nutters he never was interested in taking our guns. Oh yea in case I haven't mentioned, left wing radical militants have guns also, lots and are damn good with them. Clinton on the other hand is a whole different ball game. Look at the history of the Clinton White House and know Hillary supported all of Bill's gun bans. Don't forget pappa Bush either. All this crap started when that idiot Hinkley shot Reagan, and didn't kill.....no further comment there, him. Gun control is hitting your target. Had not Reagan slashed mental health programs, followed by others maybe some of these idiots would have locked away. America doesn't have a gun problem it has a mental problem.


  • Requires background checks for all gun sales and strengthens the background check system. This would include removing barriers under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act so that states may more freely share information about mental health issues involving potential gun purchasers.
  • Provides states with monetary incentives—$20 million in fiscal year FY 2013 and a proposed $50 million in FY 2014—to share information so that records on criminal history and people prohibited from gun ownership due to mental health reasons are more available.
  • Bans military-style assault weapons and limits magazines to a capacity of 10 rounds.
  • Provides additional tools to law enforcement. The plan proposes a crackdown on gun trafficking by asking Congress to pass legislation that closes “loopholes” in gun trafficking laws and establishes strict penalties for “straw purchasers” who pass a background check and then pass guns on to prohibited people.
  • Urges Congress to pass the administration’s $4 billion proposal to keep 15,000 state and local police officers on the street to help deter gun crime.
  • Maximizes efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime. The president calls upon the attorney general to work with U.S. attorneys across the country to determine gaps occurring in this area and where supplemental resources are appropriate.
  • Provides training for “active shooter” situations to 14,000 law enforcement, first responders and school officials.
  • Directs the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to issue a statement to health care providers that they are not prohibited by federal law from reporting threats of violence to the proper authorities.
  • Launches a national gun safety campaign to encourage responsible gun ownership and authorizes the Consumer Product Safety Commission to examine issues relating to gun safety locks.
  • Helps schools invest in safety. The president’s plan calls for more school resource officers and counselors in all schools through the Community Oriented Policing Services hiring program. The plan also calls for the federal government to assist schools in developing emergency management plans.
  • Improves mental health awareness through enhanced teacher training and referrals for treatment. The plan calls for the training of 5,000 additional mental health professionals nationwide. The plan also calls for coverage of mental health treatment under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.
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The whole US presidential election is a colossal exercise in marketing.

Hillary Clinton's views, statements and positions are primarily opportunistic reactions to poll results. She appears to have no genuine convictions other than the fervent belief that she should be president.

If someone handed her poll results that showed 98% of registered voters favored a ban on toasters she'd deliver a passionate speech calling for a toaster ban.

The race may not be crowded with great options, but her product comes across as more dishonest and shamelessly manipulative than the rest of the field.

She 'believes' only what she thinks will sell.

Edited by Hayduke
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Above talking about the perception that Hillary doesn't come off as authentic enough and some other potential candidates come off as more authentic. Such as Trump. He's an authentic pompous billionaire buffoon. The real deal. Biden also comes off as more authentic than Hillary. So if it's true the voters want more authentic this time, it's a case for Biden to run.

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Obama never really tried to do much about gun control. Please name a bill he tried to push through. And contrary to the right wing nutters he never was interested in taking our guns. Oh yea in case I haven't mentioned, left wing radical militants have guns also, lots and are damn good with them. Clinton on the other hand is a whole different ball game. Look at the history of the Clinton White House and know Hillary supported all of Bill's gun bans. Don't forget pappa Bush either. All this crap started when that idiot Hinkley shot Reagan, and didn't kill.....no further comment there, him. Gun control is hitting your target. Had not Reagan slashed mental health programs, followed by others maybe some of these idiots would have locked away. America doesn't have a gun problem it has a mental problem.


  • Requires background checks for all gun sales and strengthens the background check system. This would include removing barriers under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act so that states may more freely share information about mental health issues involving potential gun purchasers.
  • Provides states with monetary incentives—$20 million in fiscal year FY 2013 and a proposed $50 million in FY 2014—to share information so that records on criminal history and people prohibited from gun ownership due to mental health reasons are more available.
  • Bans military-style assault weapons and limits magazines to a capacity of 10 rounds.
  • Provides additional tools to law enforcement. The plan proposes a crackdown on gun trafficking by asking Congress to pass legislation that closes “loopholes” in gun trafficking laws and establishes strict penalties for “straw purchasers” who pass a background check and then pass guns on to prohibited people.
  • Urges Congress to pass the administration’s $4 billion proposal to keep 15,000 state and local police officers on the street to help deter gun crime.
  • Maximizes efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime. The president calls upon the attorney general to work with U.S. attorneys across the country to determine gaps occurring in this area and where supplemental resources are appropriate.
  • Provides training for “active shooter” situations to 14,000 law enforcement, first responders and school officials.
  • Directs the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to issue a statement to health care providers that they are not prohibited by federal law from reporting threats of violence to the proper authorities.
  • Launches a national gun safety campaign to encourage responsible gun ownership and authorizes the Consumer Product Safety Commission to examine issues relating to gun safety locks.
  • Helps schools invest in safety. The president’s plan calls for more school resource officers and counselors in all schools through the Community Oriented Policing Services hiring program. The plan also calls for the federal government to assist schools in developing emergency management plans.
  • Improves mental health awareness through enhanced teacher training and referrals for treatment. The plan calls for the training of 5,000 additional mental health professionals nationwide. The plan also calls for coverage of mental health treatment under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.

None of which would have prevented the Oregon shootings.

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first they come for your religion, then they come for your family values, then weapons....Nazi Germany, Russia, all tyrannical regimes start this way

....pop quiz: why did Homeland Security purchase billions of rounds of ammo a couple of years ago?

when those politicians get rid of their armed personal security agents I may retire my Glock.....maybe not.

This forum is hazardous to your mental health..."my cold, dead fingers, Mofo..."

The prob is mental health and the use of dangerous drugs; among which is the American school system...pass the Ritalin, please

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first they come for your religion, then they come for your family values, then weapons....Nazi Germany, Russia, all tyrannical regimes start this way

....pop quiz: why did Homeland Security purchase billions of rounds of ammo a couple of years ago?

when those politicians get rid of their armed personal security agents I may retire my Glock.....maybe not.

This forum is hazardous to your mental health..."my cold, dead fingers, Mofo..."

The prob is mental health and the use of dangerous drugs; among which is the American school system...pass the Ritalin, please

Don't forget they take your INTERNET if you don't have a gun. Why do you folks think America does not have coups?

Edited by lostoday
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Above talking about the perception that Hillary doesn't come off as authentic enough and some other potential candidates come off as more authentic. Such as Trump. He's an authentic pompous billionaire buffoon. The real deal. Biden also comes off as more authentic than Hillary. So if it's true the voters want more authentic this time, it's a case for Biden to run.

This post is authentic BS.

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Obama never really tried to do much about gun control. Please name a bill he tried to push through. And contrary to the right wing nutters he never was interested in taking our guns. Oh yea in case I haven't mentioned, left wing radical militants have guns also, lots and are damn good with them. Clinton on the other hand is a whole different ball game. Look at the history of the Clinton White House and know Hillary supported all of Bill's gun bans. Don't forget pappa Bush either. All this crap started when that idiot Hinkley shot Reagan, and didn't kill.....no further comment there, him. Gun control is hitting your target. Had not Reagan slashed mental health programs, followed by others maybe some of these idiots would have locked away. America doesn't have a gun problem it has a mental problem.

Here are a few, including executive orders...





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No rant about gun control when four marine s were killed by a Muslim extremist in Chatanooga Tn. Obama and other critics were silent

So its all about Marines and Muslims??? what bout other peoples life??? we are not suppose to raise questions about them? Its time to control these guns. Or else more events may take place in future and for the sake of peoples own good guns must be regulated and a policy must be made accordingly. by the way the following horrible tragic incidents were taken place on civilians and not by Muslims ( just so that you know in future before writing such a reply )

9 dead; 9 injured | Roseburg, Ore.

9 dead: Charleston, S.C.

6 dead, 7 wounded: Isla Vista, Calif.

3 killed; 16 injured: Ft. Hood, Texas

12 killed, 3 injured: Washington, D.C.
5 killed: Santa Monica

27 killed, one injured: Newtown, Conn.

3 dead, 4 injured: Brookfield, Wis.

6 killed, 2 injured: Minneapolis, Minn.

6 killed, 3 injured: Oak Creek, Wis.
12 killed, 58 injured: Aurora, Colo.

7 killed, 3 injured: Oakland

8 killed, 1 injured: Seal Beach, Calif

6 killed, 11 injured: Tucson, Ariz.

13 killed, 4 injured: Binghamton, N.Y.

5 killed, 16 injured: Dekalb, Ill.

32 killed, 17 injured: Blacksburg, Va.

5 killed, 4 injured: Salt Lake City
9 killed, 7 injured: Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minn.
7 killed: Wakefield, Mass.
7 killed: Honolulu
7 killed, 7 injured: Fort Worth
13 killed, 24 injured: Columbine, Colo.

5 killed, 10 injured: Jonesboro, Ark.

6 killed, 19 injured: Garden City, N.Y.

8 killed, 6 injured: San Francisco

4 killed, 10 wounded: Olivehurst, Calif.

22 killed, 20 wounded: Killeen, Texas

10 killed, 4 wounded: Jacksonville, Fla.
21 killed, 19 wounded: San Ysidro, Calif.

I can give you more and more examples...so please refrain from generalizing any particular group or religion in such bloody murder cases. All these murders are barbaric and must be condemned.

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No rant about gun control when four marine s were killed by a Muslim extremist in Chatanooga Tn. Obama and other critics were silent

So its all about Marines and Muslims??? what bout other peoples life??? we are not suppose to raise questions about them? Its time to control these guns. Or else more events may take place in future and for the sake of peoples own good guns must be regulated and a policy must be made accordingly. by the way the following horrible tragic incidents were taken place on civilians and not by Muslims ( just so that you know in future before writing such a reply )

9 dead; 9 injured | Roseburg, Ore.

9 dead: Charleston, S.C.

6 dead, 7 wounded: Isla Vista, Calif.

3 killed; 16 injured: Ft. Hood, Texas

12 killed, 3 injured: Washington, D.C.
5 killed: Santa Monica

27 killed, one injured: Newtown, Conn.

3 dead, 4 injured: Brookfield, Wis.

6 killed, 2 injured: Minneapolis, Minn.

6 killed, 3 injured: Oak Creek, Wis.
12 killed, 58 injured: Aurora, Colo.

7 killed, 3 injured: Oakland

8 killed, 1 injured: Seal Beach, Calif

6 killed, 11 injured: Tucson, Ariz.

13 killed, 4 injured: Binghamton, N.Y.

5 killed, 16 injured: Dekalb, Ill.

32 killed, 17 injured: Blacksburg, Va.

5 killed, 4 injured: Salt Lake City
9 killed, 7 injured: Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minn.
7 killed: Wakefield, Mass.
7 killed: Honolulu
7 killed, 7 injured: Fort Worth
13 killed, 24 injured: Columbine, Colo.

5 killed, 10 injured: Jonesboro, Ark.

6 killed, 19 injured: Garden City, N.Y.

8 killed, 6 injured: San Francisco

4 killed, 10 wounded: Olivehurst, Calif.

22 killed, 20 wounded: Killeen, Texas

10 killed, 4 wounded: Jacksonville, Fla.
21 killed, 19 wounded: San Ysidro, Calif.

I can give you more and more examples...so please refrain from generalizing any particular group or religion in such bloody murder cases. All these murders are barbaric and must be condemned.

32,719 motor vehicle deaths in 2013. Over 2,000,000+ injured.

The horror! The carnage! The barbarism! w00t.gif

We need to outlaw cars!!! ermm.gif Hopefully President Hillery can get on that after she is elected.

Bicycles for the masses; Cars only for the rich!

Knives for the masses; Guns only for the rich!

Gunbeatdeadhorse.gif Control

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The 'right to bear arms' had some relevance when it was necessary to defend oneself in the 'wild west'.

Now that the west isn't so wild, the cowboys have taken to shooting themselves, instead of the native Indians. Take these guns out of peoples' hands and they'll stop shooting each other. Seriously, it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Maybe there's a Dr Von Braun out there to help the US solve this self inflicted disease.

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The 'right to bear arms' had some relevance when it was necessary to defend oneself in the 'wild west'.

Now that the west isn't so wild, the cowboys have taken to shooting themselves, instead of the native Indians. Take these guns out of peoples' hands and they'll stop shooting each other. Seriously, it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Maybe there's a Dr Von Braun out there to help the US solve this self inflicted disease.

You obviously don't understand why the founding fathers put the right to bear arms in the constitution. It wasn't for defence against Indians, it was to ensure the government could never become oppressors to the citizens. Still relevant today.

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She's talking to the vast majority of American voters who DO favor stricter gun control. Duh.

Can you source your statement?

A lot of people disagree with that nonsense including myself. But if it was hypothetically true, what the majority wants and what the US Constitution provides are diametrical opposed.

America was set up as Republic to protect the individual from the tyranny of majority rule.

According to the FBI, there were 1,580,980 background checks in May 2015, which is nearly 100,000 more than the previous record of 1,485,259 in May 2014. Likewise, there were 1,529,057 background checks in June 2015—nearly 150,000 more than the previous record of 1,382,975 in June 2014—and 1,600,832 background checks in July 2015—nearly 200,000 more than the previous record of 1,402,228 in July 2014—and 1,745,410 background checks in August 2015—nearly 200,000 more than the previous record of 1,546,497 in August 2014.

-AWR Hawkins

Breitbart Sep 8, 2015

Now for statistics: Pew Research and Gallup indicate that your assertion that "the vast majority of American voters who DO favor stricter gun control" is false. Nice try. www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/04/17/despite-lower-crime-rates-support-for-gun-rights-increases/

You obviously don't understand the mindset of the America Gun Culture.

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