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UK: Father defends babysitter having sex with his 11-year-old son


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Surprised he lasted 45 seconds. She's a real beauty.cheesy.gif

If not for the emoticon, I might have thought you were serious. Proud that I never had a fat or ugly woman. Of course that means that in my teens I spent a lot of Saturday nights with Mrs Palm and her five daughters.

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I get it 100%.

Being a lot older now can see that but I think back to how I was when I was that age.

Can emphasis from his view point. I just wanted tail, couldn't of cared about the right & wrongs.

But the adult must care ... or time to go to jail.

There are legit questions about age of consent ... is 18 too high, yes probably, but with age 11 there isn't any ambiguity ... definitely a pedo crime.

Next ...

there are many sick countries that except this age as ok, even for marriage

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There was a young babysitter Jill Hatt

Who did her job - an 11-year-old brat.

The sex they did reckon

Lasted all of 45 seconds.

And the brat's dad said it was simply 'tit for tat'.

Edited by MaxYakov
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This has to do with the marriage license too, in that signing the license recognises that the state has the right to establish and enforce laws saying what is right or wrong for your child. (Christian Scientists with their views against medicine bump up against this too.)

I used to wonder in instances such as this one whether the parent, in this case the nectar distributing father, may have communicated some implicit approval to the sitter if she'd wanted to do that while, um, sitting. Sounds likely to me.

The father's approval before or after makes no difference however concerning the sitter, i.e., she is guilty in the law. The judge kissed her off with a light sentence btw.

I'd guess the way the authorities found out to prosecute was word of mouth by each of the three. I'd be sure the kid in time will put his mouth to better use smile.png

Still, I think the law should allow for some leeway in these things. Texas age of consent is 17, however, anyone within three years of a minor younger than 17 is ok. That is, for example, the minor can be 15 and you're ok but only up to age 18. I think that means two 14-year-olds would be ok too unless they wanted more spanking. gigglem.gif

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So you guys would have said no at age 11?
And do you today feel happy and safe that you never had the opportunity to get into that conflict?
<deleted> that... I prefer girls about my age or 3-6 years older (I'm still in my 30's)
But I know very well how I was thinking when I was around 10-13 years old...

This whole equality thing is all fine and necessary, but I am sure there are more men in every ages jerking and thinking of pounding some meat, then there are girls doing the same.
Call me sexist, but I truly believe the feminine/estrogen nerve to search more for respect and confirmation than to just plow some guys...
(Yea, I am not PK.. Thank you God....)

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The problem is that this is RAPE!

Sex between consenting people is never rape. Dumb law only pervert that to a rape charge.

Wrong. Sex between consent ADULTS is never rape. A minor cannot give consent. It is rape.

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The problem is that this is RAPE!

Sex between consenting people is never rape. Dumb law only pervert that to a rape charge.

Wrong. Sex between consent ADULTS is never rape. A minor cannot give consent. It is rape.

The father gave permission on the sons behalf.

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The problem is that this is RAPE!

Sex between consenting people is never rape. Dumb law only pervert that to a rape charge.

Wrong. Sex between consent ADULTS is never rape. A minor cannot give consent. It is rape.

The father gave permission on the sons behalf.

A minor can give consent , just society doesn't like/want that. An 11 year old boy centainly give consent , and he did. Sex is really no big deal. Just too many stuckup people that make it a big deal. Sex is natural from smaller than insects to elephants & whales.

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A minor can give consent , just society doesn't like/want that. An 11 year old boy centainly give consent , and he did. Sex is really no big deal. Just too many stuckup people that make it a big deal. Sex is natural from smaller than insects to elephants & whales.

I see. So you think an 11 year old boy is mature enough to give legal consent for sex with an ADULT. Let's break this down. Wouldn't an 11 year sometimes have sperm? If sperm, then he could really become a BABY DADDY, literally. Isn't that special.bah.gif Then there are STDs, even HIV risk. Do you think he was properly educated on those risks? So for you 11 year old is OK to make this adult decision. What about 8 years old? Presumably no sperm but STD risks. Mature enough for you? Like it or not, it does come down to societies needing to get specific with AGES where people can legally give consent. Many people think age 18 is too conservative a number ... but age 11? Really? Seriously?!?

If I was in charge of consent laws internationally, I think 15 or 16 is more reasonable than 18.

Yes of course, laws should (and usually do) take into account situations when kids have sex with each other which many of course do. For those situations, enlightened societies are doing good sex education so if they're going to be sexually active, they can know enough to be responsible about it.

Edited by Jingthing
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So you guys would have said no at age 11?

And do you today feel happy and safe that you never had the opportunity to get into that conflict?

<deleted> that... I prefer girls about my age or 3-6 years older (I'm still in my 30's)

But I know very well how I was thinking when I was around 10-13 years old...

This whole equality thing is all fine and necessary, but I am sure there are more men in every ages jerking and thinking of pounding some meat, then there are girls doing the same.

Call me sexist, but I truly believe the feminine/estrogen nerve to search more for respect and confirmation than to just plow some guys...

(Yea, I am not PK.. Thank you God....)

I'm sure that most guys with hormones wish they'd had an older woman to have sex with them when they were young. I was certainly having "thoughts" at age 11, though I didn't know that they were sexual as no one ever talked about sex to us back then.

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A minor can give consent , just society doesn't like/want that. An 11 year old boy centainly give consent , and he did. Sex is really no big deal. Just too many stuckup people that make it a big deal. Sex is natural from smaller than insects to elephants & whales.

I see. So you think an 11 year old boy is mature enough to give legal consent for sex with an ADULT. Let's break this down. Wouldn't an 11 year sometimes have sperm? If sperm, then he could really become a BABY DADDY, literally. Isn't that special.bah.gif Then there are STDs, even HIV risk. Do you think he was properly educated on those risks? So for you 11 year old is OK to make this adult decision. What about 8 years old? Presumably no sperm but STD risks. Mature enough for you? Like it or not, it does come down to societies needing to get specific with AGES where people can legally give consent. Many people think age 18 is too conservative a number ... but age 11? Really? Seriously?!?

If I was in charge of consent laws internationally, I think 15 or 16 is more reasonable than 18.

Yes of course, laws should (and usually do) take into account situations when kids have sex with each other which many of course do. For those situations, enlightened societies are doing good sex education so if they're going to be sexually active, they can know enough to be responsible about it.

Most enlightened western countries, unlike screwed up about sex USA, have legal consent by 16. I could probably look it up on google to see what different countries have, but I can't be bothered.

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The problem is that this is RAPE!

Sex between consenting people is never rape. Dumb law only pervert that to a rape charge.

Are you saying a 12 year old girl who fancies her middle aged teacher is ok if the teacher follows though? Or the boy who's football coach he adores should be allowed to follow through?

If so, you do indeed have some rather unlawful beliefs!

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It sounds like maybe Dad set this up and this is exactly why he hired her.

By the way, who filed the complaint?

The 11 year old boy? I doubt it!

The Babysitter? No.

The Father? No again, I think.

Why is this an issue?

Why did it go to court?

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This is becoming more of a problem as time goes by.

It is not 1960 anymore.

Humans are maturing sexually earlier and earlier and they want to have sex earlier.

Girls are starting to menstruate and have breast at 10 years old now, and that is a medical fact.

I believe the "problem" is biological.

Maybe the age of consent needs to be adjusted, maybe better sex education is the key?

I do not know the answer.

But hormones and physical, sexual maturity are developing much faster than mental development and responsibility today than ever before and will probably continue to do so in the future..

Before you start jumping all over me, I must state that I am not the least bit interested in sex with anyone who is young.

I am just stating that maybe science should trump preconceived "morals " in this issue.

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I find it disturbing that so many posters think this was in some way acceptable.

I'm a fairly liberal sort of chap, 15 or 16 depending on the maturity and relative ages of the couple concerned, OK.

I can even see a case for rock stars and 14 year old groupies .......

But a boy of 11 and a woman over 20+ NO WAY.

Not to mention she was left in a position of trust.

She must be mentally disturbed and needs to be locked up and/or treated, then put on a sex offenders register for the next 20 years.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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The problem is that this is RAPE!

Sex between consenting people is never rape. Dumb law only pervert that to a rape charge.

Wrong. Sex between consent ADULTS is never rape. A minor cannot give consent. It is rape.
The father gave permission on the sons behalf.

The father cannot. Its illegal and he too should be jailed and the son taken from him.

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This is becoming more of a problem as time goes by.

It is not 1960 anymore.

Humans are maturing sexually earlier and earlier and they want to have sex earlier.

Girls are starting to menstruate and have breast at 10 years old now, and that is a medical fact.

I believe the "problem" is biological.

Maybe the age of consent needs to be adjusted, maybe better sex education is the key?

I do not know the answer.

But hormones and physical, sexual maturity are developing much faster than mental development and responsibility today than ever before and will probably continue to do so in the future..

Before you start jumping all over me, I must state that I am not the least bit interested in sex with anyone who is young.

I am just stating that maybe science should trump preconceived "morals " in this issue.

You are probably correct, but while physical maturity may occur at a younger age, mental maturity has not kept pace, which is why I say 16 is young enough.

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Sex between consenting people is never rape. Dumb law only pervert that to a rape charge.

Wrong. Sex between consent ADULTS is never rape. A minor cannot give consent. It is rape.
The father gave permission on the sons behalf.

The father cannot. Its illegal and he too should be jailed and the son taken from him.

Why so many want to put everyone in jail? It's a non violent technical crime and should be treated without the taxpayer having to pay thousands of $ for years to punish people for having nookie. After all, nookie is really great and everyone wants to do it, so why get so down in this case? It's not as though anyone was beaten up and forcibly raped against their will.

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Imagine what he would have said if the boy was "fully up for it" and the babysitter had been a bloke. facepalm.gif

A male can't have sex against his will with a woman. But it is not forced sex. Still 11 is too young, I complete agree.

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