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NATO fears Russian incursion into Turkish airspace no accident


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NATO fears Russian incursion into Turkish airspace no accident

ANKARA: -- Russia’s violation of Turkish airspace on two occasions over the weekend has caused consternation in Ankara.

The Turkish foreign ministry said fighter jets had been scrambled following a Russian incursion into its airspace.

In a separate incident Turkish military officials claimed a Russian Mig fighter locked its radar on Turkish F-16s over Turkey’s border with Syria.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg believes the incursions are not without mischief: “For us this doesn’t look as an accident. This is a serious violation of the airspace. And actually there were two violations during the weekend. So that just adds to the fact that this doesn’t look like an accident.”

Ankara summoned the Russian ambassador to Turkey twice on Saturday and again on Monday to explain.

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu chaired a high level security meeting in order to coordinate a response.

The Russian ministry of defence admitted a plane had entered Turkish airspace as result of poor weather and had taken the necessary steps to ensure it would not happen again.

Moscow added that it was not involved in the second incident as Mig fighters are not deployed in Syria.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-07
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NATO is just blowing things out of proportion.

Мuch ado about nothing!

The Russian ministry of defence admitted a plane had entered Turkish airspace as result of poor weather and had taken the necessary steps to ensure it would not happen again.

While Turkey seems to be satisfied with Russia’s explanation of its accidental violation of Turkish airspace on Saturday, the U.S. seems to be unwilling to drop the issue

Edited by Barin
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An accident ... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Get real. Some of the world's most advanced aircraft, in controlled airspace, with elite pilots (AND controllers) who don't spit without written clearance, and somebody seriously thinks anybody's gonna' buy, "it was unintentional"? Twice!?? Even a six-year old with a pocket GPS can tell which side of the line he's on in this day & age.

Turkey scrambled interceptors and the Russian ambassador was summoned in the capital, and Turkey "seems to be satisfied"!!??? Muaaaaahahahahahahahahaha cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

What's the next stage of dementia after "delusional", anyway?

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The Russians are still evaluating the worlds response to their intervention into Syria...flying into Turkish airspace is no accident...it is part of a plan to intimidate potential adversaries...and measure the local and international response...

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"...as result of poor weather..."

OMG give me a break. Weather is nothing to modern radar, satellite and navigation systems. What bald faced liars.

The Russian government is lying through their teeth and they are not even good liars. No one in the world is fooled by their lies.

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"...as result of poor weather..."

OMG give me a break. Weather is nothing to modern radar, satellite and navigation systems. What bald faced liars.

The Russian government is lying through their teeth and they are not even good liars. No one in the world is fooled by their lies.

Exactly. Plain vanilla commercial pilots, and even private pilots, get their licenses suspended for straying off course in IMC. Do it in the states into a TFR and an F-16 will intercept you! (Think I'm exaggerating?) The consequences for military pilots straying across boundaries like this would be career-ending (under Putin, my guess is more like life-ending ...) Please - no more of this "unintentional" BS. It's just pathetic and terminally lame.

Edited by hawker9000
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The Russians are still evaluating the worlds response to their intervention into Syria...flying into Turkish airspace is no accident...it is part of a plan to intimidate potential adversaries...and measure the local and international response...

Well they are there in Syria legally.

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"...as result of poor weather..."

OMG give me a break. Weather is nothing to modern radar, satellite and navigation systems. What bald faced liars.

The Russian government is lying through their teeth and they are not even good liars. No one in the world is fooled by their lies.

Exactly. Plain vanilla commercial pilots, and even private pilots, get their licenses suspended for straying off course in IMC. Do it in the states into a TFR and an F-16 will intercept you! (Think I'm exaggerating?) The consequences for military pilots straying across boundaries like this would be career-ending (under Putin, my guess is more like life-ending ...) Please - no more of this "unintentional" BS. It's just pathetic and terminally lame.

really drinking that anti Putin propaganda eh

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The Russians are still evaluating the worlds response to their intervention into Syria...flying into Turkish airspace is no accident...it is part of a plan to intimidate potential adversaries...and measure the local and international response...

Well they are there in Syria legally.

Yes, absolutely correct.

On the other hand the American and NATO forces have penetrated into Syria illegally in violation of International Law.

Everyone knows that.

There was never an approval from the legitimate Syrian government for the NATO troops to invade into Syria.

Anyway they are reluctant to fight the real enemy, they are just supporting the terrorists in Syria.

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An accident ... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Get real. Some of the world's most advanced aircraft, in controlled airspace, with elite pilots (AND controllers) who don't spit without written clearance, and somebody seriously thinks anybody's gonna' buy, "it was unintentional"? Twice!?? Even a six-year old with a pocket GPS can tell which side of the line he's on in this day & age.

Turkey scrambled interceptors and the Russian ambassador was summoned in the capital, and Turkey "seems to be satisfied"!!??? Muaaaaahahahahahahahahaha cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

What's the next stage of dementia after "delusional", anyway?

Well, I'm not a pilot myself but anyway I understand that the landing approach course depends on the wind direction.

The Russian plane was preparing for landing at the Syrian Military Base close to the Syrian Turkish border when suddenly the wind direction has changed so the pilot was forced to change the course slightly which resulted in the plane penetrating the Turkish air space.

NATO is just blowing things out of proportion.

Мuch ado about nothing!

By the way in that area the Turkish Syrian border was moved 10 kilometers to the South unilaterally by Turkey without properly obtaining an approval from the Syrian Authorities.

So it is not clear where in fact the Turkish airspace is starting.



According to DEBKAfile, “the White House did not rule out a limited Turkish border operation for forcing Syrian troops to go on the run and giving the Syrian rebels greater freedom of movement to cross back and forth for arms supplies and medical treatment.”

By the saturation bombardment of the 10-kilometer strip inside Syria, Turkey plans to drive the Syrian military presence out and enable the two rebel brigades to move in and start establishing a 50-kilometer long protected corridor from Aleppo up to the Killis region of southern Turkey.

If accurate, this would represent a major escalation of the war against Syria and signify the willingness of the United States and its proxies to overtly violate Syrian national sovereignty, something it has until recently been unwilling to do.

On the other hand, the event may be used to argue for the establishment of a no-fly zone in Syria. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan asked the United States to impose an immediate no fly zone over areas of Syria in the aftermath of a mortar attack. In addition, Qatar has called on world powers to prepare a “Plan B” for Syria within weeks and set up a no-fly zone to provide a safe haven inside the country, according to Reuters.

Edited by Barin
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Classic western double standard.
USA flyes illigally over 50+ countries each day. They wage war against 10+ countries including bombing them. US have troops in 50 countries in the world.

And... Somehow they are the "good guys" while the countries that tries to strike back against USA are "terrorists".

Brainwashing in west have gone far + guess people have no self criticism anymore.

Imaging being an American. "We are democratic". Well? Less than 22% of the population voted for the last president. "Democracy"

We stand for freedom! Well? Having troops in 50 countries are not peaceful.

But they are crazy! Well? Wouldn't you be crazy if your country was bombed, economic sanctions from another country? Just because they don't share your values don't make them terrorists.

We need to lower taxes! Well? Do you understand that you spend 50% of your budget waging war against enemies that is no threat to USA? They can never land troops in USA.

But they can kill US citizen! Well? How many US citizen dies each year from terrorist attacks? Its under 50 person and most of them are idiotic journalist or embedded in foreign countries. So 50 person dies and you spend 50% of your budget? More people dies in USA from obesity each hour than terrorists in a year! Its just a money making scheme. You are worked by the media/banks and corporations that make money.

And that is the most funny thing. Why do many US people hate muslims? They get all their information from media. Media that is owned by???? Yes.. Think. They have a reason making you hate them.

As a non US person its pretty funny to see how fast media in USA turned on Putin. Puting dared to say the truth of who was behind the communist revolution and after that the media campaign against him have been insane. In under a year over 50% of Americans where prepared to go to war against him! Most lies like "transsexuals can't get driver license" and such crap that are pure lies. But even if some of the criticism was real: A country have a right to do what they want in their own country. Real racism is the western idea "everyone is the same. We know best and have to learn everyone else to think the same. If they don't think the same = they are terrorists, antisemitic, antigay. Lets bomb them until they think right"

So. Nato should just shut up about flying illegally over some country. Themselves does it every single day. Have som self criticism. Stop bombing. Accept other people = the world will stop fighting back (that you call terrorism).

When I become dictator of Sweden: The first thing I will do is a deal with the immigrants: Move back home and we will supply you with Swedish weapons. (= US is doomed. A couple of SR15 missiles = a couple of carriers at the bottom of the sea. F35? Ha ha ha... We can deal with them with 45 year old Draken planes like we shoot down Stealth with propeller planes. And I love old-time USA. 1960-70 values. Not the new funny values from brainwashing media that values people after brands on their stuff instead of what they do)

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An accident ... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Get real. Some of the world's most advanced aircraft, in controlled airspace, with elite pilots (AND controllers) who don't spit without written clearance, and somebody seriously thinks anybody's gonna' buy, "it was unintentional"? Twice!?? Even a six-year old with a pocket GPS can tell which side of the line he's on in this day & age.

Turkey scrambled interceptors and the Russian ambassador was summoned in the capital, and Turkey "seems to be satisfied"!!??? Muaaaaahahahahahahahahaha cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

What's the next stage of dementia after "delusional", anyway?


Edited by elliss
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A Russian pilot when bombing in Syria

Ventured a bit too far into Turkey's interior.

They said it was just a mistake

And next time more care we will take;

But in Turkey and NATO there was mass hysteria.

Yes they did it twice, a Nation that can launch missiles from 900 miles away yet cannot determine International borders, with sophisticated Aircraft, makes me think just a poke in the eye for America and NATO.

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A Russian pilot when bombing in Syria

Ventured a bit too far into Turkey's interior.

They said it was just a mistake

And next time more care we will take;

But in Turkey and NATO there was mass hysteria.

Yes they did it twice, a Nation that can launch missiles from 900 miles away yet cannot determine International borders, with sophisticated Aircraft, makes me think just a poke in the eye for America and NATO.

To unabashedly steal from the Bard: They doth protest too much, methinks.

Perhaps Turkey would like to have ISIS as refugees rather than casualties? Maybe NATO would like to foo the bill for the entire operation or even a part of it? May next time they will accidentally bomb a Turkish hospital and then they will really have something to complain about. The US military doesn't seem to have much trouble doing that lately.

I believe the Russians said that the second reported incursion was a Mig which they say they don't have in the theatre.

Hey! But who cares anyway?

Edited by MaxYakov
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It was definitely not accidental or unintentional.

Better figure out why did it take place. I'm sure it was ordered.

Now, the reasons for such an action might be of interest.

Check out Turkish response measures?

Check out Turkish response time?

Photograph bases of Turkey supported terrorists (of whatever name and description)?

Warning to Erdogan against supporting ISIS?

Enabling future strikes at terrorists ?

Any of this is at least a possibility. And IMHO it carries more probability than a navigation mistake due to poor weather.

Was it Putin who said: "We will kill terrorists wherever we find them - even in a toilet" (?)

Surely Turkey is a member of NATO. But Mr Erdogan would be wise to keep his pants up and not caught red handed in harboring ISIS.

Edited by ABCer
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An accident ... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Get real. Some of the world's most advanced aircraft, in controlled airspace, with elite pilots (AND controllers) who don't spit without written clearance, and somebody seriously thinks anybody's gonna' buy, "it was unintentional"? Twice!?? Even a six-year old with a pocket GPS can tell which side of the line he's on in this day & age.

Turkey scrambled interceptors and the Russian ambassador was summoned in the capital, and Turkey "seems to be satisfied"!!??? Muaaaaahahahahahahahahaha cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

What's the next stage of dementia after "delusional", anyway?

Well, I'm not a pilot myself but anyway I understand that the landing approach course depends on the wind direction.

The Russian plane was preparing for landing at the Syrian Military Base close to the Syrian Turkish border when suddenly the wind direction has changed so the pilot was forced to change the course slightly which resulted in the plane penetrating the Turkish air space.

NATO is just blowing things out of proportion.

Мuch ado about nothing!

By the way in that area the Turkish Syrian border was moved 10 kilometers to the South unilaterally by Turkey without properly obtaining an approval from the Syrian Authorities.

So it is not clear where in fact the Turkish airspace is starting.



According to DEBKAfile, “the White House did not rule out a limited Turkish border operation for forcing Syrian troops to go on the run and giving the Syrian rebels greater freedom of movement to cross back and forth for arms supplies and medical treatment.”

If accurate, this would represent a major escalation of the war against Syria and signify the willingness of the United States and its proxies to overtly violate Syrian national sovereignty, something it has until recently been unwilling to do.

By the saturation bombardment of the 10-kilometer strip inside Syria, Turkey plans to drive the Syrian military presence out and enable the two rebel brigades to move in and start establishing a 50-kilometer long protected corridor from Aleppo up to the Killis region of southern Turkey.

On the other hand, the event may be used to argue for the establishment of a no-fly zone in Syria. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan asked the United States to impose an immediate no fly zone over areas of Syria in the aftermath of a mortar attack. In addition, Qatar has called on world powers to prepare a “Plan B” for Syria within weeks and set up a no-fly zone to provide a safe haven inside the country, according to Reuters.

The Turks have not established a safe zone in Syria, nor have the Jordanians. The 'plan' you talk too is to eliminate Daesh and other Islamic extremists from the border areas in order that Syrian / Jordanian refugees are not obliged to cross over borders for sanctuary. The territory held by Daesh, is now defined under international law as 'ungoverned', currently it is not defined as Syrian sovereign territory.

The call for no fly zone in parts of Syria has been around for ages, primarily to end the Assad regime's slaughter of the civilian population by air attacks (70+% of civilians deaths are due to the Assad dictatorship activities). Enforcing No Fly Zones to protect civilians in parts of Syria from Assad ain't going to happen due to Russian intervention.

Edited by simple1
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Well, I'm not a pilot myself but anyway I understand that the landing approach course depends on the wind dire

Wind direction , normally comes from the rear end of ?.

IMO, just another case of friendly fire .

Russia just about in front,because they have not bombed a Hospital .

Edited by elliss
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