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Britain's anti-EU leader Farage slams Merkel-Hollande parliament address


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Britain's anti-EU leader Farage slams Merkel-Hollande parliament address


LONDON: -- Britain’s anti-EU leader Nigel Farage has lashed out a joint European Parliament address by the German Chancellor and French President.

Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande asked for more Europe and more co-operation during their speeches in Strasbourg.

But Farage said they did little to reassure voters.

“This isn’t a Europe of peace, it’s a Europe of division, it’s a Europe of disharmony, it’s a Europe that is a recipe for resentment. And yet, when faced with all this failure, both of you said the same thing today, you said: ‘Europe isn’t working – so we must have more Europe,’ More of the same failing!’ he said during the parliament session.

Belgian Liberal member Guy Verhofstadt welcomed the call for a united response to tackling Europe’s migrant crisis.

“The only good reaction to this is not to retreat behind national borders, as the nationalists are saying. But is to overcome this crisis doing a jump forward and leap forward in the integration of the European Union,” he said.

Merkel and Hollande presented a united front to a parliament in which the centre-right and centre-left mainstream blocs are dominant but face vocal, mounting criticism.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-08

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What ? No video of Farage . Those video's are the best ripping the eurocrats another as-h-le. Why the Brits didn't elect this man is a mystery.

Here' s the video. Ms Merkel looks extremely glum as she listens to the translation....I wonder how the translators managed with the word "pip-squeak".... Farage's term for the French!


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What ? No video of Farage . Those video's are the best ripping the eurocrats another as-h-le. Why the Brits didn't elect this man is a mystery.

Here' s the video. Ms Merkel looks extremely glum as she listens to the translation....I wonder how the translators managed with the word "pip-squeak".... Farage's term for the French!


My browser can't see the link on that site , but I found it on YT : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaAmf7Qlijg

Beautiful to watch !!

and on this one , after the Farage clip : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFa-A2SMmtc

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And Angela Merkel sat there looking as though she had eaten a whole bag of lemons.

She opened the box to let them in, so it is her responsibility to clear up the mess.

No - Angela Merkel created the mess, so she could insist the whole EU cleans it up, and in a way Germany approves of. She will use that as the example of why we need much more centralized European control. Of course she will say Germany is best placed to make all the decisions, manage everything and tell everyone else what to do.

The far right in Germany must wonder why she does so much that seemingly helps them. They might want to ask Mr. Putin. He was a KGB Officer in DDR when Merkel was a Stassi spy.

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And Angela Merkel sat there looking as though she had eaten a whole bag of lemons.

She opened the box to let them in, so it is her responsibility to clear up the mess.

No - Angela Merkel created the mess, so she could insist the whole EU cleans it up, and in a way Germany approves of. She will use that as the example of why we need much more centralized European control. Of course she will say Germany is best placed to make all the decisions, manage everything and tell everyone else what to do.

The far right in Germany must wonder why she does so much that seemingly helps them. They might want to ask Mr. Putin. He was a KGB Officer in DDR when Merkel was a Stassi spy.

The cracks are already in the EU and many countries are already ignoring EU directives sent down by Germany. Angela Merkel has put Germany on the spot. If other countries refuse to take more refugees, what will she do? Threaten to cut off the EU funding which will most probably result in those countries giving her the finger and the EU breaking up.

To partly quote Enoch Powell in a speech right back in 1968


Powell recounted a conversation with one of his constituents, a middle-aged working man, a few weeks earlier. Powell said that the man told him: "If I had the money to go, I wouldn't stay in this country… I have three children, all of them been through grammar school and two of them married now, with family. I shan't be satisfied till I have seen them all settled overseas." The man finished by saying to Powell: "In this country in 15 or 20 years' time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man."[4] Powell went on:

“ Here is a decent, ordinary fellow-Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that the country will not be worth living in for his children. I simply do not have the right to shrug my shoulders and think about something else. What he is saying, thousands and hundreds of thousands are saying and thinking – not throughout Great Britain, perhaps, but in the areas that are already undergoing the total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand years of English history.[4]

Powell went on to say:

We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancées whom they have never seen.[5]

Now if you change the "black" man to a Muslim "immigrant" nothing much will have changed in his speech of 47 years ago except the numbers of immigrants and instead of just the UK it will include ALL of the EU.

There is a youtube link which you can find through Google which seems to be blocked for some reason.

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Where Im from (North Manchester UK) I lived all my life, mainly white working class, one hardworking black jamican family and well respected - no we are not racist around here, just working class - or I should say was. Now a lot of the houses have been bought by Buy to let landlords who have never lived in our area, the houses now seem to be half all on benefits (so rent free) one parent families with feral kids, no one works and all smoke weed with the standard type american pitbull/staff cross 'badge of honour' dogs in tow. The other half of the houses are filled with immigrants some seem to have two families in one house? A couple of east european extract moved in four weeks ago facing... A Man, his Mrs, a tot and baby... last week five young Romainian looking lads about 17-20 years old all piled into the same house with no bags or anything, as if they were living there and out for a RECCE (Recon if you from US) appears they are living upstairs in this gaff...? So go figure... That is an observation and just my street, either side of that house is black african people from where I do not know as I can not understand the language they speak, the wheelie bins are now left on pavement outside the front doors, all have blankets up at the windows and satillite dishes the size of Jodrell bloody bank. Anyone who thinks Enoch had it wrong should take a look around working (or non working) class britain, is a joke!

Am I a Racist? - NO

Fed up?? Y E S!!

I can not even get a dental appointment locally as I am now not on the books, they are full with all the immigrants now on benefits and free healthcare (oh I have to pay as I done all my bloody working life) so I pay for them and I can not get detal care in my own country?? <deleted>? but no dentist here for me, my dentist is on Sai Nam Yen rd in Patong Phuket - no $ h it!!

Edited by Lokie
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