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Phuket bouncers filmed beating up foreign tourists

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Why cant Thai guys ever fight one-on-one? - they always need a group of guys to beat up one victim. (and usually use a stick or pole or baseball bat or taser on top of their fists and feet). they always fight so brutal and animalistic without any care of getting caught (and what their punishment would be).

they have the same mentality as the American Police!

bcos there a pack animals


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I was actually there when this happened.while the end result didnt look good,there where abt 7 of these foriegn guys being total <deleted>wits(a few steroided up),what occured prior to this wasnt very nice either

and im not sticking up for the thai guys

While it infuriates me to see many so called 'security' kicking one guy down on the deck, you have to ask what provocation was there?

We are in a foreign country, we should beware always as often they play to different rules.

'Birds of a feather ...' i suppose.


Best to stay away from all this kind of places, either BKK, Pattaya or anywhere else....or have a gun or anything to selfedefence!

Oh, i forgot, most guys come to Thailand just for these places!!!!!!!!!


Whoever shot the video was very lucky that the thugs did turn on him/her. Remember what happened to Captain Mark taking video of a beating outside Thaipan ....

I believe the poster on facebook has already removed the video as she was threatened.

As reported in Bangkok Post.

It's already on YouTube



Two things occurred ..........

the Aussie tourists did either refused to pay for the drinks or wouldn't leave or something fairly substantial.

the Thai bouncers acted with complete disrespect for the tourists, the over reacted in this case and were totally unprofessional.

I would expect the tourists were drunk and abusive when the bill came, possibly swearing at the bouncers ....

tourists must understand that their type of behavior would not be tolerated anywhere in the word and especially Thailand, it is not accepted.

The Thai bouncers need some attitude adjustment training, this is unacceptable behavior and won't be tolerated.

* If found, the drunk Aussies should file assault charges & should be escorted to the airport ... 3 year ban on ever returning.

* The thai bouncers should be charged with assault and receive 4-6 month sentences and a hefty fine around 25,000 baht.

This news is not going to affect Aussie tourist numbers coming to Thailand, so if you think that your dreaming. Folks don't cancel their holidays because they see one fight on media, they are more likely to say .. they probably deserved it unfortunately.


The irony is 4-5 kicking 2 drunks and still can not knock them out.

I can not wait for a day , they pick on pro street fighters

If this ever happens then they'll just get enough men to over power the street fighters. It's called teamwork.


Notice falang tourist police volunteer who watched them all get kicked to hell and does nothing. He looks about 6 foot 6 and walks into the frame right at the end. What are these people volunteering for? They must in some way think that they will get some kind of preferential treatment when in fact they are an object of humour. These people are an embarrassment. This happens in pattaya all the time also. They start a fight and you get every bouncer from every bar joining in. I think the rule is if you see a fight no matter if it;s in your establishment or not, you have a right to blindly join in. I have had the same happen to me, 8 of them for 15 mins and i they still couldn't knock me out. Individually they are the weakest men on the planet.


Visit the jungle, don't be surprised to be surrounded by simpleton savages.


Bouncers dont attack indiscriminately-usually theres a reason. We need to know the whole story.

Ive seen many many hooligans from the eu who deserve a good kick in the butt.


Easy there, that's a bit below the belt!

Why cant Thai guys ever fight one-on-one? - they always need a group of guys to beat up one victim. (and usually use a stick or pole or baseball bat or taser on top of their fists and feet). they always fight so brutal and animalistic without any care of getting caught (and what their punishment would be).

they have the same mentality as the American Police!

This might help answer your question....................


Erect : 3.7 inches.

Helps explain a lot I think. violin.gifviolin.gif


terrible, I wonder what a 1 on 1 situation would of resulted in.? ( Well never going to happen anyway )

same sh1t in every country with bouncers... is not happening only in Thailand...


Years ago I had a friend back home who witnessed a few of these beatings by bouncer thugs. He decided to do something about it. He opened a business that taught bouncers how to handle just about any kind of situation. He taught them to be professional about their job. It went over so well that now about 85% of all the clubs within a 50 mile radius will only hire bouncers who have been trained by him.


Don't be deceived by these slightly built Thais in a one on one situation. Some of them are as hard as nails and move quicker than most farangs. Best not to let the drink take over your brain and walk away from possible confrontation. This advise was given to me by an Aussie boxing promoter.

The problem is we'll never know.


One would expect bouncers employed by an entertainment establishment to act professionally and use minimal force (if any), even when under provocation, to evict any unruly patrons.

That is asking toooooo much mate in a state with so many violent morons who are fed with this shit daily for years on TV.....

Message to the General : Please change your way of keep them happy !! coffee1.gif


I remember quiet a few years ago going into a city night club for a night out , there was about 10 of us , we were out of town boys celebrating , the local bouncer's started to give us big problems this ended up outside the nightclub , we did not want trouble , it kicked off big time , we beat the crap out of them , you could say we had a great night out , the part they did not know that we were all from our local BOXING CLUB . True story .


I can assure you as I am one that no Aussie is going to dodge Thailand because a couple of blokes got toweled up by some bouncers outside a club. Happens the world over mate blokes are punching all over Oz when they are on the turps. In this case I heard (only hearsay) that it was originally 5 on 6 and one of the Aussie lads tried to king hit one of the bouncers which is what kicked it all off. Stop bashing Thailand don't hang around seedy areas with hooker's and drugs and copious amounts of piss anywhere in the world if you find a blue a bit hard to stomach.

seedy areas with hookers and drugs and copious amounts of alcohol ? - isn't that like the entire country of thailand?

No, why don't you visit different places and open your eyes.


terrible, I wonder what a 1 on 1 situation would of resulted in.? ( Well never going to happen anyway )

Thai's dont do 1 on 1 you know that. They are too tough for a 1 on 1


as usual

old drunkard farang men complaining about thais "ganging up" while its the same shit in the west. It's always gang beat downs. 1v1's are as comon in thailand as in the rest of the world.

And as usual, theres is a 90% chance the 2 guys did deserve a beat down, so lets not get on our high horses and complain that it was too violent.

As usual we have yet another ignorant comment made regarding a very dangerous and totally unwarranted attack, no matter what the circumstances are leading up to this video, a "beat down" as you call it is NEVER warranted.

Yes it is the job of the business security to maintain control of the clientele, I for one do not like boisterous, overly loud or inconsiderate people taking over a bar/night club for their own selfish amusement. In Thailand (and yes in every country in this world) it is illegal for a staff to treat customers in this way, bouncers/security do not have special privileges when it comes to their behavior, they are there to protect the normal people who are out for a good time, not assault whoever they feel deserves it.

I am not an "Old drunkard farang man" I believe I am a normal sensible person who appreciates these thugs went way too far and deserve to be prosecuted, yes we all know it won't happen but that doesn't make the staff's behavior, or lack of action by the police any more acceptable.


I can assure you as I am one that no Aussie is going to dodge Thailand because a couple of blokes got toweled up by some bouncers outside a club. Happens the world over mate blokes are punching all over Oz when they are on the turps. In this case I heard (only hearsay) that it was originally 5 on 6 and one of the Aussie lads tried to king hit one of the bouncers which is what kicked it all off. Stop bashing Thailand don't hang around seedy areas with hooker's and drugs and copious amounts of piss anywhere in the world if you find a blue a bit hard to stomach.

seedy areas with hookers and drugs and copious amounts of alcohol ? - isn't that like the entire country of thailand?

No, why don't you visit different places and open your eyes.

Well I've seen cases of monks dealing drugs. "Coyote dancer" shows in temples and street vendors selling alcohol, well, basically everywhere. So notabury why don't you open your eyes.


This news is not going to affect Aussie tourist numbers coming to Thailand, so if you think that your dreaming. Folks don't cancel their holidays because they see one fight on media, they are more likely to say .. they probably deserved it unfortunately.

I think you're the one dreaming. Many people including myself have no desire to visit Bali, and that's simply because of so many drunken aussies and opportunistic thugs. Once Phuket becomes like Bali basically people will avoid that palce as well.


A post containing a derogatory slur toward Thais has been removed:

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.


It's mainstream news here in Australia now. Great tourism promotion.

Do the news reports in Australia mention in detail or mention the fact that the Australians said / did something which sparked the whole thin?

If not mentioned in the news report then it's unbalanced news reporting and I would expect better from the Australian media.

I don't know what happened, most of us don't but I'm tending to think something probably happened to spark such violence.


That sort of behavior by professional security is completely uncalled for under any circumstance. Oh, sorry... Mai Pen Rai. :-(

I'm married to a wonderful Thai lady for 30+ years (living in the US), but I've been loving LoS less and less lately for many reasons, including incidents like this. &lt;deleted&gt; ?!?!

Thailand is simply getting very UGLY very quickly. Do I really want to return to vacation? It's a beautiful country with mostly beautiful people, but the more posts I see here on TV, the less I want to go back.

It makes me very sad that this sort of anger and hostility (to foreigners or otherwise?) exists, and makes me fear even speaking to a Thai on the street for fear I'll say something that pisses them off enough to hurt or kill me. Sad state of affairs.

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