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Phuket bouncers filmed beating up foreign tourists

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Thais will never fight one on one. They have the gang mentality and think they are kung fighters, hense the head kicking. Was on Kosan Road area one evening long time ago. i could see a pretty big farang was walking and a thai on a motorbike hit him going on the road that he wasnt even supposed to be riding on. The farang reached over when he was hit and knocked the thai off the motorbike. The thai guy got up and wanted to fight. the farang just stood there and let him know if he came closer he would be hit. Then another Thai guy starts to come up from behind to hit the guy....me being a newbie back then, I grabed the this guy by his neck and threw him on the ground. I stood over him so he couldnt get up. Then people were saying the police were coming and get out of there, we ran off and went into a crowded bar and had a couple drinks.....that was 13 yrs ago, and we are still good friends to this day. Those days are behind me now.

This may or may not be correct, mass generalizations are just that, generalizations, and there will always be some exceptions to the rule. But, these guys are supposed to be security, they're not supposed to be fighting, their job is to contain violence, not instigate nor join in! We used to have problems like this in the UK with bouncers being over-enthusiastic - plenty of deaths too. In the UK (like most countries I guess) there is now mandatory licensing before anybody can work on security. To get the license (which is now a centralized thing and not local) requires training and testing. This has almost finished (almost) because of this licensing process. The days of employing violent thugs is almost a thing of the past thankfully. Until this happens in Thailand (and granted, it will be harder to police) nothing will change. Halfwits with no penis will get their jollies from attacks like this.

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Bit of Thai bashing going on here. Seems to me that some people forget that the object of a fight is to win, with as little pain to yourself as possible.

So if you got into a fight with me and I shot you that would be fare.

These Guards were supposed to be security but they seem to have started the fight.

Certainly one of my worse posts. When I was working, I always tried to use an appropriate level of force that I could justify in court if necessary. About the video, I would say that the bouncers certainly appear to be in the wrong, but bits can be taken out to suit the views of the person filming.

As for the 5 on one situation, lets take a taxi rank in Leeds city centre. 2.30 am Saturday morning. Twenty people queuing and one gets aggressive. Does the lone police officer nearby a. wade in and try to make an arrest, not knowing how many in the queue are the drunk's buddies, thereby starting a big fight, panicked assistance call and a lot of arrests? Or does he quietly call for the van, have the man whipped quickly into the back, and away to the Bridewell before the rest know what's happening? Mob handed, but no one hurt. (And no one reads this. Don't blame you.)


terrible, I wonder what a 1 on 1 situation would of resulted in.? ( Well never going to happen anyway )

You kidding, like gang bashing dont happen elsewhere


Why cant Thai guys ever fight one-on-one? - they always need a group of guys to beat up one victim. (and usually use a stick or pole or baseball bat or taser on top of their fists and feet). they always fight so brutal and animalistic without any care of getting caught (and what their punishment would be).

they have the same mentality as the American Police!

Really, why cant English do the same, gang bashing daily... Australia, same...


Funny responses again on this, I hate Thai forum...

This shit happens all over the world, England, seen it every weekend, Australia same....


Bit of Thai bashing going on here. Seems to me that some people forget that the object of a fight is to win, with as little pain to yourself as possible.

So if you got into a fight with me and I shot you that would be fare.

These Guards were supposed to be security but they seem to have started the fight.

No I would be stupid getting into a fight with a guy carrying a gun


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Does anyone know the name of the club these dogs work at ?

I are Australian and proud and own a boxing mamagement company

I would like to pop in there

If you know the name send me please

I especially like to meet the ass faced Thai with the long hair that cant punch

Rambo came to my mind!



A bouncers job is to bounce, it is a job, period. Get it done in a professional manner with whatever manpower is available. If it is one customer use as many bouncers available for the task, it's a job. If it is several people and they seem to pose a risk, do it professionally but show enough strength that they will not get encouraged to continue. I do not know what went on inside the bar, so cannot judge. It could have been something stupid as pointing the foot in the wrong direction, touching the holy house ghost icon or actually being a threat to order, or maybe they was insulting one of the bar girls in a racist way (like some football players like to enjoy themself doing), who knows, but the actions outside seems a bit over the top and unprofessional.


Thais are really shooting themselves in the foot, This gets back to Australia people will avoid Thailand and i dont blame them , Thais need to grow up.

I can assure you as I am one that no Aussie is going to dodge Thailand because a couple of blokes got toweled up by some bouncers outside a club. Happens the world over mate blokes are punching all over Oz when they are on the turps. In this case I heard (only hearsay) that it was originally 5 on 6 and one of the Aussie lads tried to king hit one of the bouncers which is what kicked it all off. Stop bashing Thailand don't hang around seedy areas with hooker's and drugs and copious amounts of piss anywhere in the world if you find a blue a bit hard to stomach.

Yep all true , get a few yobo aussies together , throw in too much local cheap beer , they get vocal , become bullet proof and abusive just like most of the patong cowboys.

They haven't pressed charges or filed complaints coz they know they probably instigated it .

The bigger problem waits for them back home where their mates see they got the piss beat out of them and their wives / girlfriends will want to know who were those scantily clad woman they were associating with .

All lot of these quality tourists continue to leave their brains at swampy airport on arrival biggrin.png

These idiots won't deter anyone else like them visiting Thailand either , in fact they will be out tonight , just in another bar , however is suspect they will possibly behave a bit better .

Most bouncers don't instigate violence but when your continually provoked by drunken idiots , there comes a point when you've really had enough ..


Funny responses again on this, I hate Thai forum...

This shit happens all over the world, England, seen it every weekend, Australia same....

Exactly. Never have I had anything happen to me here, or met anyone who experienced a violent situation.

Back home though, in my safe and cozy home country, quite a few friends and acquaintances who have been beaten badly and even stabbed etc.



"Only children and drunks live in a world of fight or flight. The average adult can recognize nuance and diffuse virtually any situation".

What a nonsense. You are actually saying that every adult that gets beat up or murdered has themselves to blame

That is what you took away from my statement? Incredible.

Of course its not nice.

I can somehow relate to thai's getting fed up looking at foreigners acting like they own the place, old guys with young thai girls under their arms, getting insanely drunk, treating girls like trash and causing problems acting like idiots allover the place.

This statement typifies lots of Thai men. Of course, it is their country and they can do whatever the hell they want.

Were it not for tourism, the Thai economy would be in a recession: ft.com The absence of a short-term nosedive for tourism saves the underachieving Thai economy from even worse performance. GDP expanded just 2.8 percent year-on-year in the first half, far behind the 4 to 5 percent growth posted by Thailand's Asean peers.


as usual

old drunkard farang men complaining about thais "ganging up" while its the same shit in the west. It's always gang beat downs. 1v1's are as comon in thailand as in the rest of the world.

And as usual, theres is a 90% chance the 2 guys did deserve a beat down, so lets not get on our high horses and complain that it was too violent.

That's total bull... Used to work in nightclub and never treat people like that (even drunk and morons). If I couldn't manage 1 guy on my own the owner of the establishment probably would say goodbye to me as I wouldn't be right man on right place.

I was traveling around the world and what I can say that in most of the cases Thais men acts like cowards... when alone with you nice and polite but when they gather like 5 or so they starts show attitude.

I remember few years back when I was attending DARE Championship after party event and all the Thais security was humble and helpful... but the club was packet by XXX pro fighters, trainers, supporters and other people from or around the business... and we get drunk there tongue.png .

So sometimes they can act like humans I suppose clap2.gif

Nonsense. Bull....

I traveled around the world and had to bring my clients out for entertainment. Normally they would choose to go to some of these entertainment areas. Go try places like India (Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, etc), Philippines (Makati, Quezon City, Cebu etc), Indonesia (Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya, etc). Even in Australia and Western countries, I had seen a few bouncers attacking one or two unruly quests. This happens everywhere.


It's my understanding, most bouncers are off-duty policemen. coffee1.gif I've seen similar shit happen in the US. I also seen a scruffy looking guy get his ass whipped by three bouncers in a topless bar, thrown out, and 30 minutes later 15 Hells Angels showed up. Things did not turn out well for the 3 bouncers before the cops came calling. Fun night all around. laugh.png


It's my understanding, most bouncers are off-duty policemen.

in thailand i would imagine it's more like failed muay thai chappies or ex cons being given the only job you would give an ex con.

these grunts have had no sensitivity training and do not understand the subtle nuances of restraining someone vs bludgeoning them.



"Only children and drunks live in a world of fight or flight. The average adult can recognize nuance and diffuse virtually any situation".

What a nonsense. You are actually saying that every adult that gets beat up or murdered has themselves to blame

That is what you took away from my statement? Incredible.

That's what you said. I am only translating your fancy words. To back down now would be another act of cowardice. Stick to your guns man wink.png


I was actually there when this happened.while the end result didnt look good,there where abt 7 of these foriegn guys being total <deleted>wits(a few steroided up),what occured prior to this wasnt very nice either

and im not sticking up for the thai guys

Unless there is somebody off camera, your objectivity as an eye witness is questionable if you think these guys are 'steroided up'? 'Jacked up' - maybe.

There is nobody in the video that is taking steroids, Thai or farang.

35 years training (trained with a Mr Britain and at the same gym as a Mr Universe) and 12 years bouncing gives me the insight to make that statement.

Whether the farangs were being a-holes is another matter. Maybe they deserved a slap (I'm all for a bit of natural justice/instant karma), but kicking drunken, defenceless people in the head? The action of weak minded a-holes who, imo, definitely deserve some instant karma


Whoever shot the video was very lucky that the thugs did turn on him/her. Remeber what happened to Captain Mark taking video of a beating outside Thaipan ....

captain mark killed somebody

And his court case was dropped as the video camera proved he acted in self defence against a mob of bouncers.

I thought it was the approximately 1 million baht that he paid that "proved" he acted in self defence. :)


Perhaps the Thai Visa SAS members could hunt them down and give them some karma, instead of sitting on their cheap plastic computer seat and shouting at their salaried 'wife' to turn the lakorn volume down.



Thais are really shooting themselves in the foot, This gets back to Australia people will avoid Thailand and i dont blame them , Thais need to grow up.

It certainly got back to Australia, was shown on most 6pm news casts.

I'm not sure how much it would actually effect people's plans. Given a lot of Australians look to Thailand or Bali as an inexpensive holiday island destination and neither one has really been able to out shine the other of late.

There's way too many families that simply either can't afford to go anywhere else or choose not to fly any further due to the distance required will simply stick with their plans.

Violence around bars is not a new thing for many Australians to see on the news, there seems to be almost a monthly incident in Sydney where someone is king hit in a brawl, and it usually patron on patron.

I just can't see this one incident having an effect. While we read constantly on TV about alcohol fuelled violence in these bar districts, the vast majority of potential tourist have only seen this 1 particular incident on their nightly news.


And i bet if they come forward the police will charge them and believe the 5 shit scumbag Thai bully bouncer babies, and i think this only came to news because it was broadcast on a foreign tv channel, so it looks bad for Thailands image, but how can you ruin an already shit image


kicking someone in the head is Attempted Murder. nothing in this video shows a need to use potentially deadly force.

it does not matter what happened before.


words fail me, even the little fat &lt;deleted&gt; who came out of the night club had to get a foot in, but thats only because is arse is covered, oh well scum is what scum is


Why cant Thai guys ever fight one-on-one? - they always need a group of guys to beat up one victim. (and usually use a stick or pole or baseball bat or taser on top of their fists and feet). they always fight so brutal and animalistic without any care of getting caught (and what their punishment would be).

they have the same mentality as the American Police!

I hear this one again and again. it is common sense to not use force in conflict unless you are you are going to win. I spent a few years in the army reserves (not special forces or SAS but the principles are the same) using overwhelming force is common sense. been in Thailand around the bar scene a long time in Thailand and have never been any where near something like this. is impossible to judge but I would suspect the 2 westerners were out of line and the thais probably gave them a kicking. was it right? of course not but the underlying message is behave yourself and this will probably not happen to you. learn the word sorry in thai and use it in an conflicting situation. even if you have been stupid this might get you out of the trouble you are in. the fact this sort of stuff is uncommon in Thailand means it is big news when it happens here. I was around the bar scene in Australia and saw this stuff happening far more frequently. nasty scene there with not enough trim to go around.

i can agree with you about the Bar fighting scene in Australia.

I can remember seeing some HUGE fights in bars around Bondi Beach on saturday night, Lol.

they picked up chairs, whacking them over peoples bodys.. Really, an authentic Bar Fight.

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