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Nato ready to send troops to defend Turkey, says Stoltenberg


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And the current secretary general of NATO is from Norway, not the US.

He is actually from Denmark. Used to be head of the Social Democrat party there. Which is a party labeling themselves as socialists. I think only Blair would trump him in opportunism and douchebaggery.

EDIT: He is from Norway, just looked it up.

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And the current secretary general of NATO is from Norway, not the US.

He is actually from Denmark. Used to be head of the Social Democrat party there. Which is a party labeling themselves as socialists. I think only Blair would trump him in opportunism and douche baggery.

Thanks, tumama. Wherever he comes from I am sure his Military qualifications are impeccable - coming from a long list of losers on the battlefield. Is he a proud owner of a General Rank? Which field he fought in?

Sorry, too lazy to Google him.smile.png

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I am aware of your correction facts. I know Stoltenberg is military genius cum great administrator of NATO cum Norwegian.

You in turn should be aware that Putin NEVER mentioned Assad as an absolute precondition to co-operation. He shows much more and better diplomatic skills than Obama.

Putin's position is clear - let the Syrian People decide. Or let UN decide, - but not Obama. And this can be done only AFTER restoring peace in the country. Hard to beat position, eh?

Putin justly considers Assad at this moment the only cohesive force in Syria. There is simply nobody else on a horizon. I wish the alternative Obama's position was as clear.

I in turn wonder how can anybody sitting in Washington, Brussels, Moscow or even Thailand decide and distinguish the colours of all those underdogs from ISIS.

Their only allegiance is to Allah, Shariat Law, beheadings, rape, slavery and expansion. Don't take my word on this - just look around!

To me the only good terrorist is a dead one. In which particular order will Russians eliminate them is of no importance to me or most normal people without special agenda. Not so to Obama.

Thus - 'protection' of Turkey! Turkey needs no protection from Russia. Their economic, diplomatic and political ties were good and still are. Except on the Erdogan's position on ISIS.

And once again Putin clearly demanded Turkey to stop their support.

One more correction to your post: Russia has come back to Middle East. And is not going to go away. I only hope that it will not continue the old USSR politics of cultivation of instability.

I do not see any need for more instability cultivated by USA in the region.

As to American attempts to export their model of Democracy in this region - no comments even needed.

From Putin at the UN. Not sure what media sources you read, but every one I've seen has said Russia is there to support Assad. Period.

Putin has diplomatic skills. Really? Maybe at the end of a gun. Ask those in Georgia, Ukraine and now Syria. Yes, the US has done some bad things in the past, and some terrible strategy, but taking over sovereign countries territory has not happened.


Russian President Vladimir Putin used his first speech to the United Nations in a decade to publicly support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his forces.

"We think it is an enormous mistake to refuse to cooperate with the Syrian government and its armed forces," Putin said today.

“We should finally acknowledge that no one but President Assad and Kurdish militias is truly fighting Islamic State.”

Remember, one person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter....your anti-American rants get old....a more balanced approach would be more interesting. Both sides are wrong.

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Did anyone ask Turkey if it wants or needs the presence of NATO troops now?

It looks like everything is decided in Washington.

America always knows better?

America wants to rule the World?

Yes AMerica Australia and Uk are the barins its no secret and we have the superior back up

We also are the ones that go war and help others

What do others do FA

yes you are the ones who start all those wars.

Not a big problem, Frits Sikkink.

The real problem is how they FINISH all those wars.

I have a healthy respect for Americans. I do not believe any Nation can keep making the same mistakes.

Unless it is done deliberately. In which case the only plausible explanation - USA intentionally destabilizes Middle East.

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Still trying to get the United States to surrender to Russia in Syria I see.

We will see soon, perhaps by the end of next week, whether the remnants of the Syrian army supported by Russian air forces can drive the rebels out of their positions in the central areas of the country. The campaign is underway now. The rebel groups have all year fought with unprecedented cooperation and effectiveness to reduce the Syrian army to around 80,000 from its 300,000 of five years ago. More than 40 rebel groups are united against this new Russian-Syrian armed forces offensive.

If the offensive fails Putin and Iran are going to have to throw their own forces into the mix, which means Russian casualties and Russian rubles. Even if the offensive has success, there are a lot more rebels and a lot more territory for the Russian-Syrian forces to move through.

Which raises the question of how many missiles Putin has left to scatter throughout Iran.

Washington can sit tight for a while cause the heat is on Putin and Assad. You can bet the farm the United States won't be handing its sword over to the Russians.

Still twisting what I say, I see. Coming to an arrangement is rather different to surrendering but I suppose to the US-is-the-master boyz every other country must be told what to do.

Yes all those rebel militias including the Al-Qaeda group, the ISIS group, the Islamists group and those supported by neocons and right-wing 'think-tanks' are doing a great job - in reality setting up Syria for another failed state. It's a dirty war and Russia may well not solve it successfully but at least they are trying, unlike the left out cry babies.

A poster asked for evidence of Russian tanks being blown up by some militia and you posted a totally irrelevant photo of a tank in Moscow. Methinks you are only trying to distract the thread with half-cocked and full-cocked responses.

Putin is the guy dancing the twist and playing ice hockey on his 63rd birthday which explained why I'd thought the tv was showing a slow motion replay of a guy skating alone with no other players in sight or anywhere near him. Sort of like the way Putin plays chess with a loaded pistol on the table. Putin's motto is to never enter a fair fight.

Vlad needs a short not too expensive military campaign that ends pretty quickly in some decisive way.

Rotsa ruck and bon chance.

I feel sorry for your repetitive 'but Putin' mantra.

As for Russia being a bully, some hypocrisy coming from a supporter of the world's no. 1 bully. As the US found in Ukraine, they-re not dealing with a 10-stone weakling this time.

Putin is so stonewalled in Ukraine he's got a bar in Greenwhich Village named after him. We'll see how things go with Assad but I'd be confident Bashir has his bags packed at all times.

Anyone who thinks Putin is only a bully is missing a lot cause Putin is a thug and a tyrant who murders his own citizen journalists and others who threaten his corrupt and deranged rule.

Putin fanboyz have themselves a lot of questions to answer.

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Not a big problem, Frits Sikkink.

The real problem is how they FINISH all those wars.

I have a healthy respect for Americans. I do not believe any Nation can keep making the same mistakes.

Unless it is done deliberately. In which case the only plausible explanation - USA intentionally destabilizes Middle East.

If you know anything about geo politics, you'll understand the last thing the US wants is a problem in the ME. If that's what they wanted, they would have let Iraq keep Kuwait. Remember the US helping to free that country?

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you mean the USA wants a war with Russia

Given Russia attacked Iran with four cruise missiles it could appear the ayatollahs are all talk about defending their homeland against foreign attacks. Those robes they wear are beginning to look like prom gowns. laugh.png

The Tehran A's are sending a group of about 2000 at the most of fierce fighters who as with their forces sent in 2013 look like they're going to be drivers, cooks, towel boyz cause Tehran is not sending any tanks, no artillery, no armed personnel vehicles, no missiles -- nothing heavy except the Iranian soldiers mustaches. No wonder Putin bombed 'em. clap2.gif Even though Vlad denies doing it.

Now, Publicus, I notice you are a great stickler for 'formalities'. A shameless lie was published about some of the Russian rockets falling in Iran. Both Russia and Iran deny this.

Eagerness in using such information in your posts here... I am really at a loss for definition...

You must be a day dreamer trying to pass your sweet dreams for reality, a provocateur or simply prone to uphold lies appealing to your fancy.

Your elation and hand clapping "No wonder Putin bombed 'em. clap2.gif " would have been a shame even if this was a true fact.

I think you disgrace yourself by your emotional inappropriate gloating. coffee1.gif

Yes, absolutely right. Very well said!

I'd been wanting to say how much I enjoy your posts. I continue to look forward to them, please! clap2.gif

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If you know anything about geo politics, you'll understand the last thing the US wants is a problem in the ME. If that's what they wanted, they would have let Iraq keep Kuwait. Remember the US helping to free that country?

You obviously don't know anything about geopolitics. Yes we all know how U.S has freed the Afghani, Iraqi, Ukrainian and the Libyan people. They sure feel free over there.

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it won't be long until we have Nato/US targeting Russian aircraft, I predicted quite a while ago that Russia would get directly involved in the Middle East and that it would escalate from there, looks like Russia wants a war with the west and are now pushing limits with that aim, they have been proding defence networks for some time now

and their ship launched cruise missiles hit the wrong country ? ahem

you mean the USA wants a war with Russia

Given Russia attacked Iran with four cruise missiles it could appear the ayatollahs are all talk about defending their homeland against foreign attacks. Those robes they wear are beginning to look like prom gowns. laugh.png

The Tehran A's are sending a group of about 2000 at the most of fierce fighters who as with their forces sent in 2013 look like they're going to be drivers, cooks, towel boyz cause Tehran is not sending any tanks, no artillery, no armed personnel vehicles, no missiles -- nothing heavy except the Iranian soldiers mustaches. No wonder Putin bombed 'em. clap2.gif Even though Vlad denies doing it.

Now, Publicus, I notice you are a great stickler for 'formalities'. A shameless lie was published about some of the Russian rockets falling in Iran. Both Russia and Iran deny this.

Eagerness in using such information in your posts here... I am really at a loss for definition...

You must be a day dreamer trying to pass your sweet dreams for reality, a provocateur or simply prone to uphold lies appealing to your fancy.

Your elation and hand clapping "No wonder Putin bombed 'em. clap2.gif " would have been a shame even if this was a true fact.

I think you disgrace yourself by your emotional inappropriate gloating. coffee1.gif

Thank you for the valuable feedback as I always pay careful attention to the posts of virulent anti-Americans.

The ad hominem stuff is always the best.

I think you disgrace yourself by your emotional inappropriate gloating

I really did not mean to get under anyone's skin. So may I suggest you read my signature? thumbsup.gif

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I am not anti-American. I am not pro-Israeli. I find many good things in both of these countries.

I have visited in my round-the-world travels both USA and Israel. My impressions are a mixed bag. Some good. Some bad. This is normal as I am an Australian, which is also a mixed bag.

Now, your "both sides are wrong" made me smile.

Two equals two. Two out of four and two out of ten are not equal, because 50% is greater than 20%.

Also it reminds me "two legs good, four legs better".

Even if both sides are wrong you cannot exclude the degree of 'wrongness'.

It might be understandable that as an American you consider Russia "wronger". Sorry, I disagree on this particular issue. On many other issues Russia was and still is absolutely wrong IMO. wai2.gif

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Even Russian officials are admitting mistakes can be made! LOL


"We are basically novices in this type of war," said Ruslan Pukhov, a defense expert and director of the Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, in an interview. "And when you are a novice, you are doomed to commit some kinds of mistakes. Hopefully not deadly ones, but obviously there is a risk of casualties."

It was interview about new weapons of Russian Army. Full interview exists only in Russian language... It was not about these missile attack in Syria. If you understand Russian I can give link.

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Did anyone ask Turkey if it wants or needs the presence of NATO troops now?

It looks like everything is decided in Washington.

America always knows better?

America wants to rule the World?

I also did not realize Turkey was under any threat.

Last time Turkey was under any threat from ISIS, I do not recall US NATO offering to send any troops.

Dear friends.

I am not arguing against your posts.

I am afraid you misinterpret the OP

"NATO ready to send troops to defend Turkey, says Stoltenberg"

IMHO the correct interpretation is " NATO (meaning USA) is ready to send troops to defend Turkey (meaning against Russian bombings of ISIS on its territory) who is supporting ISIS.

A cumbersome phrase. The essence you will understand better when you see what is sent to Turkey for protection. My logic says it should be "Patriots" or equivalent.

You're in the wrong forest.

General Petr Pavel

Edited by Publicus
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Even Russian officials are admitting mistakes can be made! LOL


"We are basically novices in this type of war," said Ruslan Pukhov, a defense expert and director of the Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, in an interview. "And when you are a novice, you are doomed to commit some kinds of mistakes. Hopefully not deadly ones, but obviously there is a risk of casualties."

It was interview about new weapons of Russian Army. Full interview exists only in Russian language... It was not about these missile attack in Syria. If you understand Russian I can give link.

craig3365, - Ability to admit mistakes is "a Good Thing". I wish some US Administrators acquired the same. This is something to respect not to LOL about.

- "We are basically novices in this type of war," - pity there is no reference. But to me, even in English it may be not related to Syria or Iran or the rockets fired from Caspian Sea.

- who the hell is Pukhov? what interview? where? to whom it was given and for what audience intended?

2alex4alex, - if you can - you could provide a link and add a personal description of what was said and in which context. Would hardly be classed as 'rumours'.

- IMHO it would carry more credibility than "unidentified officials from Washington" with their 4 Russian rockets in Iran.

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Did anyone ask Turkey if it wants or needs the presence of NATO troops now?

It looks like everything is decided in Washington.

America always knows better?

America wants to rule the World?

I also did not realize Turkey was under any threat.

Last time Turkey was under any threat from ISIS, I do not recall US NATO offering to send any troops.

Dear friends.

I am not arguing against your posts.

I am afraid you misinterpret the OP

"NATO ready to send troops to defend Turkey, says Stoltenberg"

IMHO the correct interpretation is " NATO (meaning USA) is ready to send troops to defend Turkey (meaning against Russian bombings of ISIS on its territory) who is supporting ISIS.

A cumbersome phrase. The essence you will understand better when you see what is sent to Turkey for protection. My logic says it should be "Patriots" or equivalent.

You're in the wrong forest.

General Petr Pavel



Thanks, Publicus....

The only many things I do not understand are:

- relevance to Stoltenberg;

- Gen Petr Pavel does not go with a patronimic 'Ivanovich' by any chance?;

- as a top ranking Czech Gen he can only be described as a double loser - to Germans and Russians - unless he is too young even for this.

Pardon me if I do not feel the need to Google him.

And once again, - pls explain how and where did I get into the "wrong forest"?

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If you know anything about geo politics, you'll understand the last thing the US wants is a problem in the ME. If that's what they wanted, they would have let Iraq keep Kuwait. Remember the US helping to free that country?

You obviously don't know anything about geopolitics. Yes we all know how U.S has freed the Afghani, Iraqi, Ukrainian and the Libyan people. They sure feel free over there.

You seem to forget some important facts. But don't let that stop the US bashing. Seems much easier to support Russia's actions I guess.

And yes, the invasion of Iraq was absolutely terrible. Same with Afghanistan. I do wish the US would stay out of these messes. Same with Russia? Outside influences is what's causing the problems in these countries, Iran included. Would you agree with that????

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Even Russian officials are admitting mistakes can be made! LOL


"We are basically novices in this type of war," said Ruslan Pukhov, a defense expert and director of the Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, in an interview. "And when you are a novice, you are doomed to commit some kinds of mistakes. Hopefully not deadly ones, but obviously there is a risk of casualties."

It was interview about new weapons of Russian Army. Full interview exists only in Russian language... It was not about these missile attack in Syria. If you understand Russian I can give link.

My post was meant as a general statement that mistakes can, and are, made in wars like this. All sides make them. It's the better country that admits their own mistakes and learns from them. Few seem to do this.

For better or worse, this is an English language only website. Unless you can provide a legitimate translation, a link to a Russian article wouldn't be appropriate. For better or worse.


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Russia only had two military bases outside of the country before invading Ukraine, one in Crimea (now conquered land) and one in Syria. Without Assad's Syria they will have no bases outside of Russia. Putin is grasping for his last international outpost.

What Putin, Assad and the ayahollah from Iran are doing is preparing for the partition of Syria with their alliance keeping the Mediterranean base, the majority areas of the Shiites and their ability to send weapons of hate to Hezbollah.

Brilliant move on the part of Putin, but will wait to see if Russia has the funds to continue a prolonged engagement.

Good seeing the Free Syrian Army destroying those Russian tanks with TOW missiles on BBC today. Let them pay.

Crimea was not conquered, the people voted to go BACK to Russia.

Free Syrian Army (Al Quaida and friends) is destroying Syrian tanks produced in Russia. Not Russian owned tanks.Russia is not (or not yet) going in on the ground.

Crimea was invaded and taken over. A legitimate vote never occurred. Plus, it's up to the legitimate government of Ukraine to even have such a vote. Can't be done with guns to people's heads.

US openly admit they spent about 5 billions $ for changing government in Ukraine.A legitimate vote never occurred... And now Ukrainian deputy Anton Geraschenko asked people to help ISIS( poor Syrians who's suffering from Russian invasion). He wants personal information on pilots of Russians jets operating in Syria to be given to "rebels".So their friends in Russia will be able to punish families of those pilot according to Sharia low. It's translation from his Facebook page( https://www.facebook.com/anton.gerashchenko.7/posts/928575253895989?pnref=story). Sorry, it's in Russian. Ukrainians usually use their language only in official cases.And official site of Ukrainian president start voting for sending troops to fight Russians in Syria(https://petition.president.gov.ua/petition/11936)Sorry, it's on Ukrainian ...Tell me who's your friends and I'll tell you who you are...

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Even Russian officials are admitting mistakes can be made! LOL


"We are basically novices in this type of war," said Ruslan Pukhov, a defense expert and director of the Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, in an interview. "And when you are a novice, you are doomed to commit some kinds of mistakes. Hopefully not deadly ones, but obviously there is a risk of casualties."

It was interview about new weapons of Russian Army. Full interview exists only in Russian language... It was not about these missile attack in Syria. If you understand Russian I can give link.

My post was meant as a general statement that mistakes can, and are, made in wars like this. All sides make them. It's the better country that admits their own mistakes and learns from them. Few seem to do this.

For better or worse, this is an English language only website. Unless you can provide a legitimate translation, a link to a Russian article wouldn't be appropriate. For better or worse.


I see. So you like to get info only from one side of conflict..Because CNN sometimes just doesn't like to translate some information from Russian sources. Anyway I respect your choicewai2.gif

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Russia only had two military bases outside of the country before invading Ukraine, one in Crimea (now conquered land) and one in Syria. Without Assad's Syria they will have no bases outside of Russia. Putin is grasping for his last international outpost.

What Putin, Assad and the ayahollah from Iran are doing is preparing for the partition of Syria with their alliance keeping the Mediterranean base, the majority areas of the Shiites and their ability to send weapons of hate to Hezbollah.

Brilliant move on the part of Putin, but will wait to see if Russia has the funds to continue a prolonged engagement.

Good seeing the Free Syrian Army destroying those Russian tanks with TOW missiles on BBC today. Let them pay.

Crimea was not conquered, the people voted to go BACK to Russia.

Free Syrian Army (Al Quaida and friends) is destroying Syrian tanks produced in Russia. Not Russian owned tanks.Russia is not (or not yet) going in on the ground.

Crimea was invaded and taken over. A legitimate vote never occurred. Plus, it's up to the legitimate government of Ukraine to even have such a vote. Can't be done with guns to people's heads.

US openly admit they spent about 5 billions $ for changing government in Ukraine.A legitimate vote never occurred... And now Ukrainian deputy Anton Geraschenko asked people to help ISIS( poor Syrians who's suffering from Russian invasion). He wants personal information on pilots of Russians jets operating in Syria to be given to "rebels".So their friends in Russia will be able to punish families of those pilot according to Sharia low. It's translation from his Facebook page( https://www.facebook.com/anton.gerashchenko.7/posts/928575253895989?pnref=story). Sorry, it's in Russian. Ukrainians usually use their language only in official cases.And official site of Ukrainian president start voting for sending troops to fight Russians in Syria(https://petition.president.gov.ua/petition/11936)Sorry, it's on Ukrainian ...Tell me who's your friends and I'll tell you who you are...

The Ukranian guy has his cause and the Putin fanboyz have their cause over there. The post implies the Ukrainian guy is somebody's friend and the implication is done by innuendo not to mention throwing stuff against the wall to see if it might stick. The Ukrainian guy is posting to FB so you'd need to present your disapproval there more than here, if here. Ukraine is not in Nato. The post is irrelevant and immaterial to the thread which is a polite way to say your are wasting peoples time over at this site. So maybe if the quality of your posts do not improve they might need to be ignored.

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If you know anything about geo politics, you'll understand the last thing the US wants is a problem in the ME. If that's what they wanted, they would have let Iraq keep Kuwait. Remember the US helping to free that country?

You obviously don't know anything about geopolitics. Yes we all know how U.S has freed the Afghani, Iraqi, Ukrainian and the Libyan people. They sure feel free over there.

You seem to forget some important facts. But don't let that stop the US bashing. Seems much easier to support Russia's actions I guess.

And yes, the invasion of Iraq was absolutely terrible. Same with Afghanistan. I do wish the US would stay out of these messes. Same with Russia? Outside influences is what's causing the problems in these countries, Iran included. Would you agree with that????

The feeling to be "bashed" may also come from the fact that the people are fed up with those endless wars based on ressources, lies and diversion.., not freedom, not democracy.

Also, and i hope to speak for the majority here, we can make a difference between a people and its government.

Just out of curioisity are you aware of the wondefule pipleine project between the Turkey and Qatar?

This pipeline would provide gas in huge amount to Turkey and Europe and would weaken the dependency of Europe to Russia.

It will also please the american to weaken the Russia and offer them more leverage on the international economy.

Strangely Assad didn't agree with this deal as he is an ally of Russia...and so Assad became "the Butcher"


But wait! Did you know that Syria, Iran and Irak have long time project of pipeline of their own?


Well this project really doesn't please the US/Europe as it would be a competitor for the Qatar-Turkey Project.

But of course what i just wrote as NOTHING to do with the current events in Syria. It is just to help democracy right?

You told that US government recognize its errors, well maybe, but for sure it doesn't learn from them.

They provide weapons to the "moderate" opposition. This opposition is so moderate that Al Nusra is a big part of it. Al Nusra is Al Qaeda.

So the Europe and the US make a coalition with Saoudi Arabia (which financed at least a part of the 9.11 attack), provide weapons and logistic to Al Qaeda and we should believe their crap and continue to think that the evil here is Assad and Russia ?

Of course they have their own agenda, but last time I checked and for the last 30 years, 90% of the actual situation is because of US and Europe, and they still don't learn...

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Dear friends.

I am not arguing against your posts.

I am afraid you misinterpret the OP

"NATO ready to send troops to defend Turkey, says Stoltenberg"

IMHO the correct interpretation is " NATO (meaning USA) is ready to send troops to defend Turkey (meaning against Russian bombings of ISIS on its territory) who is supporting ISIS.

A cumbersome phrase. The essence you will understand better when you see what is sent to Turkey for protection. My logic says it should be "Patriots" or equivalent.

You're in the wrong forest.

General Petr Pavel



Thanks, Publicus....

The only many things I do not understand are:

- relevance to Stoltenberg;

- Gen Petr Pavel does not go with a patronimic 'Ivanovich' by any chance?;

- as a top ranking Czech Gen he can only be described as a double loser - to Germans and Russians - unless he is too young even for this.

Pardon me if I do not feel the need to Google him.

And once again, - pls explain how and where did I get into the "wrong forest"?

Chairman of the Nato Military Committee is never from the USA.

Each Nato member government has a senior flag officer on the Military Committee. The Nato Supreme Commander is an American 4-star officer and the chairman of the Military Committee is always an officer of an equivalent rank and is always other than from the USA.

The US dominates Nato as it dominates any treaty relationship it has. In Nato however the military decisions and options are balanced reasonably well. Your ranting anti-American post(s) unmistakably demonstrate absolutely no knowledge or awareness of the fact, or of Nato itself. So I figured I'd address the fact.

You're welcome down there.

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If you know anything about geo politics, you'll understand the last thing the US wants is a problem in the ME. If that's what they wanted, they would have let Iraq keep Kuwait. Remember the US helping to free that country?

You obviously don't know anything about geopolitics. Yes we all know how U.S has freed the Afghani, Iraqi, Ukrainian and the Libyan people. They sure feel free over there.

You seem to forget some important facts. But don't let that stop the US bashing. Seems much easier to support Russia's actions I guess.

And yes, the invasion of Iraq was absolutely terrible. Same with Afghanistan. I do wish the US would stay out of these messes. Same with Russia? Outside influences is what's causing the problems in these countries, Iran included. Would you agree with that????

The feeling to be "bashed" may also come from the fact that the people are fed up with those endless wars based on ressources, lies and diversion.., not freedom, not democracy.

Also, and i hope to speak for the majority here, we can make a difference between a people and its government.

Just out of curioisity are you aware of the wondefule pipleine project between the Turkey and Qatar?

This pipeline would provide gas in huge amount to Turkey and Europe and would weaken the dependency of Europe to Russia.

It will also please the american to weaken the Russia and offer them more leverage on the international economy.

Strangely Assad didn't agree with this deal as he is an ally of Russia...and so Assad became "the Butcher"


But wait! Did you know that Syria, Iran and Irak have long time project of pipeline of their own?


Well this project really doesn't please the US/Europe as it would be a competitor for the Qatar-Turkey Project.

But of course what i just wrote as NOTHING to do with the current events in Syria. It is just to help democracy right?

You told that US government recognize its errors, well maybe, but for sure it doesn't learn from them.

They provide weapons to the "moderate" opposition. This opposition is so moderate that Al Nusra is a big part of it. Al Nusra is Al Qaeda.

So the Europe and the US make a coalition with Saoudi Arabia (which financed at least a part of the 9.11 attack), provide weapons and logistic to Al Qaeda and we should believe their crap and continue to think that the evil here is Assad and Russia ?

Of course they have their own agenda, but last time I checked and for the last 30 years, 90% of the actual situation is because of US and Europe, and they still don't learn...

The commotion in Syria of the past several years is not solely due to a pipeline. Or two pipelines. It is not due to any one single thing.

The myth also persist in the post that the Nusra Front is bin Laden's al Qaeda in Syria. The statement is a serious and crippling error in the minds of those who repeatedly maintain the mis/disinformation.

Al Nusra has no interest in global jihad and no interest in imposing the Sharia law of ISIS. Al Nusra is comprised of Syrian nationalists who have good relations with Israel to include the common view Assad must go. Which is the position of the United States, Turkey and others of the region and the world.

This failure by the anti-American Putin fanboyz to recognize facts is characteristic of their attitude. Some such people recognize the facts but deny them in the interest of perpetrating untruths.

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Did anyone ask Turkey if it wants or needs the presence of NATO troops now?

It looks like everything is decided in Washington.

America always knows better?

America wants to rule the World?

Why blame the USA? Seriously, why the accusation? Everything that has been stated about NATO defending Turkey has come from either Turkey or dome EU NATO members. The USA has better things to do with its money and lives than to get dragged in further to a no win situation. Let the Arabs deal with it. And deal with it they will. ISIS will soon start receiving some nice missiles that can knock out the Russians, and suicide bombers will start visiting the Russian bases. The EU can go prop up Erdogan. Maybe Erdogan can take time out from killing Kurdish non combatants to deal with his ex best friend Assad.

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Ukrainians want to align with the West and its values, beliefs, traditions, standards of living and quality of life which are radically superior to those in Russia and always have been so.

The Putin fanboyz need to accept it and learn to live with it instead of being irredentist and revanchist, jealous; petty.

You sound very pathetic, a typical American way.

But the real interest of America behind the pathetic phrases like that is to convert Ukraine to an American bridgehead for deploying strategic missiles targeting Russian cities in order to be able to put pressure upon Russia.

You have allowed your hatred of the USA to blind you to the reality. The USA doesn't have any desire to put missiles in the Ukraine. Putting anything useful in the Ukraine is the same as giving it to the Russians. Are you even aware that the USA had to be dragged in to the Ukraine conflict? The USA wanted to sit things out, but the EU pushed it. The Poles were beside themselves on the issue and together with Canada pushed the issue of stopping the Russians. Canadian military forces were deployed to Poland and Romania for "training" as were UK and Danish forces. The USA was still dithering. So you go right ahead and blame the USA if it makes you feel better.

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And so it begins...... sad.png

Nato shall 13 troops and they will beg the Russians to stop

Nato has no nerve to fight Russia

The Armies of Nato are just Civil Servants faking a job

I say let Russia all of over Iran Iraq Syria Turkey and Afghanistan So they will have the biggest drug problem in the whole world and nothing else

Edited by HenryB
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It's amusing seeing the response to anyone that criticises US foreign policy as US bashers, avoids the need for coherent argument I suppose.

However criticising the US is not an attack on Americans, but their government policy. In fact the most strident attackers of US government I've come across are Americans. Seems not all wrap themselves in the flag and close their eyes to the unpleasant reality.

NATO without the US would be reminiscent of the Keystone Cops and as about as intimidating. NATO is like Canada or Australia, they like to punch above their weight only because the school yard bully has their back, otherwise they'd be irrelevant in world affairs.

Seems the US has gotten caught off guard by Russia in their latest regime change, let's hope for all our sakes the neocons don't get their war.

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Having worked along the Turkish border, you rest assured that any convey of anybody trying to get across the Turkish border is going to be dealt with pretty quickly. The Turks do not take kindly to border incursions.

Scott, you are right, Turks can and have proved it - to be cruel and ruthless on many occasions.

With only one exemption - when it plays into their hand.

Their borders may be impenetrable when they want to.

Having worked there could you explain

how jihadists go there and back freely?

how the wives for jihadists go through freely?

how the oil flows through freely?

how the arms go through freely?

how their money flow through freely?

and why the glorious ISIS fighters supported by Turkey and its allies run for cover from Russians towards Turkey?

I have never worked anywhere in the region but IMHO Turkey is playing a double face game. This is why it needs protection from NATO.

Because IMHO Russia does not like the answers to my six questions above as Putin unequivocally told Erdogan.

Edited by ABCer
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US openly admit they spent about 5 billions $ for changing government in Ukraine.A legitimate vote never occurred... And now Ukrainian deputy Anton Geraschenko asked people to help ISIS( poor Syrians who's suffering from Russian invasion). He wants personal information on pilots of Russians jets operating in Syria to be given to "rebels".So their friends in Russia will be able to punish families of those pilot according to Sharia low. It's translation from his Facebook page( https://www.facebook.com/anton.gerashchenko.7/posts/928575253895989?pnref=story). Sorry, it's in Russian. Ukrainians usually use their language only in official cases.And official site of Ukrainian president start voting for sending troops to fight Russians in Syria(https://petition.president.gov.ua/petition/11936)Sorry, it's on Ukrainian ...Tell me who's your friends and I'll tell you who you are...

Ukrainians usually use their language only in official cases? Really? I was just there and they all spoke their native language. But yes, some do understand the Russian language also.

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