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NASA announces Asteroid 86666 will narrowly miss Earth when it passes by on weekend


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NASA announces Asteroid 86666 (2000 FL10), to 2.6km wide, will narrowly miss Earth when it passes by on weekend
Corey Sinclair

SYDNEY: -- JUST days after an asteroid was prophesied to collide with Earth and usher in the end of civilisation, NASA has announced a giant rock that has the potential to end life on the planet will speed past at 64,374km per hour on the weekend.

NASA experts believe Asteroid 86666 (2000 FL10), which could be up to 2.6km wide, will miss Earth when it passes by this weekend at 65.7LD (lunar distance) or a distance of 25,228,800km.

For reference, the distance from earth to the Mars is 54.6 million km.

If an asteroid the size of 86666 was to collide with Earth it would undoubtedly destroy the ozone layer, alter the climate and create tsunamis at least 91 metres high that would decimate coastal communities.

NASA has confirmed the asteroid was first spotted 16 years ago (5925 days), and is similar to the 1862 Apollo asteroid which was classified as a potentially hazardous object (PHO).

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/nasa-announces-asteroid-86666-2000-fl10-to-26km-wide-will-narrowly-miss-earth-when-it-passes-by-on-weekend/story-fnjwlcze-1227562792248

-- News.com.au 2015-10-09

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"If an asteroid the size of 86666 was to collide with Earth it would undoubtedly destroy the ozone layer, alter the climate and create tsunamis at least 91 metres high that would decimate coastal communities."

except in Thailand where more tourists are expected to arrive... The Thai government has looked at this problem and feels it poses no threat to the Thai economy. "Asteroids and other non Thai things are not a problem for Thailand. Exports should not be effected and we project record tourism."

Edited by NCC1701A
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"and create tsunamis at least 91 metres high that would decimate coastal communities."

Meh - Deep Impact had much larger tsunamis and humanity survived (note: the Empire State building is a little over 440 meters to the top of the spire):


But as you can see, the White House will survive (naturally) mostly intact because 400 meter high tidal waves apparently don't do as much damage as Canadian and British troops did in 1812 (when we burned it down) !


But when you consider just how much of the world's population lives within 10 miles of ocean coasts, a 90 meter tsunami could cause hundreds of millions of deaths, plus more to follow as tectonic plates shift (earthquakes, mudslides, volcanoes and more tsunamis) as well as the dreaded "nuclear winter" that would be sure to follow (essentially, the meteor strike and subsequent earthquakes/volcanoes/forest fires/etc, throw so much ash into the sky that the sunlight is cut off over almost the entire planet, causing temperatures to plummet and where you have rain, you'd have snow and most plant/animal life would die from exposure and starvation).

Fortunately we have Hollywood to save us though ! Toss a couple of movie stars with no training into high tech gear that hasn't been invented yet and fire them off to land on a moving asteroid (ignoring that in the last 40+ years the best we've been able to do is send a couple people to space station in near earth orbit).

That's why I sleep soundly at night, knowing Hollywood is there to save us from invincible aliens, planet killing asteroids and 7.4 billion zombies !

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"If an asteroid the size of 86666 was to collide with Earth it would undoubtedly destroy the ozone layer, alter the climate and create tsunamis at least 91 metres high that would decimate coastal communities."

except in Thailand where more tourists are expected to arrive... The Thai government has looked at this problem and feels it poses no threat to the Thai economy. "Asteroids and other non Thai things are not a problem for Thailand. Exports should not be effected and we project record tourism."

In fact, Thailand Tourism Authority are probably promoting Thailand as a great viewing location!

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"and create tsunamis at least 91 metres high that would decimate coastal communities."

Meh - Deep Impact had much larger tsunamis and humanity survived (note: the Empire State building is a little over 440 meters to the top of the spire):

With a destroyed ozone layer a tsunami is a moot point. We'd all be dead very fast, except perhaps those who survive a bit longer in caves.

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Bet the Prepper nutcases in Oregon are all getting excited and hoping it hits

I have no bunker for such situations......Thanks for bringing that to my attention......Maybe 2 meter strong concrete wall buried 10 meter below ground level?

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...and was so hoping it would hit. Bummer ! If there are aliens out there : could they give the rock a little corrective push so that it hits the earth....pretty please?

Thought I was desperate at times, but you seem suicidel. Still time to leave this world when really everything is screwed up.

Spent your money in abundance cause it will be taken from you inevetably.

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If we say our beloved blue planet is the size of the inner bullseye (4 mm) on a standard dartboard, then Asteroid 86666 hit 7.92 m off the mark. Pretty sloppy player.

That gives the ratio of 1:4,000,000 for a hit.

Which means we will need 2.77 million such passes to have a 50% chance of a hit.

Edited by ExpatOilWorker
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"If an asteroid the size of 86666 was to collide with Earth it would undoubtedly destroy the ozone layer, alter the climate and create tsunamis at least 91 metres high that would decimate coastal communities."

except in Thailand where more tourists are expected to arrive... The Thai government has looked at this problem and feels it poses no threat to the Thai economy. "Asteroids and other non Thai things are not a problem for Thailand. Exports should not be effected and we project record tourism."

In fact, Thailand Tourism Authority are probably promoting Thailand as a great viewing location!

Pffft...that require them to have some vision in their marketing program.

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An asteroid 2.6 km in diameter composed of dense rock impacting sedimentary rock at at speed of 17km per second would create a crater about 20 miles in diameter. People 1000 miles away would feel an earthquake shaking their buildings... and get a dusting of particles with a few larger pieces, and get hit by a blast wave like a fairly strong wind, and hear a noise about as loud as a few artillery pieces going off nearby.. . but they would survive.

Far from being a planet killer.. But nasty of course for those in the impact area. If it hit a major city.... it's "bye bye" for that city. If it hit Moscow for instance.... you would find a crater about 20 mile in diameter where Moscow used to be..

if it hit an ocean... of course a tsunami.

But no.. not a planet killer... and we would not be wiped out.. .


Edited by Catoni
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"and create tsunamis at least 91 metres high that would decimate coastal communities."

Meh - Deep Impact had much larger tsunamis and humanity survived (note: the Empire State building is a little over 440 meters to the top of the spire):

With a destroyed ozone layer a tsunami is a moot point. We'd all be dead very fast, except perhaps those who survive a bit longer in caves.

I doubt very much that the entire ozone layer would be gone. That would only happen in it hit the ocean. And if if did go... the Earth would recreate it in about seven to eight years... Remember these size impacts have happened countless times in the past.

There are estimates the ozone layer would become about 70% depleted.. that is not total. We would receive a lot more UV than we do now. But there are lots of ways to protect yourself from that.

In any case... if the ozone layer was to vanish of a while... exposing us to the Sun's radiation with no protection, we would just have to spend our daylight hours indoors and work and go shopping and doing our daylight things at night instead for a number of years....

And if we went outside in the sunlight... lots of sunblock screen... wear a wide brimmed hat.. and long pants and long sleeved shirts.. and we would only be able to stay out in the sun for about an hour or two at most.. until the ozone layer strengthens again......around 7 - 9 years.


Edited by Catoni
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Am I reading that right? Over 25 million km's away and they call it a near miss?

Who writes this crap?

You know what they call a near miss in airspace?

You know what is classified as a near miss in ball sports?

All relevant to the size of the field.

Best do some research before posting

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Am I reading that right? Over 25 million km's away and they call it a near miss?

Who writes this crap?

In space terms it's close when we are moving at 83686 kph. Shamer it'll miss

Edited by Mosha
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Am I reading that right? Over 25 million km's away and they call it a near miss?

Who writes this crap?

If that figure is correct, and the earth is, say, about 7500 miles diameter, then it's 3,333 times our diameter away. Have to agree with you.

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