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Do you think she stole his money?

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You mention the GF's Sister. Who else had access to his money and for how long? Did they all go out somewhere and leave this room unlocked? Where was his money to be left unattended?

To many questions. But if only the GF and the Sister had an opportunity to take this money then my bet is on the Sister who took it. But not a hell of a lot he can do about that now. Just never leave money like this unattended and if you do in a place you might consider safe, like with family, put a lock on your bag. Safer in your pocket than an unlocked bag.

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Get on the horn and start dialing police in front of her...if she stole it...she will likely start sweating like a farang wearing a tie in hot season. Or she will be supportive which means she did not. No reason to accuse her. The police will not do anything but her reactions will be the key

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This guy is only here a short time and already has a list of potential people who could have stolen his cash… Anyone might steal loose cash but only a real thief steals Credit cards etc… You simply do not leave cash unattended…

Obviously he is incredibly loose with his money - unbelievably so - it seems this is a lesson he needed to or was going to learn at some point. I cannot imagine that someone can be that naive in this day and age, but at least now he should know better.. $800 can fit easily inside a wallet, inside a front pants pocket - then it is 99.9999% safe…

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Man, this is interesting. But i feel bad for the guy. They left together a little bit ago. I will talk to him some more when he gets back. He is a young guy and obviously pissed right now. I ask him if he has any money left, and he said he has his credit card... another thing in the backpack he said that wasn't stolen. The more I think about it, the more the gf is guilty. Poor man!

If the gf isnt a bargirl what is she?

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if i were him, i would have demanded to go back to her room and search everything and check all their purses and any place they can hide the money.

If i were him, maybe i get police involved, but there is no proof now.

There will be no evidence.

Her Thai boyfriend will have already spent it on 100 pipers.

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Removing the Computer would immediately rouse suspicion as the weight would be different.

Same for the envelope, at a glance all there, but no contents. Passports whilst may be valuable have to be disposed of, cash is always king and faster, less hassle.

So to the unsuspecting or half asleep, the computer /weight is ther, Passport there, envelope there. Only later realising the envelope is empty and the perpetrator is long gone.

but who did it? Someone on the bus while he slept or the girl?

There have been other reports of this happening on buses. Given what was left etc I would say its probably more likely to have happened on the Bus as once he got off, they are gone. If it was the girl, she would have to be pretty cool character to look him in the face and pull that off, not impossible, but less likely in my opinion, especially 9

months into the relationship.

It would not have happened on the bus it is the gf what I think but that is me Thais Stella a lot just look at some of the Big C now how many Gards are at the front

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Man, this is interesting. But i feel bad for the guy. They left together a little bit ago. I will talk to him some more when he gets back. He is a young guy and obviously pissed right now. I ask him if he has any money left, and he said he has his credit card... another thing in the backpack he said that wasn't stolen. The more I think about it, the more the gf is guilty. Poor man!

You mean the numbnut also had his credit card in the backpack. Leave his company immediately; he is liable to self-destruct and his stupidity may linger about long afterward.

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Removing the Computer would immediately rouse suspicion as the weight would be different.

Same for the envelope, at a glance all there, but no contents. Passports whilst may be valuable have to be disposed of, cash is always king and faster, less hassle.

So to the unsuspecting or half asleep, the computer /weight is ther, Passport there, envelope there. Only later realising the envelope is empty and the perpetrator is long gone.


You sound like pro, bro

He's just using a bit of sound logic. The cash is readily used, things like credit cards and passports would only be stolen by a professional thief who is able to sell through a fence.

Unfortunately, opportunistic theft is too common in Thailand. I've had TWO registration stickers stolen from my scooter. The police only look at the year in large print, don't match the licence number in small print.

I'm checking every bike in the condo, because that's where the stickers were stolen. If I find a sticker that matches my registration number, the person owning that bike will get a very nasty surprise.

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If it was not her she should be really angry with whoever she thinks took it as it has now put a strain on her relationship.

$800.00 is not a huge amount but enough to piss you off if someone takes it.

He now has an excuses for not spending money on gf or her family for the next few months.

The truth will someday be known as a new iPhone or similar will appear.

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He didn't sleep but for a few hours during the first few hours of the trip.

Okay so he was asleep.

I recently met people who had experienced a not to dissimilar experience. One was onboard an inbound flight from Colombo to Bangkok, there were a team working the belongings on the passenger's sitting nearby and also thieving out of the overhead lockers. They were challenged whilst the flight was still airbone (not a smart move by the aircrew) the situation was recovered by some of the passengers who just happened to be specialists in dealing with that type of situation and the police were alerted and waiting at Bangkok and boarded the plane on arrival where they duly removed this gang, this was done before any other passengers were allowed to disembark. Nothing was in the press so I can only assume they the thieves were returned to Columbo to face the music in their own country. (this is assuming they were originally from there)

Second similar situation was a visitor traveling on a bus and his cash (aprox $1,600) was taken out of his baggage on the bus. Unfortunately he doesn't have the option of banks or credit or debit card or even traveller's cheques. Yes amazingly some nationalities cannot ever have this facility which we take for granted and must use and carry cash.

My message is don't be too quick to condemn the guys girlfriend.

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I think he shouldn't be carrying 800 large in a backpack per se.

obviously smile.png

So why were you/he ?

It's obvious his pretend lover stole it,I just asked my 92 year old granny what she thought,she said that its the GF.

Get a board game called Cluedo which will solve the matter. Did he have a butler nearby, they are usually the culprit.

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" I am lost as to what to tell him."

Why is so important what you tell him?....The incident is over, finished with, finito...whatever you say is not going to change anything.

You are no wiser than he is about what happened to his money and you were not there, so it is not your place to offer an opinion and maybe make unfounded accusations.

Edited by dotpoom
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yes the gf did it , but ragging on the guy for carrying 800 bucks ? sometimes this blog is populated by old farts that think it is still the 60's when 800 buckaroos was a nice chunk of change . it seems value is pre- set in your minds , the cost of anything is directly correlated to the price of Chang beer .

theft/loss = price of gf or bottle of chang divided into however many baht the buckaroos are worth today . i am older than most and i will fall off a Thai high rise balcony before i count other peoples money .........go bears

Edited by mikiea
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If the friend flashed that envelope full of cash when he paid for the bus ticket, and the ticket vendor saw it and saw exactly where he tucked the envelope away in his backpack, it is conceivable that the ticket vendor relayed that information to a cohort who worked on the bus who could have targeted the backpack. A practiced thief might also consider the envelope to be one less piece of evidence linking them to the crime, making leaving it behind advisable.

The girlfriend, however, is still my number one suspect. Leaving the envelope behind suggests that the thief had ample time to consider whether taking the envelope was advisable or not. While a rogue bus employee/passenger would have to get in and out as quickly as possible and would be in constant fear of being detected, a girlfriend waking in the middle of the night, observing her boyfriend in deep sleep, would have more time to quietly rummage through luggage at a leisurely pace and also to decide whether to leave the envelope behind or not.

Neither a rogue bus employee or passenger or the girlfriend could be absolutely sure when the OP's friend last verified that the money was there or when the theft would be discovered. These two parameters would establish when the crime could have taken place. However, had the theft been discovered on the bus, the fact that multiple people were on the bus would make identifying the perpetrator very difficult, if not next to impossible. So a perpetrator on the bus would be less concerned about how soon afterwards the theft would be discovered.

If, however, the girlfriend was unsure about when the victim last verified that the money was there, and was therefore fearful that the victim might be able to narrow down the window of opportunity to when she and she alone was present, she would have a strong incentive to delay the discovery of the theft until after she was no longer present and the money was no longer on her person. The fact that nothing else was taken and the envelope was left behind can be seen as an effort to delay detection of the crime as long as possible.

I suggest that the girlfriend may have had more of an incentive to do this than someone on the bus.

Edited by Gecko123
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I reckon the money was stolen when his bag was left in his GF's room for a few hours. Not the GF, but more likely her relative or someone else who had access to her room. It's happened to a couple of mates. Mysterious disappearance of money when staying with a Thai friend. There are always one or two sneaky relatives, or siblings, who just seem to hang around or who will have easy access to his GF's room.

But there is nothing he can do about it. He has to learn from the experience to keep cash with him.

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Be careful your new bestie is not setting you up.Has your mate got insurance.If not,say he has and get gf to the police station,they will grill her and do the dirty work for your mate.If she stands up to this get a police report to say how stupid he was and blame it on the bus.For a small typing fee you can claim on insurance and relationship intact.

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Removing the Computer would immediately rouse suspicion as the weight would be different.

Same for the envelope, at a glance all there, but no contents. Passports whilst may be valuable have to be disposed of, cash is always king and faster, less hassle.

So to the unsuspecting or half asleep, the computer /weight is ther, Passport there, envelope there. Only later realising the envelope is empty and the perpetrator is long gone.

but who did it? Someone on the bus while he slept or the girl?

I carry big bucks at times but never ever on a night bus or train.

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No way it's the GF imho. You think she is going to risk losing her BF over 800 bucks when there are houses and cars and a bright future on the horizon!

Never put temptation in the way.She could have both if she could pull it off.Same as a bloke when he is caught out,denyx3.Plenty of dumb ferangs to be had,endless supply.

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Why doesnt he ask her straight up if she took the cash...if she gets hysterically angry and defensive then she nicked it or knows who nicked it

Erm, no, don't do that.

Look he doesn't know where or when it was stolen so he jus has to accept its gone and forget about it. The fact that he is suspecting his girlfriend is a problem. If I lost money I would absolutely never suspect it was girlfriend who took it because I know she would never do that to me,, ok I have been with her 4 years now but you see my point. And no husband would suspect their wife unless there was something wrong with the relationship.

So, probably time to re evaluate whether this is the right person for him if has been unable to build some basic trust i.e, such as not stealing from him, in nearly a year of being together,, that to me is a more serious question then where is the $800..

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Why would anyone put 800 bucks in an envelope?

Going to post it somewhere?

Next time get Mum to pin it to the shirt just above the pocket so you won't lose it.

Hardly the crime of the century.....but could be the start of the "How I got ripped off in Thailand" blog by some digital tosser nomad.

Smelling of troll.

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Why would anyone put 800 bucks in an envelope?

Going to post it somewhere?

Next time get Mum to pin it to the shirt just above the pocket so you won't lose it.

Hardly the crime of the century.....but could be the start of the "How I got ripped off in Thailand" blog by some digital tosser nomad.

Smelling of troll.

As usual,the crab has a good nose.

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Maybe he is telling you this story so he can bite you for a loan later? You just don't know overhear , maybe she is also in on it? Maybe you have been the target from the start. If you see the hotel staff talking to each other and looking your way then probably they are in on the game as well. Luckily you have come to the right place for us TV members to help you. Be careful my friend trust nobody. Good luck.

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Why doesnt he ask her straight up if she took the cash...if she gets hysterically angry and defensive then she nicked it or knows who nicked it

It would be pretty tactless to do that.....better to just tell her what happened...facts only and watch her reactions.

Its got nothing to do with being tactless...its doesnt give a person a chance to collect their thoughts and an agressive/ defensive reaction is a strong indicator the person is lying to you....

Just tell her gives a person time to collect their thoughts and compose a story..

If she did it she's already collected her thoughts and would expect to be asked.

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No way it's the GF imho. You think she is going to risk losing her BF over 800 bucks when there are houses and cars and a bright future on the horizon!

It is possible.

Not everyone thinks long term.

Edited by Gecko123
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Removing the Computer would immediately rouse suspicion as the weight would be different.

Same for the envelope, at a glance all there, but no contents. Passports whilst may be valuable have to be disposed of, cash is always king and faster, less hassle.

So to the unsuspecting or half asleep, the computer /weight is ther, Passport there, envelope there. Only later realising the envelope is empty and the perpetrator is long gone.

but who did it? Someone on the bus while he slept or the girl?

There have been other reports of this happening on buses. Given what was left etc I would say its probably more likely to have happened on the Bus as once he got off, they are gone. If it was the girl, she would have to be pretty cool character to look him in the face and pull that off, not impossible, but less likely in my opinion, especially 9 months into the relationship.

Well i also would like to add to Charlie H's ( International Global Moderator for Thai Visa......) kind words.If the girlfriend did steal the cash from the envelope then normally MOST thieves would react by getting angry and not react as she did.

So i really don't think the girlfriend did it and should be handled with care.

F.J wai.gif

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Removing the Computer would immediately rouse suspicion as the weight would be different.

Same for the envelope, at a glance all there, but no contents. Passports whilst may be valuable have to be disposed of, cash is always king and faster, less hassle.

So to the unsuspecting or half asleep, the computer /weight is ther, Passport there, envelope there. Only later realising the envelope is empty and the perpetrator is long gone.

but who did it? Someone on the bus while he slept or the girl?

There have been other reports of this happening on buses. Given what was left etc I would say its probably more likely to have happened on the Bus as once he got off, they are gone. If it was the girl, she would have to be pretty cool character to look him in the face and pull that off, not impossible, but less likely in my opinion.

but why leave a computer, passport, credit card? and how did they know where to find the money? and also why leave an empty envelope? If I were the thief, I'd take anything of value. Who knows...crazy story.

Because stealing a computer would significantly reduce the weight of the bag. The credit card was not in the bag. How did they know where to find the money? Obvious. What else would be in an envelope in a bag on a bus? A letter? Taking a passport means it will be reported to the police and embassy, AND, you would need to then find the right person to take it off your hands... all very messy and complicated. The OP already stated that his friend fell asleep for the first few hours of the journey, and that's when it likely happened. Or, his friend simply lost the envelope... Oddly enough people do lose things. If I was his girlfriend I'd tell him where to go and in no uncertain terms. The comment from the OP that gis friend's g/f is well of by Thai standards speaks volumes on his ignorance. But then that is not surprising on TV now is it?

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