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Do you think she stole his money?

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If I read this right, he first went to her room (apt/house/bedroom??) its simple, if she didn't take it, another family member/friend/roomate took it.

Never leve anything of value you can arry on you person.

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I lived with a bar girl some years back for 6 years never had any problems or money going missing the relationship ran its course in the end.

Then I met a decent girl had a good job working in bkk come from a decent family knew her for about 3 years never lived together but she used to stay at my house weekends, I caught her stealing my money out of my wallet when I was not in the bedroom, needless to say I finished her there and then after I got my money back in full.

The point is sometime there are some good girls that work in bars and sometimes there are girls that have good jobs but should be or are working as bar girls.

Edited by catman20
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Still wondering why the thread is discussing the merits of whodunit.

The cash has gone and never to be recovered. The white envelope could have been dropped anywhere. Pointless OP question, to be honest.

My wife has open access to my funds and wouldn't dream of stealing from me [she was once my Thai girlfriend]. If I did lose money and suspected my wife, I would have to self-reflect and wonder why we are together in the first place.

Where relationships are concerned, trust is everything. No trust - no relationship.

Laughing boy will, hopefully, learn his lesson. Amen.

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Leaving your passport, money and credit card in your bag is asking for trouble.... !!!!!

Second: ...some people use that trick (My money was stolen) to make feel people guilty and refund the poor guy....

It could have been stolen from the moment just after he left he's bag out of sight....!!!


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Tell Forrest Gump not to sleep on the Bus with valuables unattended.

No sympathy for irresponsible people.

Nothing to do with the girl, but hey, why let common sense get in the way of attacking yet another Thai female. Disgusting!

Edited by RolandRat
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Really....keeping your money in a back pack instead of on your person ...in a deep pocket or money belt or anything other than keeping your valuables in your back pack and leaving it unattended.

I have always carried my wallet with my money in my front pocket and my passport on my person in my front pocket or shoulder bag that never leaves me.

Never had any problems ...but still, I could ........But leaving your valuables in a back pack on the bus or train in the overhead rack or in the baggage compartment under the bus is just inviting problems and sure enough that is how many tourist travelers lose their passports and valuables and their money.

Near every time I go to my embassy I meet another fellow citizen who is applying for a new passport because their passport was stolen while they tell me their valuables were kept in their travel baggage in the storage compartment or over head rack on a bus or train and the valuables were stolen.

I hope they learn a valuable lesson.


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is unlikey you will ever know. hope he learns a lesson.

thieving has been a real problem for me, i have had 3 of my staff stealing from me that i know of. interestingly one time when it came to light someone was stealing i said i am going to fire all the staff working on the day of the particular day of the theft. all the staff came foward to say they knew who the thief was. she had been buying many expensive goods beyond her pay grade. we called our friendly policeman down and he seemed convinced she was the thief but as we could not prove it the best we could do was fire her. seems i was the only one that did not know she the thief, all the other thai staff knew. my point is i doubt any thai person would help you find out who the thief was.

in the army if you have something stolen then the victim is charged for the crime of 'insecurity' and punished if found guilty. seems to work quite well and the guys were careful to secure their kit. maybe your friend should do the same.

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Removing the Computer would immediately rouse suspicion as the weight would be different.

Same for the envelope, at a glance all there, but no contents. Passports whilst may be valuable have to be disposed of, cash is always king and faster, less hassle.

So to the unsuspecting or half asleep, the computer /weight is ther, Passport there, envelope there. Only later realising the envelope is empty and the perpetrator is long gone.

but who did it? Someone on the bus while he slept or the girl?

There have been other reports of this happening on buses. Given what was left etc I would say its probably more likely to have happened on the Bus as once he got off, they are gone. If it was the girl, she would have to be pretty cool character to look him in the face and pull that off, not impossible, but less likely in my opinion, especially 9 months into the relationship.

I agree, there also are reports of this happening on airplanes. If he thinks his GF took it then time for a new GF as then there is no trust.

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Man, this is interesting. But i feel bad for the guy. They left together a little bit ago. I will talk to him some more when he gets back. He is a young guy and obviously pissed right now. I ask him if he has any money left, and he said he has his credit card... another thing in the backpack he said that wasn't stolen. The more I think about it, the more the gf is guilty. Poor man!

It`s not your business to assume anything. Do what I have always done, be a good listener but don`t give opinions, because once your friend decides he wants to marry the girl, that he will, you will be out in the cold as the person who tried to ruin the relationship.

Listen to what he says; and ask; what does he make of it? Then say; good luck, it`s up to you.

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If she all of the sudden has new clothes, lots of Thai baht, wamo guilty, his innocent gf, not so innocent.... Why would anybody keep 800 USD in a backpack.....................

$ 800 aint a lot of Thb.....:rolleyes:....i dont know why prople keep saying its lot of money to carry it aint

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No way it's the GF imho. You think she is going to risk losing her BF over 800 bucks when there are houses and cars and a bright future on the horizon!

It is possible.

Not everyone thinks long term.

I tend to think the same - a GF is not going to knick your cash after 9 months, he fell asleep and someone rifled his bag real quick - locks only keep honest thieves out remember.

a GF that has nothing will not burn a farang that promises a brighter future no matter how short or long term they are thinking.

maybe the dude is looking for an excuse to bump her?

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You say he was asleep on the bus for only a few hours, then you say he was awake on the bus.

Get your facts right before asking stupid questions.

If your friend is stupid enough to fall asleep with cash in his bag, then he shouldn't really be travelling around the country on public transport.

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Removing the Computer would immediately rouse suspicion as the weight would be different.

Same for the envelope, at a glance all there, but no contents. Passports whilst may be valuable have to be disposed of, cash is always king and faster, less hassle.

So to the unsuspecting or half asleep, the computer /weight is ther, Passport there, envelope there. Only later realising the envelope is empty and the perpetrator is long gone.

but who did it? Someone on the bus while he slept or the girl?

There have been other reports of this happening on buses. Given what was left etc I would say its probably more likely to have happened on the Bus as once he got off, they are gone. If it was the girl, she would have to be pretty cool character to look him in the face and pull that off, not impossible, but less likely in my opinion.

but why leave a computer, passport, credit card? and how did they know where to find the money? and also why leave an empty envelope? If I were the thief, I'd take anything of value. Who knows...crazy story.

Who is going to walk off the bus with the computer they just stole?

Credit cards are worthless unless you know how to sell them to someone who can make use of them.

Passports are completely worthless to the average Thai.

And all of those items can be tied back to the victim.

Cash is virtually untraceable (except in this case: USD)

You act as if this were carried out by some master criminal.

An unscrupulous Thai saw an opportunity for a quick grab, and took it. End of story.

No deep plot. No need for the Mystery Machine, Scooby Doo, or the crew.

And I seriously doubt it was the gf. She has much simpler ways of getting his money.

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i think that the above nails it on the head

an opportunistic grab due to him being daft/inexperienced/daft

trying to pin it on his GF is lame

feel for the girl

like above says - she can get his money in far simpler straight forward ways and on an ongoing basis โ€ฆ Duh.

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If it was not her she should be really angry with whoever she thinks took it as it has now put a strain on her relationship.

$800.00 is not a huge amount but enough to piss you off if someone takes it.

He now has an excuses for not spending money on gf or her family for the next few months.

The truth will someday be known as a new iPhone or similar will appear.

I was in Singapore and money went missing from my suitcase in my locked room.My fault as I didn't lock my suitcase. I complained to the Hotel and they interviewed the cleaner.This was serious stuff in Singapore. He may have lost his job, I don't know. Strangely enough days later in Holland I found the money in a place in the suitcase I was sure I had checked. I felt like crap. I rang the hotel and told them it was my own fault and offered to compensate the cleaner the amount I thought was stolen. That didn't happen but the hotel was grateful for my call.

This is not the OP's case because the money has really gone. But the moral is, you have to be really careful whom you accuse. I was a complete arse and learnt a big lesson which I still feel bad about to this day. Better not to accuse anyone especially your girlfriend unless you have irrefutable evidence.You will certainly lose her and rightly so if she's innocent.

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....whaaa? you meet some strange guy with a strange story and now you feel obligated to offer him some problem solving advise????

just tell him what all foreigners tell another...

not my problem

sucks to be you

good luck

go home and get smart

Might be the OP himself? But that's OK too I would probably do the same. Embarrassing. We've all heard of "I have a friend" stories. Good luck OP just take it slowly and keep your money/passport/ CC's on you in a zipped pocket, not in your suitcase like me.

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If it was not her she should be really angry with whoever she thinks took it as it has now put a strain on her relationship.

$800.00 is not a huge amount but enough to piss you off if someone takes it.

He now has an excuses for not spending money on gf or her family for the next few months.

The truth will someday be known as a new iPhone or similar will appear.

I was in Singapore and money went missing from my suitcase in my locked room.My fault as I didn't lock my suitcase. I complained to the Hotel and they interviewed the cleaner.This was serious stuff in Singapore. He may have lost his job, I don't know. Strangely enough days later in Holland I found the money in a place in the suitcase I was sure I had checked. I felt like crap. I rang the hotel and told them it was my own fault and offered to compensate the cleaner the amount I thought was stolen. That didn't happen but the hotel was grateful for my call.

This is not the OP's case because the money has really gone. But the moral is, you have to be really careful whom you accuse. I was a complete arse and learnt a big lesson which I still feel bad about to this day. Better not to accuse anyone especially your girlfriend unless you have irrefutable evidence.You will certainly lose her and rightly so if she's innocent.

I have coined an expression for my own consumption mostly "It's never the person you think stole your wallet who actually stole your wallet"

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If it was not her she should be really angry with whoever she thinks took it as it has now put a strain on her relationship.

$800.00 is not a huge amount but enough to piss you off if someone takes it.

He now has an excuses for not spending money on gf or her family for the next few months.

The truth will someday be known as a new iPhone or similar will appear.

Why so many people assuming he's dating some deadbeat girl whose family needs financial support from a foreigner?

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