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Cement truck brings down 43 power poles in Samut Prakan

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Cement truck brings down 43 power poles in Samut Prakan
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- At 8pm on Thursday night, a cement truck got caught on electricity wires in Samut Prakan's Muang district and brought down 43 power poles, which hit three cars and left a man seriously injured.

The poles fell like dominoes on either side of Phuttaraksa Road for a kilometre and half, some landing on two pickup trucks and a six-wheeler.

Police found the CPAC cement truck parked about 500 metres from the damaged cars. The driver, Worrawut Phanitchkul, 25, has been taken in for interrogation and will face legal action.

A wide area in the district was still plunged in darkness as of press time, though the Metropolitan Electricity Authority reckoned electricity would be restored by midnight yesterday.

A passer-by was seriously injured from electrocution, while an old woman sustained injuries when she fainted. They are both being treated at the Bang Na General Hospital.

The road is open to traffic.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Cement-truck-brings-down-43-power-poles-in-Samut-P-30270588.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-10

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Police found the CPAC cement truck parked about 500 metres from the damaged cars. The driver, Worrawut Phanitchkul, 25, has been taken in for interrogation and will face legal action.

The height of a concrete truck is thirteen feet give or take a few inches. What's wrong with this picture?

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I love this country ! Where else in the world would you find truck drivers competing against each other in an event like pole-felling ?

The guy that did 47 is going to take some beating ! biggrin.png

The magical figure of 50 is there for the taking. Just needs a Somchai with the right "big match temperament" to step up. 50 is just a number..

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Police found the CPAC cement truck parked about 500 metres from the damaged cars. The driver, Worrawut Phanitchkul, 25, has been taken in for interrogation and will face legal action.

The height of a concrete truck is thirteen feet give or take a few inches. What's wrong with this picture?

Exactly. Without further information from this piss poor reporting, it would seem the truck somehow snagged an electric line. That of course, would be the fault of the power company for not maintaining their lines at a proper height.

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He hit one and it pulled all the others over, or he got the truck caught in the wires and pulled them over?

A truck missed a corner in Ubon and hit one of those ubiquitous concrete utility poles and while the pole he hit was demolished, the adjacent poles remained standing. The soil here is basically just sand. Do they dig them deeper here? I'd think if the poles were going to domino when one was hit, this would be the place.

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Maybe TAT can capitalize on these power pole crashes and hold a Monster Truck type event using power poles. Every province would have a qualifying event with the top two pole benders going to the national finals.

Think of all the intellectual property that could be created. A picture of Paul Bunyan's Blue Ox comes to mind. And maybe become an ASEAN even or even a global franchise like NASCAR!

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"The driver, Worrawut Phanitchkul, 25, has been taken in for interrogation and will face legal action."

NONSENSE obviously the lines were hanging too low as usual.

Blame onto the power company liable for damages.

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Deja-vu all over again, it was 47 last time, Samut Prakan too.

i think it was your post on the above that i commented on poles [electric] that had been erected at the back of our house.

one was leaning at 10min.to,the other at 10past.

well a few weeks ago after it rained the nearest one to our house fell down on its own,the soil had become soft and over it went.

did the electric board come and reset it,NO they left it on the ground and the wires are held up by the bushes.

i dont think it will be long before the other one falls.

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When will they start burying electrical service in this country?

Some areas of Sant Prakan are like hell on earth btw.

We live near motorway 9 and regularly trucks go under it with not enough head room (no signs) and get the loads ripped off, saw one yesterday. Road signs fall over a few months after install as not done right and pot holes everywhere. Pra Samut Chedi really is one big slum area, tin and wooden sheds and rubbish tips along the roads. Soi dogs everywhere and all an undeveloped mess.

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you would think the driver would notice, hear, and stop to investigate what was amiss. He more than likely just downshifted, (more power) and hit the accelator for more rpm and gave it no more thought. Until his truck could not pull any more poles, wire and vehichles entangled in the area that must have resembled a war zone.

I bet the driver is a real treat to watch when it comes to paralel parking

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