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why US airports have carpet? what about Thailand?


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Just speculating.

Carpets serve to reduce noise level.

On the other hand they are harder to keep clean and carry lot of dirt/bacteria.

Also I would think its harder to move a trolley on carpet floor.

My vote goes for hard floor.

Offtopic: I know people who would never live in a hotel room with carpet floor.

See above why.

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whistling.gif Has to do with the relative costs of staff and their pay rates in the U.S. or Thailand.

In Thailand, a machine is more expensive and cleaning staff pay rates are lower.

In the U.S. cleaning staff pay rates are higher.

Therefore in the long run in the U.S. it is less expensive to have one machine and fewer people, in Thailand it is better to have more people to do the work than one relatively expensive machine.

It all comes down to costs and the relative costs of each method in the two different countries.

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I have carpets in my condo in Bangkok. I love them. I can walk round in comfort in my bare feet.

Quite easy to maintain with a carpet sweeper or vacuum cleaner. I have the professional carpet cleaners in every few years. The cost is offset by the money I save not having to replace broken watches/handphones/glasses and crockery that gets smashed when dropped onto a hard floor.

The carpets are about 15 years old and will last as much or much longer than that in future years.

Of course if ever my washing machine floods it could put an end to them.


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Most carpet material in the US for commercial use is made with nylon fibers, cheaper than any other floor materials, easier to install, clean, fix, and remove, and most commercial spaces in the US have air conditioning.

In Thailand, and many tropical countries, mold is a big problem, and not only in organic fibers carpets.

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The reason US terminals have carpet is so that Hollywood movie stars like Tom Hanks can sleep more comfortably when making movies like The Terminal and so the bad guys in movies like Die Hard can sneak up on the hero before being taken down in a very dramatic and climactic fashion.....blink.png

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