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Overstay and getting banned

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Let's get serious.

Everyone knows the attached sigh is only a notice authorized by the Thai government and posted by the Thai Immigration department.

We all know the real experts and people with authority in these matters are the Thaivisa members.

Isn't that who's advice we should follow?


My advice would be, in general, to accept the advice given by selected posters (such as ubonjoe). Their advice is almost invariably definitive, and easier to understand than information on Thai government websites, which is anyway often outdated or inaccurate. That should be tempered by a recognition that individual immigration offices and border posts sometimes make up their own rules.

As for banning from Thailand for overstays, the immigration officials currently lack the power to impose them (scare posters and statements of intent notwithstanding). You could be prevented from entering Thailand at a later date for other reasons (suspicion of working, insufficient funds) and previous overstays might possibly play a part in the IO's decision making. However, there will be no stamp saying "banned for previous overstay" in your passport until such time as the law changes.

I think you maybe underestimating their capabilities

It costs no extra manpower to record overstays on the computer if they choose

Is the fine still Capped at 20,000thb regardless of time overstayed ?

I heard awhile ago they may soon change to let it accumulate at 500thb day without limits... Charge long overstaying guests the full amount but didn't hear anything since

They would have to amend the immigration act to apply your rumoured change. The law caps the maximum fine at 20k.

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Let's get serious.

Everyone knows the attached sigh is only a notice authorized by the Thai government and posted by the Thai Immigration department.

We all know the real experts and people with authority in these matters are the Thaivisa members.

Isn't that who's advice we should follow?


who got banned for overstay only?

my son was on a 8 month overstay last June, came back in July on a one way ticket, no problem at all

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"life or death." So his doctors letter cannot get him an extension, because he is unfit to travel.

The question really should be is there a Hospital Doctors letter which outlines why travel cannot be undertaken, what treatment is ongoing and how long the incapacity is expected to last.?

I have known several people who have been given "medical extensions" with assistance from the hospital.

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"life or death." So his doctors letter cannot get him an extension, because he is unfit to travel.

The question really should be is there a Hospital Doctors letter which outlines why travel cannot be undertaken, what treatment is ongoing and how long the incapacity is expected to last.?

I have known several people who have been given "medical extensions" with assistance from the hospital.

As I interpret this it's not the health of OP.

Seems OP is of the opinion that his presence in the country is important for someone else's health.

But that my view, could easily be wrong.

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"life or death." So his doctors letter cannot get him an extension, because he is unfit to travel.

The question really should be is there a Hospital Doctors letter which outlines why travel cannot be undertaken, what treatment is ongoing and how long the incapacity is expected to last.?

I have known several people who have been given "medical extensions" with assistance from the hospital.

As I interpret this it's not the health of OP.

Seems OP is of the opinion that his presence in the country is important for someone else's health.

But that my view, could easily be wrong.

Extensions can be granted to relatives of the "sick" if their presence would aid recovery.

Once again a detailed Hospital Doctors letter would be needed to support any application.

Edited by oncearugge
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had 11 year overstay was re-entered visa exempt 4 days later. Two weeks ago having stupidly misread my passport i was on a 1 day overstay which I paid. The i/o commented only that I had a very long previous overstay and then requested the 500 baht fine and I was cleared and re-entered a few days later. It seems that it is more of a problem for some board members than it is for Thai immigration. I will however double check my passport to ensure that I do not have the overstay again but my previous long overstay had no bearing whatsoever entering either visa exempt or by visa. However it is clearly better to not have an overstay but once cleared immigration seems to see the matter as settled.

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we have spent six hours on each of two days to immigration. we came well prepared. we were polite well dressed. there are some impediments. we have recieved offers of shorter extensions -- 30 day, we accepted immediately, it was rescinded by a higher up.. we have made some friends, but there has been a final no. we have now hired a consultant. i am continuing to work on this. Some thaivisa posters do not have chinese or german or saudi or french passports -- our experience is not always the same.

If you are seeking an extension based on "Medical need" you need a letter from a HOSPITAL DOCTOR which explains exactly why travel cannot be undertaken, what ongoing treatment is being provided and for how long the treatment is expected to last.

Without this letter an extension will not be provided.

I just went through this with a friend. The immigration also required photographs of the patient in the hospital. And rejected the initial hospital letter because it was not word for word identical to other letters that had been approved (they did let me photograph the desired exact wording to show the hospital).

As with all visa matters, different imm offices behave differently. And as OP suggests the nationality of the individual may also have an effect.

Note that in case of seeking extension on medical grounds for a caretaker (as opposed to the actual patient) the hospital has to also state the necessity of it. The imm office I dealt with seemed to expect that as a separate letter though was able to get them to accept it in the same letter.

Sounds like OP is seeking extension for several immediate relatives and that may be part of the complication. The case I dealt with requested only for one.

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There is currently no ban for any length of overstay. So no.

Wrong. Here are the bans for overstays:


The photo you posted is a falsified version of an announcement that was posted on the website http://bangkok.immigration.go.th in July 2014. The E text of that announcement clearly said "The new regulation of overstay penalties is now under the procedure of approval by the Ministry of Interior"

Since then, the Immigration Commissioner and the Director General of the Royal Thai police have changed. I have seen no news report to indicate whether the proposed rules are still "under the procedure of approval" or whether they have been rejected, nor have there been any news that they have been approved.

Any immigration official who produces or puts on public display the falsified version is abusing his authority.

Dear Maestro,

I take offense at your implication that I falsified the picture. I took it last week at the immigration office and posted it without any alteration.

If you think an immigration official is abusing his or her authority, please take it up with them. Please post the outcome here, so as to clarify this once and for all.



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There is currently no ban for any length of overstay. So no.

Wrong. Here are the bans for overstays:


The photo you posted is a falsified version of an announcement that was posted on the website http://bangkok.immigration.go.th in July 2014. The E text of that announcement clearly said "The new regulation of overstay penalties is now under the procedure of approval by the Ministry of Interior"

Since then, the Immigration Commissioner and the Director General of the Royal Thai police have changed. I have seen no news report to indicate whether the proposed rules are still "under the procedure of approval" or whether they have been rejected, nor have there been any news that they have been approved.

Any immigration official who produces or puts on public display the falsified version is abusing his authority.

Dear Maestro,

I take offense at your implication that I falsified the picture. I took it last week at the immigration office and posted it without any alteration.

If you think an immigration official is abusing his or her authority, please take it up with them. Please post the outcome here, so as to clarify this once and for all.



I have seen the same picture and on the rolling information at bottom of number screens in imigration so decided to be nosey and ask IO what it was about she informed me it was not law and there was no ban on any overstay but it may or may not be introduced but not any time soon in fact in her words she can't see it ever being brought in and I stress in her words

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There is currently no ban for any length of overstay. So no.

Wrong. Here are the bans for overstays:


The photo you posted is a falsified version of an announcement that was posted on the website http://bangkok.immigration.go.th in July 2014. The E text of that announcement clearly said "The new regulation of overstay penalties is now under the procedure of approval by the Ministry of Interior"

Since then, the Immigration Commissioner and the Director General of the Royal Thai police have changed. I have seen no news report to indicate whether the proposed rules are still "under the procedure of approval" or whether they have been rejected, nor have there been any news that they have been approved.

Any immigration official who produces or puts on public display the falsified version is abusing his authority.

Dear Maestro,

I take offense at your implication that I falsified the picture. I took it last week at the immigration office and posted it without any alteration.

If you think an immigration official is abusing his or her authority, please take it up with them. Please post the outcome here, so as to clarify this once and for all.



Maestro wasn't accusing you of falsifying the picture. He was accusing immigration of displaying information that is false.

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Currently, the only information regarding overstay fines on the website of http://bangkok.immigration.go.th seems to be the following:

(2) A person overstaying his / her visa must pay

penalty fine 500 baht per day, maximum fine is 20,000 baht.

Souce: http://bangkok.immigration.go.th/engbroch.pdf

In case the above link should go dead in future or other information should be displayed on that page, a saved copy of the brochure can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwNib_gx9zYEaFFNeUljSXQyYzg/view?usp=sharing (2MB)

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Let's get serious.

Everyone knows the attached sigh is only a notice authorized by the Thai government and posted by the Thai Immigration department.

We all know the real experts and people with authority in these matters are the Thaivisa members.

Isn't that who's advice we should follow?

Thailand makes 'announcements' that don't materialize, on a near-monthly basis, so yes actually I prefer following a messageboard run by a team of westerners. It may look strange to someone new to living here.

It isn't surprising to me that Thailand announced this then never released a statement to say that actually it's not going to happen. As mentioned the guy who proposed it isn't even working at immigration anymore.

Threads about these signs at immigration go back over 8 months, maybe longer, this is the first one that came up in search:


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Many think of a overstay as an acceptable tool to be used in the visa process with no ramifications and not as a violation of the visa process.

Just like many thought getting an ED visa and not attending any school was acceptable.

Just like many thought quick and easy visa runs would go on forever.

Over stays are recorded on immigration computers, even if they are not documented in your passport.

Immigration is obviously "tightening up".

What would your guess be as to where the next immigration "crackdown" will be?

It is not very difficult to pay attention tho the dates and be responsible.

Is it?

It seems that is classed as an acceptable but ileagal practise in most countries throughout the World so why should Thailand be diffrent. You pays your money or not and takes your chances. It's an individual thing the only person it harms is him/her self if caught. Some will argue it hurts them as immigration clamp down has anyone been affected by over stayers? ?????????
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Many think of a overstay as an acceptable tool to be used in the visa process with no ramifications and not as a violation of the visa process.

Just like many thought getting an ED visa and not attending any school was acceptable.

Just like many thought quick and easy visa runs would go on forever.

Over stays are recorded on immigration computers, even if they are not documented in your passport.

Immigration is obviously "tightening up".

What would your guess be as to where the next immigration "crackdown" will be?

It is not very difficult to pay attention tho the dates and be responsible.

Is it?

What has this moralizing got to do with the thread? Who was condoning overstay?

This thread is about whether or not certain blacklisting rules are in place or not.

Or should we pretend rules that have been shelved, haven't been, in order to intimidate people like OP asking a simple question?

Just post pics of immigration signs as if they're correct, when people on the forum have left on overstay, and returned, without being blacklisted, many months after the signs were put up?

(With 11 year overstays no less.)

Edited by jspill
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Technically at the moment there aren't any ramifications, to surrendering at the airport, and paying the fine. Whether you think that's a good thing or not it besides the point.

As for 'crackdowns', I think you'll find any overstay rule changes would need a 60 day notice period before they go into effect, so people would have plenty of notice to stop future ramifications from happening to them.

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Technically at the moment there aren't any ramifications, to surrendering at the airport, and paying the fine. Whether you think that's a good thing or not it besides the point.

As for 'crackdowns', I think you'll find any overstay rule changes would need a 60 day notice period before they go into effect, so people would have plenty of notice to stop future ramifications from happening to them.

They changed the rule about visa runs to Cambodia over night, and I don't think that there was much more warning fro the back-to-back tourist visas.

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Many think of a overstay as an acceptable tool to be used in the visa process with no ramifications and not as a violation of the visa process.

Just like many thought getting an ED visa and not attending any school was acceptable.

Just like many thought quick and easy visa runs would go on forever.

Over stays are recorded on immigration computers, even if they are not documented in your passport.

Immigration is obviously "tightening up".

What would your guess be as to where the next immigration "crackdown" will be?

It is not very difficult to pay attention tho the dates and be responsible.

Is it?

It seems that is classed as an acceptable but ileagal practise in most countries throughout the World so why should Thailand be diffrent. You pays your money or not and takes your chances. It's an individual thing the only person it harms is him/her self if caught. Some will argue it hurts them as immigration clamp down has anyone been affected by over stayers? ?????????
Regardless of whether there is a fine or a ban for overstay, if anybody considers himself above the law he should consider that if he is, so are others. You cannot say "I am above the visa laws and just overstay as I please", and then go to the police if someone injures you in a road accident. or steals your money. Because that would be the laws these people choose to be above.
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Let's get serious.

Everyone knows the attached sigh is only a notice authorized by the Thai government and posted by the Thai Immigration department.

We all know the real experts and people with authority in these matters are the Thaivisa members.

Isn't that who's advice we should follow?


My advice would be, in general, to accept the advice given by selected posters (such as ubonjoe). Their advice is almost invariably definitive, and easier to understand than information on Thai government websites, which is anyway often outdated or inaccurate. That should be tempered by a recognition that individual immigration offices and border posts sometimes make up their own rules.

As for banning from Thailand for overstays, the immigration officials currently lack the power to impose them (scare posters and statements of intent notwithstanding). You could be prevented from entering Thailand at a later date for other reasons (suspicion of working, insufficient funds) and previous overstays might possibly play a part in the IO's decision making. However, there will be no stamp saying "banned for previous overstay" in your passport until such time as the law changes.

I think you maybe underestimating their capabilities

It costs no extra manpower to record overstays on the computer if they choose

Is the fine still Capped at 20,000thb regardless of time overstayed ?

I heard awhile ago they may soon change to let it accumulate at 500thb day without limits... Charge long overstaying guests the full amount but didn't hear anything since

They already have a record of your overstays in their computer, for both entries made under your current and any previous passports.

Yes, the cap is 20,000 baht which seems too low. They may be loathe to increase it as it makes it more difficult to get rid of indigent foreigners who have been here illegally for years. Fines must be paid (or exhausted at 200 baht per day in a detention facility) before the foreigner can leave.

20k is even cheaper than most education visas etc

It would make sense to make the fine unlimited but then again anyone arrested from Africa or Cambodia would basically have to be jailed forever if they couldn't afford it.... And that might cost even more

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My advice would be, in general, to accept the advice given by selected posters (such as ubonjoe). Their advice is almost invariably definitive, and easier to understand than information on Thai government websites, which is anyway often outdated or inaccurate. That should be tempered by a recognition that individual immigration offices and border posts sometimes make up their own rules.

As for banning from Thailand for overstays, the immigration officials currently lack the power to impose them (scare posters and statements of intent notwithstanding). You could be prevented from entering Thailand at a later date for other reasons (suspicion of working, insufficient funds) and previous overstays might possibly play a part in the IO's decision making. However, there will be no stamp saying "banned for previous overstay" in your passport until such time as the law changes.

I think you maybe underestimating their capabilities

It costs no extra manpower to record overstays on the computer if they choose

Is the fine still Capped at 20,000thb regardless of time overstayed ?

I heard awhile ago they may soon change to let it accumulate at 500thb day without limits... Charge long overstaying guests the full amount but didn't hear anything since

They already have a record of your overstays in their computer, for both entries made under your current and any previous passports.

Yes, the cap is 20,000 baht which seems too low. They may be loathe to increase it as it makes it more difficult to get rid of indigent foreigners who have been here illegally for years. Fines must be paid (or exhausted at 200 baht per day in a detention facility) before the foreigner can leave.

20k is even cheaper than most education visas etc

It would make sense to make the fine unlimited but then again anyone arrested from Africa or Cambodia would basically have to be jailed forever if they couldn't afford it.... And that might cost even more

I think the fine should be increased, but not unlimited otherwise it causes more problems such as you describe.

The best deterrent would be bans as proposed by immigration. Everyone that enquires about overstaying is concerned that they won't get back in and not about the fine.

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Technically at the moment there aren't any ramifications, to surrendering at the airport, and paying the fine. Whether you think that's a good thing or not it besides the point.

As for 'crackdowns', I think you'll find any overstay rule changes would need a 60 day notice period before they go into effect, so people would have plenty of notice to stop future ramifications from happening to them.

They changed the rule about visa runs to Cambodia over night, and I don't think that there was much more warning fro the back-to-back tourist visas.

As I understand, they did not change the rule but started to follow it?

Or maybe a combination, new rules and old ones followed.

Not sure what status is on that today, maybe went back to old practice.

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One Cambodian border post not letting in people on in/out visa waivers, and then going back to normal a week later, is nothing like introducing overstay bans.

Apples and oranges.

The latter would require a change to the immigration act and have human rights issues with families getting separated.

It's more like the LAST thing they'd ever crack down on, much easier for them to tweak Ed visa rules or out/in visa-free travel.

And would come with 60 days notice, not overnight.

Edited by jspill
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Hi. I just come back from Jomtien/Pattaya Immigration.

Among the messages scrolling on their information TV/screens, were:

Overstay more than 90 days, forbidden to re-entry de Kingdom during 1 year !!

Overstay more than 1 years, forbidden to re-entry de Kingdom during 3 years !!!

(the exclamation points are part of their messages wink.png)

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If the rules are ever approved you will see an announcement such as this one about the new police order that has not been changed for over a year. http://bangkok.immigration.go.th/popup_anounce.html

There will also be a notice posted here: http://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/base.php?page=noticepost&section=notice

You can go back through the notices to see if their has been one about overstay rules.

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Hi! Guys, I need help about my overstay... I've been wanting to clear this since a long time ago, but unfortunately I didn't have the capacity to sort it out then. I'm now ready to clear my overstay and wishing to come back here again... My entry stamp and the expired visa is stamped on my expired passport. I recently applied for a renewal from the embassy and I've got issued a new one along with the letter from them saying the new passport is a replacement for the expired one. I have been overstaying for 4 years... What problems could I face when leaving Thailand? I'm just planning to fly to nearby country to save money for flights.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Hi! Guys, I need help about my overstay... I've been wanting to clear this since a long time ago, but unfortunately I didn't have the capacity to sort it out then. I'm now ready to clear my overstay and wishing to come back here again... My entry stamp and the expired visa is stamped on my expired passport. I recently applied for a renewal from the embassy and I've got issued a new one along with the letter from them saying the new passport is a replacement for the expired one. I have been overstaying for 4 years... What problems could I face when leaving Thailand? I'm just planning to fly to nearby country to save money for flights.

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Are you going to come back in again or just leave?

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And just a week ago, I've contacted some agents who could help me get thru this without getting any problems, at 1st he promised they could help me pass thru the Cambodian boarder with their contact from the immigration, but just last night I've got another message saying they can't do it anymore, as they've started banning people who overstayed... And sent me these two photos. post-247352-14448908193586_thumb.jpgpost-247352-14448908625708_thumb.jpg

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