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Two dead in police chase, angry mob of people protest in Thalang

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Nuclear weapons strike on their house?

That falls under "anything".

Maybe I'm reading too much into your two "anythings" but it seems like you're advocating capital punishment for crimes that even the most backward governments think deserve a punishment that more closely fits the crime.

What about bartenders or beer companies?

Should the police do "anything" it takes to shut them down too? Alcohol ruins more lives and is more damaging to society and people's lives than any illegal drug.

Another fine example of the degeneration of Phuket and Thailand in general.

Come on T.A.T. how are you going to spin this one ?

Perhaps the authorities should tell the police that they ( thepolice) might be better employed in arresting the and curtailing the drug dealers activities as opposed to pulling in celebrities for posing in images involving alcohol?

.Both suspects died in the crash. At the scene, police found fifty ya ba (methamphetamine) pills.

Officers and military personnel have regained control of the situation and are currently negotiating with members of the mob, which was led by relatives of the deceased.

Well that's two less pieces of trash less to worry about . Play nasty games get a nasty response.

Perhaps the rioting is also caused by the fact the public doesn't trust them. Could have been planted drugs? Wouldn't be the first time it's happened....

I would doubt very much, even in Thailand, that the police would plant any drugs on anybody, unless they knew they were dealers or serious users, and it was the only way to get them of the streets, in that case, I would always back the police provided they were 100 per cent certain no innocent person is affected.

Planting drugs on someone to get them off the streets is bad enough but the implication here is they took someone off the streets then planted the drugs on them to justify it which is a totally different kettle of fish.

If the police are 100 per cent certain that a person is a drug dealer, then they should do anything, and I mean anything, to get them off the street.


I have read through the almost 6 full pages on this thread..... I must say I am astounded by the reading comprehension of many, many posters.

Reading the original post hoping that it is accurate and if so :

Where did it mention they were stopped at a police road block

There are different takes if written 1] the police ran into them 2] they ran into the police car 3] they had a head on collision

I do find it amazing how one article can draw out so many different truths from so many different readers and people do make their decisive opinions on what they have read, but maybe read incorrectly.

Maybe the reporting is off, as does happen periodically. I don't think a 22 year old is considered a teenager, and what is a molitel cocktail.

2 young lives gone so best to wish them RIP, and condolences to the families.


There was a link to a video of the collision at post 39 or 40 which I reposted a page or two ago which shows the scooter driving at a high rate of speed and then swerving into the other lane and hitting a car that appeared to be moving rather slowly.

I think if one vehicle is driving on the wrong side of the road and going over the speed limit and hits an oncoming vehicle, they're the one doing the hitting.

The car made no attempt to aim for them and from the video, it appears there was no place for the car to go to avoid being hit. I think that mystery is solved.


Wow! The police finally do a patrol car stop. Thais don't know what a patrol car stop is. A police car with it's lights flashing mean to get out of the way for the VIPs following the cop car.

If they ever want to stop the road carnage, they need to start using patrol cars to stop Thais who are caught doing moving violations or have committed some crime. But at the present, Thais will simply try to outrun the cops, and when they kill themselves in the process, Thai citizens will blame the police. What stupidity. Yeah, I know, we see it on TV in California all the time: Some jackass endangering everyone on the roads outrunning the cops, and most of the time it ends badly. But on the flip side, 99%+ of people on the road in the US and other Western countries will stop and pull over as soon as a following cop car hits their lights and sirens.

The PM should start a TV and billboard campaign: Cops in hot pursuit with lights and sirens means stop your car/motorcycle -now - and prepared to receive a ticket for some moving violation. Run, and you'll be pursued; crash and be prepared to be thrown into jail for endangering the public roads, if you're still alive.

FYI, cops in the US will force cars off the road in a hot pursuit, often by hitting the back quarter-panel of the pursued car with the front quarter-panel of the cop car causing the pursued car to lose control and spin out. They will also ram pursued cars to stop them. Why? Because someone outrunning the cops is putting the public in danger.

Sorry, but I have no sympathy for the deceased driver's stupidity. Most farang placed in the same situation will, by habit, stop. RIP to the passenger.

My reply below is a bit off topic here, but Asians do seem to not know what flashing lights mean.

In both Taiwan and Japan (Okinawa at least), the cops drive around with their lights on for no reason at all.

I recently saw on Alaska State Troopers TV show where some ignorant Taiwanese tourists almost got shot for not pulling over. To them flashing lights mean nothing at all.

I was with 3 other Americans in Taiwan once and we got lost, and asked a cop for directions.

He was a nice guy. Turned his lights on and escorted us to our destination. clap2.gif


I can't find the post I saw in an email summary that said

"What is going on, do not any of you realize what has happened here? Police drove into these 2 kids with their car effectively using it to kill them!"

Glad to see there was an eyewitness. Did you get any video better than that in the link below?


I watched it a few times and what I saw was a scooter driving in the left lane, then trying to pass a car in front of them by swerving into the right side of the road into opposing traffic and hitting a car head-on?

The scooter driver is the one who was driving on the wrong side of the road and he's the one who hit a car head-on.

This isn't about drugs, this isn't about money-loving Thai cops. It's about a driver of a vehicle being asked by the police to stop and instead of stop they decided to run, and due to poor judgment and or poor driving skills they rammed into a car when driving on the wrong side of the road. Unfortunate, too bad for them. They didn't deserve to die but it was the scooter driver's decision that killed them both, not the cops, not the meth, not the bs drug laws, not any other loony conspiracy.

People trying to outrun the police, avoid arrest, drive through roadblocks, speed away from the scene of a crime die all over the world. You make bad choices, sometimes you suffer serious consequences.

In America and other fascist, police-state countries, the moment you decide to run from the police is the moment you decide that living is no longer important. Do that in America and if you don't crash and kill yourself you stand a very high chance of being ran off the road by the cops and crashing an burning or dying of a lead overdose.

I watched it a few times and what I saw was a scooter driving in the left lane, then trying to pass a car in front of them by swerving into the right side of the road into opposing traffic and hitting a car head-on?

That's pretty much what I'm seeing too. And I agree with your post. The scooter driver get's my nomination for this year's Darwin Awards.


Just seen the above video. Agree completely with the above poster. What is the news story here? Guys on the scooter completely at fault. As are the kid's families once they see the above evidence. They should all be nicked. I aint a fan of the cops (in any country), but in this instance, no blame apportioned.

If it is proved they were drug dealers, then both lads got their just deserve in the end.

If they were drugs dealers, and stopped, they would have served jail time based on the amount that they were caught with. Instead, the driver opted for a self-inflicted death sentence. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


Even if the police did something wrong here, and so far I have read nothing indicating that, a mob reaction like this is not justified.

It's the "Phuket mob" that determines what is right and what is wrong here - not the facts.


I can't find the post I saw in an email summary that said

"What is going on, do not any of you realize what has happened here? Police drove into these 2 kids with their car effectively using it to kill them!"

Glad to see there was an eyewitness. Did you get any video better than that in the link below?


I watched it a few times and what I saw was a scooter driving in the left lane, then trying to pass a car in front of them by swerving into the right side of the road into opposing traffic and hitting a car head-on?

The scooter driver is the one who was driving on the wrong side of the road and he's the one who hit a car head-on.

This isn't about drugs, this isn't about money-loving Thai cops. It's about a driver of a vehicle being asked by the police to stop and instead of stop they decided to run, and due to poor judgment and or poor driving skills they rammed into a car when driving on the wrong side of the road. Unfortunate, too bad for them. They didn't deserve to die but it was the scooter driver's decision that killed them both, not the cops, not the meth, not the bs drug laws, not any other loony conspiracy.

People trying to outrun the police, avoid arrest, drive through roadblocks, speed away from the scene of a crime die all over the world. You make bad choices, sometimes you suffer serious consequences.

In America and other fascist, police-state countries, the moment you decide to run from the police is the moment you decide that living is no longer important. Do that in America and if you don't crash and kill yourself you stand a very high chance of being ran off the road by the cops and crashing an burning or dying of a lead overdose.

Do that in America and if you don't crash and kill yourself you stand a very high chance of being ran off the road by the cops and crashing an burning or dying of a lead overdose.

^ Only if you are a young, black man.

What I see in the video is a cop trying to kick over a motorcycle, which is highly questionable in itself, then the bike heading down the lane.

Then in the back ground and I watched it many times, slowly- the police truck heading them off is the one in the wrong lane, the cycle swerves right to avoid the truck, the truck deliberately switches lane to hit the motorcycle.

I predict culpable manslaughter will be the charge and good for the parents getting the independent review.


why is the village so keen to support two drug dealing kids? who were they selling the drugs to? the kids of the people protesting probably.

The cop driving the truck ran into to them deliberately- watch the video on slow and zoomed in.

That's not justice.


why is the village so keen to support two drug dealing kids? who were they selling the drugs to? the kids of the people protesting probably.

The cop driving the truck ran into to them deliberately- watch the video on slow and zoomed in.

That's not justice.

The police officer driving should definately be transferred to an inactive post for this "error." biggrin.png


There was a link to a video of the collision at post 39 or 40 which I reposted a page or two ago which shows the scooter driving at a high rate of speed and then swerving into the other lane and hitting a car that appeared to be moving rather slowly.

I think if one vehicle is driving on the wrong side of the road and going over the speed limit and hits an oncoming vehicle, they're the one doing the hitting.

The car made no attempt to aim for them and from the video, it appears there was no place for the car to go to avoid being hit. I think that mystery is solved.

Not at all, I see a police truck, and that's what it was- trying to head them off by being in the wrong lane and when the motorcycle went right to avoid the truck, the truck deliberately swerved to its left and into them.

That's homicide and they damn near got away with it.


Strange the news media in Thailand wont even refer to other media outlets. TV wont let you post links to Bangkok Post. Seems very silly.

BP does not let TV link to BP.

I don't believe that. BP has a program that inserts a link and limits text copying. They welcome external linking and have made sure their site gets the hits.

Forum rules forbid discussion any further.

Maybe they did not wear helmets and could not afford to pay 300 baht - a day's wages?

That just cost them more than day's wages then.

They still didn't stop. My wife and I returned to our hotel tonight due to the rain. Not worth the risk as well as the nutters on LOS roads.

We all have choices.

How do you know they still didnt stop? Thats only the rtp version. Personally Im not too keen on trusting their version.

Chanel News Asia had video of cars set on fire in Phuket in their news.

Angry crowd surrounds Phuket Police Station

the biggest part of this story is that young kids dont wear helmets on bikes!!!!

i live in Bangkok and every friday and saturday night I see TONNES of teenage kids zooming around bangkok on bikes WITHOUT HELMETS.

the amount of stories i have herd about peoples younger brothers or cousins crashed and died in a motorbike accident *(without Hemlets) !!!

guilty or not, the two kids were riding around like all of the uneducated teenage masses of thailand.

the police need to get TOUGH on road safety and make HUGE fines and ENFORCE them.


@ easybullet3

"the biggest part of this story is that young kids dont wear helmets on bikes!!!!" - ahhhh, you don't think "the biggest part of this story" is they were suspected drug dealers????


Rioting because of excessive force used on two Thai drug dealers? Hmmm... Let me ponder on that for a moment. Maybe they were angry clients. Where are the angry mobs protesting the murders of foreigners tourists?

one would guess so, 50 people pissed of that they missed out on their order


Who knows what to believe in this story. One thing for sure though there is a complete lack of respect and trust for the law. I guess this is probably their own doing, the police are not exactly known for being upstanding officers of the law. Corruption, incompetence and lack of any real protection is likely to blame.

It is a sad story however as 2 young guys lost their lives. They may have been drug dealers but looking at their age they were much more likely running these drugs around for a bigger fish. (guessing here but I think its a pretty safe bet)

Its a very difficult situation because if these guys were carrying a bucket full of drugs and in their desperation they made a stupid mistake at high speed on a motorbike well, not really the fault of the police. But if the rumours are true that the police car deliberately rammed the motorbike then this would certainly probably be manslaughter charges at least.

I guess we will never know, I expect money will change hands somewhere and it will all go away very soon... Very sad,,,


Surely, we should leave it up to the Police Investigation Unit to sort out the facts?

Is it me or do all those coppers look like they have just been dragged off the street and put into ill fitting and non matching shirts?


Nothing like the threat of few lynchings of policemen to focus their minds on what the public really think of them. It wouldn't take much for angry mobs with the benefit of surprise to overrun most provincial police stations.


Surely, we should leave it up to the Police Investigation Unit to sort out the facts?

Is it me or do all those coppers look like they have just been dragged off the street and put into ill fitting and non matching shirts?

Haha, indeed. Didn't notice that part until you pointed it out Gazzpa. Leaw, leaw...photo shoot


Nothing like the threat of few lynchings of policemen to focus their minds on what the public really think of them. It wouldn't take much for angry mobs with the benefit of surprise to overrun most provincial police stations.

It's rather a testament to the coolness of the Thai mentality. Many other countries would have used force at the first breaking of a window and scores of protesters would be carried away in ambulances.

Here it was the police that were injured.

I have a feeling that a just few young rowdies were responsible for the damages to the buildings and cars, and most of the crowd were genuinely grieving and attempting protest at what they saw as a gross injustice.


What proof do you have they were selling drugs to kids? What proof do you have they even had drugs on them?

According to the majority of the posters here, the police either planted drugs on them or lied about them having drugs.

I've never even seen yaba but from what I've read it's a mixture of amphetamine and caffeine. To me that sounds like the old White Crosses people used to take in the 70's to stay awake studying for finals. More caffeine than amphetamine probably. Those you could take 5 of in the afternoon and still fall asleep at midnight.

My point is even if they had 50 of those pills, if it's only a weeks worth between them, it doesn't prove they were selling them.

People sure jump to unsubstantiated conclusions here. The police report they found pills on them, no confirmation of that or even of what they really were. Until they're tested nobody inows what they were, or if they were even theirs. It's quite a jump from a police statement about finding pills, to them selling pills, to them selling to kids, to them selling to the kids of people protesting.

why is the village so keen to support two drug dealing kids? who were they selling the drugs to? the kids of the people protesting probably.


On subsequent viewings of the video it does appear that a police truck crossed the center line in an attempt to cut them off.

Search the Internet for police chases. Many of the ones I've seen end with a police car cutting off the vehicle trying to escape. I've seen it done to cyclists.

Too bad the police don't have a better way of stopping people who try to avoid them but I still say the blame lies with the scooter driver who was trying to outrun the police.

If you aren't aware the police are trying to stop you, a cop trying to stop you with his foot is a good indication. The driver could have stopped, like any normal driver would have and him and his passenger would still be alive.

Too bad the police don't have a better way of stopping people who try to avoid them but I still say the blame lies with the scooter driver who was trying to outrun the police.

Here in the UK the police use stingers... a device deployed across a road designed to puncture tyres.

Last Monday two PC's deployed one to stop a stolen pick up being chased by patrol cars, unfortunately for one police officers, PC David Philips, the pick up drove straight at them, he did not have a chance... an 18 year old is now on remand charged with murder.


Here in the UK police do not chase or use stingers to stop motor bikes because they may case them to crash the bike... sad.png

Too bad the police don't have a better way of stopping people who try to avoid them but I still say the blame lies with the scooter driver who was trying to outrun the police.

Here in the UK the police use stingers... a device deployed across a road designed to puncture tyres.

Last Monday two PC's deployed one to stop a stolen pick up being chased by patrol cars, unfortunately for one police officers, PC David Philips, the pick up drove straight at them, he did not have a chance... an 18 year old is now on remand charged with murder.


Here in the UK police do not chase or use stingers to stop motor bikes because they may case them to crash the bike... sad.png

However , UK Policemen do use bikes to catch criminals !


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