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'Not one of us threw a punch': Aussie tourist speaks out over brutal attack by Thai bouncers

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Something must have been done or said prior to the event

Nope, the Aussies were interviewed and said they did nothing. I have to applaud the Aussie memory, especially how well it works when in or after a free flow bar for several hours. To do all that drinking and keep and eye on your group and have that recall, a beautiful mind.

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I don't mean to be tiresome but I am already, just by posting this post. The Thais who attacked Aussies did not do this on a once only occasion. They may have been suspended but something caused them to over react. Taking you shirt off and waving it around is possibly a cause to show you are pissed, and causing discomfort to all of the rest of the patrons. Happens everywhere, this time the bouncers not only threw them out but hooked in. Who can say who provoked this assault? But the bouncers over stepped the mark in their duties, the Aussies overstepped their mark too. Have you ever seen someone throw off their shirt and start screaming and prancing in a "cultured" setting. I have, said idiots were thrown out the door, much to the relief of patrons that don't need this on a good night out


Something must have been done or said prior to the event

Nope, the Aussies were interviewed and said they did nothing. I have to applaud the Aussie memory, especially how well it works when in or after a free flow bar for several hours. To do all that drinking and keep and eye on your group and have that recall, a beautiful mind.

Does it really matter what transpired prior to what was captured on camera????

It's a serious assault, by multiple Thai assailants, on two people, who are filmed not even throwing a punch.

Even if the Thai's were on the receiving end inside the nightclub, and they don't look that worse for wear on camera, NOTHING justifies their actions that were caught on camera.


Give me a break- when you are a bar/club and offer patrons a special all you can drink for 800 Baht do not be suprised when someone gets drunk , dances, removes their shirt and generally becomes obnoxious. You have taken their money and you best be prepared for drunk customers and also this entails. If you do not want this type of behavior you do not offer this type of payment option. You cannot take a person's money and then beat them up because you don't like their behavior. I said it before and I say it again- this bar has poor management and worse yet poor ownership. It should be closed- forever.


Bar bouncers are there to get rid of undesirables, class them what you like, drunk obnoxious, aggressive, but nothing excuses kicking people in the head, this is an aggressive attack, its not tossing people out of a club. These bouncers should be charged with attempted murder


Yes, the bouncers over reacted. But only because they were faced with a bunch of drunk patrons who thought they were immune to the norms of civility in any society. Who knows the abuse the bouncers suffered. Yes the bouncers will be terminated their employment. The Aussie drunken idiots may have learnt a lesson their parents should have instilled to them years before. Show some respect, especially if you are in a foreign country. I hope the bouncer/thugs get some reprimand, I hope the young idiots learn to always be in control, respect culture and most importantly, you are not in Australia, your silly behaviour is not tolerated in Australia, why should you think you have immunity because you are overseas.


What about to make a list of those places and posted it on the Web ...??

It can warn tourist and local expats just to avoid coming there.

This days messages like that will do the job .

Just make it public in Twitter or Facebook ..and will spread quickly.

To be honest there is more and more incidents in Los every week and never was before.

I am sick and tired of defending Los where concerned friends planing to visit Los and asking me if there is safe to stay..

Sorry can not lie to them now . All I can do do advise is to be careful ....is it enough to say ??



It's always the case afterwards that they were the victims... why don't you tell us the chain of events prior to the bashing so all of us here will have an idea why u got your head kicked in.

didn't he just do that? Read it again.


Certainly no reason for the relentless beating, but we don't know the whole story.

Drunken Aussies???? Taking off his shirt????? Wouldn't leave the VIP area, we didnt do anything?

There's more to the story


I myself have over 6 years of UFC and MMA training. I am more than confident I could take these guys out if no weapons were used but, as I am disciplined I would restrain myself because of the physical damage I could cause to them. I only fight in the ring.

Out of curiosity, what would happen if a falang ended up knocking these bouncers or any other attackers out ?

Would he be prosecuted for defending himself in an unprovoked attack ?

Have any incidents like this ever happened in Thailand before ?



There was a club in Leeds called Smith and Nelson (Nellie's) and in the 80s it could get quite a dodgy place. If the bouncers 'had to deal with an episode' there was a room at the back of the club where they dished this type of hiding out, sometimes with weapons. The club was a very loud (music) venue but you could often hear the screams from the victims through a closed door!

Many people say Thailand is decades behind western ways, in this case it is a correct assumption.

Out of order from the bouncers, but it was happening all the time in the 80s/90s in England also. Knickers in a twist cos a few lads take a hiding from some bouncers? Big wow! Happens/ed in most major towns n cities


I've only been to Bangla rd a handful of times and on EVERY occasion I've seen western tourists, many of them Australians behaving like complete *******s!!

Why is one of them whipping his shirt off in the middle of the club?

I'm not condoning what the bouncers did either, but there's more to these kind of assaults normally.

I'm sure there's plenty of wrong on both sides.. the guy who got the worst of it was probably unlucky and paying for one of his mates actions


These Australians were pretty smart to depart Thailand asap. They were told the cops were looking ('hunting' the media said) for them to be interviewed.

Probably not much in it but they made the right decision for sure. They've got more brains than most 50-60 year old farang bar punters.

Australians are more savvy because theyre taught about SEAsia .

Its unlikely those Thai doorman thugs have police connections but the NAHK LENGs (street toughs/gangsters) definitely are tied in with the cops.

Street gangsters who are only 30 years old go into police stations to have lunch with senior police in the back room.

Ive seen this happen in central Bangkok. It'll be the same all over Thailand. Every cop station will have its NAHK LENG crew.

You dont wont to upset a 'connected 'nahk leng because he can kill you with impunity.

Cops go outside their juristiction in Bangkok to back up the nahk leng crew. Probably the same everywhere.

If the Thai thugs were sacked and they do actually have police connections then, ok, they will be back on the job in a week or two.

NAHK LENG <deleted> and Australia is still here son..... Anytime :)


These Australians were pretty smart to depart Thailand asap. They were told the cops were looking ('hunting' the media said) for them to be interviewed.

Probably not much in it but they made the right decision for sure. They've got more brains than most 50-60 year old farang bar punters.

Australians are more savvy because theyre taught about SEAsia .

Its unlikely those Thai doorman thugs have police connections but the NAHK LENGs (street toughs/gangsters) definitely are tied in with the cops.

Street gangsters who are only 30 years old go into police stations to have lunch with senior police in the back room.

Ive seen this happen in central Bangkok. It'll be the same all over Thailand. Every cop station will have its NAHK LENG crew.

You dont wont to upset a 'connected 'nahk leng because he can kill you with impunity.

Cops go outside their juristiction in Bangkok to back up the nahk leng crew. Probably the same everywhere.

If the Thai thugs were sacked and they do actually have police connections then, ok, they will be back on the job in a week or two.

NAHK LENG <deleted> and Australia is still here son..... Anytime smile.png

Ypou been viewing to many Thai TV shows and they are all cowards and only tuff in packs untrained spastics


Something must have been done or said prior to the event

In Thailand not necessarily KC.

You don't have to do a lot to get kicked around from the jet ski scammers......or even dispute anything with a Tuk Tuk driver.

You see....this is the mob mentality all too prevalent in the tourist areas of Thailand.

I stress the tourist areas as this doesn't happen, from my experience, in the "real" Thailand.

The common denominator, when it comes to 99% of the scamming and violence related crimes, is the term "tourist area".

Ten years ago when I first came to Thailand I went to Nana a few times, stayed at the Dynasty, drank in the Golden Bar etc etc, but never had any trouble, although I heard lots of tales about Ladyboys scamming tourists, bouncers fighting customers and the Cops turning up to restore the peace.

Nearly every crime related story you read about in Thailand that involves farangs includes the words Phuket, Pataya, or Samui, three of the biggest tourist magnets in the country.

Unfortunately people judge Thailand on these tourist areas which is just plain stupid. You could live a long and happy life in Thailand without ever going to one of those trouble spots.


The bouncers were thugs and too heavy handed, but if anyone has been to clubs in the West, fights and customers getting thrown out are almost a nightly occurrence at popular bars/clubs, especially on weekends. Most of the time its the customers getting too drunk or causing the fights themselves over girls.

Not saying the thugs here shouldn't be punished, they should be in jail!


I believe that in Australia fighting is entertainment, they drink and fight all the time. Thailand is a polite society that frowns on fighting, if you get in a fight it is to the death. Thailand isn't a forgive and forget society, if it is important enough to fight then you better kill. Nobody in Thailand wants to live their life looking over their shoulder. If you fight then make sure the guy can not come after you later. These bouncers live a different fight code than most western societies. The aussies were lucky, next time the bouncers will know they're going to be fired so might as well draw a lot of blood.

The problem with the video is it doesn't start from the get go, it is only the ending, no beginning. The bouncers didn't just go wild and they should not be expected to know or follow some western version of bouncer etiquette. Yes, these guys will get other jobs and perform them against falang knowing they will lose another job. I'd remember it is falang that took the food out of my rice bowl before.


...I doubt that this reaches any Thai media...

...if it does...hold on to your hats for 'What happened, why and how...'...

...invite us here...but hate us....take all our money...and kill us at the slightest excuse....

The bottom line is that they just don't like us.

The flip side of the coin however lies in understanding the way Thailand is marketed and to whom it is marketed.

Mildura is a tough town and always has been. The Australian country boy with his gladiatorial attitude of beer and football punch ups is sold on the idea that if he goes to Thailand (where everything will cost him nothing) then there will be a million houris all just waiting for him to arrive. In his mind he is superior in every way to the little people of Asia.

This is a case of the wrong attitude running into the wrong people at the wrong place.

Both are just as bad as each other.

They would not have bunged on the same thing in an Australian night club because the bouncers would have kicked the attitude out of them just as badly and with just as much impunity.

..................."The bottom line is that they just don't like us."......................

Speak for yourself. This anal line gets trotted out every now and again, usually by racists who try vainly to justify their own racist attitude by saying they just don't like us.

Your theory regarding the tourists who were beat up is daft. Were you there ? Do you know those guys personally ?

......................"In his mind he is superior in every way to the little people of Asia."..........................

In your mind, maybe !


It's a very up-market place and removing clothing is not allowed. Apparently they had been harassing most of the girls/staff during the evening and had been asked to behave. I'm sure they didn't take kindly to being asked to leave and it escalated due to too much alcohol.

What makes you think they were asked to leave?

They didnt escalate anything. You can see they never threw a punch. They were out of the club and thats where the responsibility of the bouncers end. But no, the bouncers escalated it by beating and kicking them.

True cowards.

I know because I spoke to someone who works there and was harassed by them.


It's a very up-market place and removing clothing is not allowed. Apparently they had been harassing most of the girls/staff during the evening and had been asked to behave. I'm sure they didn't take kindly to being asked to leave and it escalated due to too much alcohol.

What makes you think they were asked to leave?

They didnt escalate anything. You can see they never threw a punch. They were out of the club and thats where the responsibility of the bouncers end. But no, the bouncers escalated it by beating and kicking them.

True cowards.

I know because I spoke to someone who works there and was harassed by them.

As always, there are two sides to the story, although I will add I do not condone anybody kicking somebody else in the head when they are down.

But then again, rules very rarely apply here in Thailand and you only have to look at the corruption at the very top, right down to the BIB, extortion, Thai mafia and a set of rules made up as people go along, because when all said and done, this is a Third World country without a good rule of law.

Surely this should be borne in mind when people come to this country for a holiday. And the reason I bring this up is because just a couple of evenings prior to this, two of the Aussies in this group were thrown out of another pub for harassing customers and threatening security and when they were asked to leave, one of them took his shirt off and suggested he would take anyone on in the bar – – the bring it on attitude.

If you go looking for, or causing trouble, in a Third World country then don't be surprised at the type of beating that is dished out.

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