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Another arrest warrant issued for fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra


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All these arrest warrants are complete BS!

Back in 2010, abhisit and suthep were yelling for several months, they were working hard with Interpol and foreigns country to locate Thaskin, to got him arrested and send him back to thailand.....

Until one day, Interpol big boss admitted he never get any request! Yeah no request. That was just one more lie from the mad monks.

And even if Interpol get a request, they said, they will never go after Thaskin, as they dont interfere in political mayhem!

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The wonderful irony of it. The Thailand government wants Thaksin back and expects any other country to co-operate in returning him for justice. But its OK for Thailand to welcome with open arms a scumbag like Pol Pot after the Vietnamese had liberated Cambodia and turfed him out into the welcoming and loving arms of the Thais. Thailand seemed to have little concern for Pol Pot's deathly regime and then protected him until he finally died. What hypocrites!

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Thaskin is only a fugitive criminal for the thailand's elite(army, yellow). For the rest of the world, he is the victim, the good guy.

Actually he is free to travel wherever he wants. Unlike the junta and the mad monk...

Edited by Bender
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Why would I bother. Everyone can put two and two together. They never explained why his visa was cancelled. The Foreign office doesn't have to. Dozens of much dodgier Russians in London.

They caved in expediently. That's business.

And everyone who can put two and two together knows Thaksin is as bent and dangerous as any of those dodgy Russians in London.

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Why would I bother. Everyone can put two and two together. They never explained why his visa was cancelled. The Foreign office doesn't have to. Dozens of much dodgier Russians in London.

They caved in expediently. That's business.

And everyone who can put two and two together knows Thaksin is as bent and dangerous as any of those dodgy Russians in London.

Well that's as maybe, but it was such a glaring coincidence when the story hit the newspapers here about nominees. Then a meeting in London, and bingo, thaksin visa cancelled.

Obviously Tesco was a bit of a touchy subject in London....

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Thaskin is only a fugitive criminal for the thailand's elite(army, yellow). For the rest of the world, he is the victim, the good guy.

Actually he is free to travel wherever he wants. Unlike the junta and the mad monk...

What a load of drivel.

The rest of the world, or those few that are interested in Thailand, see him for what he is. A totally corrupt politician and businessman who has made billions from his scams.

He's free to travel because he bought other nationalities from poor countries who are willing to sell them to anyone with enough dosh; and the Thai authorities haven't done anything about extradition for whatever reasons.

If he's free to travel wherever - tell him to come back here.

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Why would I bother. Everyone can put two and two together. They never explained why his visa was cancelled. The Foreign office doesn't have to. Dozens of much dodgier Russians in London.

They caved in expediently. That's business.

And everyone who can put two and two together knows Thaksin is as bent and dangerous as any of those dodgy Russians in London.

Well that's as maybe, but it was such a glaring coincidence when the story hit the newspapers here about nominees. Then a meeting in London, and bingo, thaksin visa cancelled.

Obviously Tesco was a bit of a touchy subject in London....

And if he hadn't broke the law in the first place, he couldn't have been convicted and then chose to jump bail.

Now, if your supposition is true, why didn't Thailand ask the British to deport him?

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Why would I bother. Everyone can put two and two together. They never explained why his visa was cancelled. The Foreign office doesn't have to. Dozens of much dodgier Russians in London.

They caved in expediently. That's business.

And everyone who can put two and two together knows Thaksin is as bent and dangerous as any of those dodgy Russians in London.

Well that's as maybe, but it was such a glaring coincidence when the story hit the newspapers here about nominees. Then a meeting in London, and bingo, thaksin visa cancelled.

Obviously Tesco was a bit of a touchy subject in London....

And if he hadn't broke the law in the first place, he couldn't have been convicted and then chose to jump bail.

Now, if your supposition is true, why didn't Thailand ask the British to deport him?

Because I would presume, that even at that point, the opposition was hoping he would stick by the deal he had obviously done and shut up and put up, enjoy his billions and stay out of their way.

But alas, here we are today. I mean honestly, they let him go to the Olympics for God's sake... So another deal Thaksin reneged on in his life.

I once met a pooyai who trained thaksin at the police college and had a discussion about the situation. He basically explained that thaksin went too far and refused to play by the established rules so he had to go.

Seems like a fair assessment of the situation.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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So how many arrest warrants are now in force?

Any country, other than Thailand would be investigating ways / methods of extraditing a criminal - especially when you know where the bolthole is and said criminal is flitting around the world more than likely into countries that have extradition agreements with Thailand.

Another slow news day.

Maybe because these countries just don't give a rats arse about what Thailand wants under its current guise?

If the truth be known, it's more than likely Thailand doesn't really give a rats arse what Thaksin is doing, and the further away he is the better.

As for his name popping up all the time - not entirely a function of the junta -- the news media thinks it sell papers and will take every opportunity to run headline.

"If the truth be known, it's more than likely Thailand doesn't really give a rats arse what Thaksin is doing, "

It probably depends on where in the country you ask the population. I'm fairly certain they care quite a lot in some parts of the country. But I can tell you this much; the junta and their pals care a great deal about what he's doing, and they have every reason to be worried....very worried.

Yes, the "majority" of the people truly love and support the dear leader and his little sibling. They will rise up and crush all who dare refuse to kow tow to the Shin will.

Seriously, I doubt many Thais care for anyone whose not giving them money. While they though Thaksin and his puppet parties would hand things out, they were supportive. They've been given too many broken promises and told too many lies. The people, the real majority, will wise up slowly but surely. Then Thaksin and his clan should be just as worried as all the other elite clans.

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So how many arrest warrants are now in force?

Any country, other than Thailand would be investigating ways / methods of extraditing a criminal - especially when you know where the bolthole is and said criminal is flitting around the world more than likely into countries that have extradition agreements with Thailand.

Another slow news day.

Maybe because these countries just don't give a rats arse about what Thailand wants under its current guise?

Maybe you should try researching his crimes and outstanding cases. It's not all political - only brainwashed Shin fans, minions and the easily led think that.

Some are really meaty corruption cases. Properly filed extradition requests would be acted on by most countries, many of whose judicial systems would see through the Thaksin BS and would not tolerate "pastry boxes" to sway them.

But Thaksin knows they'll never do that. That would set a precedent, and others might have to be extradited. And, some, didn't even bother to flee and their serious cases will never be progressed.

Many other countries know very well that Thaksin is a criminal who has amassed a considerable vast fortune. Even the normally very billionaire friendly UK kicked him out. No doubt he pays Dubai's cash conscious absolute non democratic ruler something for the privilege of living their. He wouldn't extradite him, unless the Abu Dhabi boys decided otherwise.

"Meaty corruption cases"...yeah , his wife bought a piece of land in a fair & open tender. Meaty! You should try to do some research that hasn't been written by his yellow enemies.

How about Prayuth's family explain selling their plots of land to a company registered in the Cayman Islands only weeks before the sale?

quote "How about Prayuth's family explain selling their plots of land to a company registered in the Cayman Islands only weeks before the sale?"

I didn't know about that. Do you have any links or references. newspaper reports, that sort of thing to back it up?

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A post in all caps has been removed, please turn off your Caps Lock button when posting.

I have been caught out like that before. Typing without looking especially when my son has used the computer and quite often it comes up in Thai as well.

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So how many arrest warrants are now in force?

Any country, other than Thailand would be investigating ways / methods of extraditing a criminal - especially when you know where the bolthole is and said criminal is flitting around the world more than likely into countries that have extradition agreements with Thailand.

Another slow news day.

Maybe because these countries just don't give a rats arse about what Thailand wants under its current guise?

If the truth be known, it's more than likely Thailand doesn't really give a rats arse what Thaksin is doing, and the further away he is the better.

As for his name popping up all the time - not entirely a function of the junta -- the news media thinks it sell papers and will take every opportunity to run headline.

"If the truth be known, it's more than likely Thailand doesn't really give a rats arse what Thaksin is doing, "

It probably depends on where in the country you ask the population. I'm fairly certain they care quite a lot in some parts of the country. But I can tell you this much; the junta and their pals care a great deal about what he's doing, and they have every reason to be worried....very worried.

Ha - the veiled threat of imminent communist uprising again. It reminds me a lot of the North Koreans in 1950 who had a similar mentality - and you should take a lesson from history about where that will get you (before China stepped in).

We all saw the last red-shirt protests which promised tens of thousands and got a few women who had nothing better to do than have a free day out. The only chance for numbers is when buses are all laid on and a party is waiting. This kind of pimping is not the stuff revolutions are made of. Your entire plan depends on money from one man who has proven he doesn't give a damn about you (the amnesty bill should have showed you that).

The best you will manage is to be an underground terrorist group like the Muslims in the South - which you are only a small step from already. Most are not that stupid : things are not really worse for them now than they were under Pheu-Thai. It's only those who want the power and the access to public money who are in a rage. They think something has been stolen from them.

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I'd say they want to keep reminding the public of the Bogeyman that's out there. As if many are bothered. Little bit like unrequited hate

To keep the masses docile you have to constantly keep them focused on something else. If you can channel their anger in another direction they will not channel it at you. Politicians the world over are using this weapon to divide and conquer.

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Thaksin faces arrest for failing to attend trial



BANGKOK: -- THE Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant yesterday for fugitive former PM Thaksin Shinawatra after the Army filed a defamation lawsuit against him for criticising the military for ousting his sister Yingluck's govt.

An arrest warrant was sought because Thaksin failed to show up at court, Maj-General Sarayuth Klinmahom, director of the Army's Office of Judge Advocate, said.

In an interview with South Korean media in May this year, Thaksin accused the Army of being part of a conspiracy to overthrow his sister's elected government last year. The Army decided to sue Thaksin, saying his claims were untrue.

Thaksin, who also faces corruption charges, has fled the country and is reportedly based in Dubai.

The court said the former PM - who has lawyers to defend the case on his behalf - knew that the court had set a date for trial.

"As the defendant has taken refuge outside the Kingdom, the court deems it necessary to issue an arrest warrant," the judge said.

However, a trial on this case has to be suspended until the authorities are able to bring him to the court.

Sarayuth said he would forward the warrant to the Attorney-General's Office and police to request that Thaksin be brought back to face the court.

Thaksin faces arrest on several counts, including corruption, abuse of power and terrorism. He was sentenced to two years in prison by the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders for abuse of power in the sale of state land to his then-wife when he was premier, but fled overseas.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Thaksin-faces-arrest-for-failing-to-attend-trial-30270737.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-13

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Thaksin's lawyer told the court that the former prime minister has received a political asylum

I know we're told that the former-PM has a few passports, from other countries, but wonder which country he's actually applied-to & received political asylum ? whistling.gif

And do I hear a distant protest that "The United Nations Criminal Court is not my father !" rolleyes.gif

I had wondered what might prevent him from returning, ten years after his departure in late-2006 or late-2008, clearly a case like this may be to remind him not to rock the boat, or risk 'them' finding more-recent grounds for court-action. wink.png

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If the statue of limitations is 7 or 10 years or whatever more charges like this will make sure he can't sneak back in anytime soon ...which is probably the plan

I am not sure of Thai law, however I don't believe that a statute of limitations applies if you have been charged. My understanding is they only apply if you have never been caught or indicted.

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Interpol would never act just like other countries would never extradite because they're not "real" crimes other than political charges brought on by upset politicians from the opposing parties. All the other countries know that and therefore ignore any attempts as just hot air from disgruntled politicians.

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It's hard to understand why he couldn't be simply arrested in any of the countries where he regularly visits....

charge him with the 3000 odd extra judicial murders and maybe some country might agree to send him back..

Please listen to the speech of an institution we can not talk about then you get the point why 3000 personals got popped off. It was clearly mentioned in the speech that the current laws and regulations are not enough to get rid of the drug problems. As for the issues of 3000 peoples that were popped off 90% deserved it and Isaan was cleaned of that scums and the villagers clapped their hands when those bastards were executed by both police and army personals. For the 10% that bite the dust, shit happens and they are part of collateral damage. I remember the times in 2009 - 2010 when Thaksin was gone executions still was going stroing in Udon Thani and Sakon Nakhon. A bitch with was my neighbor and run a Yaba smuggling ring to Malaysia was killed with her son (23 years). They owned three houses, 4 SUV's, 7 tractors and our village had a great party when karma finally got back to her Great news, Hubby was killed, wife was killed and the son and all three were part of the Yaba gang for shipping drugs to Malaysia. If you complain about the extra judicial killings do as well complain about all those LM charges against innocent peoples.

I think Thailand should follow Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei on capital punishment of anything above 250 yaba pills, 500gr of Ganya and 100gr of Class 1 drugs and send this whole pack to the gallows and the problem with drugs is solved.

If the police had evidence enough to kill them, why would they not have enough to do things properly through the courts?
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Extra Judicial killings are murder, plain and simple. Without any rule of law, who makes those decisions and when they are wrong who addresses the mistake. You don't have to kill people to stop drug trafficking. Simply decriminalize or make it legal and use the money saved on police, prisons and courts to educate people on why drugs are not the solution. For those people who refuse to rehab, they will eventually die from overdose and that problem then goes away.

It is rather hypocritical for Thaksin who violated the law by authorizing murder is now complaining he has been wronged by the law. He can come back to Thailand any time he desires. No Thai citizen can be denied entry. If he feels he was so wronged, he can use his billions to hire the best lawyers and fight his cases in the courts. Instead, he would rather sit in a foreign country and cause disruptions in Thailand through his minions. The man has no shame. He is selfish and cares only for himself.

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Interpol would never act just like other countries would never extradite because they're not "real" crimes other than political charges brought on by upset politicians from the opposing parties. All the other countries know that and therefore ignore any attempts as just hot air from disgruntled politicians.

Interesting interpretation. However, totally incorrect. Thaksin was convicted of engaging in a deal which benefited a close family member. The conflict of interest was specifically prohibited by the constitution. I don't think anyone would consider that a "political" charge, or that it wasn't a "real" crime.

In a ruling that made him the first Thai politician to be convicted of corruption committed while prime minister, Thaksin was found to have violated conflict of interest rules in helping his wife buy land from a state agency at a reduced price. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/oct/21/thaksin-thailand-corruption
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Has anyone in the office called interpol ? that would be a good place to start ..... blink.png

Only if Interpol accept that he should appear on the most wanted list. They are not coppers for hire.

if he is a country with no extradition treaty or reciprocal agreement with Thailand there is nothing they can do really. They can ask for that country to allow extradition but it would not be easy and it would be a big favour. What can Thailand offer in return to Dubai for example? Also remember Thaksin is not short of money so he can move things in his favour more often then not.

I think the only he is ever going to come back is if he decides to...

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