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How my bills in Thailand are ฿8000 baht a month or about (£150, $230)


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a fan is anywhere from 60 to 150 per hour, about the same as the fan setting on an AC

60-150 baht an hour?

that sounds far to expensive.

At 100 watts (which is a hell of a big fan) it would - obviously - be 0.8 baht an hour if you're paying 8 baht a kwh. Fans cost nothing, it's just that unless the humidity is low enough to allow the evaporation of sweat they don't help much.

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a fan is anywhere from 60 to 150 per hour, about the same as the fan setting on an AC

60-150 baht an hour?

that sounds far to expensive.

At 100 watts (which is a hell of a big fan) it would - obviously - be 0.8 baht an hour if you're paying 8 baht a kwh. Fans cost nothing, it's just that unless the humidity is low enough to allow the evaporation of sweat they don't help much.

That means last night, as i had my fan on the lowest speed all night, i spent about 6-8 baht.

Isn't that great?

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if you spend more than 20'000 baths for yourself , it means something is wrong with you (drug, alcohol...) or someone is stealing you( ladybar, wife, ...)

What a ridiculous comment. I spend far more than 20,000 baht a month, just the essentials nearly come to more than that. Cleaner/cook, Gym membership, petrol, mobile phone, water..

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you don't have to spend over 20k baht to live well. you just have bad deal and bad technic. probably you pay farang price. by example I can get a kick a$s house with swimming pool for less than 10k. I can eat the best food on earth for less 3k, and still have enough money left to travel. I bet most of guys here are just coming from a nanny country and Pay what they are asked without bargaining.

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you don't have to spend over 20k baht to live well. you just have bad deal and bad technic. probably you pay farang price. by example I can get a kick a$s house with swimming pool for less than 10k. I can eat the best food on earth for less 3k, and still have enough money left to travel. I bet most of guys here are just coming from a nanny country and Pay what they are asked without bargaining.

Your wumming i know but i will bite. In might come as a surprise to you, but living well is obviously very subjective. What is living well to you would probably not my idea of living well. I am sure you can get a nice house for 10K somewhere in Thailand, but you cannot get one close to the centre of BKK where i work.

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Some people are mentally cchallenged and for them proving that they are "so good" at spending nothing works even when they are living worse than burmese slave.

That house VIP thailand, is something that a lot of us would rather move back with mommy than live in. I don't need all the luxury i have, but i enjoy them and you are definitely not enjoying your "cheap lifestyle" if you need to "brag" about the crap lifestyle you have.

No point in being alive if you cant afford a 45k+ baht mattress and all the tasty expensive food this earth has to offer.

Also most of us with kids spend more than 20k a month on just tuition. You sound like a Vegan that hates his choice.

I work 1 hour a day so its not like "my choice to overspend" is hurting me a lot either. If i were to do the jungle monkey lifestyle, id do like you expect i wouldnt be so broke that id build a shitty tippy that is gonna be filled with mosquitos and centipedes. I'd build my own mini palace with expensive plumbing, expensive tiles, expensives insulation and a nice jaccuzi pool with waterfall. Then it would make sense to live in the jungle in thailand.

Edited by bearpolar
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if you spend more than 20'000 baths for yourself , it means something is wrong with you (drug, alcohol...) or someone is stealing you( ladybar, wife, ...)

What a ridiculous comment. I spend far more than 20,000 baht a month, just the essentials nearly come to more than that. Cleaner/cook, Gym membership, petrol, mobile phone, water..

learn to do some things for yourself, even if you can afford not to

washing clothes by hand, drying them in the open air, walking to the market and carrying the food back in your hands, cooking for yourself...i could go on listing many others, but you get the idea

these things build character. when things get really bad they won't seem as bad, because you have exercised some skills as a man, and have overcome some challenges, rather then just sitting back like a potato doing whatever your doing while someone else cares for your needs

I'm assuming your capable physically and mentally. My apologies if your handicapped.

Edited by fey
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you don't have to spend over 20k baht to live well. you just have bad deal and bad technic. probably you pay farang price. by example I can get a kick a$s house with swimming pool for less than 10k. I can eat the best food on earth for less 3k, and still have enough money left to travel. I bet most of guys here are just coming from a nanny country and Pay what they are asked without bargaining.

A house with a pool?

I bet you mean your bridge with a puddle under it.

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if you spend more than 20'000 baths for yourself , it means something is wrong with you (drug, alcohol...) or someone is stealing you( ladybar, wife, ...)

What a ridiculous comment. I spend far more than 20,000 baht a month, just the essentials nearly come to more than that. Cleaner/cook, Gym membership, petrol, mobile phone, water..

learn to do some things for yourself, even if you can afford not to

washing clothes by hand, drying them in the open air, walking to the market and carrying the food back in your hands, cooking for yourself...i could go on listing many others, but you get the idea

these things build character. when things get really bad they won't seem as bad, because you have exercised some skills as a man, and have overcome some challenges, rather then just sitting back like a potato doing whatever your doing while someone else cares for your needs

I'm assuming your capable physically and mentally. My apologies if your handicapped.

I work full time from 7am until 7pm. I am perfectly capable of doing those things but after a days work i prefer to come home and relax and unwind.

If i did not work or was retired i have no doubt i would do those things myself, as i have done in the passed.

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you aint getting a house with a pool for 10k in Pattaya.

And 100b per day for food. lol that aint the best food on the earth. unless you are dog and it is coming from a can.

I think theoretically you could eat for 100 THB per day- two 30THB plates and one 40THB plates off the street. But I can only speak for myself and my wife's thinking on this. We have decided if we can't move to Thailand and be well off, we'll stay in the US. We're planning on a paid for house somewhere like Hua Hin or maybe East Pattaya and 60,000THB monthly allowance.

I think we all have our own thresholds, plans and desires. Part of me wants to go to Thailand or perhaps Cambodia for a year and live off a teaching salary just for the adventure of it.

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I think everybody has a different life style. for some 30K per month is already so much money, that they think it's more than enough and they are happy. Others they think with 100K they are happy... and i am sure there are people out there they would not even be happy with 500K per month.

At the end everybody has the perfect money if he "really" can say that he is happy with it.

But on the other site this is a Internet forum, and as in most places who anonimity is involved you never can trust what others write.

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I think everybody has a different life style. for some 30K per month is already so much money, that they think it's more than enough and they are happy. Others they think with 100K they are happy... and i am sure there are people out there they would not even be happy with 500KI per month.

At the end everybody has the perfect money if he "really" can say that he is happy with it.

But on the other site this is a Internet forum, and as in most places who anonimity is involved you never can trust what others write.

You can trust this

I'm getting a little bit older now, and am not 125% of the man i once was. With this comes medication, certain infirmities and loss of appetite.

Unfortunately, as stubborn as these cases may be, the mental half does not always follow in the footsteps of the physical. Four erections lasting more then four hours please contact my maid.

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No point in being alive if you cant afford a 45k+ baht mattress and all the tasty expensive food this earth has to offer.

According to your view, my only remaining option is to commit suicide since I live on half the amount the OP says. Suggestion method? How about hanging myself?

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No point in being alive if you cant afford a 45k+ baht mattress and all the tasty expensive food this earth has to offer.

According to your view, my only remaining option is to commit suicide since I live on half the amount the OP says. Suggestion method? How about hanging myself?

There's always working on yourself to be successful enough to buy what even mcdonalds workers can afford in the west.

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if you need more than 20k, you are a poor soul and you need help.

do you think Jesus was living the high style?

Jesus did the high life at the time, he had time and money to perform miracles and wander the countryside preaching. Now you need more than 20k to do that.

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I didn't say I discovered paradise but I'm not complaining either.

"No point in being alive if you cant afford a 45k+ baht mattress"

It says it all really about your perception of happiness.

I don't sleep on a mattress btw.

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Most of the world's population can't afford a $1500 mattress, what pointless lives they must be living.

is he a third worlder? No. He's a westerner that failed and is trying to convince everyone that hes happy living worse than a burmese with no safety net.

Different set of priorities is all,doesn't make him a failure. As long as he's doing it as a choice and spending his own money he's won half the battle right there,. If he decides he wants more stuff there's plenty of options for him to change his lifestyle.

Edited by Rob13
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