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Palestinian knife attacker shot dead by Israeli forces


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Palestinian knife attacker shot dead by Israeli forces


JERUSALEM: -- Israeli security forces shot dead a Palestinian in Jerusalem on Monday (October 12). The man had reportedly attacked an Israeli border police officer with a knife at the Lions Gate entrance to the Old City.

Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said: “Paramilitary police officers noticed the man acting suspiciously and ordered him approached to be searched.”

“The man attacked an officer with a knife, but he was wearing a protective vest and was not injured,” Rosenfeld said.

Four Israelis and 24 Palestinians including eight children have died in 12 days of bloodshed. That is being fuelled in part by Muslim anger over increasing Jewish visits to the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, revered by Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and Jews as the Temple Mount.

Israeli officials last week reportedly urged residents to carry weapons for protection amid the increased tension and violence.

Those calls have been criticised by a former Foreign minister who said that shifting the job of protection from state to citizen would lead to chaos.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-13
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Too many members here express regrets that "Palestinians" attacking Israelis use inadequate weapons.

Knives instead of guns. Maybe even guns instead of bombs?

I can only say that they have used all of these weapons in the past. They will use them again. But with the same result.

No R.I.P. from me.

Edited by ABCer
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Four Israelis and 24 Palestinians including eight children have died in 12 days of bloodshed.
Again, you can plainly see from the stats how the Israelis play the victim when they are in fact the aggressor. Israeli officials claim to want to calm things down, but they use disproportionate force to escalate the situation.
This is a build up to something more sinister on the part of Netanyahu's government....he has done it before. It may keep him in power for a few more months, but it will not create permanent peace, and will make more enemies for Israel worldwide. Israel blunders on, managing the conflict, shooting itself in the foot, rather than searching for a solution. Time is on the side of the Palestinians.
Edited by dexterm
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Four Israelis and 24 Palestinians including eight children have died in 12 days of bloodshed.
Again, you can plainly see from the stats how the Israelis play the victim when they are in fact the aggressor. Israeli officials claim to want to calm things down, but they use disproportionate force to escalate the situation.
This is a build up to something more sinister on the part of Netanyahu's government....he has done it before. It may keep him in power for a few more months, but it will not create permanent peace, and will make more enemies for Israel worldwide. Israel blunders on, managing the conflict, shooting itself in the foot, rather than searching for a solution. Time is on the side of the Palestinians.

Truly one of the most idiotic comments to grace the obsessive Israeli threads. All of these incidents involve Arabs engaged in direct attacks on Israelis who were not engaged in any sort of hostile activities against the perpetrators. In Gaza, a missile unit was firing at Israel from a building. As a result of one attack, 2 human shields were killed when Israel took out the rocket launching site. It is not disproportionate force to stop missiles from being fired.

Come up with a better way to disarm lunatics who stab people and you can train police forces around the world. I watched one recording of a crazed woman with a Knife. She was told to repeatedly drop her knife and still kept on the attack. She's lucky the Israelis didn't kill her.

Why don't you just come right out and say you hate Israel and you want all Israelis removed. That's your point of view and you can express it. Just be honest and stop pretending you are being fair. Your current comment demonstrates how much you hate Israel. We get it.

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Four Israelis and 24 Palestinians including eight children have died in 12 days of bloodshed.
Again, you can plainly see from the stats how the Israelis play the victim when they are in fact the aggressor. Israeli officials claim to want to calm things down, but they use disproportionate force to escalate the situation.
This is a build up to something more sinister on the part of Netanyahu's government....he has done it before. It may keep him in power for a few more months, but it will not create permanent peace, and will make more enemies for Israel worldwide. Israel blunders on, managing the conflict, shooting itself in the foot, rather than searching for a solution. Time is on the side of the Palestinians.

No wonder they say that there are lies, dirty lies and statistics.

Arabs hostile to Israelis in ME outnumber them at about 50:1 ratio.

Only 24 "Palestinians" - perpetrators against 4 Israelis in my books is cheap! Almost a bargain.

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Four Israelis and 24 Palestinians including eight children have died in 12 days of bloodshed.
Again, you can plainly see from the stats how the Israelis play the victim when they are in fact the aggressor. Israeli officials claim to want to calm things down, but they use disproportionate force to escalate the situation.
This is a build up to something more sinister on the part of Netanyahu's government....he has done it before. It may keep him in power for a few more months, but it will not create permanent peace, and will make more enemies for Israel worldwide. Israel blunders on, managing the conflict, shooting itself in the foot, rather than searching for a solution. Time is on the side of the Palestinians.

Truly one of the most idiotic comments to grace the obsessive Israeli threads. All of these incidents involve Arabs engaged in direct attacks on Israelis who were not engaged in any sort of hostile activities against the perpetrators. In Gaza, a missile unit was firing at Israel from a building. As a result of one attack, 2 human shields were killed when Israel took out the rocket launching site. It is not disproportionate force to stop missiles from being fired.

Come up with a better way to disarm lunatics who stab people and you can train police forces around the world. I watched one recording of a crazed woman with a Knife. She was told to repeatedly drop her knife and still kept on the attack. She's lucky the Israelis didn't kill her.

Why don't you just come right out and say you hate Israel and you want all Israelis removed. That's your point of view and you can express it. Just be honest and stop pretending you are being fair. Your current comment demonstrates how much you hate Israel. We get it.

Interesting that you deflect from the OP with an Israeli attack on Gaza against Hamas for a rocket they did not fire. And of course any injuries such as the pregnant woman and her daughter are naturally dehumanized by you as "human shields". How about a little honesty on your part.
I too watched the video of that crazed woman totally surrounded by police and IDF in full body armor rifles pointing at her, with sadistic chanting Israelis in the background urging police to kill her. Where were the tasers, the pepper spray, the rubber bullets?
Why don't you just come right out and say you hate Israel and you want all Israelis removed.
Because that would not be true...
I hate the current fanatical right wing Israeli government. I admired the peace making efforts of the PM Yitzhak Rabin assassinated by a rabid right wing Zionist.
I hate fanatical supporters of the racist/supremacist political doctrine Zionism.
I admire the many Israeli Jews and Jewry worldwide who are striving for peace.
I do not want to see the destruction of Israel or Israelis removed from pre 67 Israel. I want to see an Israel at peace with its neighbors and borders recognized by the entire world community. I want the occupation to end with a just 2 state solution.
When that day eventually comes I will be toasting the future peace and prosperity of both sides.
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Four Israelis and 24 Palestinians including eight children have died in 12 days of bloodshed.
Again, you can plainly see from the stats how the Israelis play the victim when they are in fact the aggressor. Israeli officials claim to want to calm things down, but they use disproportionate force to escalate the situation.
This is a build up to something more sinister on the part of Netanyahu's government....he has done it before. It may keep him in power for a few more months, but it will not create permanent peace, and will make more enemies for Israel worldwide. Israel blunders on, managing the conflict, shooting itself in the foot, rather than searching for a solution. Time is on the side of the Palestinians.

No wonder they say that there are lies, dirty lies and statistics.

Arabs hostile to Israelis in ME outnumber them at about 50:1 ratio.

Only 24 "Palestinians" - perpetrators against 4 Israelis in my books is cheap! Almost a bargain.

And this, folks, is the racist sadistic face of Zionism whom Palestinians have to endure, ...humiliated, beaten and murdered by their ilk on a daily basis.

But one day soon Palestinians will outnumber Israeli Jews within Israel, unless the Israeli government seriously negotiates a just 2 state solution, rather than this current stunt entirely orchestrated by Netanyahu and his fanatical right wing government to mask some more sinister strategy, that will isolate Israel even more.

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Interesting alternative treatment when it's an Israeli knife attacker...

When an Israeli attacks Palestinians, the criminal is not a terrorist, he is a "nationalist". Nor does he receive the instant lead judge, jury, and sentence.

"A Jewish teen who stabbed four Arab men in Dimona in a suspected “revenge attack” Friday was arrested and ordered kept in custody for six days.

The attacker, aged 17, was also ordered sent for a psychiatric examination.

Under questioning, the attacker told police he was driven by his belief that “all Arabs are terrorists,” police said, bolstering their assertion that it was a nationalist crime."

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dexterm, with all due respect you are fooling yourself.

There can not be a two states solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There can not be a one state solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There will never be any peace in Palestine between Jew and Arab.

Not after the Peace Process. Not on any Road Map to Peace. Not in Camp David.

Sorry to disappoint you. Dreams and Illusions are not reality. Cheers.

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Four Israelis and 24 Palestinians including eight children have died in 12 days of bloodshed.
Again, you can plainly see from the stats how the Israelis play the victim when they are in fact the aggressor. Israeli officials claim to want to calm things down, but they use disproportionate force to escalate the situation.
This is a build up to something more sinister on the part of Netanyahu's government....he has done it before. It may keep him in power for a few more months, but it will not create permanent peace, and will make more enemies for Israel worldwide. Israel blunders on, managing the conflict, shooting itself in the foot, rather than searching for a solution. Time is on the side of the Palestinians.

Truly one of the most idiotic comments to grace the obsessive Israeli threads. All of these incidents involve Arabs engaged in direct attacks on Israelis who were not engaged in any sort of hostile activities against the perpetrators. In Gaza, a missile unit was firing at Israel from a building. As a result of one attack, 2 human shields were killed when Israel took out the rocket launching site. It is not disproportionate force to stop missiles from being fired.

Come up with a better way to disarm lunatics who stab people and you can train police forces around the world. I watched one recording of a crazed woman with a Knife. She was told to repeatedly drop her knife and still kept on the attack. She's lucky the Israelis didn't kill her.

Why don't you just come right out and say you hate Israel and you want all Israelis removed. That's your point of view and you can express it. Just be honest and stop pretending you are being fair. Your current comment demonstrates how much you hate Israel. We get it.

" All of these incidents involve Arabs engaged in direct attacks on Israelis who were not engaged in any sort of hostile activities against the perpetrators"

And the 500 Gazan children that Israel murdered? Where they attacking Israel? Do you think all of their surviving relatives are not still angry?

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dexterm, with all due respect you are fooling yourself.

There can not be a two states solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There can not be a one state solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There will never be any peace in Palestine between Jew and Arab.

Not after the Peace Process. Not on any Road Map to Peace. Not in Camp David.

Sorry to disappoint you. Dreams and Illusions are not reality. Cheers.

What negative pessimism!

... and no peace will eventually be suicidal to Israel, as younger American voters more familiar with the social media become more aware of the monstrous Israeli hoax their parents and grandparents have been blindly supporting. And as a groundswell in Europe one day translates into EU sanctions in response to some fresh Israeli atrocities, and a stagnation of the Israeli economy

The only future in which Israel may enjoy permanent peace in a state with a predominantly Jewish character is a just 2 state solution. Anything else will be a slippery slope to a one state solution that will see Jews eventually outnumbered.

I hope you are not a member of any Israeli peace negotiating team. Israel would stand no chance for a stable future.

Edited by dexterm
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dexterm, with all due respect you are fooling yourself.

There can not be a two states solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There can not be a one state solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There will never be any peace in Palestine between Jew and Arab.

Not after the Peace Process. Not on any Road Map to Peace. Not in Camp David.

Sorry to disappoint you. Dreams and Illusions are not reality. Cheers.

What negative pessimism!

... and no peace will eventually be suicidal to Israel, as younger American voters more familiar with the social media become more aware of the monstrous Israeli hoax their parents and grandparents have been blindly supporting. And as a groundswell in Europe one day translates into EU sanctions in response to some fresh Israeli atrocities, and a stagnation of the Israeli economy

The only future in which Israel may enjoy permanent peace in a state with a predominantly Jewish character is a just 2 state solution. Anything else will be a slippery slope to a one state solution that will see Jews eventually outnumbered.

I hope you are not a member of any Israeli peace negotiating team. Israel would stand no chance for a stable future.

I am not pessimistic. I am not negatively pessimistic. I am a realist. BTW pessimist is a former optimist after being better informed.

And it is true that no peace between Arab and Jew can be lethal. But it can turn out lethal either to Jews, or to Arabs, or to both. I am not a prophet. You seem to prophesize all the time.

Funny when you are talking about stagnation of Israeli economy. Especially compared to Arabs 'economy'. Equally funny when you are talking about Israeli atrocities.

Do not worry, I am not "a member of any Israeli..." Israel IMHO does have a chance for a stable future. If they manage one way or another to get rid of their Arab problem.

Arabs of Palestine on the other hand have no such a chance, even in case Israel was miraculously taken out of the picture.

And it is this my understanding that makes me put my money on Israel. Any time. Any place. At any odds.

Edited by ABCer
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dexterm, with all due respect you are fooling yourself.

There can not be a two states solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There can not be a one state solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There will never be any peace in Palestine between Jew and Arab.

Not after the Peace Process. Not on any Road Map to Peace. Not in Camp David.

Sorry to disappoint you. Dreams and Illusions are not reality. Cheers.

What negative pessimism!

... and no peace will eventually be suicidal to Israel, as younger American voters more familiar with the social media become more aware of the monstrous Israeli hoax their parents and grandparents have been blindly supporting. And as a groundswell in Europe one day translates into EU sanctions in response to some fresh Israeli atrocities, and a stagnation of the Israeli economy

The only future in which Israel may enjoy permanent peace in a state with a predominantly Jewish character is a just 2 state solution. Anything else will be a slippery slope to a one state solution that will see Jews eventually outnumbered.

I hope you are not a member of any Israeli peace negotiating team. Israel would stand no chance for a stable future.

I am not pessimistic. I am not negatively pessimistic. I am a realist. BTW pessimist is a former optimist after being better informed.

And it is true that no peace between Arab and Jew can be lethal. But it can turn out lethal either to Jews, or to Arabs, or to both. I am not a prophet. You seem to prophesize all the time.

Funny when you are talking about stagnation of Israeli economy. Especially compared to Arabs 'economy'. Equally funny when you are talking about Israeli atrocities.

Do not worry, I am not "a member of any Israeli..." Israel IMHO does have a chance for a stable future. If they manage one way or another to get rid of their Arab problem.

Arabs of Palestine on the other hand have no such a chance, even in case Israel was miraculously taken out of the picture.

And it is this my understanding that makes me put my money on Israel. Any time. Any place. At any odds.

Israel IMHO does have a chance for a stable future. If they manage one way or another to get rid of their Arab problem.
So you claim to be a realist.
Well how on earth do you propose that Israel can realistically "get rid of their Arab problem?" and still have a stable future.
The world would not tolerate Israel annexing the West Bank and herding 4.5 million Palestinian refugees into cattle trucks to be sent to the Jordanian and Egyptian borders, obviously there'd be a humanitarian outcry of genocide, and practically because they dont want 4.5 million Palestinians landing on their doorstep quite justifiably, because the EU would have been complicit in allowing Israel to get away with ethnic cleansing.
Maybe that is the shenanigans that the current right wing Israeli government is planning under the cloak of the present unrest in the OP which they are escalating. . They are wasting their time. The whole world is watching this time.
While all the time the solution to your "Arab problem" is staring you in the face, one supported by the US administration, the EU, and 70% plus of the world's countries. It's called the 2 state solution.There would be a mainly Jewish state on one side of the pre 67 border (approximately with land swaps) and a Palestinian population on the other side. The whole world has agreed to recognize that deal and borders, with neighboring Arab countries and Iran signing on the dotted line too. I crack open the champagne and raise my glass to a permanent peace, the only kind worth having.
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Four Israelis and 24 Palestinians including eight children have died in 12 days of bloodshed.
Again, you can plainly see from the stats how the Israelis play the victim when they are in fact the aggressor. Israeli officials claim to want to calm things down, but they use disproportionate force to escalate the situation.
This is a build up to something more sinister on the part of Netanyahu's government....he has done it before. It may keep him in power for a few more months, but it will not create permanent peace, and will make more enemies for Israel worldwide. Israel blunders on, managing the conflict, shooting itself in the foot, rather than searching for a solution. Time is on the side of the Palestinians.

Truly one of the most idiotic comments to grace the obsessive Israeli threads. All of these incidents involve Arabs engaged in direct attacks on Israelis who were not engaged in any sort of hostile activities against the perpetrators. In Gaza, a missile unit was firing at Israel from a building. As a result of one attack, 2 human shields were killed when Israel took out the rocket launching site. It is not disproportionate force to stop missiles from being fired.

Come up with a better way to disarm lunatics who stab people and you can train police forces around the world. I watched one recording of a crazed woman with a Knife. She was told to repeatedly drop her knife and still kept on the attack. She's lucky the Israelis didn't kill her.

Why don't you just come right out and say you hate Israel and you want all Israelis removed. That's your point of view and you can express it. Just be honest and stop pretending you are being fair. Your current comment demonstrates how much you hate Israel. We get it.

" All of these incidents involve Arabs engaged in direct attacks on Israelis who were not engaged in any sort of hostile activities against the perpetrators"

And the 500 Gazan children that Israel murdered? Where they attacking Israel? Do you think all of their surviving relatives are not still angry?

Throwing in the usual distractions to to justify the knife attacks as something heroic.

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dexterm, with all due respect you are fooling yourself.

There can not be a two states solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There can not be a one state solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There will never be any peace in Palestine between Jew and Arab.

Not after the Peace Process. Not on any Road Map to Peace. Not in Camp David.

Sorry to disappoint you. Dreams and Illusions are not reality. Cheers.

There used to be an old Stalinist Communist party theory called the Two Stages Theory. The idea was that people would at this moment not support your maximalist policies, so you would come up with something milder, more reasonable (the first step) and then take them to the second stage which was your ultimate goal. All of the CP front organisations were for this purpose. The CP organisations may be no more but the use of the theory still persists. For the regular snarlers on these threads, the 2-state solution is not where they really stand at all. Don't even bother to think that that is their destination.

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Four Israelis and 24 Palestinians including eight children have died in 12 days of bloodshed.
Again, you can plainly see from the stats how the Israelis play the victim when they are in fact the aggressor. Israeli officials claim to want to calm things down, but they use disproportionate force to escalate the situation.
This is a build up to something more sinister on the part of Netanyahu's government....he has done it before. It may keep him in power for a few more months, but it will not create permanent peace, and will make more enemies for Israel worldwide. Israel blunders on, managing the conflict, shooting itself in the foot, rather than searching for a solution. Time is on the side of the Palestinians.

"is being fuelled in part by Muslim anger over increasing Jewish visits to the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem"

These increasing visits are for the sole purpose of inciting a reaction.

The over-reaction, too, is all part of the plan.

Watch out, Palestine, the Zionists are out for your blood.

Perhaps it is time to be more clever...perhaps your weapons should be weapons of stealth, like Mossad uses, eg, poison.

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Truly one of the most idiotic comments to grace the obsessive Israeli threads. All of these incidents involve Arabs engaged in direct attacks on Israelis who were not engaged in any sort of hostile activities against the perpetrators. In Gaza, a missile unit was firing at Israel from a building. As a result of one attack, 2 human shields were killed when Israel took out the rocket launching site. It is not disproportionate force to stop missiles from being fired.

Come up with a better way to disarm lunatics who stab people and you can train police forces around the world. I watched one recording of a crazed woman with a Knife. She was told to repeatedly drop her knife and still kept on the attack. She's lucky the Israelis didn't kill her.

Why don't you just come right out and say you hate Israel and you want all Israelis removed. That's your point of view and you can express it. Just be honest and stop pretending you are being fair. Your current comment demonstrates how much you hate Israel. We get it.

" All of these incidents involve Arabs engaged in direct attacks on Israelis who were not engaged in any sort of hostile activities against the perpetrators"

And the 500 Gazan children that Israel murdered? Where they attacking Israel? Do you think all of their surviving relatives are not still angry?

Throwing in the usual distractions to to justify the knife attacks as something heroic.

It's not a distraction at all. The point I responded to was the knife attacks were against innocent people....well Israel killed thousands of innocent people. and the attitude back then from people like you was serve them right. The survivors are no doubt quite angry. No mention of heroism...so stop trying to spin things.

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dexterm, with all due respect you are fooling yourself.

There can not be a two states solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There can not be a one state solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There will never be any peace in Palestine between Jew and Arab.

Not after the Peace Process. Not on any Road Map to Peace. Not in Camp David.

Sorry to disappoint you. Dreams and Illusions are not reality. Cheers.

There used to be an old Stalinist Communist party theory called the Two Stages Theory. The idea was that people would at this moment not support your maximalist policies, so you would come up with something milder, more reasonable (the first step) and then take them to the second stage which was your ultimate goal. All of the CP front organisations were for this purpose. The CP organisations may be no more but the use of the theory still persists. For the regular snarlers on these threads, the 2-state solution is not where they really stand at all. Don't even bother to think that that is their destination.

Correction: It should really be referred to as just Stages Theory, rather than be linked to any particular number. What is typical however of those who consciously operate in the various front organisations or act as advocates for one or other of the Stages (eg 2 States Palestine) is that they take care not to expose their real political affiliation or membership as the gig would be up. The challenge or entertainment is finding out which organisation is ticking their boxes....

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dexterm, with all due respect you are fooling yourself.

There can not be a two states solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There can not be a one state solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There will never be any peace in Palestine between Jew and Arab.

Not after the Peace Process. Not on any Road Map to Peace. Not in Camp David.

Sorry to disappoint you. Dreams and Illusions are not reality. Cheers.

There used to be an old Stalinist Communist party theory called the Two Stages Theory. The idea was that people would at this moment not support your maximalist policies, so you would come up with something milder, more reasonable (the first step) and then take them to the second stage which was your ultimate goal. All of the CP front organisations were for this purpose. The CP organisations may be no more but the use of the theory still persists. For the regular snarlers on these threads, the 2-state solution is not where they really stand at all. Don't even bother to think that that is their destination.

Correction: It should really be referred to as just Stages Theory, rather than be linked to any particular number. What is typical however of those who consciously operate in the various front organisations or act as advocates for one or other of the Stages (eg 2 States Palestine) is that they take care not to expose their real political affiliation or membership as the gig would be up. The challenge or entertainment is finding out which organisation is ticking their boxes....

Does it ever occur to you that not all people are mushrooms when it comes to viewing the media ... kept in the dark and fed BS. You dont have to be affiliated to any political party or movement to see the truth.
If anything we learn from history it is that when ordinary people stay silent if they see injustice done, that is when evil triumphs. We are all capable of speaking up, and all culpable if we do not.
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Nothing that fanatical Zionists do would surprise me. They are very nasty people.
Edited by dexterm
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dexterm, with all due respect you are fooling yourself.

There can not be a two states solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There can not be a one state solution. It would be suicidal for Israel.

There will never be any peace in Palestine between Jew and Arab.

Not after the Peace Process. Not on any Road Map to Peace. Not in Camp David.

Sorry to disappoint you. Dreams and Illusions are not reality. Cheers.

There used to be an old Stalinist Communist party theory called the Two Stages Theory. The idea was that people would at this moment not support your maximalist policies, so you would come up with something milder, more reasonable (the first step) and then take them to the second stage which was your ultimate goal. All of the CP front organisations were for this purpose. The CP organisations may be no more but the use of the theory still persists. For the regular snarlers on these threads, the 2-state solution is not where they really stand at all. Don't even bother to think that that is their destination.

Correction: It should really be referred to as just Stages Theory, rather than be linked to any particular number. What is typical however of those who consciously operate in the various front organisations or act as advocates for one or other of the Stages (eg 2 States Palestine) is that they take care not to expose their real political affiliation or membership as the gig would be up. The challenge or entertainment is finding out which organisation is ticking their boxes....

Considering the number of ex-Communist Russian refugees that flocked to Israel, it is no surprise at all to see "Stages Theory" being played out in the Zionist slow and methodical taking over of the land via settlements, walls, expulsions, and all-out killing. Bit by bit, they aspire to "the river to the sea".

Thank you for putting a name to their tactic.

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