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Why stay in Thailand if everything is bad (according to some)

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I have to say that in the 4 years that i was living in Thailand ( i will be back soon.... ) and have engaged in many a conversation with many expats,i have met very few who are negative about living in Thailand.I think most of the negative people would be miserable wherever they lived in the world.

I have said this so many times before,that i spent most of my time out and about ( sniffing about..... ) and busy every day exploring new parts,walking,chatting and taking photos and of course it's so cheap that a train journey once a week is affordable ( on my own ) for just 10 baht or more!

There are a large amount of expats who come to Thailand and just stay in the bloody room all day! They don't go outside ever with the ridiculous excuse such as it is " too hot " and just sit there watching the Television or on the computer on Thai Visa all day! well anybody doing that ( and i would be also! ) would be totally and utterly miserable! If you are living with a Thai lady then i can understand that they want to stay indoors but that shouldn't stop you getting out and about on your own and enjoying life!

Thailand still is a great place to live,it's dangerous but can still be very very cheap with a nice condo you can rent from 6,000 baht a month and lovely warm weather all year round.But if you don't like the heat,then don't moan just look for somewhere more suitable for you in the world.Perhaps a caravan on the North Norfolk Coast? They tell me it's rather nice this time of the year............ x

Farang Jaidee ( Your lovable Thai Visa Friend.....)wub.png


  • Haha 1

Things are equally bad, or equally good, all over. So if I were to move to Colombia, there would be hassles and irritations, but of a different flavor. So may as well stay here.


The weather and a quiet life. People in the UK will soon be battoning down for another dreary winter. Not beautiful crisp frosty days usually. More likely cloud, dank and dreary short days, wiht all this nonsense in the run up to Christmas and the great day celebrations, when the reality is that most older adults are bored out of their mind and can't wait for Boxing day to go to the football - or the sales!.

I just find all that so depressing, and also to rent a half decent flat in the UK will cost around 600 pounds (including service charges), whereas here I rent a beutiful 3 bedroomed house for just over half that. Plus I know that every day it's going to be warm in the morning - even if it's raining.

So I guess I should have put cost of living as well. No bars, no girls and no stress.

Do I moan at times. Of course, as so many things can be frustrating. But we have to grin and bear it.

I guess they moan as much in Amsterdam as in Birmingham. It's a human trait. thumbsup.gif

I live a lot of life in Thailand buy yes there are a heap of drawbacks , that i could easily live without ( thai customs is one ) rubbish thai men are another, and 90% are on the scam !

The money orientation of the place is slowly driving me out . Only ive got a thai wife - other wise id never go their in a pink fit ~ Dirty dump , santation is out of the dark ages , nobody really gives a toss if you live or die !

Lets face it))) the ferlang should be given a presidential parade, every time he arrives , for putting his money into the - non aprieciative place, and risking his neck!

Nice weather / nice attractions , ((woman no))) women are no good ( all the women have had more visitors to their pants, than men have been through the gates of Sydneys Luna park ) who wants a high millage tart ? --not me !! Thailand ))) just a giant football field'' of proffesional liars, prostitutes & queers ( we should be paid for living their !!!!

There are 5 main things a westerner will never get from thailand !

1) sincerity

2 ) apprieciation

3) Gratitude

4) honesty

5) a square deal on anything

All true !!!!!

Respect mate 122 posts and knows it all already....

  • Sad 1

Where else can you drive past a cop on your scooter without a helmet drinking a beer? Then crash and have the cops extort you for beer money.


As long as people are speaking the truth I see no problem with them speaking out. Why sit back and suck it up all the time.... Call a spade a spade and move on.... Get it off your chest.... Release some stress ....

Many of us came here young and worked in real jobs made money, invested and planted roots. Things change and we don't like it and complain, so what, this is our home even though we are not Thai. We have homes, cars, wives or girlfriend, friends etc .... We have the right to complain when things are wrong.

People who bend over and take it all the time are the ones who bother me not the ones who speak up again the wrongs of the world.

People who come here on long holidays and think this is the greatest land in the world are blind and can't see anything as they have not had time. They don't read the papers, experience the corruption, or experience being robbed or raped. Be here awhile and you will see.... Sure it happens everywhere and people in those places complain also.

And what gives someone the right to say " if you don't like it go back to your own country" if they don't like what I say then don't listen.

People have the ability to block or skip people or posts they don't like. Stop complaining about people complaining !

Worry about yourself more and stop worrying about what other people do. Live and let live..... Have a nice day smile.png

How many times have you been raped? Just curious.


Beautiful temples, commercial sex, nice climate, commercial sex,low cost of living, commercial sex,... I could continue, but probably you get the idea. Just a little more seriously, I have often asked myself the same question, and can't come up with a better answer.

I think you should also mention the easily available commercial sex....

Commercial sex has an ad break every 5 minutes?

Not that I've ever lasted that long.............


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I don't get it why people stay in Thailand if its so bad.

You assume they know why they do or say anything. For some, chronic moaning is probably a genetic disorder or a family tradition.

If you suggest the logical thing: "If things are better somewhere else, why not leave Thailand?" they just get even more upset at such a simple and obvious solution. I know if I were that unhappy with everything here, I'd pack up and leave.

Often they accuse those of us who are relatively happy here of "wearing rose-colored spectacles." In fact I would think most of us can see things here (and wherever we came from) quite clearly. We never thought life here would be without ups and downs and we knew there was plenty to moan about back home as well ... then we decided Thailand was the better choice and got on with our lives rather than being perpetually convulsed with every little thing that we imagined was a problem.

And let's face it, there's an obvious element of racism. For many this is the first time in their lives that they are in a minority. If one Thai doesn't smile at them or genuflect as Khun Farang approaches, that immediately means all 66 million of them "don't want us here." If one Thai cuts in a queue at 7-Eleven or can't speak perfect English, then the country isn't civilized and the education system is deplorable.And the biggest moan is that "they just want us here for our money." Why else would any country want foreign residents or tourists?

As I've said before, most of the malcontents are probably just as upset wherever they find themselves. They carry it with them. They are undoubtedly a relatively small percentage of all the visitors and foreign residents, but they make a disproportionate amount of noise and like missionaries of gloom, they want to impose their misery on everyone they can.

Looking at Thai Visa commentary, it would appear that it's the sexpats rather than the expats that complain about everythig


The time for me to leave feels like it is getting closer. Just how much longer I can stay I am not 100% certain. The lack of spatial awareness and the over generous dollop of selfishness many Thais seem to have been served at birth make it harder and harder. Corruption... I'll just leave that there.

Thais never really accept foreigners as one of their own, or at least I have never seen it. As we are perceived to be different, we are treated differently. This is a double edged sword, but a side effect is that we can also act differently and get away with a whole lot more. That is, we are not expected to conform to the sometimes archaic cultural norms that are still prevalent throughout the country. So, if you can put up with being treated like an alien, you can get away with acting like one to a large extent too.

I am in a well paying job with a reasonable number of holiday days available to me. This allows me to travel throughout the region and beyond quite frequently. My job itself is also rewarding and allows me to travel to Europe, USA, and other parts of Asia. If I am honest, this travel is one of the 2 main things that keep me here.

For the most part I prefer the company of other foreigners, both male and female, as to be frank, they are much better conversation. This has little to do with language skills, and a lot to do with world view. There are only so many times you can talk about hot weather, hot food, and bowel movements in one day (or so I thought). I have been over here long enough so that the novelty of being chased by pretty little Thai girls has all but worn off. I'd rather take one with a slightly less attractive face, but a western educated brain and the ability converse on a broad spectrum of current events and an interest in outdoor activities (as opposed to soaps, malls, and sleep)

The other main thing that keeps me here is the standard of living. My salary is on of a similar level to what I would be getting for the same type of work as home, but as you know, expenses in Thailand are much less (unless you insist on fine European dining every night and 5 start hotels every weekend). I know if I went home i would have to forgo a significant amount of travel, nightlife, and general entertainment. I simply couldn't afford it.

So here I am. For now.

I disagree, I think language does come into it. If a Thai person went to live in the US/OZ/UK for many years and could not converse on a wide range of subjects articulately in English, they too would not be fully accepted. After 8 years here my Thai is now good enough to do this, and hence when I socialize with Thai friends we never discuss the weather and/or bowel movements. You're confusing facts with your own personal experiences. Having been an expat since I was 6 years old [due to parents' jobs, and then my own employment history] and lived in many non-native English speaking countries as a result, I can state unequivocally that many expats around the world mistake their own narrow experiences of a place/people with the reality. This is not meant as a dig at you by the way, your posting was actually quite thoughtful and reflective.


My first question to OP... why do you care what other people do?

IF, I came from northern europe I would be content here too. I have always said, many many part of the US blow thailand away.

so there is your answer...


The time for me to leave feels like it is getting closer. Just how much longer I can stay I am not 100% certain. The lack of spatial awareness and the over generous dollop of selfishness many Thais seem to have been served at birth make it harder and harder. Corruption... I'll just leave that there.

Thais never really accept foreigners as one of their own, or at least I have never seen it. As we are perceived to be different, we are treated differently. This is a double edged sword, but a side effect is that we can also act differently and get away with a whole lot more. That is, we are not expected to conform to the sometimes archaic cultural norms that are still prevalent throughout the country. So, if you can put up with being treated like an alien, you can get away with acting like one to a large extent too.

I am in a well paying job with a reasonable number of holiday days available to me. This allows me to travel throughout the region and beyond quite frequently. My job itself is also rewarding and allows me to travel to Europe, USA, and other parts of Asia. If I am honest, this travel is one of the 2 main things that keep me here.

For the most part I prefer the company of other foreigners, both male and female, as to be frank, they are much better conversation. This has little to do with language skills, and a lot to do with world view. There are only so many times you can talk about hot weather, hot food, and bowel movements in one day (or so I thought). I have been over here long enough so that the novelty of being chased by pretty little Thai girls has all but worn off. I'd rather take one with a slightly less attractive face, but a western educated brain and the ability converse on a broad spectrum of current events and an interest in outdoor activities (as opposed to soaps, malls, and sleep)

The other main thing that keeps me here is the standard of living. My salary is on of a similar level to what I would be getting for the same type of work as home, but as you know, expenses in Thailand are much less (unless you insist on fine European dining every night and 5 start hotels every weekend). I know if I went home i would have to forgo a significant amount of travel, nightlife, and general entertainment. I simply couldn't afford it.

So here I am. For now.

I disagree, I think language does come into it. If a Thai person went to live in the US/OZ/UK for many years and could not converse on a wide range of subjects articulately in English, they too would not be fully accepted. After 8 years here my Thai is now good enough to do this, and hence when I socialize with Thai friends we never discuss the weather and/or bowel movements. You're confusing facts with your own personal experiences. Having been an expat since I was 6 years old [due to parents' jobs, and then my own employment history] and lived in many non-native English speaking countries as a result, I can state unequivocally that many expats around the world mistake their own narrow experiences of a place/people with the reality. This is not meant as a dig at you by the way, your posting was actually quite thoughtful and reflective.

8 years and only just joined Thai Visa.

You have missed an awful lot.


The time for me to leave feels like it is getting closer. Just how much longer I can stay I am not 100% certain. The lack of spatial awareness and the over generous dollop of selfishness many Thais seem to have been served at birth make it harder and harder. Corruption... I'll just leave that there.

Thais never really accept foreigners as one of their own, or at least I have never seen it. As we are perceived to be different, we are treated differently. This is a double edged sword, but a side effect is that we can also act differently and get away with a whole lot more. That is, we are not expected to conform to the sometimes archaic cultural norms that are still prevalent throughout the country. So, if you can put up with being treated like an alien, you can get away with acting like one to a large extent too.

I am in a well paying job with a reasonable number of holiday days available to me. This allows me to travel throughout the region and beyond quite frequently. My job itself is also rewarding and allows me to travel to Europe, USA, and other parts of Asia. If I am honest, this travel is one of the 2 main things that keep me here.

For the most part I prefer the company of other foreigners, both male and female, as to be frank, they are much better conversation. This has little to do with language skills, and a lot to do with world view. There are only so many times you can talk about hot weather, hot food, and bowel movements in one day (or so I thought). I have been over here long enough so that the novelty of being chased by pretty little Thai girls has all but worn off. I'd rather take one with a slightly less attractive face, but a western educated brain and the ability converse on a broad spectrum of current events and an interest in outdoor activities (as opposed to soaps, malls, and sleep)

The other main thing that keeps me here is the standard of living. My salary is on of a similar level to what I would be getting for the same type of work as home, but as you know, expenses in Thailand are much less (unless you insist on fine European dining every night and 5 start hotels every weekend). I know if I went home i would have to forgo a significant amount of travel, nightlife, and general entertainment. I simply couldn't afford it.

So here I am. For now.

I disagree, I think language does come into it. If a Thai person went to live in the US/OZ/UK for many years and could not converse on a wide range of subjects articulately in English, they too would not be fully accepted. After 8 years here my Thai is now good enough to do this, and hence when I socialize with Thai friends we never discuss the weather and/or bowel movements. You're confusing facts with your own personal experiences. Having been an expat since I was 6 years old [due to parents' jobs, and then my own employment history] and lived in many non-native English speaking countries as a result, I can state unequivocally that many expats around the world mistake their own narrow experiences of a place/people with the reality. This is not meant as a dig at you by the way, your posting was actually quite thoughtful and reflective.

8 years and only just joined Thai Visa.

You have missed an awful lot.

I missed nothing. On the contrary, had I spent 8 years looking at TV, then I would have missed an awful lot

I don't get it why people stay in Thailand if its so bad.

You assume they know why they do or say anything. For some, chronic moaning is probably a genetic disorder or a family tradition.

If you suggest the logical thing: "If things are better somewhere else, why not leave Thailand?" they just get even more upset at such a simple and obvious solution. I know if I were that unhappy with everything here, I'd pack up and leave.

Often they accuse those of us who are relatively happy here of "wearing rose-colored spectacles." In fact I would think most of us can see things here (and wherever we came from) quite clearly. We never thought life here would be without ups and downs and we knew there was plenty to moan about back home as well ... then we decided Thailand was the better choice and got on with our lives rather than being perpetually convulsed with every little thing that we imagined was a problem.

And let's face it, there's an obvious element of racism. For many this is the first time in their lives that they are in a minority. If one Thai doesn't smile at them or genuflect as Khun Farang approaches, that immediately means all 66 million of them "don't want us here." If one Thai cuts in a queue at 7-Eleven or can't speak perfect English, then the country isn't civilized and the education system is deplorable.And the biggest moan is that "they just want us here for our money." Why else would any country want foreign residents or tourists?

As I've said before, most of the malcontents are probably just as upset wherever they find themselves. They carry it with them. They are undoubtedly a relatively small percentage of all the visitors and foreign residents, but they make a disproportionate amount of noise and like missionaries of gloom, they want to impose their misery on everyone they can.

Very, very well said. clap2.gif And a pretty darn accurate assessment of the TV whining/whinging brigade.

Yeah but thats the Pope preaching to the Catholic priests


There are 5 main things a westerner will never get from thailand !1) sincerity

2 ) apprieciation

3) Gratitude

4) honesty

5) a square deal on anything

All true !!!!!

Respect mate 122 posts and knows it all already....

Spoken like a true, bona fide, dim-witted, sexpat loser.

Dim-witted, certainly. Only a fool judges members by their post counts.

You may change your tune when you're up to 50,000 posts and become a super duper member.


Odds of you venting, for fun or otherwise, to the local person? zero percent

Odds of you venting to anyone working at any of the funny little retail stores you visit? zero percent

Odds of you venting really to any Thai? zero percent

so who is left.....ah, yes, the lonely, broke, old, fat, grumpy farang!!!!!!! 100 PERCENT!!!!

i hate this heat, dual pricing, dangerous roads, bar girls, karaoke, can't buy a house, treated like dirt, life worth 10 baht, no rights!!!!!

ok, off to immigration......i love it there. coffee1.gif


I can live here for $2,500 a month comfortably but back home would be $5,000 a month hand to mouth...

Much better value here so QL is higher even with some third world issues rearing their ugly head....



Sex I reckon, they just cant face living in a society where prostitution is taboo and costs more, and they find some security in knowing its everywhere.

Also dont rush to lump the bemoaners in with the concerned among us, some just complain for the sake of it and some express real frustration at watching the nation they may love constantly botch things again and again.... it may seem like hate but once you really know the Thais, my God can they frustrate...


Well, that is not entirely true!!! ... as in my case, ... I am here because I lost all my money here and do not have enough to go home or anywhere else or I would! Another kind hearted Farang fleeced of his savings by a conniving Thai woman! I can not afford to do anything on my small pension. All it does is pay my rent and buy my food, .... I do not have a car or motorbike, no medical insurance, ... just stuck here until I die, .... I would be over the moon if I got $2,500 a month( US no doubt) ..... I live on 17,500 BAHT a month!!


Well, that is not entirely true!!! ... as in my case, ... I am here because I lost all my money here and do not have enough to go home or anywhere else or I would! Another kind hearted Farang fleeced of his savings by a conniving Thai woman! I can not afford to do anything on my small pension. All it does is pay my rent and buy my food, .... I do not have a car or motorbike, no medical insurance, ... just stuck here until I die

I appreciate the honesty. I'm sure you represent many. Best wishes.


Gee, Let me see - why stay in Thailand?

Baltimore, USA vs Thailand?

Real tough decision (Sarcasm intended)

But I think you forgot about Balmur's Best Shucker!


Many expats have sold up at home to finance their lifestyle here and for what ever reason here didn't turn out so good.Now the are stuck in a place they don't like.They overspent big time on big houses and flash cars to justify that they have made it.All western currencies have dropped and prices have gone up here.Plenty to whinge about but problems all of their own making.


I think those people just forgot to remember why they moved and be honest with themselves that they love it here more as back home. Or they are just not logical because if its not better here as where you came from going back is easy.

Maybe some are the kind that need to put people down to feel better. I have known people like that back in the Netherlands They loved putting people down to feel better about not having done much in life themselves.

It's not as if you've made a success of it!

Who knows, but at least I don't have to put people down to feel better. I am happy with what I have.

I do know that I prefer to be here in the sun then in the dark and cold back in the Netherlands.

I'm just happy i don't have to go to work anymore,do what i want,when i want.In Australia i would still have to work to live,now i rent my house out and just live.


Well, that is not entirely true!!! ... as in my case, ... I am here because I lost all my money here and do not have enough to go home or anywhere else or I would! Another kind hearted Farang fleeced of his savings by a conniving Thai woman! I can not afford to do anything on my small pension. All it does is pay my rent and buy my food, .... I do not have a car or motorbike, no medical insurance, ... just stuck here until I die, .... I would be over the moon if I got $2,500 a month( US no doubt) ..... I live on 17,500 BAHT a month!!

Sorry to here that mate. Hope you get some good luck coming your way.


I love the place and love the missus. I generally try to keep a positive outlook on Thailand but must admit that many times after reading the forumn on here I do get a negative attitude. I like to read some of the witty comments and positive ones but unfortunately they are generally outweighed by the bitter and resentful ones. My missus tells me she can even notice it after I have read thaivisa for an hour. I must stop being on here so often as the negativity does tend to get to you. And there is no way I want to end up a bitter, sad and miserable old bast#ard like some on here. I guess thats why 99% of my friends are thais as I met a few farang in the city where I live and they are so bitter to the world and thais. Turns my guts.


Some are constipated. Some are healthy in body and mind. If we are not vigilant and allow it to happen, we often will become disenchanted old saps. If we guard against it, we have the potential to be quite fulfilled, full of humor and joy and to love the local people and our lives here. Where are our priorities? All of this does not mean we do not have the right and the need to vent a bit. Within reason. This does not necessarily mean we do not love it here. I sure do. There are a dozen aspects of the place that put a smile on my face, nearly every day.

I was just in LA for three weeks. I got cursed out by two different women. Really pissed and angry and hostile. I was parking one time and slightly blocking the path of the other, on the sidewalk, while saying goodbye to a friend. Really minor infractions! They let loose. Both were nasty, ugly, fat women with mean spirits. I am thrilled to be far away from that anger, disillusionment, frustration, and hostility, directed at me by highly unfulfilled individuals.

My sense of it, is that most Thai people lead fulfilling lives. For them that is. That is all that is important, as far as I am concerned. For me, it is all about fulfillment, and quality of life. Period. I have both of those here in abundance.

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