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Without the customer (sexpat, tourist, john whatever you want to call them) there would be no "working" boys and or girls. I know that explanation of fact doesnt figure into your bigoted and childish ideas but, its the truth.

Its dead quite and has been for a while, i do not see the reduction in "working" boys or girls, nor do i see them rushing to get a real job

So your theory might be little flawed.

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Without the customer (sexpat, tourist, john whatever you want to call them) there would be no "working" boys and or girls. I know that explanation of fact doesnt figure into your bigoted and childish ideas but, its the truth.

Its dead quite and has been for a while, i do not see the reduction in "working" boys or girls, nor do i see them rushing to get a real job

So your theory might be little flawed.

A real job? They have a business plan....

Sleep in till 4PM, take some fun drugs, dress up like a girl and go rob some tourists?

A 100Bt fine from the BIB is a nominal fee for setting up shop on Beach Rd.


These lbs hanging around beach rd are bad news full stop. they have limited legal means of making money so they revert to crime,Crime is growing in Pattaya as the tourist market contracts.


Everybody knows the tourists come to Pattaya for the girls so it makes sense that the criminal element disguises themselves as female to get close to their victims.

They often troll in packs, looking for unsuspecting holidaymakers to drug, mug, rob, assault for fun & profit.

So many assumptions!

Have to make assumptions, you really were not specific in your OP regarding what you had seen tonight.

Any gang of angry locals are quite capable of killing, having heels just means they don't have to pick up sticks.


Everybody knows the tourists come to Pattaya for the girls so it makes sense that the criminal element disguises themselves as female to get close to their victims.

They often troll in packs, looking for unsuspecting holidaymakers to drug, mug, rob, assault for fun & profit.

So many assumptions!

Not far off the mark though


This one could make a Rugy team.

He knocked down an Irish tourist last spring and drove his high heel shoe into the guys skull.

Wonder what happens to these cases? The paper never follows up.

attachicon.gifLB Pattaya.jpg

The way i heard it was the Irish guy was not a tourist, he was a regular drunk looking for trouble on walking street and found it. He is an expat and so could have filed charges but knew better because he was drunk out of his skull that night and deserved every knock he got. Would never have found him picking on a guy, another expat, or anybody his own size and abilities.


Without the customer (sexpat, tourist, john whatever you want to call them) there would be no "working" boys and or girls. I know that explanation of fact doesnt figure into your bigoted and childish ideas but, its the truth.

there would still be the pickpocketers and for better or worse the majority of them are ladyboys

Prove that statement....back it up with facts otherwise BS

what facts do you want, just go out and look. they arent shy. every night I see them blocking the footpath, stopping tourists and putting their hands in their back pockets before letting them past, always men in dresses. difficult to pretend its not happening when its in your face daily, and difficult to pretend they are ladies or children when they are bigger and uglier then most men


This one could make a Rugy team.

He knocked down an Irish tourist last spring and drove his high heel shoe into the guys skull.

Wonder what happens to these cases? The paper never follows up.

attachicon.gifLB Pattaya.jpg

The way i heard it was the Irish guy was not a tourist, he was a regular drunk looking for trouble on walking street and found it. He is an expat and so could have filed charges but knew better because he was drunk out of his skull that night and deserved every knock he got. Would never have found him picking on a guy, another expat, or anybody his own size and abilities.

A lady boy is a guy.

maybe go have check, Crocodile Dundee style, just to be sure !!!!! giggle.gif


I agree they can be very scary and threatening. I have been to known to cross the street to avoid their attentions. But I think it's important to understand that criminally acting Pattaya transgender sex workers do not represent every transgender person in the world, or in Thailand either.

Also of course CISGENDER sex workers (male or female) are also sometimes violent and sometimes thieves.

I also have noticed an intensity lately in the hostile vibes from the so called violent guys in dresses. Logically it makes sense related to the combination of a decline in the kind of sex tourists who might actually be interested in their services (aside from the thievery) and low season in general.

There are some excellent ladyboys around.

Hundreds of talented ones working in the world famous ladyboy shows around town and many staffed all over the place not causing any grief to anybody.

The criminal types should be spanked extra hard for impersonating a woman while committing a crime, then driven to the edge of town and ordered to hit the road or else.

Do they get pointed at down the nick first then spanked , can I apply for job of Tourist police spanker of chicks with dicks. OOps ,sorry I promised myself never to return to Pattaya.


Cocks in frocks

excellent terminology, love it thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

No different to a Scotsman in a kilt......Jock in a frock.

Scottsmen wear eye makeup?? I mean other than Gerard Butler?


You couldn't pay me enough money to live there.

I was there 30 years ago when it was beautiful.

Went there 7 years ago and couldn't wait to get the hell out.


Cocks in frocks

excellent terminology, love it thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

No different to a Scotsman in a kilt......Jock in a frock.

Scottsmen wear eye makeup?? I mean other than Gerard Butler?

Think I can spot some eye mascara on one of them giggle.gifgigglem.gifgiggle.gif

The Bay City Rollers from Scotland



Stop excluding them from the draft and form a Pattaya ladyboy battalion. To badly misquote Wellington," I don't know what they'd do to the enemy, but they scare the <deleted> out of me".


No I haven't noticed this and I know many of them very well. Insecure homophobes posting on public forums yes I notice all too much... violent non-heteronomative Thai men in Pattaya no.

Homophobes posting here?

No. Just some cockinfrockaphobes.


Everybody knows the tourists come to Pattaya for the girls so it makes sense that the criminal element disguises themselves as female to get close to their victims.

They often troll in packs, looking for unsuspecting holidaymakers to drug, mug, rob, assault for fun & profit.

So many assumptions!

Have to make assumptions, you really were not specific in your OP regarding what you had seen tonight.

Any gang of angry locals are quite capable of killing, having heels just means they don't have to pick up sticks.

How specific would you like it?

I'm not talking about an ordinary gang of locals wanting to smash your headlights in because you've accidentally run over Felix the family moggy!!!!

These are proper savage, not one, but four, wielding pool cues, and throwing them at me as I made haste up the Soi!!!

The only reason I didn't buckle and fall to my knees (no dirty jokes please) was the memory of a young western kid being murdered by similar folk in Soi 7 (not so long ago)!!!!

Now to address the heterosexual / homosexual / gay / lesbian / black / white / green with pink spots, and Muslim comments above. I couldn't give two <deleted>*cks what anyone's persuasion is, whatever blows your, or his frock up!!!

What I will say, and stand by, is that as less farang money enters the coffers of this sort voluntarily, the more violent crime from the aforementioned you will see, or hear about!!


You have to wake up to the fact that katoeys are so numerous because their services are in high demand.

Many, many guys, myself included, go to Pattaya and seek the company of ladyboys.

Yes, some are bad.. the same as some girls are bad.

Myself, I like Katoeys and Thailand just would not be the same without them!


You have to wake up to the fact that katoeys are so numerous because their services are in high demand.

Many, many guys, myself included, go to Pattaya and seek the company of ladyboys.

Yes, some are bad.. the same as some girls are bad.

Myself, I like Katoeys and Thailand just would not be the same without them!

Curious. Guys chasing ladyboys are classified as gay?


You have to wake up to the fact that katoeys are so numerous because their services are in high demand.

Many, many guys, myself included, go to Pattaya and seek the company of ladyboys.

Yes, some are bad.. the same as some girls are bad.

Myself, I like Katoeys and Thailand just would not be the same without them!

Curious. Guys chasing ladyboys are classified as gay?
Ask the chaser. Most identify as straight. Mainstream gay men are attracted to people who present as male. There's much more to sexuality than genitals.

You have to wake up to the fact that katoeys are so numerous because their services are in high demand.

Many, many guys, myself included, go to Pattaya and seek the company of ladyboys.

Yes, some are bad.. the same as some girls are bad.

Myself, I like Katoeys and Thailand just would not be the same without them!

I do not agree with you.

They are increasing in numbers because lazy ass guys think they can make more money as girls.

You see them in chats 24 hours per day, if the demand was as high as you claim, they would not be so aggressive and would not be hanging around on the streets day and night.


You have to wake up to the fact that katoeys are so numerous because their services are in high demand.

Many, many guys, myself included, go to Pattaya and seek the company of ladyboys.

Yes, some are bad.. the same as some girls are bad.

Myself, I like Katoeys and Thailand just would not be the same without them!

Curious. Guys chasing ladyboys are classified as gay?
Ask the chaser. Most identify as straight. Mainstream gay men are attracted to people who present as male. There's much more to sexuality than genitals.

Interesting observation, in the West, Ladyboys will be found ONLY in gay clubs or areas, while in Thailand ladyboys are hardly anywhere near the gay clubs or areas


You don't get it. You're confusing drag queen shows which yes gay men often enjoy with mainstream gay men wanting sex with transgender male to female persons. What matters is how the pursuer identifies. It varies. But I can guarantee you that the vast majority of gay identified men are not turned on by female identified male. Why is this so hard for so many straight people to process?

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