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Govt needs to explain Yingluck's wrongdoing better: Democrat

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Govt needs to explain Yingluck's wrongdoing better: Democrat

BANGKOK:-- THE Prayut government must clearly explain the alleged wrongdoing of officials in connection with the rice-pledging scheme or it will fall victim to the lawyers of ex-PM Yingluck Shinawatra, Democrat Party spokesman Ramet Rattanachaweng said yesterday.

Ramet said the government would turn from a plaintiff into a defendant if it failed to explain its move to use the Liability of Wrongful Act by Official Act 1996 against Yingluck and others.

He said the intention of the Act was to make state officials who |commit a wrongful act that results in liability to pay compensation to the state or the people.

"The fact is Yingluck, regarded as a state official [at the time], allegedly committed gross negligence related to the rice-pledging scheme that led to huge damages to the state. In this case, the Finance Ministry has the authority to seek compensation from Yingluck,'' he said.

He said that Article 10 of the Act stated that an official who committed grave negligence to any state agency must pay compensation regardless of whether the official was under the jurisdiction of the agency in question.

He said many officials had taken legal action via the Act.

"There is not discrimination or harassment as alleged. [The Yingluck camp] resorts to legal tactics to fight the case in the court by claiming that Yingluck was not summoned to present her side of the story,'' he said.

He said it was normal for Pheu Thai Party legal specialists to accuse the government of harassment and discrimination for rushing legal |procedures.

"I have fought legal battles in many cases with Pheu Thai and I believe this party does not care about the facts but only wants to dismiss the other side by making the case carry less weight," he said.

"But the fact is, this case is solid because it is obvious that there was corruption in the rice-pledging scheme but the then PM failed to stop the corruption.

"This makes it hard for them to fight the legal battle."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Govt-needs-to-explain-Yinglucks-wrongdoing-better--30271109.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-18

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Should be Parliamentary Immunity as in all developed nations unless there is corruption or illegal acts (of which there are NONE in this case - if there are then charge them).

Wrong, its illegal not to include something in a budget calling it cost neutral when all indications are telling otherwise and then bullying officials (who administered the project) who also tell its costing money.

This would be fraud and go against all accounting principles (taking costs when they are foreseeable). Its called fraud and negligence and quite a few in the west have also been removed from office and some convicted for stuff like this.

The moment it is shown that something is going to cost money it has to be included in the national budget and cannot be ignored like this.

They did not want that because then they had to scrap other vote buying policies because they were at a max deficit at the time already.

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Should be Parliamentary Immunity as in all developed nations unless there is corruption or illegal acts (of which there are NONE in this case - if there are then charge them).

Wrong, its illegal not to include something in a budget calling it cost neutral when all indications are telling otherwise and then bullying officials (who administered the project) who also tell its costing money.

This would be fraud and go against all accounting principles (taking costs when they are foreseeable). Its called fraud and negligence and quite a few in the west have also been removed from office and some convicted for stuff like this.

The moment it is shown that something is going to cost money it has to be included in the national budget and cannot be ignored like this.

They did not want that because then they had to scrap other vote buying policies because they were at a max deficit at the time already.

Wrong if it's ILLEGAL as you suggest ARREST THEM but you are making it up as usual.

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Should be Parliamentary Immunity as in all developed nations unless there is corruption or illegal acts (of which there are NONE in this case - if there are then charge them).

Wrong, its illegal not to include something in a budget calling it cost neutral when all indications are telling otherwise and then bullying officials (who administered the project) who also tell its costing money.

This would be fraud and go against all accounting principles (taking costs when they are foreseeable). Its called fraud and negligence and quite a few in the west have also been removed from office and some convicted for stuff like this.

The moment it is shown that something is going to cost money it has to be included in the national budget and cannot be ignored like this.

They did not want that because then they had to scrap other vote buying policies because they were at a max deficit at the time already.

Wrong if it's ILLEGAL as you suggest ARREST THEM but you are making it up as usual.

Not making anything up, your blind for not understanding anything about accounting, budgets and rules for them. By not putting cost in the national budget she broke the law. Just one of the many things that can be used against her.

They have an court case against here based on this already and now a more civil case for the damages. All legal. Guess you missed the news.

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Should be Parliamentary Immunity as in all developed nations unless there is corruption or illegal acts (of which there are NONE in this case - if there are then charge them).

Wrong, its illegal not to include something in a budget calling it cost neutral when all indications are telling otherwise and then bullying officials (who administered the project) who also tell its costing money.

This would be fraud and go against all accounting principles (taking costs when they are foreseeable). Its called fraud and negligence and quite a few in the west have also been removed from office and some convicted for stuff like this.

The moment it is shown that something is going to cost money it has to be included in the national budget and cannot be ignored like this.

They did not want that because then they had to scrap other vote buying policies because they were at a max deficit at the time already.

Wrong if it's ILLEGAL as you suggest ARREST THEM but you are making it up as usual.

You really need to understand how the law works a bit better (here) before opening your mouth. What the "law" says in other countries is irrelevant.

Like big brother, she has already been impeached and banned from office for 5 years, has quite a number of civil and criminal cases already ongoing against her, one of which she is out on a 30mn Baht bail for and has been told she has to be present at all court hearings (which I'll believe when I see it).

So, she already has been arrested and let out on bail ... do you want her arrested again?

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The Democrats are right , this is just populist witch hunt that serves no purpose except to grab headlines that the Junta is doing something, in reality it is possibly doing more damage than good , there should have been a Government inquiry into this scheme , the decision was a executive one not an individual one , it would be interesting to see who opposed this from Finance and treasury, trade and agriculture Departments and who was for the scheme or were they ignored ,abused for their opinions , questions need asking like who's idea was it and how did they arrive at the figures and what was the reaction to all of this from exporters and buyers, at the end of the day did former PM Yingluck do any wrong or just went with the majority after sound advice from departmental heads, no one will ever know unless this whole matter is brought out into the open for everyone to see, there is more to this than just Ms Shinawatra. coffee1.gif

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Should be Parliamentary Immunity as in all developed nations unless there is corruption or illegal acts (of which there are NONE in this case - if there are then charge them).

Wrong, its illegal not to include something in a budget calling it cost neutral when all indications are telling otherwise and then bullying officials (who administered the project) who also tell its costing money.

This would be fraud and go against all accounting principles (taking costs when they are foreseeable). Its called fraud and negligence and quite a few in the west have also been removed from office and some convicted for stuff like this.

The moment it is shown that something is going to cost money it has to be included in the national budget and cannot be ignored like this.

They did not want that because then they had to scrap other vote buying policies because they were at a max deficit at the time already.

Wrong if it's ILLEGAL as you suggest ARREST THEM but you are making it up as usual.

You really need to understand how the law works a bit better (here) before opening your mouth. What the "law" says in other countries is irrelevant.

Like big brother, she has already been impeached and banned from office for 5 years, has quite a number of civil and criminal cases already ongoing against her, one of which she is out on a 30mn Baht bail for and has been told she has to be present at all court hearings (which I'll believe when I see it).

So, she already has been arrested and let out on bail ... do you want her arrested again?

absolute garbage as usual and a complete lack of understanding how things happen "here"

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Should be Parliamentary Immunity as in all developed nations unless there is corruption or illegal acts (of which there are NONE in this case - if there are then charge them).

Wrong, its illegal not to include something in a budget calling it cost neutral when all indications are telling otherwise and then bullying officials (who administered the project) who also tell its costing money.

This would be fraud and go against all accounting principles (taking costs when they are foreseeable). Its called fraud and negligence and quite a few in the west have also been removed from office and some convicted for stuff like this.

The moment it is shown that something is going to cost money it has to be included in the national budget and cannot be ignored like this.

They did not want that because then they had to scrap other vote buying policies because they were at a max deficit at the time already.

Man some people have a hard-on for the Shins and try to justify anything that looks half way like it could hurt them.

Please as asked before on a number of occasions with NO response what-so-ever, supply PROOF IRRIFUTABLE that Yingluk profited one baht in the rice scheme,

No one has given any proof before and chances are still no one will, that's because she didn't take any money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now as asked before, why not go after the thieving pigs that did steal lie, cheat the rice scheme, ie large rice producers, rice millers, rice storage facility, etc, now go and investigate their unusual wealth, I'll bet every time their bank balance grow massively every year after the harvest. Why oh why aren't you yellow loving keyboard warrior's baying for the guilty peoples blood instead you have eye's only for the SHINZ,,,, pathetic, here's a clue for ya, SUTHEP, have a go at that peace of ,,,,,,, !!!

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Should be Parliamentary Immunity as in all developed nations unless there is corruption or illegal acts (of which there are NONE in this case - if there are then charge them).

Wrong, its illegal not to include something in a budget calling it cost neutral when all indications are telling otherwise and then bullying officials (who administered the project) who also tell its costing money.

This would be fraud and go against all accounting principles (taking costs when they are foreseeable). Its called fraud and negligence and quite a few in the west have also been removed from office and some convicted for stuff like this.

The moment it is shown that something is going to cost money it has to be included in the national budget and cannot be ignored like this.

They did not want that because then they had to scrap other vote buying policies because they were at a max deficit at the time already.

Man some people have a hard-on for the Shins and try to justify anything that looks half way like it could hurt them.

Please as asked before on a number of occasions with NO response what-so-ever, supply PROOF IRRIFUTABLE that Yingluk profited one baht in the rice scheme,

No one has given any proof before and chances are still no one will, that's because she didn't take any money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now as asked before, why not go after the thieving pigs that did steal lie, cheat the rice scheme, ie large rice producers, rice millers, rice storage facility, etc, now go and investigate their unusual wealth, I'll bet every time their bank balance grow massively every year after the harvest. Why oh why aren't you yellow loving keyboard warrior's baying for the guilty peoples blood instead you have eye's only for the SHINZ,,,, pathetic, here's a clue for ya, SUTHEP, have a go at that peace of ,,,,,,, !!!

Sorry again you have absolutely no idea bout good governance and budgets.

The moment a government is willfully not adding cost to the national budget even though its clear that they should have it is a crime in some countries and governments have fallen over it. Officials have been put in jail in many countries for budget fraud. No need for them to profit of it.

But even so in this case they profited by having bought the votes with policies that they could not even paid for because the national budget would not allow it. But they did it anyway denying there were cost to this program calling it cost neutral. Had they accounted for the cost the program would have to be stopped or other things had to be cut as the budget was set. They did not because of the fallout of voters it would cause. So its clear how they profited even though there is no need to prove this.

Wonder if you remember when YL admitted it was costing too much and she wanted to change the price of what the government paid for the rice (this was shortly before she stepped down). The farmers were all revolting. Guess you missed that too.

Edited by robblok
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this could backfire

pave the way for their return

many in the world will see this as confirmation that all the charges are politically motivated

(bro and sis)

This is the obvious Elephant in the Room that yellows Robblok and Tatsujin fail to grasp. I mean even my 12 year old Thai niece 'get's it'

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this could backfire

pave the way for their return

many in the world will see this as confirmation that all the charges are politically motivated

(bro and sis)

This is the obvious Elephant in the Room that yellows Robblok and Tatsujin fail to grasp. I mean even my 12 year old Thai niece 'get's it'

I don't fail to gasp anything, but its a totally different argument that you just tried to make about having no case against her.

Guess putting a decent post with your arguments is too much for you.

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this could backfire

pave the way for their return

many in the world will see this as confirmation that all the charges are politically motivated

(bro and sis)

This is the obvious Elephant in the Room that yellows Robblok and Tatsujin fail to grasp. I mean even my 12 year old Thai niece 'get's it'

I don't fail to gasp anything, but its a totally different argument that you just tried to make about having no case against her.

Guess putting a decent post with your arguments is too much for you.

don't hold your breath

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Should be Parliamentary Immunity as in all developed nations unless there is corruption or illegal acts (of which there are NONE in this case - if there are then charge them).

This case is about Absolute corruption....... PTPs rice pledging scheme was from the outset only there for one reason, to line the pockets of Thaksins supporters. He (through his puppet) gave his band of merry men open season to rape this countries coffers. There never has been and never will be another programme such as this which allowed Thaksinites to rape and plunder Thailand... My heart bleeds for the taxpayers who's hard earned cash was looted by Thaksins thieves.

And the poor farmers.... they received less than 10% of the total of the scammed and syphoned moneys... Not only should Yinluck forfeit her assets, but she should be sent to prison for a Very long time.... How the mighty fall, comes to mind... I hope I live to see Thaksin dragged back to Thailand to pay for his crimes....whistling.gif

Edited by Bakseeda
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this could backfire

pave the way for their return

many in the world will see this as confirmation that all the charges are politically motivated

(bro and sis)

This is the obvious Elephant in the Room that yellows Robblok and Tatsujin fail to grasp. I mean even my 12 year old Thai niece 'get's it'

Ah, we're back to the tired old "it's politically motivated" argument which gets trotted out as soon as any Shinawatra is held to account for their wrongdoings.

So, is/are any of these Court cases against the Shinawatra's actually illegal or against the law in any way, shape or form, or is it just that their supporters think they are whiter than white and therefore couldn't possibly have done anything wrong, dubious or illegal?

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Without going into the merits of the case, but shouldn't a court of law first establish beyond any reasonable doubt that laws were broken and damage resulted from this?

Or is the general applying Sec. 44, which gives him the power to oversule any court findings?

I am certainly not a friend of Yingluck or the Shin clan, but I do favor the rule of law equally applied to all.

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LannnaGuy i suggest you do what id do when I see Robblok has posted. Donot read it donot respond.It will help keep him silent and keep your blood pressure down.

I do the same with many of the post of the red supporters, works for me too.

Different sides of the fence same tactics I like it biggrin.png

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  • make any revisions to emerging budget plans as soon as possible (last-minute changes tend to be ineffective);
  • seek, as a starting point, expenditure changes that are in line with previously agreed decisions or views on expenditure policy priorities--this is especially important where there is room for additional spending;
  • be sure that cost estimates for new expenditure proposals are realistic and accurate, not just for the year ahead but over the medium term, and that the proposals can be implemented at the political level;

The IMF on how to budget stuff.

You can go to jail if you purposely hide costs, its called fraud.

Her job was head of the rice program, it was her duty to make sure that the plan she portrayed as cost neutral was indeed cost neutral OR take it up in the budget. Not doing it while knowing better is a crime, dereliction of duty.

This is one of the easiest things to prove, but we also got fake GTG deals, rotting rice (when it was said there was no such thing)

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Should be Parliamentary Immunity as in all developed nations unless there is corruption or illegal acts (of which there are NONE in this case - if there are then charge them).

Wrong, its illegal not to include something in a budget calling it cost neutral when all indications are telling otherwise and then bullying officials (who administered the project) who also tell its costing money.

This would be fraud and go against all accounting principles (taking costs when they are foreseeable). Its called fraud and negligence and quite a few in the west have also been removed from office and some convicted for stuff like this.

The moment it is shown that something is going to cost money it has to be included in the national budget and cannot be ignored like this.

They did not want that because then they had to scrap other vote buying policies because they were at a max deficit at the time already.

Man some people have a hard-on for the Shins and try to justify anything that looks half way like it could hurt them.

Please as asked before on a number of occasions with NO response what-so-ever, supply PROOF IRRIFUTABLE that Yingluk profited one baht in the rice scheme,

No one has given any proof before and chances are still no one will, that's because she didn't take any money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now as asked before, why not go after the thieving pigs that did steal lie, cheat the rice scheme, ie large rice producers, rice millers, rice storage facility, etc, now go and investigate their unusual wealth, I'll bet every time their bank balance grow massively every year after the harvest. Why oh why aren't you yellow loving keyboard warrior's baying for the guilty peoples blood instead you have eye's only for the SHINZ,,,, pathetic, here's a clue for ya, SUTHEP, have a go at that peace of ,,,,,,, !!!

Sorry again you have absolutely no idea bout good governance and budgets.

The moment a government is willfully not adding cost to the national budget even though its clear that they should have it is a crime in some countries and governments have fallen over it. Officials have been put in jail in many countries for budget fraud. No need for them to profit of it.

But even so in this case they profited by having bought the votes with policies that they could not even paid for because the national budget would not allow it. But they did it anyway denying there were cost to this program calling it cost neutral. Had they accounted for the cost the program would have to be stopped or other things had to be cut as the budget was set. They did not because of the fallout of voters it would cause. So its clear how they profited even though there is no need to prove this.

Wonder if you remember when YL admitted it was costing too much and she wanted to change the price of what the government paid for the rice (this was shortly before she stepped down). The farmers were all revolting. Guess you missed that too.

Maybe you can point us to a couple of examples you refer to of official being jailed and Governements falling over 'budget fraud'?

Seeing as you are such a legal beagle, perhaps you could also show us the law which states all that happened was illegal in Thailand? i am especially interested in the laws to do with "The moment a government is willfully not adding cost to the national budget even though its clear that they should have it is a crime in some countries and governments have fallen over it"

I always thought a budget was a budget, not a moving target which was changed as you went along. Seems strange that they always have the budget submission when it could just be altered as you go. Would be interested to also know where you learnt your finance and accountings? I thought you said once you were a sous chef in a hotel!clap2.gif

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this could backfire

pave the way for their return

many in the world will see this as confirmation that all the charges are politically motivated

(bro and sis)

This is the obvious Elephant in the Room that yellows Robblok and Tatsujin fail to grasp. I mean even my 12 year old Thai niece 'get's it'

Not necessarily true.

I suggest there are plenty of folks (inside and outside of Thailand) who have no doubt that the paymaster, his family, and his immoral gang of thieves need to be brought to account and will clap loudly when it happens.

These folks will be their downfall as a positive for Thailand rather then a negative.

There is of course a case that it must be done (and must be seen to be done) in a properly structured process.

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Wrong, its illegal not to include something in a budget calling it cost neutral when all indications are telling otherwise and then bullying officials (who administered the project) who also tell its costing money.

This would be fraud and go against all accounting principles (taking costs when they are foreseeable). Its called fraud and negligence and quite a few in the west have also been removed from office and some convicted for stuff like this.

The moment it is shown that something is going to cost money it has to be included in the national budget and cannot be ignored like this.

They did not want that because then they had to scrap other vote buying policies because they were at a max deficit at the time already.

Man some people have a hard-on for the Shins and try to justify anything that looks half way like it could hurt them.

Please as asked before on a number of occasions with NO response what-so-ever, supply PROOF IRRIFUTABLE that Yingluk profited one baht in the rice scheme,

No one has given any proof before and chances are still no one will, that's because she didn't take any money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now as asked before, why not go after the thieving pigs that did steal lie, cheat the rice scheme, ie large rice producers, rice millers, rice storage facility, etc, now go and investigate their unusual wealth, I'll bet every time their bank balance grow massively every year after the harvest. Why oh why aren't you yellow loving keyboard warrior's baying for the guilty peoples blood instead you have eye's only for the SHINZ,,,, pathetic, here's a clue for ya, SUTHEP, have a go at that peace of ,,,,,,, !!!

Sorry again you have absolutely no idea bout good governance and budgets.

The moment a government is willfully not adding cost to the national budget even though its clear that they should have it is a crime in some countries and governments have fallen over it. Officials have been put in jail in many countries for budget fraud. No need for them to profit of it.

But even so in this case they profited by having bought the votes with policies that they could not even paid for because the national budget would not allow it. But they did it anyway denying there were cost to this program calling it cost neutral. Had they accounted for the cost the program would have to be stopped or other things had to be cut as the budget was set. They did not because of the fallout of voters it would cause. So its clear how they profited even though there is no need to prove this.

Wonder if you remember when YL admitted it was costing too much and she wanted to change the price of what the government paid for the rice (this was shortly before she stepped down). The farmers were all revolting. Guess you missed that too.

Maybe you can point us to a couple of examples you refer to of official being jailed and Governements falling over 'budget fraud'?

Seeing as you are such a legal beagle, perhaps you could also show us the law which states all that happened was illegal in Thailand? i am especially interested in the laws to do with "The moment a government is willfully not adding cost to the national budget even though its clear that they should have it is a crime in some countries and governments have fallen over it"

I always thought a budget was a budget, not a moving target which was changed as you went along. Seems strange that they always have the budget submission when it could just be altered as you go. Would be interested to also know where you learnt your finance and accountings? I thought you said once you were a sous chef in a hotel!clap2.gif

Just posted you the IMF guidelines.. rules for budgets are clear once you know costs differ from what you estimated you have to adapt the budget.

Seems you have absolutely no financial knowledge and know nothing about accounting. I just posted a link from the IMF go educate yourself.

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Maybe you can point us to a couple of examples you refer to of official being jailed and Governements falling over 'budget fraud'?

Seeing as you are such a legal beagle, perhaps you could also show us the law which states all that happened was illegal in Thailand? i am especially interested in the laws to do with "The moment a government is willfully not adding cost to the national budget even though its clear that they should have it is a crime in some countries and governments have fallen over it"

I always thought a budget was a budget, not a moving target which was changed as you went along. Seems strange that they always have the budget submission when it could just be altered as you go. Would be interested to also know where you learnt your finance and accountings? I thought you said once you were a sous chef in a hotel!clap2.gif

Just posted you the IMF guidelines.. rules for budgets are clear once you know costs differ from what you estimated you have to adapt the budget.

Seems you have absolutely no financial knowledge and know nothing about accounting. I just posted a link from the IMF go educate yourself.

So where are the Governments that have fallen and people jailed? I am sure the Junta, the NACC etc would be fairly interested in talking to you, as you seem to have more knowledge of the goings on than they do.

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Maybe you can point us to a couple of examples you refer to of official being jailed and Governements falling over 'budget fraud'?

Seeing as you are such a legal beagle, perhaps you could also show us the law which states all that happened was illegal in Thailand? i am especially interested in the laws to do with "The moment a government is willfully not adding cost to the national budget even though its clear that they should have it is a crime in some countries and governments have fallen over it"

I always thought a budget was a budget, not a moving target which was changed as you went along. Seems strange that they always have the budget submission when it could just be altered as you go. Would be interested to also know where you learnt your finance and accountings? I thought you said once you were a sous chef in a hotel!clap2.gif

Just posted you the IMF guidelines.. rules for budgets are clear once you know costs differ from what you estimated you have to adapt the budget.

Seems you have absolutely no financial knowledge and know nothing about accounting. I just posted a link from the IMF go educate yourself.

So where are the Governments that have fallen and people jailed? I am sure the Junta, the NACC etc would be fairly interested in talking to you, as you seem to have more knowledge of the goings on than they do.

So now your eating your words and accept that budgets have to be adjusted when it is shown real cost are far higher ?


In the real business world, some variance between actual and budgeted figures is normal and expected. Large quarterly variances, however, call for either (1) adjusting the forecast to represent the new expected reality, or (2) controlling actual spending in future quarters so that the yearly variance comes closer to zero. (For more on these options, see the section Variance analysis and flexible budgets below.)

Good to see that you accept you were wrong.

The junta is doing exactly what I am talking about going after her for derelict of duty. That is what this is all about they don't need me the rules are simple. Everyone with some business accounting knows it.

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The Democrats are right...Government should explain it better.

Than Government should lock them all into jail.

And next Government should have a look at the smaller cases and lock half the Abhisit government in jail. When you look at the amounts the Democrats spend, it is for everyone clear that it can't come from Somchai donate 100 Baht.

While PTP/Shinawatras are the worst in matters of corruption, the others aren't much better and the military isn't the hub of clean purchases as well.

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Should be Parliamentary Immunity as in all developed nations unless there is corruption or illegal acts (of which there are NONE in this case - if there are then charge them).

Wrong, its illegal not to include something in a budget calling it cost neutral when all indications are telling otherwise and then bullying officials (who administered the project) who also tell its costing money.

This would be fraud and go against all accounting principles (taking costs when they are foreseeable). Its called fraud and negligence and quite a few in the west have also been removed from office and some convicted for stuff like this.

The moment it is shown that something is going to cost money it has to be included in the national budget and cannot be ignored like this.

They did not want that because then they had to scrap other vote buying policies because they were at a max deficit at the time already.

Actually there are a lot cases in the west that reminds me to Thailand. Complete fraud and the responsible politician manage to sit it out. Having judges with party membership, etc etc.

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Should be Parliamentary Immunity as in all developed nations unless there is corruption or illegal acts (of which there are NONE in this case - if there are then charge them).

Wrong, its illegal not to include something in a budget calling it cost neutral when all indications are telling otherwise and then bullying officials (who administered the project) who also tell its costing money.

This would be fraud and go against all accounting principles (taking costs when they are foreseeable). Its called fraud and negligence and quite a few in the west have also been removed from office and some convicted for stuff like this.

The moment it is shown that something is going to cost money it has to be included in the national budget and cannot be ignored like this.

They did not want that because then they had to scrap other vote buying policies because they were at a max deficit at the time already.

Actually there are a lot cases in the west that reminds me to Thailand. Complete fraud and the responsible politician manage to sit it out. Having judges with party membership, etc etc.

The west certainly is not perfect. Just look at Berlusconi. But I have seen ministers having to go over scandals. Can you imagine putting a budget at 0 and then having 500 billion baht costs That would not go down well anywhere.

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Should be Parliamentary Immunity as in all developed nations unless there is corruption or illegal acts (of which there are NONE in this case - if there are then charge them).

LannaGuy, in some western countries only parliament has immunity under certain condition. Member of parliament who begin minister loose their immunity, because a minister is criminally responsible for these acts during his function.

List of member of parliament who lose their immunity in western country for corruption is important. In western countries, there is always lifted the parliamentary immunity of MP who suspected of corruption, not like Thailand where PTP always try to protect their corrupt follow !

I invite you to examine seriously the western countries working.

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Should be Parliamentary Immunity as in all developed nations unless there is corruption or illegal acts (of which there are NONE in this case - if there are then charge them).

Wrong, its illegal not to include something in a budget calling it cost neutral when all indications are telling otherwise and then bullying officials (who administered the project) who also tell its costing money.

This would be fraud and go against all accounting principles (taking costs when they are foreseeable). Its called fraud and negligence and quite a few in the west have also been removed from office and some convicted for stuff like this.

The moment it is shown that something is going to cost money it has to be included in the national budget and cannot be ignored like this.

They did not want that because then they had to scrap other vote buying policies because they were at a max deficit at the time already.

Wrong if it's ILLEGAL as you suggest ARREST THEM but you are making it up as usual.

Not making anything up, your blind for not understanding anything about accounting, budgets and rules for them. By not putting cost in the national budget she broke the law. Just one of the many things that can be used against her.

They have an court case against here based on this already and now a more civil case for the damages. All legal. Guess you missed the news.

He's not blind Rob, he just supports the notion that as the Shins were "elected" they could do anything they wanted. Off budget self financing scheme or handing power to a non elected criminal who just happens to pay them a salary etc etc.etc.

He then defends that in anyway he can. He conveniently forgets about the World Bank Report that shows a tiny % of the money actually went to any farmers, that the poorest farmers were excluded, that Yingluck, the self appointed chair of the scheme (was she paid for this role?) never bothered attending any meetings, or really investigating any of the claims about mismanagement or fraud, or doing anything other than lie, and the current case against members of her government and a number of firms who are charged with fraud concerning fake export deals.

But hey, she's Thaksin's kid sister, and the Shin family proxy parties win all the "elections" this century. That means they can do as they please, and what they please must work well for them. Forbes reported the family fortune grew by a staggering 450% during the PTP time in government. Amazing they can work such wonders on the family fortune, (AmplyRich might need to be Very Amply Rich!) whilst seemingly loosing billions and billions of tax payers money for which they can't or won't even provide accounts. All a witch hunt of the poor (no pun intended) innocent democracy loving Shins, and Thailand's true savior Thaksin the Innocent.

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