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Netanyahu slammed for 'inaccurate' Holocaust comments


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How dense can some people be? The Grand Mufti doesn't meet with Hitler in person until 1941 and you suppose there was no connection before then??? In fact, Germany made diplomatic contact with the Arabs and representatives of the muft immediately upon the Nazis assuming power in 1933. All throughout the 1930s, German support for muft and the Arabs was predicated on three things the Nazis and mufti shared: anti-Semitism, anti-British colonialism, and anti-Communism.

And Neville Chamberlain met with Hitler in 1938....maybe it was him who convinced Hitler to commit genocide...ohmy.png

Yes how dense can people be ?



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Where is the logic in Zionist propaganda?

Zionists are asking for guarantee to be protected from people they occupy.

Zionists are victims of people who have nothing other than rocks and knives and useless guns while they are the strongest army in region and only ones who own nuclear weapons

Now this is new propaganda of criminal netanyahu who must be brought to justice as war criminal.

These people are a big joke, have no values can still bring totally fallacious lies arguments to draw themselves as eternal victims while they are the aggressors.

Edited by Petchou
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Netanyahu should have been replaced after the debacle in Washington.

He has become an embarrassment to his own party.

Failure to keep Iran as an international pariah, and now provoking another intifada consigns him to the dustbin of Zionist history.

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Anybody surprised here? The Israelis have been for decades distorting history in order to claim as much land as they want and make sure that the Arabs are just hardly surviving.

Are you having a laugh?rolleyes.gif

Have you ever looked at a map of the Middle East/North Africa and compared the lands primarily populated by Arabs and/or Muslims compared to the TINY piece of land primarily populated by Jewish people?

The horribly greedy and mean spirited side between Arabs/Muslims vs. Jews is definitely the Arabs/Muslims. As the majority can't seem to accept that there is this ONE state in the Middle East that is largely of Jewish people. Israel of course.

Seriously. Wake up. Do you think Israel doesn't accept the existence of Jordan, Egypt, Saudi, Lebanon, Iran, Syria (whatever that is these days), etc. etc. etc.?

Edited by Jingthing
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Anyone know the source for the info used by Netanyahu and what would be the political benefit to Netanyahu to raise this issue at this stage of the Israeli / Palestinian conflict?

I do not think that Netanyahu actually provided a source, and it wouldn't be the first time he comes out with this abomination of a statement. Things in similar vein said circa 2012(?) in the Israeli Parliament. There was a backlash as well, but owing to different circumstances and different exposure, nothing on the same level currently observed.

Without getting into my own take on this - Israel tries to show the World that the causes for the current conflagration are mostly to do with rumors, incitement and disinformation, rather than with concrete actions and events. It also attempts to expose the duality of messages coming from the Palestinian leadership, Usually considered a futile effort, public opinion being what it is, and Israeli policies being what they are, it actually worked better this time, at least for a while. There were a few contributing factors - the migrant (or refugee, whatever) crisis in Europe coupled with ISIS fighting in Syria do not create a welcoming atmosphere for more Islamic zealotry (imagined or real, not the issue here), initial shocking effect of stabbing attacks targeting random civilians, widely viewed instances of incitement by Abbas, But as the crisis goes on, public opinion reverts to previous positions, casualty lists grow, unflattering coverage increases, and international pressure mounts once more. Netanyahu basically, (to paraphrase a member) upped the ante on the PR front.

Keeping the focus on "evil" Abbas (enhanced by a super-villain Mufti image) rather than addressing the popular aspects of the current Palestinian unrest serves two short term goals. Talks will happen one way or another, despite all the fiery words exchanged - from an international public opinion point of view it it is better to reach them with the other side's reputation tarnished. How he's going to swing it with his home crowd would be interesting to observe (although he does not seem to think that plan that far ahead, most times). The other goal is that focusing on the failings of the Palestinian leadership (no shortage of those) means that there is less need to deal with core elements of the conflict,

Other than what he said being incorrect, aimed at reaping short term political gains, inciting hatred - one got to wonder: did he not see the backlash coming? Did he no even consider how twisted it sounds? Not talking about the moral implications of this notion, or how it reflects on victims, survivors, veterans, Israelis, Jews, Palestinians and Germans - he's a politician, little expectations there. Hard to figure the mental process that considers this will sit alright with folks. He does it from time to time with political stuff (re two-state solution statements), but this demeaning use of the Holocaust's lessons and memory is over the line even for a cynical and opportunist politician.

What was no doubt meant as a master stroke of political propaganda, turned out to be the epitome of shooting one's foot. Following this hyperbolic public instance of Godwin's law anything relating to Palestinian incitement will be discredited by look-who's-talking, and while Holocaust revisionists would have a field day with this freebie comeback, any moderate views connected with Israel or Zionism will be harder to convey. Well done!

If I was into conspiracy theories, I'm sure my head would be reeling with possibilities. Simply too "good" to be true. As I'm not - this is the quality of leadership and integrity at hand (and yes, it is pretty much the same for the Palestinians as well. No illusions), Now lets try and figure why this conflict drags on, if not getting worse...

Edited by Morch
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Nathanyahu, one of the biggest fascist leaders of our time, tries to whitewash the totally sick thoughts of Hitler by blaming Palestinians for the holocaust. And then there are people who still support this heartless child murderer. When will they wake up and see that Likud is a fascist party that has only one aim, the total destruction, by any means, of a group of defenseless people who have been locked up in camps for decades?

Netanyahu is not "one of biggest fascists leaders of our time", nor is he a big leader in general.

Investing him with such grand status pretty much emulates his own approach to political demonization.

Of course, there could be different views as to the requirements of making the cut.

His outrageous claim did not place the blame with the Palestinians as a whole (granted, it could be implied), but on a specific Palestinian leader. In my opinion, this part (focusing on leadership rather than the people), is calculated, The speech was aimed to keep current Palestinian leadership's involvement in the ongoing incitement, obviously achieving an opposite effect than intended.

The Likud party, for all its real or imagined sins, is no longer the rightmost marker of Israeli politics. Seeing as it is in power for many years now, it doesn't seem to be much good at fulfilling the alleged one aim. The Palestinians are nowhere near total destruction, and OTT claims aside, "all means" are not in evidence. The Palestinian predicament, tragic as it is, could be at least partially attributed to past decisions taken, not all of it was Israel's doing.

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This vile propaganda can have no other purpose than to further dehumanize Palestinians and justify Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing and murder.

Netanyahu’s attempt to blame Palestinians for the Holocaust is itself a form of genocidal incitement.

Moreover it's pure Holocaust denial...

He's trying to change the Palestinian struggle against Jewish colonization no more as a anti-colonial struggle but as an anti-Semitic project.

What "ongoing ethnic cleansing" would that be? Would that be preamble for the demographics-and-time-are-on-the-Palestinians-side?

What "pure Holocaust denial"? More akin to the Holocaust revisionism some members are fond dabbling with.

"Jewish colonization", eh? Not gonna bother with the usual "Zionist" formulation? Was Abbas's call to defend al-Aqsa, with the appropriate connotations and metaphors "anti-colonial" or religious in nature?

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Nathanyahu, one of the biggest fascist leaders of our time, tries to whitewash the totally sick thoughts of Hitler by blaming Palestinians for the holocaust. And then there are people who still support this heartless child murderer. When will they wake up and see that Likud is a fascist party that has only one aim, the total destruction, by any means, of a group of defenseless people who have been locked up in camps for decades?

The biggest fascist leader of our time? Hardly, though I can concede some may feel this way, its just not factually correct, What is factually accurate, however, is the role the Arabs played in insinuating into Hitler's design for the Jews, This is an uncontestable fact, and the Grand Mufti was the vital face of this relationship. Hitler even had considerable praise for the Arab/Muslim ability to raise and justify their hatred for jews with the koran. That Netanyahu chooses to discuss this now should raise questions of motive or intent, but it is entirely factual. Having emotive disdain for him does not make one's position sound only... dubious.

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More troubling is the fact it appears he is trying to make out Hitler wasnt such a bad guy....." He only wanted to expel the Jews"....but the Palestinians made him kill all those people in the camps

surely this is not a ploy to try and kiss up to Germany, who just happen to head the EU at the moment in a poor attempt to foster support ?

Its ok we understand Hitler and Germany were used by the Palestinians as a vehicle to commit genocide....

Really shows how dispicable the zionists really are and the depths they will stoop to in that they would use the tragic and obcence events of WWII to to try and shift the blame from a mass murderer like Hitler and his cohorts to the Palistinians in an attempt to demonise them and justify Israels program of ethnic cleansing and forced removals

Considering the backlash caused by Netanyahu's words in Israel (links to local headlines appearing throughout this topic, some party members distancing themselves) - how do they represent general "Zionist" views (assuming such exist...)?

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I am not exactly an expert on Netanyahu's political inanities, but this one has got to rate as up there. If you're only talking about Jews, Israeli or otherwise, be clear that his bizarre historical pronouncement does not fit in the mainstream about what Jews (who know about this) think about what the Grand Mufti did in Nazi Germany (which did indeed involve active and explicit support for mass industrialized genocide of Jews in both Europe and the Middle East). I guess there are theories as to why he said this, but I don't think I'll ever understand what is to be gained by it. The actual truth is much more powerful a case for the linkage of the "Palestinian" Arab historical movement up until the present day towards GENOCIDAL intentions towards the Jewish people than any BS Netanyahu could mouth.

I support Netanyahu when he makes sense. This makes no sense.

Edited by Jingthing
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He did not deny the holocaust. How stupid. He suggested that Hitler may of gotten the idea from the leader of the Palestinians who was Hitler's "special guest".

Denying the Holocaust is stupid.

Suggesting Hitler's intentions toward the Jews were inspired by the Mufti is stupid.

Netanyahu did one of these, how stupid is that?

Nobody is denying the connection between the Mufti and Hitler, or their shared hatred of Jews.

The assumption of causality existing between their meeting (or even relationship) and the fate of the Jews, is.

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IMO, getting all worked up about who inspired Hitler to do what he did is just plain foolish. There is no way to know for sure and I could care less anyway. Both Hitler and the Mufti were hateful war criminals who would have been happy to kill every last Jew if given the chance. They were both scum. Who thought of it first does not really matter to me.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Here is some history about the Mufti. Info about his activities (and full knowledge of the death camps) promoting racist genocide against the Jews can be seen starting at about minute 32:

Netanyahu was wrong. Hitler didn't need the Mufti to get the idea to exterminate the Jews. But back to real life today, the Nazis are not a significant movement anymore. Islamofascists, direct descendants of the Mufti with the exact same genocidal intentions towards Jews ... ARE.

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Netanyahu is just a pitiful product of his own Ashkenazi Zionist roots. The conflict in the Middle East will end only when the Ju-wish people return to Kazakhstan, the place where they originated in the 8th.Century. Otherwise, Armageddan is just around the corner, guaranteed wai.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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Netanyahu is just a pitiful product of his own Ashkenazi Zionist roots. The conflict in the Middle East will end only when the Jews return to Kazakhstan, the place where they originated in the 8th.Century.

That theory (Khazars) has already been debunked.

Even if it was true, it's not really important either way, and also it's terribly racist of you to say it Jews go home to a place that is NOT home.

It's like American racists saying blacks go back to Africa. Actually worse, because at least American blacks usually can trace their ancestry to Africa. Like I said, the Khazar origin theory HAS BEEN DEBUNKED.

The vast majority of Israeli Jews are NATIVE to Israel, dude. I am really sick of the blatant Jew hating racism being posted on this forum now EVERY DAY. You know perfectly well the Jews of Israel aren't going anywhere. They will stay and the only way to get them not to stay is to kill them. Why post such inflamatory racist rubbish as you just did? No, not all criticism of Israeli policies is Jew hatred, but what you just posted most definitely was.

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Netanyahu is just a pitiful product of his own Ashkenazi Zionist roots. The conflict in the Middle East will end only when the Jews return to Kazakhstan, the place where they originated in the 8th.Century.

That theory (Khazars) has already been debunked.

Even if it was true, it's not really important either way, and also it's terribly racist of you to say it Jews go home to a place that is NOT home.

It's like American racists saying blacks go back to Africa. The vast majority of Israeli Jews are NATIVE to Israel, dude. I am really sick of the blatant Jew hating racism being posted on this forum now EVERY DAY. You know perfectly well the Jews of Israel aren't going anywhere. They will stay and the only way to get them not to stay is to kill them. Why post such inflamatory racist rubbish as you just did? No, not all criticism of Israeli policies is Jew hatred, but what you just posted most definitely was.

The truth speaks for itself. The Ju-wish people are not Hebrew Isralites, and they are not Semites, as the media has been propagandizing the Jews to be, for the past 70-years. I do not hate Jews. I hate liars!

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The truth speaks for itself. The Ju-wish people are not Hebrew Isralites, and they are not Semites, as the media has been propagandizing the Jews to be, for the past 70-years. I do not hate Jews. I hate liars.

Whatever, dude. Life is too short to deal with such ignorant toxic racist poison as you're posting. There is no rational debate that would ever have an effect, so, welcome to my ignore list. BTW, I think I recognize the origin of the anti-Jewish racist propaganda you're promoting ... I reckon it's from African American Jew hating Islamists like FARRAKHAN. Your rhetoric sounds exactly like that flavor of fanatic.

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The truth speaks for itself. The Ju-wish people are not Hebrew Isralites, and they are not Semites, as the media has been propagandizing the Jews to be, for the past 70-years. I do not hate Jews. I hate liars.

Whatever, dude. Life is too short to deal with such ignorant toxic racist poison as you're posting. There is no rational debate that would ever have an effect, so, welcome to my ignore list. BTW, I think I recognize the origin of the anti-Jewish racist propaganda you're promoting ... I reckon it's from African American Jew hating Islamists like FARRAKHAN. Your rhetoric sounds exactly like that flavor of fanatic.

Absolutely nothing to do with my being a typical ignorant African-American. FYI ~ I am not a Muslim. Do not subscribe to Islam, in anyway, shape or form. I empathize only with the Palestinian plight. However, the story of the Jewish people, is nothing more than that! A manufactured story, that has evolved into the greatest LIE ever told, in human history. Now give the rest of your "know-it-all clap-trap" to The Wailing Wall, in East Jerusalem. Shalom, coffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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The truth speaks for itself. The Ju-wish people are not Hebrew Isralites, and they are not Semites, as the media has been propagandizing the Jews to be, for the past 70-years. I do not hate Jews. I hate liars.

Whatever, dude. Life is too short to deal with such ignorant toxic racist poison as you're posting. There is no rational debate that would ever have an effect, so, welcome to my ignore list. BTW, I think I recognize the origin of the anti-Jewish racist propaganda you're promoting ... I reckon it's from African American Jew hating Islamists like FARRAKHAN. Your rhetoric sounds exactly like that flavor of fanatic.

And this post is a perfect example of why there will never be peace between the Zionists and the rest in the middle east, there is no middle ground with them, if you dont support us and buy into the propaganda....you are a...."take your pick of some hysterical inflammatory label"....attack attack attack...:rolleyes:

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Nathanyahu, one of the biggest fascist leaders of our time, tries to whitewash the totally sick thoughts of Hitler by blaming Palestinians for the holocaust. And then there are people who still support this heartless child murderer. When will they wake up and see that Likud is a fascist party that has only one aim, the total destruction, by any means, of a group of defenseless people who have been locked up in camps for decades?

The biggest fascist leader of our time? Hardly, though I can concede some may feel this way, its just not factually correct, What is factually accurate, however, is the role the Arabs played in insinuating into Hitler's design for the Jews, This is an uncontestable fact, and the Grand Mufti was the vital face of this relationship. Hitler even had considerable praise for the Arab/Muslim ability to raise and justify their hatred for jews with the koran. That Netanyahu chooses to discuss this now should raise questions of motive or intent, but it is entirely factual. Having emotive disdain for him does not make one's position sound only... dubious.
Can you elaborate what you call : "the ability to raise and justify their hatred for Jews with the Koran" ?

If not, forum rules should be applied...

Your post 9/11 agenda is once again too transparent !

Edited by Thorgal
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Anybody surprised here? The Israelis have been for decades distorting history in order to claim as much land as they want and make sure that the Arabs are just hardly surviving.

Are you having a laugh?rolleyes.gif

Have you ever looked at a map of the Middle East/North Africa and compared the lands primarily populated by Arabs and/or Muslims compared to the TINY piece of land primarily populated by Jewish people?

The horribly greedy and mean spirited side between Arabs/Muslims vs. Jews is definitely the Arabs/Muslims. As the majority can't seem to accept that there is this ONE state in the Middle East that is largely of Jewish people. Israel of course.

Seriously. Wake up. Do you think Israel doesn't accept the existence of Jordan, Egypt, Saudi, Lebanon, Iran, Syria (whatever that is these days), etc. etc. etc.?

This notion of Jewish land is A very ignorant and weak argument. The reason is simple, most Arabs, Christians in middle East are originally Jews. We should maybe find out who was there before jews and give them the land.

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The worst aspect of Netanyahu not taking care with his public statements is the toxic miasma of the dregs of humanity taking this as a cue to engage in their own vile obsessions. A pity because the argument that with the Palestinian leadership the more that changes the more that stays the same demonstrably applies.

For example from The rape of Palestine by William Ziff 1938post-12854-14455819958731_thumb.jpg

Palestinian leaders blocking peace and inciting violence what a surprise! No wonder Abbas eulogized him.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Exactly. The correct history needs to be more widely broadcast, not bizarre distortions as voiced by Netanyahu. Jews will sometimes say, as Jews are a tiny minority in the world they do care about such things ... good for the Jews or bad for the Jews. Netanyahu who incorrectly imagines himself as the King of all Jews in the world, this incorrect thing he said ... bad for the Jews (and good for the Jew haters).

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The worst aspect of Netanyahu not taking care with his public statements is the toxic miasma of the dregs of humanity taking this as a cue to engage in their own vile obsessions. A pity because the argument that with the Palestinian leadership the more that changes the more that stays the same demonstrably applies.

For example from The rape of Palestine by William Ziff 1938attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1445581995.793696.jpg

Palestinian leaders blocking peace and inciting violence what a surprise! No wonder Abbas eulogized him.

You've quoted Willian Ziff Sr., an unfamous Zionist and disciple of the underground Zionist Jabotinsky militants movement.

If you have a closer look to his book on page nr. 13 :

"The Moslem religious leaders, the Mufti, was openly friendly. Throughout Arabia, the chiefs were for the most part distinctly pro-Zionist: and in Palestine the peasantry were delighted at every prospect of Jewish settlement near their villages. Commercial intercourse between Arab and Jew was constant and steady."

Your biased Zionist literature narrative is based on the Jabotinsky doctrine against British control after 1919...and still indoctrinated on Israeli citizens against Palestinians today by Netanyahu...

Edited by Thorgal
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Exactly. The correct history needs to be more widely broadcast, not bizarre distortions as voiced by Netanyahu. Jews will sometimes say, as Jews are a tiny minority in the world they do care about such things ... good for the Jews or bad for the Jews. Netanyahu who incorrectly imagines himself as the King of all Jews in the world, this incorrect thing he said ... bad for the Jews (and good for the Jew haters).

That was quite a rational and good post until the last 6 words....and then the zionist hysteria kicks in.... attack attack...

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