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At least 370 dead in 3 weeks of Russian airstrikes in Syria – monitor


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At least 370 dead in 3 weeks of Russian airstrikes in Syria – monitor

DAMASCUS: -- At least 370 people, including 127 civilians, are believed to have died in three weeks of Russian airstrikes in Syria, according to the activist monitoring group the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

SOHR said it had documented hundreds of airstrikes since Russia launched its military campaign in Syria on September 30. It showed that at least 370 people had died in Russian airstrikes, including 127 civilians and 243 fighters belonging to groups including the Islamic State (ISIS), al-Nusra, and rebels fighting against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Full story: http://www.streetwisejournal.com/at-least-370-dead-in-3-weeks-of-russian-airstrikes-in-syria-monitor/11762/

-- StreetWiseJournal 2015-10-22

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Well done Russia.

America and NATO have proved to be absolutely useless and impotent. A complete failure!

As for 127 civilians, well the so-called "collateral damage" is inevitable because in some areas the density of population is very high.

Edited by Barin
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Glad to see Russia in the mix.

This is just an observation, but if the US/allies had killed 130+ civilians in the latest bombings, we'd have demonstrations here and the UN would be pointing fingers.

The Allies are the new scapegoat and everyone hides their head in the sand when ISIS et al takes responsibility for an atrocity.

Edited by Friendly Stranger
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Well done Russia.

America and NATO have proved to be absolutely useless and impotent. A complete failure!

As for 127 civilians, well the so-called "collateral damage" is inevitable because in some areas the density of population is very high.

Would you express the same indifference to civilian deaths if the bombing campaign was in your home town?

Edited by simple1
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The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Run by one clown who is a convicted fraudster out of England. You cannot make this stuff up. Western media today is as bad as North Korean.

It's absurd how these obscure groups with important sounding titles are rolled out by the MSM to give validity to any BS story they care to run.

As always follow the money to see who is paying for their biased opinions. US so-called think tanks are another good example.

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