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15-year-old dies in Phuket Vegetarian Festival shoot-out


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Nice peace loving Buddhists?

Predictable, unoriginal, shortsighted post?

Sorry to disappoint you, but the mere fact of having "Buddhist" on ones birth certificate doesn't automatically make one "peace loving".

Neither does having "Christian" guarantee that one will "turn the other cheek", nor "Judaism" prevent one from eating pork or "Islam" stop the consumption of alcohol, nor "Hindu" etc, etc...........

Being a member of a vocational school gang (which is where the "belief" resides) does however, have it's own rigorous "duties" and unpleasant "consequences".

Could you please pass this information on to the other similarly predictable, unoriginal, shortsighted clones, who litter TV with the same sort of lame comment?

RIP young man and get well soon to the injured.

My 19 year old step son was murdered last year in a similar gang fight.

The evidence officer, a man in his late 20's perhaps, told me that the sad thing is that everyone knows about it but do nothing.

They are children you see! Just silly pranks!

They are not considered responsible for their actions!

The older students require the younger ones to commit crimes so they can join the gang!

He told me that if older folk notice a build up of college youth on the street, they will take cover because violence may well break out

and the students don't who they hurt.

When we stayed in an apartment for the duration of his funeral, one of the ladies working there had lost her son in the same way the year before.

Whilst these youngsters and their parents are not held responsible, nothing will change.

This carnage will just carry on.


Thai's seem to need to work very hard to get enough money to meet their "new technology needs" and consequently,

the children are often left with Grand parents who are unable to exert much control.

I also believe that many Thai's are not in a formal, registered marriage.

That it is a regular thing for"husbands" to walk away, leaving their "wives" to take care of his children, for whom they give no support.

The man then starts another relationship, creates more children and moves on - again and again - no limit!

Perhaps the first change should be mandatory child support from absent fathers?

Force some responsibility onto them.

Thailand is a wonderful country and I would not wish to introduce too many "nanny laws"

but requiring and enforcing child support would be one I would endorse whole heartedly for the sake of their society!

Are many Thai's really children, disguised as adults?

As a President of the USA once said, why can't people be more like the Walton's than the Simpson's?

Good night John Boy!

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"The three boys who were injured by the stray bullets were named by police only as ‘Thaiyo’, ‘Pol Pol’ and ‘Phuri’. All are age 14." -Phuket Gazette

Extremely unlikely that "stray" bullets just coincidentally hit three people standing side by side by side. Was this inept reporting or brain dead police work?

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What sickening posts.

Grow uo for goodness sake


There are other threads for making jokes.

This thread is about a murdered child of 15 and 3 14 year olds being injured.....

Its a God damn veg festival, everyone is supposed to be calm!!!!

Someone had a beef with someone

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

i told you VEGETARIANISM is not safe!!!!

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Western gang culture coming to Thailand. sad.png


asia has had gangs and gang wars before "the west" had civilzation

But the difference being, firearms are now replacing machetes. Me with a Sig Sauer and a dude with a machete at 10 yards. I know who wins.

So do these kids. Firearms are more efficient. Coming soon to a Muang near you. But I'd like to know who is supplying the guns. They ain't cheap. More sophisticated gangs. Drug money filtering down to the street? Don't know.

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The parents should be shot.

That is truly an idiotic comment. The parents may be totally shocked.

Do you know for sure that the parents are knowledgeable and complicit? Are you prescient? You can see thought the cultural abyss with crystal clarity and you 'know' it's the parent's fault. I don't think so.

Sh*t, my parent should have been shot five times over prior to my growing a brain and some responsibility.

Edited by connda
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Brain dead, immature teens with guns. Starting to sound more and more like LA and Detroit.

Substitute "men" for "teens", and you could be talking about Thailand's finest. I've seen them shoot. Crap in a friendly competition scenario, without any combat stress.

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Brain dead, immature teens with guns. Starting to sound more and more like LA and Detroit.

Substitute "men" for "teens", and you could be talking about Thailand's finest. I've seen them shoot. Crap in a friendly competition scenario, without any combat stress.

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