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How to get your Thai wife back?

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My belief is that life is about the search for fulfillment. How could you possibly have any of that, with an ungrateful wife who is always unhappy with you? Cut her loose. Let her file for divorce. Do not contest it. Consider yourself blessed. And next time, take your time getting to know her. Take a lot of time. Time is always your ally, and women will nearly always push the agenda, time wise. Push back. Always push back.

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my wife and i barely had an argument for a decade before having a child together. once you add children your life will be much more stressful.

if you are having so many problems now you would have to be crazy to remain in the relationship. you cant even articulate what she is upset about.


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Her being miserable is making you miserable too.

It sounds like you have tried to get to the bottom of it, and she isn't prepared to open up or be honest with you.

Give her no further heed, consider the relationship is over, put up the defences and move on.

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As the OP says " I rent my house and have nothing".

As Bob Dylan used to sing: ........."if you ain't got nothing, you ain't got nothing to loose".


He also said "I paid the price with solitude, but at least I'm outta debt".

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here we go again yet another disaster she obviously she doesn't like you, just cos she married you, means nothing I could go out today and by the time I got home in the evening I could find a dozen Thai women who would marry me. its a win win for them they don't care.

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You might want to rethink your thinking.

Women only will be with you if they want to be with you. No amount of talking will rectify your situation. Basically, leave her alone, don't keep asking her why she is how she is, and if she gets snarky, ignore her. Eventually, the situation will unfold. Either way, be prepared, put yourself in a place of advantage, and do not get involved in negativity. If she's going to leave, she's going to leave no matter what you do. You should always worry about yourself first anyway. If you are that unhappy, be proactive, move out, and move on.

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A lot of women here make devoted wives. Not subservient, devoted. The West is not best in this regard.

Like everyone else, women here like to be trusted and to have some freedom, within the relationship. Which doesn't mean your letting them get regularly into "harms way".

The silences are not always voluntary. Sometimes as we are worlds apart there are things that cannot be explained and can't hope to understand. Misunderstandings are not always important.

As we move past the first cut, breakups are less of a sting.

But true happiness is found in a unique never ending relationship. Still, don't expect to ever find your soul mate.

Cut and run gets to be expensive. Better to stay and invest if there's a reasonable chance.

The secret of a happy relationship is to put something in if you want something out and to avoid harming or criticising family. If you have to leave, try very hard to do so by agreement as conflict can be costly.

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Maybe she thought life would change after getting hitched. Maybe her family are putting pressure on her to get more. If thats the case you are better to let it end now. When you come up against a demanding Thai mother in law they , for the most part win everytime........unless you pay.

This is probably the most likely of the answers given. She was probably happy to get married to someone she loved/fancied, whatever, but the MIL has most likely been piling on the pressure on the phone and in person. She got married and there has been nothing in it for the MIL thus far...

But so and so married a farang and he built a big house

But so and so married a farang and he gives her daughter xxxx a month

But so and so married a farang and he gave her 3MB sin sod

The MIL is probably making her feel like she has let the family face down and is not providing for her as a daughter should.

Most Thai women are happy if they are far enough away from their mothers.

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Its finished. When a girl says she needs to think that means she already have someone and are seeing where that relationship goes. If it fails then you are her backup plan. My ex before sucked me on money for 8 months before i said to myself <deleted> am i doing.Actually i wanted to pay for everything to show how much i care for her.. Ofc she kept my dreams alive by always saying...you know i still have feelings for you but i need more time to think. So i paid cloth, training, car etc every month.

Stop all money NOW.accept the situation.

Best luck in future

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Sometimes they have reasons, as mentioned before ex-husband putting pressure on her, mother in law telling her you are tight and needs a big monthly allowance or leave him, a kid she forgot to tell you about - rather than talk it through - it's easier to up and go.

Maybe just let go, a weekend in the dog house is normal, walking down the Malay motorway 500km in the direction of Thailand without a passport is amusing. Being given the silent treatment or arguing for months on end isn't normal, maybe you made a mistake or her - but it shouldn't go on for more than a day or two. Look to the future.

I had the same 15 years ago, a GF who I loved very much, we lived together and after along while she just upped and left, she had a kid with a Thai guy and married to a Swedish guy who left her here. A Thai friend told me to let her go, nothing I could do or say would change anything. 10 years later, she contacted me and apologized and we talked everything through, I was happily married for 5 years then, had no intention of having her back but closure was a good thing.

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If you truly love someone and they want to go then the only thing you can do is tell them you love them and say " I love you too much to stop you being happy and if going will make you happy you must go" But make sure you documents are safe then pay for her bus ticket and say good buy with care and don't push for anything.

If she stays or comes back OK but don't make conditions or impose restrictions if you don't like the way she is then you must do the walking if you can't find happiness together.

Or just kick her to the curb, Thai style.

Thai style ThaiVisa's comments style tongue.png

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This is not a falang/Thai situation. This is pure Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

I got married at (oh dear yes) 23 to my English wife. BEFORE marriage she was meek as a lamb. AFTER marriage she was like a raging tiger.

Short advice: RUN.

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Cant you just ask her straight what the problem is? , can we fix it ? or you want a divorce?? Say she making you miserable and if she doesnt want to help sort out the problem you're off there plenty. of nice pretty girls out there. If you are making her unhappy it is kinder to let her go.

If you got stuff thats you've bought together and that's all that holding you back. I talk from experience here; its less stressful and cheaper in the long run to let it go.. For me it started with a stereo system I bought which made me think I don't want to walk a way from that and I cant stick it in a back pack So I tried make it work, then you accumulate more stuff it makes it harder . In the end if a relationship isn't working.... <deleted> it walk away quick. .

It will get to the point you'll walk away anyway and it hurts all the more because you could be then walking away from houses, business. cars kids and more..It'll 100 times harder to start over you'll be older. and bitter ..and a negative attitude that is not a good thing to carry around in life

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