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small money and being young but happy


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It's an interesting subject with different views.

I am 51 and was never interested in school and in the end i was " thrown out " of school ( Private school ) for fooling about and being silly.I went on to become a male model ( no need to raise your eyebrows viewers...) in 1991 i left the UK and went off for a 2 week holiday in the Canary islands with 100 GBP in my pocket and ended up staying for 20 years! I became a holiday rep ( sun,sea and sex on tap ) and then a professional tour guide for many years.( working 3 days a week ).After 20 years i decided to go and live in Thailand.Walking every day and exploring and swimming in the sea most afternoons and working on my personal project " The Great Train Journeys of Thailand " ( Taking photos,meeting loads of local and fascinating people and having a laugh all on the way.....) i didn't need much money but i was happy ( mak mak ).I became ill from drinking water from the water machines and returned to England to take a break and recover and spend some time with my father.(who is 78)

But according to my father ( quote ) " You have gone and wasted your life by doing Sweet FA. "

My father would of liked me to have a list of qualifications and have a " proper job " wearing a suit and tie and taking part in a 9 to 5 office job. ( i have never had a 9 to 5 job,never worn a suit and tie and never will....)

You see viewers,i don't think i have wasted my life for one moment in fact quite the opposite! Life is so short and many people would love to live over seas and all make excuses about " winning the lottery " first .You don't need much money at all it's just having the balls to do it!

I shall return soon.......

F.J x


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It's an interesting subject with different views.

I am 51 and was never interested in school and in the end i was " thrown out " of school ( Private school ) for fooling about and being silly.I went on to become a male model ( no need to raise your eyebrows viewers...) in 1991 i left the UK and went off for a 2 week holiday in the Canary islands with 100 GBP in my pocket and ended up staying for 20 years! I became a holiday rep ( sun,sea and sex on tap ) and then a professional tour guide for many years.( working 3 days a week ).After 20 years i decided to go and live in Thailand.Walking every day and exploring and swimming in the sea most afternoons and working on my personal project " The Great Train Journeys of Thailand " ( Taking photos,meeting loads of local and fascinating people and having a laugh all on the way.....) i didn't need much money but i was happy ( mak mak ).I became ill from drinking water from the water machines and returned to England to take a break and recover and spend some time with my father.(who is 78)

But according to my father ( quote ) " You have gone and wasted your life by doing Sweet FA. "

My father would of liked me to have a list of qualifications and have a " proper job " wearing a suit and tie and taking part in a 9 to 5 office job. ( i have never had a 9 to 5 job,never worn a suit and tie and never will....)

You see viewers,i don't think i have wasted my life for one moment in fact quite the opposite! Life is so short and many people would love to live over seas and all make excuses about " winning the lottery " first .You don't need much money at all it's just having the balls to do it!

I shall return soon.......

F.J x

The post that made the thread worth while.

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It's an interesting subject with different views.

I am 51 and was never interested in school and in the end i was " thrown out " of school ( Private school ) for fooling about and being silly.I went on to become a male model ( no need to raise your eyebrows viewers...) in 1991 i left the UK and went off for a 2 week holiday in the Canary islands with 100 GBP in my pocket and ended up staying for 20 years! I became a holiday rep ( sun,sea and sex on tap ) and then a professional tour guide for many years.( working 3 days a week ).After 20 years i decided to go and live in Thailand.Walking every day and exploring and swimming in the sea most afternoons and working on my personal project " The Great Train Journeys of Thailand " ( Taking photos,meeting loads of local and fascinating people and having a laugh all on the way.....) i didn't need much money but i was happy ( mak mak ).I became ill from drinking water from the water machines and returned to England to take a break and recover and spend some time with my father.(who is 78)

But according to my father ( quote ) " You have gone and wasted your life by doing Sweet FA. "

My father would of liked me to have a list of qualifications and have a " proper job " wearing a suit and tie and taking part in a 9 to 5 office job. ( i have never had a 9 to 5 job,never worn a suit and tie and never will....)

You see viewers,i don't think i have wasted my life for one moment in fact quite the opposite! Life is so short and many people would love to live over seas and all make excuses about " winning the lottery " first .You don't need much money at all it's just having the balls to do it!

I shall return soon.......

F.J x

The post that made the thread worth while.

Worthwhile yes. About 20 years ago.

Good luck doing the same these days.

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I think great to travel and see the world when you are young but not as a backpacker, perhaps a few months but not 10 or 20 years.

I agree a little with the OP but do it correctly, get an education or marketable international skill and travel and work around the world. Those who come here or other places who beg, borrow and steal are not living they are just taking up space and making problems for others.

Many young kids today just want everything NOW. They are not willing to do what it takes to make a decent and honest living. They are use to having everything handed to them and if not easy then they wine about how life is so unfair.

Everyone can have a bad run from time to time and life is not always fair but you need to keep up and make it happen.

Get some knowledge and experience and people will be knocking at your door. You have to pay your dues..... Then You can live a real dream and not worry about how to pay the rent for your 2,000 baht nonaircon room or if they are going to throw you out because you are on overstay in Thailand. Be smart !!!

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The OP says bliss is being a 20 something living with a 30 year old model for free. Maybe so

I didn't really do as The Man told me, but bliss is also being a 60 year old in Thailand with a girl (very) much younger and that maybe doesn't come for free, but so what? -- you can't take it with you. BTW this photo was from yesterday. If the boo birds want to say that she doesn't stay with you other than for the money, I say, with a bod like that, who cares? 6 years on now.


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i flunked out of school, but i have real-world experience

i have no money, but they say money is evil

i was never married, but they say rent don't own

i have no retirement, but they say live every day is your last

i have no health care, but why worry about things you can't control

all my friends are married with kids, they must be miserable...

people call me a loser and sexpat, but i don't care what they think


I have 7% body fat, paid off my house

Master's degree, one wife for 10-years

1 million retirement USD

Great insurance

Take 1 month off a year to see the world

We spend about 10,000 to go to the best cities

eat healthy, live healthy, sleep in great hotels

up to you...

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If you are young, smart, hard working individual, with vision for opportunities....most countries are good to make a good living working independently, and Asian countries are between the ones with greatest business opportunities, because its low cost of sources, and incentives to exports.

Getting a degree, and a 9 to 5 job, is just a warranty for a mediocre life. Entrepreneurs can make it faster and better in any country.

I personally regret not to coming to Thailand well before I did.

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The OP says bliss is being a 20 something living with a 30 year old model for free. Maybe so

I didn't really do as The Man told me, but bliss is also being a 60 year old in Thailand with a girl (very) much younger and that maybe doesn't come for free, but so what? -- you can't take it with you. BTW this photo was from yesterday. If the boo birds want to say that she doesn't stay with you other than for the money, I say, with a bod like that, who cares? 6 years on now.


You makes me worry now...She look like my wife.

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So you are saying a young lad who cannot work a job to pay the bills/buy a house is better off in Thailand.

How does he support himself in Thailand ?

minimum wage in australia is 17 odd dollars and a house is getting closer to a million everyday.

working hours arent getting less they are increasing plus taxes are going up along with unemployment.

perhaps they are better off frugal in thailand.

You still don't address the matter of health costs or even some day not needing to work period.

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The OP says bliss is being a 20 something living with a 30 year old model for free. Maybe so

I didn't really do as The Man told me, but bliss is also being a 60 year old in Thailand with a girl (very) much younger and that maybe doesn't come for free, but so what? -- you can't take it with you. BTW this photo was from yesterday. If the boo birds want to say that she doesn't stay with you other than for the money, I say, with a bod like that, who cares? 6 years on now.

<snip photo>

You makes me worry now...She look like my wife.

No yourself now much worry -- she doesn't speak English either.

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I dont know because Thailand is my home now amd im happy to be living here as a happy go lucky young traveller

You are going to regret this later in your life, not now and Thailand is not your home (you do not have the right Visa for that being so young or you do not have PR. You are just a visitor here).

I am a Aussie as well and worked very hard from the age of 15 till I was 40. I earned good money, suffered a divorce and started again (rebuilt my life) and from that hard work, I am now retired reluctantly due to illness. I would have worked to 50 if I could have and once again, my life would have been much easier.

I have been coming to Thailand for over 20 years, spending 6 weeks a year here and I had a grand time during each break; in fact a better time then if I was to be living here at a young age. During my holidays, I was flush with money during my breaks and that gave me opportunity to do anything I wished. If you stay here too long, you are not going to get a pension from Australia due to new guidelines and you will find life here very hard after 50. Do you want to sponge off people later in life as that is what can happen.

Go home and plan for a future now or later, living off scraps here in Thailand and having girls not want to go with you because you are just a broken down old farang with no hope. It is not much of a life. I have seen many guys like this and would not wish to be in the position.

When you are young, you feel bulletproof. Say, if you get to my age and got sick like I did, who is going to look after you in Thailand with no money or no right to a pension?

You got to think of the future but if you don't, well that is just your fault when your life turns to shit and at some stage, it will. Murphy's Law .....

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It's an interesting subject with different views.

I am 51 and was never interested in school and in the end i was " thrown out " of school ( Private school ) for fooling about and being silly.I went on to become a male model ( no need to raise your eyebrows viewers...) in 1991 i left the UK and went off for a 2 week holiday in the Canary islands with 100 GBP in my pocket and ended up staying for 20 years! I became a holiday rep ( sun,sea and sex on tap ) and then a professional tour guide for many years.( working 3 days a week ).After 20 years i decided to go and live in Thailand.Walking every day and exploring and swimming in the sea most afternoons and working on my personal project " The Great Train Journeys of Thailand " ( Taking photos,meeting loads of local and fascinating people and having a laugh all on the way.....) i didn't need much money but i was happy ( mak mak ).I became ill from drinking water from the water machines and returned to England to take a break and recover and spend some time with my father.(who is 78)

But according to my father ( quote ) " You have gone and wasted your life by doing Sweet FA. "

My father would of liked me to have a list of qualifications and have a " proper job " wearing a suit and tie and taking part in a 9 to 5 office job. ( i have never had a 9 to 5 job,never worn a suit and tie and never will....)

You see viewers,i don't think i have wasted my life for one moment in fact quite the opposite! Life is so short and many people would love to live over seas and all make excuses about " winning the lottery " first .You don't need much money at all it's just having the balls to do it!

I shall return soon.......

F.J x

How are you paying for your kids college?

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I now have access to a grill and a rice cooker in which ive learned to cook pork spaghetti i bought the ingredients from BIG C grocery store . The Thai bird i live with says its aroi mak and scoffed it down asking for seconds , Total cost for the days food is 75 baht. No fancy dinner , no 1000 bahts flashed around , no expensive beer and no hotel money.

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I dont know because Thailand is my home now amd im happy to be living here as a happy go lucky young traveller

You are going to regret this later in your life, not now and Thailand is not your home (you do not have the right Visa for that being so young or you do not have PR. You are just a visitor here).

I am a Aussie as well and worked very hard from the age of 15 till I was 40. I earned good money, suffered a divorce and started again (rebuilt my life) and from that hard work, I am now retired reluctantly due to illness. I would have worked to 50 if I could have and once again, my life would have been much easier.

I have been coming to Thailand for over 20 years, spending 6 weeks a year here and I had a grand time during each break; in fact a better time then if I was to be living here at a young age. During my holidays, I was flush with money during my breaks and that gave me opportunity to do anything I wished. If you stay here too long, you are not going to get a pension from Australia due to new guidelines and you will find life here very hard after 50. Do you want to sponge off people later in life as that is what can happen.

Go home and plan for a future now or later, living off scraps here in Thailand and having girls not want to go with you because you are just a broken down old farang with no hope. It is not much of a life. I have seen many guys like this and would not wish to be in the position.

When you are young, you feel bulletproof. Say, if you get to my age and got sick like I did, who is going to look after you in Thailand with no money or no right to a pension?

You got to think of the future but if you don't, well that is just your fault when your life turns to shit and at some stage, it will. Murphy's Law .....

There is no future the future is now
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This is my POV on the future now or otherwise:

The Eagles released the song "Lyin' Eyes" in 1975 when Glenn Frey was 27 and Don Henley 28. It contained the lyric:

City girls just seem to find out early
How to open doors with just a smile
A rich old man
And she won't have to worry
She'll dress up all in lace and go in style
Frey is now 67 and Henley 68 -- probably 'bout the same age as the creepy 'rich old man' in the song.
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I now have access to a grill and a rice cooker in which ive learned to cook pork spaghetti i bought the ingredients from BIG C grocery store . The Thai bird i live with says its aroi mak and scoffed it down asking for seconds , Total cost for the days food is 75 baht. No fancy dinner , no 1000 bahts flashed around , no expensive beer and no hotel money.

I'm not surprised as you are 23 or so and she is around 30, she actually wants to be with you which is different to the bulk of Thai farang relationships. But, when you are older, 40+ it's likely not to be like that, so it's this you need to think about, the future. Live in the now,but definitely think about the future.
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Nice to see all these advices from a generation who grew up in a situation of relative certainty.

Why do you think it is impossible to get a life in Thailand without much money? You can still travel if your visa expires. Don't tell me it's very expensive. I travelled all the way through Asia in 1969, overland and by boat, with 200$ in my pockets - for one year. You can make money on your way, doing things that the natives can't. Like they always look for Westerners to play minor parts in Bollywood movies (Mumbai), just an example. Poker is not a bad idea, there's many rich Farangs around that can't hide their emotions.

And, of course, as a Farang you might still be privileged to go back and start a career. I started my second career in my 40s after my flat burnt down. Against all odds, yes I know. But some people don't look at statistics before they start to live.

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Don't we already have a 'golden oldies' thread?

That was the past. This is the future. Now is now. The only way there is no future for you is if you're dead but the future will get along without you anyway.

Edited by JLCrab
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